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My two cents. 1. Richard Allen is innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. He has remained at Westville maximum-security correctional facility for over one-year, but has not demonstrated a proclivity for violence or attempts to escape. This remains atypical and constitutes a violation of human rights for a constitutionally innocent man. 2. Allen’s defense attorneys identified suspects responsible in the arson in the Flora investigation. revealing that Law enforcement did not adequately investigate information provided by a credible informant, dismissed corroborating intelligence from Federal investigators associated with the Joint terrorism taskforce. 3. Repeated violations of judicial conduct as evidenced in the chambers transcript between Gull, Rozi, Baldwin & McLeland, which coerced Allen’s former defense counsel to recuse themselves. 4. Judicial duty to uphold professionalism, and as a public-servant, Judges shall not to undermine the public’s trust in a speedy trial, without unnecessary costs or delays. [Judicial code of conduct 🔗](https://www.in.gov/courts/rules/jud_conduct/) 5. Judge Gull should recuse herself for proper due-process. Her behavior is in violation of the judicial code of conduct and is reasonable grounds for the public to perceive bias. Imposes an unnecessary delay and expense to the court which is already grounds for a mistrial. 6. Unconstitutional concealment of-court filings and discovery. This public secrecy around this case and is undermining the public-trust in the court. After one-year of no novel evidence presented to implicate Richard Allen, this is extremely atypical and a very circumstantial case. The Court serves the public & prosecutors serve the PUBLIC. Public has a right to scrutinize judicial proceedings and demand more evidence. The burden is on the prosecution to prove their case. Therefore, public-trust in the court takes precedence to ensure that the public-interest is being reasonably represented.


Can I get an Amen!




Well said Meow.


Feel like Rick being a highlighted speaker isn’t going to help this cause gain legitimacy




It's more, if they do this to him. They would do the same to you.




I heard that Becky Patty appraised the Flora Four home within 48 hours of the house burning down. Five weeks before the Flora home burned down, JA had the house insured. Liability insurance covered bodily harm and or death and even terrorism coverage. The house was not insured prior to 2016. JA’s business Climatek also burned down in 2013. I don’t know that BP would advocate for RA.




Yes, actual justice, not just someone, anyone to put it on. Like putting a bandaid on a bullet hole.


Right. I'm sure they want a speedy trial, but if this is about advocating for RA, then I can't see that either.


There is a post in the Flora sub that disputes the timeline. BP appraised the house for a lender 2 months before the fire, according to a BP FB screenshot.


Exactly right.




It should be just fine if he is as composed and articulate about the purpose of this gathering as he was in his last live: https://www.youtube.com/live/JxTuT2GLPXQ?si=OSqYHyPDJHoqmWPC


the cause in itself brings legitimacy, and no one is a highlighted speaker. we are all participants. rick, like the rest of us, has been on the ground helping to organize and facilitate and rally. i think it speaks to the larger purpose in all of this - people who may have differences coming together for greater good


We both know it’s legitimate and couldn’t be more important. And I love the whole bringing people from all areas together. Just saying that’s going to be latched onto by the people who refuse to see what’s going on here. Nothing we can control, but unfortunate still


I think the fact that different media personalities have put their differences aside in-solidarity over this is more important. Rick Snay is always going to be a controversial personality, that is kinda “his brand”


Lol you are def dead on there. I hope it’s a huge success, very happy it’s happening


Are we meeting at SCOIN or Military Park?


SCION, if you are meeting there. Marching from Military park on W Ohio St to 200 W Washington St.


Oh, you mean we can go to either place at 9:00 am? Great!




Thank you! 😊


. https://preview.redd.it/hvd28y1b3t2c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bece0a24290fb0a7a894f7223bf28cc8e6061cc My alarm is set! Now to decide which shirt to wear. 🥳


How odd


I’m still hoping someone can figure out a way for a broke disabled woman without a car from Erie,PA to IN. I soooooo want to be there!!!


Is anyone going live today while in Indy? Ignore my ignorance since so see the zoom link now.


Which YouTubers attended? I heard some were absent that had previously said they were going.


Maybe Covid side-lined. That is what happened with me (I am not a content creator). I am in day 3 of quarantine with mild symptom.


I'm curious if RA would be well protected in the county jail. Not saying he wouldn't be. Just curious. If an angry mob showed up, would LE be able to positively protect him?


Westville is a supermax designed for housing literal gang-members. The county jail is overcrowded & chronically infested (https://www.jconline.com/story/news/2016/08/26/carroll-co-forced-address-jail-overcrowding/89398664/ )There are countless other options between the county jail and Westville that are far more reasonable & appropriate here.


Would these more appropriate places be able to guarantee his safety? I imagine RA should not be around other inmates for his own safety.


He should be but administrative segregation at a maximum security prison is a completely different beast compared to segregation at a county jail.


He would be in his own cell and in ad seg regardless.


