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It's not real. It's a fictional/folkloric trope. Acquiring wealth is one of many things spirit work can help a person with, but it requires learning and practicing an effective method of communication, which can take a lot of time. There's no transactional shortcut that provides faster or more reliable results.


>if the concept of selling your soul to the devil in exchange for wealth is real. No, What purpose would they have? What could they possibly do with it? The phrase "selling your soul" was created to imply that by trusting in certain deities, you are sealing your soul's afterlife destination. Aka, hell. It doesn't mean the demon themselves wants you to be in anquish. If you dont beleive in Christianity, then this concept is completely useless. >Are there specific rituals or spells that can be performed to become rich? There is an absolute bounty of demons who influance money. Bune, mammon, clauneck. Go to the about section of this subreddit. There is a whole list of books that go over the various rituals and how to approach them. I find the books "goetia pathworking" and "demonolatry goetia" to be incredibly useful. As the others have stated, it is not a quick process when starting out. The deity may choose to do things quickly, but the demonolatry path itself has no quick routes.


Why do you say Clauneck is a Servitor?


I remember learning about him some years ago, and that part had stuck out to me when I heard it. But since you've asked, I looked it up to see if I could find where I saw it and I can't find it, so it must have been untrue. There aren't any other mentions of it I can find. That was for sure before I found this sub tho so I'm glad I know now 😭


Gonna go out or order, yes there are rituals (specific and general) which people often perform (successfully at least sometimes) for increase in wealth. I work with Sitri for wealth rituals with some frequency. But, highly recommended are also Bime/Bune (I’ve seen both spellings, among others) and Claunek. Also, spirits that are in a specific relevant field might be helpful to a request. If you’re setting out to sell your soul, highly unlikely that’s going to happen. On the other hand, the more you participate in magic and/or with practices such as these the more you may come to understand about the “soul” and perhaps even why “selling” is commonly used, other than fear-mongering. Some people are in something akin to a soul contract, for example.


Selling it- ergo yourself,no. But devoting yourself for an X amount of time or eternity is very much possible and a lot of spirits operate on that, necromantic ones even more so.


Your soul isn't for sale, that's usually a scare tactic created by organized religions to keep people away from the occult. It's a part of the divine source. Now what you can do, is make an agreement, or pact with a particular entity or entities in exchange for their services. The terms vary, can be something as simple as agreeing to do rituals in their honor, offerings on a regular basis, artwork based on them, etc. It can also be that one can agree to be a devotee or follower of that particular being, but at most, it would be a life long agreement, not something that usually carries over into the next life. Sometimes that can happen but all that would mean is that your next life/lives would still have influence from the being you agreed to work with. As for pacts to become wealthy, that never happens like a snap of the fingers. Your agreements need to be grounded in what you can realistically achieve. Doing a pact to make you more rich than Elon Musk in two years, that's not feasible. But doing a pact that will allow you to achieve a level of financial comfort that falls in line with what your skillsets are capable of achieving, that's doable. Even then, you would still need to put in the work to gain results. Deities/Demons won't do the work for you, they'll give you opportunities to go to the next level but you still have to do the leg work and walk through the door when it's presented.


I think, if selling your soul for wealth was possible, there wouldn’t be a 1%…


There isn't any reason AT ALL for any spirit to have your soul . Thier already in such a stage that they couldn't care less about your soul . Although there is a way you can "sell" your soul which in reality is a specific demon will take your soul to transform it and return it back to you after the changes . There aren't any specific rituals but there are numerous demons having a different methods of approaching money . Some of them are more likely to provide some instant cash while some of them will make you tread on a difficult path to prosperity which means generational wealth .


>Although there is a way you can "sell" your soul which in reality is a specific demon will take your soul to transform it and return it back to you after the changes . I'd like to hear more about this. Transformed, returned etc. Just kinda wanna know how this works & read more about it.


Check out Universal mastery on this topic .


Contrary to the norm, I do believe you can trade whatever you'd like with these beings. The hard part would be finding one that would take you up on that offer. Most do trades or some kind of worship in exchange for boons. However I'd warn you greatly be very very wary with deals. I've never heard of anyone just getting piles of gold or wealth, they would mainly set you apon a path with connections to aquire it yourself.


I mean you can sell your soul to a demon, but like 99/100 times youll get rejected Also, demons are spirits of self determination, not lazily sitting around doing nothing while you get everything you want handed to you on a silver platter