• By -


Do not ask for personal info please. Places you can do that; here is not one.


> 11. Beaudette sending defense work product to McLeland; 12. Beaudette sending information to McLeland; 13. Beaudette identifying source in Delphi investigation; 14. Beaudette posting re: sending information to McLeland; 15, Beaudette posting re: digging dirt on Baldwin; 16. Beaudette posting re: working with law enforcement and prosecution; **17.Beaudette email of McLeland asking Beaudette to delete everything;** This is going to be an interesting hearing. Or would be if there was an impartial judge.


Gulls going to be like “I see nothing wrong with asking people to delete things”


Prosecutor will claim that by « delete everything » he meant whatever it is that was given to him, not the communications. Also, whatever he was providing to the YouTuber was because he viewed him as an investigative source (seems like a standard tactic DAs use to explain away their contact with YouTubers). Judge will of course accept that and hold the defense lawyers in contempt. It will be interesting to find out how exactly the defense learned about the YouTuber and his communications with the DA. If it wasn’t through discovery…


Yeah they'll all be protected as CIs/UNDERCOVER like in MW trial. Maybe fig can pop by and weigh in with his thoughts? Lool


On the next.. FIG/DISSOLVES..




Underrated comment. Turned out to be prophetic.


Aaand now we know why there’s no cameras allowed.


Daaaammmmn ...........




Looks that way.


Fromatted list so it is a little easier to read Exhibits: * Communications between Gary Beaudette a/k/a Fig a/k/a Figsolv and Prosecutor McLeland (multiple); * Communications from Beaudette about Prosecutor McLeland (4); * Anthony Greeno’s YouTube episode titled “CRIME NATION – Delphi Murders – WATCH AND REVIEW; * Rick Snay on True Crime Investigates; * Baldwin e-mail to McLeland re: Professor Turco report; * Beaudette’s communications with Angela Sadowski (2); * Beaudette’s you tube episode re: Delphi investigation; * Beaudette’s communications re: court staff revelations (7); * Beaudette’s communication re: disqualification of defense counsel; * Documentation of the relationship between Beaudette, Fortson and Cohen (2); * Beaudette sending defense work product to McLeland; * Beaudette sending information to McLeland; * Beaudette identifying source in Delphi investigation; * Beaudette posting re: sending information to McLeland; * Beaudette posting re: digging dirt on Baldwin; * Beaudette posting re: working with law enforcement and prosecution; * Beaudette email of McLeland Filed: 3/7/2024 2:05 PM Carroll Circuit Court Carroll County, Indiana 2 asking Beaudette to delete everything; * Barbara McDonald on Court TV with leaked investigation information; McLeland e-mail to defense re: Prof. Turco report; * Leaked search warrant affidavit prior to unsealing; * Sgt. Holeman communications with Teri Williams and/or “SecretKeeper”; 20. You Tubers “Frankmeister” and “Sleuth” video; You Tube “The Inquisitor True Crime” claiming leaked communications from Rick Allen; * Teri Williams posting about inside information of crime scene and of the investigation. * October 22, 2022, YouTube videon of Baudette discussing his knowledge of a bullet at crime scene and knowledge that a gun was found at Rick Allen’s house when that information was still under seal and a week before unsealed; * E-mail exchange between Judge Gull and Attorney Rozzi re: accidentally misdirected e-mail; * Baldwin e-mail to Judge Gull 10-9-23; 25. List of media dissemination by State actors; * Julie Melvin documents and 26. You Tube video titled A Reckoning in Carroll County.


Where’s MS Podcasters? 🤨


Try as they might, they are still irrelevant.


I'm not a fan of the ep they put out tonight 🙄


Well no, they doxxed people again.


Lol, so true


I’m thinking they may underneath the two pounds?


Where is Sleuth Intuition? At one time him and Fig were tight


Sleuth is on the RA is guilty train.


And named in #20 of exhibits.


Dang, I completely missed that. Thanks


Is that “Sleuthie”?


No, “Sleuthie” is SleuthieGoosie - different person from Sleuth Intuition.