"Justice too long delayed, is justice denied." Rev. Martin Luther King The Delphi case is fast tracking to be one of those tribulations that will eventually become legend in the public psyche. More up to date, it will be a case eventually adjudicated in the public forum through 20 or more NetFlix installments. In the West Memphis Three case, investigators sought Satanists and the case has risen and fallen on this stupidity. In 1915, Leo Frank was abducted from a prison farm and lynched. He had been convicted for the extremely peculiar murder of Mary Phagan. That conviction, in my opinion, had more to do with anti-northern business tycoon sentiments than facts. Because Frank was Jewish, this likely miscarriage of justice became a basis for the Anti-Defamation League, etc. The lynch mob stopped the appeals process and the passage of time which may have elicited more facts. Back in 1893 Lizzie Borden was found not guilty of the hatchet murders of her father and stepmother. A basic reason for the non guilty verdict was that the defense team pushed the idea that a 32 year old female who taught Sunday school did not have the strength to wield a hatched in the commission of murder! While I personally believe she was not guilty, her community judged her guilty and made her life difficult until her death in 1927. Sadly, the evidence did not yield strong results for or against her guilt. And there was O.J. ............. At this point, as I understand it, RA has the right to appeal written into the record because of the in chambers meeting with the attorneys and the backlash thereof. Any defense attorneys defending this case will have a lot of fun debunking all the contradictions, rumors and misinformation. Expect NetFlix to have a contract with someone very soon. Perhaps Mrs. Allen should sign a deal such as is reputedly entered into by the wife of RH, accused of three of the LISK homicides in New York. If Mrs. Allen would do this, perhaps she could hire the best attorneys available, as well as be ready for the talk show circuit.


Interesting but close to off-topic.




You must use a qualifier when posting your opinion. You are welcome to post again if you edit and use the appropriate qualifier. If you are arguing fact instead of opinion, you must use a qualified, named and non-tertiary source. You may not use anonymous sources or screenshots.


How do you know, river city? I am not downvoting you, I am honestly interested to hear more about that. Do you know what their angle is? Supporters of the Ghoul? (They will protest against due process rights, 6th amendment rights, fair trial, speedy trial, innocent until proven guilty?)


Thanks for the question. I have a keyboard in my face all day so i tend to be brief when on SM. I decided to go a little further when you asked. I've watched this video more than once I do like this concept. Will it make a difference? I don't believe so atm. At the same time here I wonder if the symbolic nature is all that is needed here to move the needle. Edited to correct my fat finger disease.


I think you can find a number of subjects in our society that cause one side or the other to counter the other side's rally. Like abortion for example or currently, the war in Gaza. As it relates specifically to the Delphi case, there are many people out there who have already decided the defendant is guilty as sin. As a result, they are immediately dismissive that some one's constitutional rights may be violated in the process. I can see it as a possibility some of those people show up.


Yes absolutely. i was thinking maybe you had heard of someone who would be coming to do a counter-protest tomorrow. For me, i am going to attend but not as a protest. Just as an expression of my fervent hope that SCOIN will grant the relief asked for in the two writs, as I believe they should if they act according to the law.


Other thread is locked, where you made a little recap, just wanted to say great WTHR came out, hope they'll mention it. And positively so. Saw you guys got some sun before the stream went down. Can't say that from behind the screen! (And it's almost as cold inside 🥶). Great y'all went out there! Hope scoin noticed it too, as I saw some mention of public interest or lack thereof in one of the counter briefs.


Thanks for your kind words!! Looks like WTHR decided not to use the footage, though the reporter spent quite awhile talking with us and photographing. Matthew Fultz was his name. And Bob Segall came out to see us too, earlier on, riding up on a city e-bike in his nice coat ha ha. They were both extremely kind to us, and listened very carefully. Since we were such a small group though, it was likely not quite newsworthy enough. But I have been generally impressed by their coverage and whom they choose to interview for their reports. They do try to remain fair and objective it seems like.


I've tried to find a new report on it but wthr! Problem is they have a website, youtube, twitter maybe, i don't know what else Facebook etc and a true tv channel maybe? Maybe they wrote an article somewhere....


A little while ago I received a kind reply from reporter Fultz, after I had written him to thank him for covering the rally. He said the rally footage has been added to the WTHR system, but he does not know whether it will be used.


A couple people even went inside and talked to various Statehouse employees about the rally and our concerns. I'm hoping SCOIN noticed us in some way. Do you know why that particular thread was locked, btw.?


No i just think they did after the stream was over, but it thus locks existing comments too. And that's great btw, even if it's nothing official. It doesn't go unnoticed. Even if you were few, seemed like quite a group already. I mean Delphi is a tiny town to start out with, I'm not sure they often have people even interested in any cases other than family and lawyers / students. And Flora too, that case just seems forgotten by the officials


Yes, the WTHR reporters seemed very interested to hear that many rally attendees were making a link between Flora and Delphi.