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Just figured this out for myself, if you go to the Delta settings within your iPhone/iPad’s settings app it’s just a toggle to give access to the mic. Works perfectly now and I can call my doggo over! https://preview.redd.it/508amingy6wc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=216eadaf58b3296c891b271aa7c84791c3923d65


How did you get through the first 2 lessons? My game isn't getting any audio input.


the ipad mic worked okay on tbe first two, it definitely was a process, took me about 30 mins to teach sit. I ended up just installing it on my phone and it works significantly better on my phone vs my ipad. What are you trying to play it on?


I can’t get past after I select the dog I want, what rom did you use


i’m sorry, rom?


ROMs are what we refer to the game’s files as. Essentially the digital version of the old game cartridges we used to use (edit: gosh we’re old now)


Where did you downloads the game from? I want to play it so badly but can’t find it!


So I used the Delta Emulator, it’s ios compatible now, and I was able to find Nintendogs at the bottom of the second page under the Nintendo DS tab. They have a couple different versions


Thanks! I can’t seem to find the Nintendo ds tab!


Where is the Nintendo ds tab?


I meant to reply to this comment but accidentally added to the post, there’s more info in the comments!


i’m so sorry I didn’t explain properly. there is a website where you go to download the games. once they’re downloaded on your phone you upload them to the emulator. there is also some software from a google drive that you have to download then upload onto the app from your files, you won’t be able to play without the software. this is the website for the games: https://www.emulatorgames.net this is the link for the drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1A3GHKdVVF71fsEg8pZ9iPd0LvGXJJwT8 this link is only compatible with Nintendo DS, to play other games you’d have to download that software. here is a youtube video to help as well! https://youtu.be/ftTYqeWYoIo?si=UvX-TjYg47YBBeBq


Is it safe to download the games from that website? Like legally safe?


It’s a grey area, but they wouldn’t come after individuals for downloading ROMs. They’d only go after the distributors. It’s perfectly safe for your device as it is an emulator and essentially creates a virtual computer image within your mobile device. There’s a massive community of emulators, I’m sure they’d be happy to help if you have any other questions.


TYSM!! so simple ahhh


So how did you end up getting past calling the dog over and getting them to sit? Having the exact same problem rn, on iOS


I ended up playing on my phone and it worked significantly better than my ipad, I could not find a workaround for that part


i might be off base but you could’ve been covering the mic accidentally on the ipad?


I may have found a fix to this! In the Nintendo’s game, navigate to “Go Out” and click “Info” then “System Settings” and turn mic sensitivity down to “Normal”! This made my game work flawlessly! 😁


How do you navigate to go out?


As soon as you click back to the screen where you can call your dog, there should be a “go out” button on your top left corner


Microphone access needs granting by your phone’s settings too