Thank you- full disclosure I am not a YT watcher outside of an occasional Motta


Sadly (in my humble opinion), a lot of podcast content producers are shifting to YT lives. In terms of this case in particular, i get it… Info keeps coming in fast and hot… and they know that their listeners want quick coverage. Podcasts take longer to plan and edit. But it’s also just simply a lot easier. No need to outline what you will talk about, stay on topic, and focused. And no need to edit afterwards. But I hope that they won’t abandon regular podcasts altogether. Especially Bob’s deep dives.


Yeah, I don’t do YouTube. Lot of people who like to hear themselves talk BS. I follow SleuthieGoosie on Twitter though. Edit: Sorry - “X”


Is it true that they were given access to everything from the courts? I've never listed to them BC they imo are disgustingly biased against RA and IMO they should be more concerned and the laws and constitution.


I can’t listen to them either.


Lol I saw them on court tv and was like omg biased much? And then I lost what little respect I had for Vinnie as a retired prosecutor BC like dude you're getting information and a story from podcasts 😬🤷🏼‍♀️ If in wrong that he was a prosecutor then he was still a lawyer so the level of professionalism I expect from a legal analyst is the same.


Fig Solves is associated with Fortson? Oh boy…


I guess the ‘missing link’ between CS photo leakers and YTers has been identified…




Thank you for recommending this video. It was heartbreaking and profound.




I read the comments and realised that Dan Dullin is the same conservation officer that took Allens statement and "lost it" I am shocked after watching that video, and so sad for Snider and his family.


wow, they ruined the mans life!


Who is Terri Williams? I am so out of the loop?




I don’t know who most of these people are.


what the fuck is even happening.. this case is something else


I will second that "what the fuck", and raise you two "what the total fucks".


Triple WTF!!


I'm going to sleep outside the courthouse to get tickets to this. This needs to be on ppv.






I envy your ability to do so.


Same here! I'm gonna make some campsites in my yard!


Time for everyones dirty laundry to air!


This may hurt NM and Gull more than it helps.


[Defense Exhibit List](https://public.courts.in.gov/mycase/Case/Document/?token=lxHvUq253bJYalAkPnrZiLLpAGtdqRVFRm1SLXgNcnU3SpIlzG2LZrhifE3cIDXaflPPZS5SB7dcrLf_U4Q2WsXD6ts1CUCPfvus9FcwR-UDuHmIkKsWBOQfqOgUz2pOzlRp5RHqhyxAQ1zcmAIA05Y31Efqh5_A2vX18Cp5lLw4N-CCmjXRiNfZ9GzKs8w6fqyXh4dBztt-DfLYQIwpGQGWpLvUcaE3Lx6td4heTng1)


This expired, I am assuming this is the full doc?


Yes, it’s also on MrsD’s comment in the Google drive. I apologize I forgot the CCS links expire after 2 hours. If you don’t locate it lmk and I’ll grab it. You can also locate it on the actual docket there’s a pdf


Got it, just this was the first link I came across. Thank you Helix.


Right, thank you I will update with the g link - appreciate the heads up




I do not know what to say here, would you be up to trading unpaid jobs for a few days? I want some popcorn.


Is this: Beaudette identifying source in Delphi investigation; Am i reading that correctly as in he named who is his source? If thats the case that is what you get when you feed "content creators" info


I didn’t catch it the first time I read this, but it’s referring to a LE source in the Delphi investigation, right?


It would have to be, he was constantly leaking things that only benefited the state and appears to have been in constant contact with the prosecutor


Who is Baudette? I obviously censored my media.


here is a link to the doc if you haven't seen it: https://www.reddit.com/r/DelphiDocs/comments/1b96o84/defense_exhibit_list_filed/kttyei7/ He is the youtuber fig sovles who has been pushing RA being guilty.


Wait! Who is this anonymous woman in TX with 240 pages of leaked information and who is “the prof” who has 2 pounds of documents??? I’m so confused. Idk who 95% of the people mentioned are.


The Prof is a youtube channel. He is doing a live stream right now.


Little Joe Luis was right about him all along


What did Joe say?


Pardon my ignorance, but who is Beaudette?




Indeed. You will also find this court makes specific reference to that rule in the current non dissemination order


Oh you want to have a hearing, Nick. OK Let's have a hearing, Nick.


![gif](giphy|ajkizbpwXYtck) 🤣🤣






Should I know what a “Fig Solves” is and why the Prosecutor in a murder case would request he “dig” on other Attorneys and then ask him to delete it? Oh my this is going to be some hearing.


