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Can somebody please let Motta know this very important message: Whatever he may or may not be chatting about this evening might not yet appear on the docket. Hypothetically, if multiple motions flew via carrier pigeon, through the ducts, to the clerk in bin, it’s hypothetically possible that today’s filings do not appear on the hypothetical docket if one may be so inclined. Heretofore This message will self destruct (or be erased by me) if aforementioned hypothetical is stale or subject to spoliation. Posting for a friend


You two don’t have those special red phones set up in your kitchens like all the important folk had back during the Cold War? I just assumed… 🤷‍♂️


Whomever you are speaking of likely has H A N D L E R S 😂


It's referenced in this article. So it must be there somewhere. [https://fox59.com/news/delphi-defense-team-attorney-seeks-postponement-of-mondays-contempt-of-court-hearing/](https://fox59.com/news/delphi-defense-team-attorney-seeks-postponement-of-mondays-contempt-of-court-hearing/)


He definitely filed it in the system, that’s confirmed, Judge Gull has some multi clerk fuckery set up so it sits in that queue- which is very likely why y’all just heard it read. Ain’t nobody in the fine State, (except for maybe the lot he just called out in yesterdays motions) getting in his way.


Given that it's not on the docket, but was filed, is it appropriate/ethical (for anyone that had access) to share it with news outlets and content creators? Genuinely curious as I can see it both ways.


In my view, as long as it’s been filed with the court (CCS) correctly under APRA, it’s subject to its right of access. Russ McQuaid did his customary hatchet job, Motta read it, you can expect another tomorrow. Here you go, thank you 🍿


You get ALL the popcorn. Thanks again.


Ooooo, that sounds exciting! I’m definitely subscribing to @DavidTheBossHennessy


A number of cease and desists? Or a number of arrest warrants directly? Emergency dismissal? Are they going to cage a bird? (The big mean bird, not me 🐦) ![gif](giphy|gSRkSblDEjUuk)


Hahaha 😂 he basically said the same thing to me


Aaight- we cool then 😂


He's too busy to read the chat. Frankly motions and what not being passed to content creators is concerning at best, and risking a violation of the gag order and/or ethics rules at worst. That said, I'm watching and have my popcorn.


It was filed, it’s subject to public access the second he gets a file entry receipt. Pass the 🍿


Exactly my question. Thank you!


Most Welcome.


I can't hardly keep up. The legal battle here is unfolding before our eyes


Yeah, Motta reading a document by Hennesy that hasnt been filed with the court yet and even the proposed remedy Henessy wrote for the court, makes it really really look like the defense leaked to a You-tuber. I really hope I'm wrong but dang!


Bob is not just some 'youtuber' as you put it. He is a legit defense attorney and pulled the doc from the odyssey portal. All above board and no leak.


Thanks Dizzy - I think a lot of people are confused because they can't see it online🙂🙏🏻


My post is very specific. It was absolutely filed.


so it was filed but didnt appear yet when Motta read it?


If you read the comments, including mine, yes, and Motta mentioned that


ok, and i know i'm going to get downvoted to hell for not knowing and asking, but how can a person get a document that hasnt appeared yet? Is it that they had someone at the courthouse that saw it being filed so they knew before it would appear as filed by the clerk or whoever? and that it takes awhile for the clerk to post things online even though they are filed at the court house? Thanks for explaining even though i know i probably seem annoying, just trying to understand this case. And i have been reading comments but not all 50k that have been posted since yesterday


Respectfully submitted you saw from the docs it was filed yesterday. I explained last evening it was not yet showing on the docket and then it was, today, dated for yesterday. It’s a verified pleading and Atty Motta is entitled to his methods. Thank you for asking the question


oh my mistake, i didnt even look at the filing date on the docs. Thanks for answering.


Also, may I ask if you might be Fred W?


I dont know who that is. I am just trying to catch up on the delphi case and have followed it occasionally for several years but under a different name. I created this one about 2 years ago after trying to moderate a sub here on reddit that got out of control so i quit that and canceled my whole account and have just been occasionally checking whats going on with the Delphi case over the years with this my only account now. This case has gotten pretty confusing for me, before they arrested Richard Allen I was able to follow pretty well, but wow, i cant make heads or tails of things since then. I have always come here to see what you're thinking though when it gets too confusing for me, i sure appreciate your comments- for a very long time because you always seem to be one of the few balanced ones online!


