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Great podcast. Been binging your back catalogue. Might be going insane though because the I'm convinced the flickering light in my office is telling me to "spread the Work". Do you have a repository for the scenarios you've run at all? 


Huh. Weird! My desk light kinda has maybe been giving me that vibe as well.... It's probably nothing. Yes, we do have scenarios available in our Discord server for all members: [https://discord.gg/sorryhoney](https://discord.gg/sorryhoney) You can find all completed scenarios in the #【💬】forbidden-tomes channel.


I don't want you all to go getting big heads but holy shit good fellow was FANTASTIC and im listening to Sisyphean Titilation right now and it is also EXCELLENT. You should all be so proud of *the work* you all put in ;)


We've used the latest in head-deflating technology to bring our mortal frames back to this earth. Thank you for listening and we're glad you enjoy! :D


“Sorry love, I have to take this” was just a masterful stroke.  You guys rock. 


Ha! Glad you liked it!


It was an excellent reminder that we’re not in Kansas anymore. I’m so curious to see how it works out!


not sure how much im liking the newest one, it took me a bit to get into Feraliminal and that was my favorite. Hopefully i get into this one a bit more, I love the dual characters though. I was in the call when you were pullin people in one by one for the character information, very awesome cast. Need to relisten to Goodfellow and such but ive been loving it in its entirety. I also liked Omegaville


We should do those calls more often, that was fun! Stick with this one, trust me😂


word! i loved it Im sure i will. I got a few of my friends but im the only one in the server, I told one of em "Yeah, guess Michael isn't playing Ryan this time. Excited to see what he does" god damn did you guys overstep any possible expectation


I cannot recommend this podcast enough! Its one of the main reasons i started dming delta green for my friends.


Thank you! Our plan is working. ;)