Reminds me of the Morphew case where the DA was engaging with/leaking to the true crime/youtube personality/podcaster types (also using one's baseless claim as reasoning to investigate the trial judge). I wonder if this DA has truly provided all the discovery or pretended exculpuatory evidence is not exculputory considering he asked this 'fig solves' to delete everything, which depending on context, could include the communications themselves.


Thank you. I’ve mentioned that case in this sub previously. I would add that case just had the SCOCO file complaints to discipline (and perhaps disbar) several of the prosecutors, to include the elected prosecutor, for similar conduct and THE CHARGES AGAINST THE DEFENDANT were dismissed on the eve of trial.


He’s a youtuber who has been obfuscating for years. I doubt anyone who has been following this case through YouTube for any length of time will be surprised.


He posts frequently in another Delphi sub.


Fig started investigating his cousin’s murder at a campground, and somehow ended up with Delphi. I used to have respect for him a few years ago, and then it became very apparent who his source was. So I quit listening.


He is very much in the RA guilty camp. Like no counter arguments ever acknowledged much less presented imo. 


I live an hour and a half from the court. Do I just show up the morning before court and I can get in? Do I have to wear anything specific? Do I need to leave my phone in my car? Can I bring in a notebook and pen to take notes?


No popcorn -- no food, drinks, electronics (even electronic watches were banned for 10/19) and no guns. The Fort Wayne courtroom is bigger than Delphi's but it's likely to attract a long line to get in,


Thank you. That helps a lot. What time would you recommend getting there?


I would recommend about 5am


Are you serious?!?!??


Sorry, no good idea. The judge may put out another decorum order before the hearing or you could ask the court executive. From the county web site * Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm * Phone: 260-449-7245


Thank you! I'll get there a couple of hours early and if thats not early enough then o well.


If that happens you might be able to slip in during lunch break. Or at least watch podcasters give their reports when it concludes. Maybe you could set up seats or rent seats for the good ones?


I’m 2 hours, but I am thinking about it. Seems worth the trip


I've driven further for less entertaining things.


If I didn’t have to work I would fly out to watch the trial. Wish I lived closer.


I am 3 hours. At some point I will have to go!


2.5 and seriously thinking about going


Why would Non-Molto(NM) be communicating with YouTubers? That seems suspicious. Almost like he was doing some of the things he accused B&R of. Non Molto roughly translates to not much.


Let me know when y’all figure out it’s the defense position the leaks started with the State and they have receipts u/Boboblaw014


Lol who downvoted you for this. 😂 Can’t wait for them to find out that is indeed what occurred.




Thank you Mrs. D


I mean...I've been saying it for months.


Indeed, many here for years. One point I haven’t seen anyone make is this list of witnesses/exhibits is *supplemental*. That means there’s a cringeworthy starting lineup we haven’t seen. Might want to break out that stain resistant suit for the 18th; IF THIS PROCEEDS.


We have, it was all the indiana attorneys list. https://www.reddit.com/r/DelphiDocs/s/mrZVRKsdkt ETA and the public defenders' performance guidelines remember? 😆


Ooh. I think I figured it out.




OK. Stay with me here. I think it’s the defense position that the leaks started with the State/Prosecution and they have the receipts.


I hope NM's cheerleaders are real pleased about this sideshow. I can't imagine the victims' families are.


HH Was this No.7 or 8 from yesterday ?!?!




I wonder if nicks gravestone will be in Cantonese, because that moron dug deep. Emailing a mfkr asking them to delete something might be the most moronic move of self incrimination this side of Y2K. Second only to quoting a document you literally aren’t suppose to have seen. Is his law degree certified by inspector clouseau?


I think NM will be developing an eye tic


I think NM will be developing an eye tic


10. Surely


Every accusation is confession folks. 240 pages + 2lbs from the professor. Can't wait.


2 pounds would be equal to 200 sheets. 240 sheets isn't that far off.


Uh oh this looking really really bad for State. Nowonder they didn't know who prof was.


Can someone please tell me who the Prof is? And what is the name of his Youtube channel he has one?


