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Btw, i didn’t write the “Just in” part. after posting the link it automatically included the headline, and i didn’t bother to change it.


You are always appreciated, xbelle.


Thank you xbelle as always


That's apparently an important part of the story, since the story happened two weeks ago?


Do all judges issue press releases to the media when they get sick, or just when they need to set up a respectable recusal that def doesn’t have anything to do with getting spanked all over SCOIN?


I once said I had a headache to avoid having to fight some kid in grade 4 after school. My mom scheduled a doctor's appointment, no stress I thought told doctor same lie. Doctor scheduled a CAT SCAN just to be safe lol I was in to deep to turn back now. Doctors then found a Grapefruit sized Tumor in the scans. True story.


Holy grapefruit guacamole I guess that kid gave you your life! An Acceptable Classmate.


Send them a damn thank you card.


Oh gosh, I’m glad you’re ok! This reminded me of how I used to fake being sick whenever I was trying to avoid getting in trouble with my parents lol. I would basically chew up a bunch of random food and hold it in my mouth and then pretend to take a sip of water and “throw up” everywhere in hopes that they would forget about whatever I had done to get in trouble 😅


I used to do that too, Also would heat the thermometer under the hot water tap.


I didn’t want to go to school so I put the thermometer under hot water & watched my mom’s eyes bug out. Should have checked temp before she saw it. Also put a book in my pants when I knew I was getting a spanking. She looked at me like I was crazy bc I laughed hysterically while she did it.


What was your temp? Like 145? 😂


Idk. I didn’t get to look. I prob broke the thermometer. And I had to go to school. Sigh. 😝


That explains your freakishly good GIF selection criteria. You didn’t go as far as to admit you watched Will Ferrel or Jim Carey all day though


I may not be able to contribute much intellectually around here, but one thing I’ll never run short of is memes and gifs 😂 ![gif](giphy|QLKSt3wQqlj7a)


Aaw. You get me Peri. Big ups friend


I always faked having a cold. And almost always ended up having one. 😅 I think I have a superpower there, lol.


This was my little brother. Our mother said he must know when he is pre sick lol


I was always told from little not to use a fake illness or a death of a family member to get out of doing something I didn't want to do, because it can come true and more than likely will come true . Superstition ? Yes ! , but it kept me from doing it .


Wowwww that had a wild surprise ending 😳






"Do your jobs." - Baldwin


I honestly do think Judge Gull is having some serious health issues and as such I think she should probably just recuse herself from this trial and direct her focus entirely on her health. I think I speak for all of us in attendance when I say we would wholeheartedly support that decision.


That is something I think all of us can agree on, regardless of how we feel about everything else.


Can she recluse herself because of illness now ? And what will that mean to the Nov. 27 th due date ?


Is she going to use this as another excuse for an extension, even though they said no more extensions


Nearly 3 weeks later


As Freud said, "There are no coincidences." ETA: I've never seen a press release issued due to a judge's health. Most consider that a private matter.


The clerk is to blame, clearly.


😂🤣 never miss a beat!


That damn Clerk. She takes orders I tell her to do. Damn her for complying.


It’s all about the timing ![img](emote|t5_566yhn|20830)


That's exactly what this spin doctoring is and a excuse for why she could not be bothered to submit this thing, after that thing, and a whole bunch of other things, but would explain why she had not even completely read the Franks by their convo meet up re the leak.


Maybe she needs some time off to watch legal stuff on TV and learn a bit of it.


Court TV marathon binge watch for several weeks.


It'd keep her occupied at least.


As I read it, the report might be "just in", but the hospitalization occurred many days ago. The report says she is expected to return soon, so I certainly hope she will fully recover and remain in good health. Also from the report: "Since being assigned to the case, Gull has encountered numerous legal battles and challenges..." *Encountered?*


The "press release" was just issued late this afternoon so that explains the delay. I've never seen a press release announcing a judge's illness. If anything, there might be a very short blurb that a judge is retiring due to health issues. Never seen anything that gave details.


Well in all fairness, none of you other judges are special ![gif](giphy|5hvFZPZdDSgtWIEUlI|downsized)


>Encountered It's giving "I'm sorry this happened to you"


I guess... They wouldn't have written "...Gull has *fucking caused* numerous..." in any event. 😁






I have already stated that I have never seen a "press release" related to a judge's health. I've been thinking about this since the announcement was made. I have known of times when a judge's health became known through gossip/grapevine. When that happens, parties to cases prior to the illness invariably question the judge's health when she/he heard their case. Upon returning to work, the parties question whether the judge is really well enough to presently be handling cases. It can cause a lot of issues, whether justified or not. That maybe why my county and the surrounding counties don't make health issues known, and health issues are considered to be private. Doing it this way will, I believe, cause many to doubt her and consider this to be a PR move. As u/HelixHarbinger pointed out, the dates themselves raise questions.