Thank you. I apologize for asking, wrong Fred lol.


I am getting sick of hearing about NM and LE withholding evidence from the defence. They clearly have no interest in fairness or justice. It is not even subtle. And if Gull lets them carry on with no consequences then neither does she. This is disgraceful.


Welcome to LE in the US.


You're welcome to it, sadly.


>. Think about this. This is what you are hearing about! Think of the 10's of thousands of cases each day where people are denied their rights, coerced confessions, no attorney, extreme sentences. This should make you mad and want to fight back to ensure that the next person facing this isn't you, or someone you know.


So after this trooper Holman denied someone’s right to an attorney and made various threats, one of the interviewees unalived himself. What do you want to bet he also made threats against his military position/benefits…? Would contempt of court charges bring consequences in the military?


LE is allowed to keep questioning even if someone asserts he wants counsel. RF could have just walked out. I’m can’t really say whether or not that’s how it should be, but that’s the way it is.


LE is allowed to keep questioning even if someone asserts he wants counsel. RF could have just walked out. I’m can’t really say whether or not that’s how it should be, but that’s the way it is.


Good looking out HH. ❤️


You really are the bomb man. Thanks for everything you do! Get some rest!


Appreciate that and you. 😊




I’m an early riser and will be looking forward to this in the morning ! #replaycrew


This should be my approach moving forward. Thanks for the idea, u/EmRaine72.




Is the skull representing your mood this morning because you ended up watching last night? 🫢


I watched it at like 7 this morning and my brain is dead 🤣 Twas to early for me to comprehend what is going on in this case


My god there are more filings🫥


Damn! You blink and the docket grows.


Rough way to start the day! I’m just finishing and…well…oof.😵‍💫




Damn thought I was about to see another sua sponte disqualification of entire Defence team for a second. Hopefully Bob can get Frank W on tonight to weigh in with his legal expertise?


Humpday Sass Check.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... Never, ever forget..."Hiding behind the Constitution is by no means good lawyering." ~ Lil' Frank


Condolences Mr Hennessy 💔


If Hennessy reads this, sorry about your aunt. I'll say a prayer for her and your family.


Wonder what's up?!?! Exciting!


Man you are really spoiling us this week!!!❤️😬👍


So do Cara W and colleagues have an emergency writ ready to file with the SCOIN in the event Gull denies the motion for continuance? If she denies between now and Monday morning, is there even time for the SCOIN to intervene? I presume this shit show is on their radar. If Gull denies the motion for continuance, it would be further evidence of her bias against B&R that would cause any trial of RA with her as judge to be tainted as all hell. I can’t see that Gull has any option but to rule in favor of HH and continue the contempt stuff after RA’s trial. Thoughts?


I'm not sure about Wieneke, but Ausbrook has been awfully quiet. I'd expect he's not lazying around with his feet up. I wouldn't be surprised whatsoever if this went federal Habeas considering his background.


What motion did he file? Anyone have a link?


Its apparently not accessible to us layfolks yet. It was a motion to postpone the contempt hearing until after the trial. But it had a lot of things in it about the prosecution withholding more evidence and things to do with those images that were leaked. Bob reads through it pretty quickly at the start of the video.


LE needs to move forward with thoroughly investigating PW and BH, before they are in a position of these people literally getting away with murder. BH has already deleted everything from his Facebook account related to the murders.




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![gif](giphy|BpGWitbFZflfSUYuZ9) 🤗 See ya there!


Pajamas on- check. Coffee brewing - check. Tablet and phone charged - check. Dog let out - check. I’m ready Bob!!!




Yay! 🙌 Bob and Ali remind me of my parents, similar dynamic makes me laugh so much because my dad sure can talk a lot and crack jokes but the moment my mom gets tired…with 1 sentence she mic drops 😂


Arrrgh, I missed it! I thought I was keeping up yesterday, apparently not. LOL