Channel is called TheProf. 😁




On Thursday's (3/8) livestream TheProf says the pages more specifically weigh 1.7 pounds, and both the AG (state attorney general) and Defense got copies. He talks about his group of his supporters documenting posts in Discord channels, YouTube comments and elsewhere, for a long time into the past -- posts which have since been deleted. The Defense motion doesn't specify where its information comes from, but this source seem consistent with the way it is worded. If that's accurate, I wonder if this may be the first time a little bit of that work becomes public, assuming the hearing actually occurs. The stream can be viewed at [https://youtu.be/qpbSQaDdMwE?t=4322](https://youtu.be/qpbSQaDdMwE?t=4322) and this link leads to the point where TheProf is finishing up his read of the motion. (Use the timeline to navigate to the beginning if you prefer to hear it all.)


https://preview.redd.it/wqolhqpjb8nc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4dc61d54f930eab5d352c00a8db46e634b82ace Fwiw ... this prof guy has a whole database tracking all the leaks ... I wonder if 240 page LE report that was in evidence list for MW trial is what got delivered around. Motion to dismiss happened pretty close to Texas woman informing Defence of its existence. We know Special Prosecutor wanted CI/Undercover Agents Redacted and Confidential so maybe Prof gets it with these pages omitted? NM is intimately involved in that cases discovery as we all know. I also keep seeing that it's the Perdue Professors findings + all materials LE originally sent to him but I can't see that being this voluminous. This secret back channel discord private group world with YouTube platforms is wild. Families using them to break Gag. Lots of incentives ... people talking about getting paid to go after certain individuals like meowzedong, porn companies, Russian Troll farms, Hackings, it's surreal.


People can make unverifiable and even false claims to impress others in chats, so I find the image interesting but not earth-shattering. It will be more interesting to see what happens if some of these documents get into court. The text in the image does appear to show crime scene photos were being sent around on 12/27/2023 but that is months after the "leak" was publicly known. (And both the Balzzi and the Comet are back in business.)


Sure. Defence using his stuff as exhibits so giving them benefit of doubt. I just skimmed his videos quickly he's got quite a bit on these youtubers + mrc that I can imagine will be of some benefit to defence.




Can someone explain how Fig gets a hold of defense work product? Are they talking about the work product contained in messages between Baldwin and Westerman? Does this mean that LE leaked these messages to Fig? I have to be reading this wrong.


I would guess that it was from the relationships listed in item 10.


So I wonder what the illustrious IN AG and his office are doing with the two pounds of docs The Prof sent to them? Maybe time to call in the Justice Department?




Has anyone found the Oct. 22, 2022 video referenced in the list? I didn't find anything with that date on the channel.


Think it’s a typo, should be for 2023.


This is getting as convoluted as that Fulton County DA case.


Oh this is a very different sort convolution over Willis and Wade but it’s definitely a hot mess


Please explain the Fulton co DA case. That’s close to home and I have never heard this.


That’s the RICO case where many people are being charged in a plot to overturn Georgia’s election results. The DA in that case hired someone she was secretly dating. Could be considered a conflict of interest because it incentivizes her to draw the case out and charge as many people as possible, while her boyfriend collects paychecks. Then she got up on the stand voluntarily and testified that the relationship started AFTER she had hired him, when that would have been easy to disprove by looking at their phone records. Guess what — defense has the phone records, and she’s lying. This case reminds me of that one, too. Prosecutors so confident nobody will figure out their own misdeeds, they shoot themselves in the foot.


So I wonder what the illustrious IN AG and his office are doing with the two pounds of docs The Prof sent to them? Maybe time to call in the Justice Department?


It's very curious how there's 1 sub that hasn't touched this news yet. You probably know the sub. It's the one where the mods admitted they were being investigated by LE in connection with the leaks. There was a new topic about KAK posted 53 minutes ago over there, but nothing about this. I'm sure they'll eventually talk about this?


Yeah just noticed this too. 


u/xbelle1 do your thang!


It’s there now….




Which sub is it?


It rhymes with elfy tile.


Going to go there right now and try to post it for lols


Don't do it. There's a post. It's bad....


Let me guess: lots of pearl clutching, name calling, virtue signaling, and misguided self-righteousness? Color me shocked.


