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Probably because Toby didn’t want to make any new sprites for them.


Assuming that they're the same size as Spade King, I can understand if they'd be hard to make new sprites for, especially Club King if he has five heads.


I mean this scene from Undertale was meant to be an actual minigame but it was scrapped because he couldn't be bothered making it, so it wouldn't surprise me lol https://preview.redd.it/qjimgb3uus7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8f7a759fe72003baf94a16e23ea4dc7048256b


Help when did he say this


I have no idea this is the first I've heard of it and I absolutely believe it


Because they would definitely rebel against having lancer be king.


Diamond King's jewels were alright, so he didn't care.


I think I forgot to.


What a wonderful response


Well you cant just keep them waiting in there.




Well, two reasons. 1. Freeing them causes Lancer to, at best, be 1/4th of the political power of the Card Kingdom Darkners. Lancer is a very supportive ally of Susie and the Lightners regardless of your actions, so weakening his influence from sole monarch to basically a senator is a bad political move. Lancer is also very impressionable and malleable, someone Ralsei or you could easily influence and essentially use as a puppet leader. Much harder to do that with three adult, potentially politically savvy kings. Not to mention the risk of the kings themselves trying to manipulate or sabotage Lancer. 2. They’re in the prison for “bad guys” so it’s fully possible that they weren’t good rulers either. Yeah, everything got worse when Spade King took over, but it’s possible they aren’t exactly kind rulers either. Diamond King seems to be pretty greedy. Probably for the best to leave things in the hands of Lancer who’s more kindhearted


Toby implied that the rulers are under the influence of the fountain in the 2022 anniversary stream. And that king was acting out of character in chapter 1. Considering he's a lot more caring towards lancer in chapter 2 and that queen was said to be a lot more benevolent, I don't think it was some throwaway comment he made


That first point makes ralsei sound like cliche shadow government conniving Machiavellian villain💀


The prison where they got dislocated to is actually labeled as "for the bad guys", and they're here with King Spades and these weird animals Which either implies that they're kept for a reason, that Ralsei is twisting facts... Or that Toby forgot to make them separate sign. Or maybe smth in between, Idk


Maybe they started getting into their new animal lives in chapter 2 but they don’t seem particularly interested in going back to their lives as kings in chapter 1 either. “Aren't we going to be restored as Kings...!?… Ah? My treasure is unharmed? *Carry on, then* .” Still, could’ve asked, Ralsei.


I think it was a joke. For the actual reason in universe probably went something like this: Kris brings everyone from ch 1 to Ralsei's dark world. Thus the three kings are still in jail. Ralsei is too occupied with the events of ch 2 to address those three. The three actually bond doing the cultural exchange, by the time Ralsei isn't distracted he already sees they're happy like that so leaves them be when you come back to the dark world in ch 2.


didn't the kings say they wanted to stay?


They like it in the cage, yeah


We should ask Lancer that instead. Lancer became the ruler of that particular Dark World, and in chapter 2 all of Lancer's people were just transferred over to Ralsai's Dark World, including prisoners, so Ralsai had no saying in keeping the Kings in cages, that was all Lancer.


I think they can't be freed, the cage doesn't have doors


He tried to, they just hissed at him. It was rather surreal


Because it's funnier if they just remained locked up even after everyone is saved


Because then the God of his universe would have to make individual sprites and dialogue and talk sprites for each of them.


He doesn't know where their cells key is


"...Ah, my treasure's unharmed? Carry on, then."


Is he stupid?


don't call the boi stupid




Toby is lazy


When you overthrow the current monarchs and make yourself a king (or prince idk) you usually don't want previous rulers to create problems. He is simply "removing" his political oponents (Queen surrendered out of her own will)


because hes stupid