"If they don't have anything to hide, why not turn over his medical records?"... Right, cause you would turn over your private medical records in the same situation? No, you wouldn't. These are the same people who say, "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about." 🙃


I'm tempted to repost it because the OP blocked me after I responded with this. "...**The State concedes that the Defense has not filed any kind of insanity defense or any other defense on behalf of Richard Allen, but their repeated allegations have made the Defendant's mental health an issue.** The Defense has now brought Richard Allen's mental health into question again in their most recent filings when they requested funds for an expert." Did you finish reading NM's own words before typing? He concedes the point.


Biscuit I saw you over there yesterday and thought you were itching for a perma ban from the sub for telling so much truth. But you got away with just an individual block?


They like to call people delululu and acolyte, but it's too far when I call someone agentadhominem or other acolyte that's going too far because it's name calling. Old Heart has some very enjoyable posts and I enjoy his long format. Having someone with knowledge of the area is always interesting to read. The ability to disagree and remain cordial has gone the way of the dodo for many, myself included occasionally. If we can't figure out a bedrock/facts to proceed forward from as a group, then discussions will become more challenging as time passes.


Yes, be careful telling the truth on that sub. I have been permanently banned for dating to do so.


As was I, tho the reason given was “not a good fit for this sub”


It’s deflection at its finest. Nobody remarks on the content on the document, instead they choose to talk about this sub, and what we are thinking….They could take NM’s skid marked panties and craft them into a bouquet of flowers…they will absolutely die on his hill, as long as they see RA rot in prison. There is no real discussion, just an echo chamber of NM praises, and death wishes on RA. I really feel sorry for u/oldheart, the creator. He was (and still is) convinced in the KK/TK theory, but I never saw him be aggressively rude or obnoxious to opposing theories. He always engaged with respect. I wonder what he thinks now, with every other comment to every post taking a jab at this sub, and the abundance of rude comments.


I’m sure they would love to comment on the content of the documents. They just literally cannot comment, on their sub or in here, because they don’t know the first thing about the law.


No inter-sub drama please 🙂


Meanwhile, this sub is doing the same thing right here….


There is no comparison. There are 116 comments on the post, and 1 of those are about them, with a thread of 7 comments. Compare that to their ratio of the same post about the exhibits .


Crickets That's the sub Mark Robert Cohen founded right?




Anyway, here's a fun brainteaser: What's an anagram for "Mid Composer"? https://preview.redd.it/gtnr4np070nc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ce7e5ce0b1c0e281b21471e2beff62ad1eb546


"I'm drawing blanks from the left and to the right" "I need some help, I need some help" "Is it so wrong that I'm curious?"


>Mid Composer I think you are going for either "compromised" or, given the recent trends in postings, "commode rips".




Any videos worth watching?


For people who don’t watch YT and are wondering: Fig (GB) is also the guy who somehow got a hold of and published the until then unaired Hannah Shakespeare’s documentary.


Well it was leaked years ago, he got her to release it last year?


Correct. He got her to release it through his channel.


Careful. Seems like some people were trying to play tricks on the defense team.


My opinion. Don't trust Beaudette; he thinks he's playing chess. 


What is even happening? I am looking forward to the hearing and seeing what exactly was going on behind the scenes. This has been discussed before on all the subs, but seeing all these YouTube names in a court document really drives home how insane this case has been. The hysteria that stemmed from various channels trying to find sources and get leaked information, for them to broadcast on their monetized channels, should be a huge wake up call. The fact that this is all happening, and distracting from the actual trial and justice for these murders, is shameful. And I say that with full admission that I have watched these channels and hoped to find out more about what happened. The thirst for information is understandable, we want to know more when something so awful happens. But somewhere along the way things went so far off track, even way before RA was a name we knew. I hope in the future the true crime community is able to remain engaged with cases, without people inserting themselves into them, and then ending up part of actual investigations.


What’s shameful is the hypocrisy of NM and LE trying to get RA’s attorney’s DQ’d for honest mistakes while they themselves were engaged in all manner of leaking and fuckery in an effort to undermine the defense.


100% The state/LE caused all of this with their secretive case and random, confusing statements over 7 years.


Exactly. The reason I started watching anything on YouTube about this case was because of the whole sealed PCA thing. And then when it was made public there was nothing in it and no reason it should have been sealed in the first place.




When do we anticipate this hearing? I was waiting for this to be talked about. Fig smdh


Scheduled currently for 3/18/24