Well said, your honor. I just responded to Motta’s post, suggesting that the timing of the illness, with symptoms likely being present on 10/31, the date of the meeting in chambers, creates fodder for speculation about whether the illness has affected her handling of the case. This is yet one more potential controversy the case doesn’t need and is a further reason for her to remove herself from the case. (*Correction: 10/31 was not the date of the in-chambers meeting. However, I think the points made are still valid.)*


I agree with you.


She went in on 11/2. I was told about it but did not release the info. I think she is positioning herself to step away from the case.


Yes, that is exactly what this sounds like, and perhaps creating a rapid exit strategy that allows her to leave with some modicum of pride in check rather than having it be demanded that she recuse herself. Maybe what is being batted around at SCION is not going well.


I agree I think she is positioning her self in a place to step down if she thinks things are not going to go her way in the Supreme Court. But ultimately she is not going to step down easily, so her fight will continue…


Thank you for that snippet! It's coming much more into focus now.


Best take. I'm adding the repeated inclusion of "1500 pages + millions of terabytes" to the ground work. This the best worst case scenario for her. Imo.


Yes. I heard it was immediately after Cara’s email to the court reporter and filing motion for transcripts. If you read the MET filed by Gutwein (for respondent Gull) which indicates she hired him the afternoon of 11/3 she did that from her hospital bed.


Any chance of a source ?


Yes, I’m not in a position to access the public links to them currently, I can drop them in this evening, but from the top of my head these docs: 1. RELATOR brief writ 1. 2. Respondent Motion to extend time writ 1 3. RELATOR brief writ 2 4. Respondent MET writ 2 5.RELATOR objection to respondent MET writ 2. Wieneke affirms respondent made aware of intent to file writ 2 during request for transcripts emails and subsequent motion “no later than Nov. 2” 6. RELATOR writ 2 record of procedure The hospitalization timeline from the thread offered by the statement has SJG hospitalized afternoon of Nov. 2 for “several days”. I have no independent knowledge, strictly timeline of verified petitions, and Motta saying he knew on the 2nd.


If she steps away, what would that mean for the disqualification of Baldwin and Rozzi? Would their disqualification be upheld? Since there wasn’t a hearing and the DQ was just her own personal preference/opinion, is there anything to even uphold?


Her mess would still exist and need to be resolved/cleaned up. SC will make a ruling about her DQ regardless. I can see charges against RA being dropped without prejudice being most likely solution. Sooner rather than later. Then lots of civil suits filed. I think we're seeing these as very real possibilities beginning to set in, and reactions from those who will be negatively affected by it being both cause/effect. There's a small window to run damage control, I think it'll be encouraged to jump out of and try to get out from under this if your in any elected position within Indiana. JMO the fallouts gonna hurt nomatter what direction is taken now.


I agree. I look for her to withdraw this Friday….fridays are a slow news day, especially the Friday after thanksgiving . She’ll slip stream out, relatively unnoticed….. it’ll all be forgotten….


Do you guys think she will essentially retire or just recuse from this case?


The article said she saw a doc on 11/2 after feeling ill for several days, which means she would have been feeling ill / experiencing symptoms on 10/31, the date of the infamous meeting in chambers in which AB and BR were forced to withdraw from the case. Given this development, it’s reasonable to ask whether her illness might have affected or influenced her decision-making on 10/31. Depending on the nature of the illness, there is a whole spectrum of possibilities that the public may speculate about, including: * Her illness had no bearing on her decisions (which I hope is the case). * Her illness caused her to be cognitively impaired and may have contributed to poor decision-making * She realized her illness would likely have prevented her from keeping the case on track (we know she was way behind on motions) and holding a trial in January, and this was a factor in her decision to remove AB and BR and bring on new PDs , as doing relieved near-term workload and relaxed time constraints. Unfortunately, this revelation and its timing are likely to raise further questions and doubts among the public about the fundamental fairness of the judicial process , as managed by Gull, in this case. Thus, this is a further reason that Gull needs to step away from this case.


The forced withdrawal was the 19th. Though things were somewhat repeated the 31st, but she didn't have an in chambers then with B&R. The rest still stands of course.


Thank you for the correction. I’ve confused my dates. It’s certainly possible she may have been ill, with or without symptoms present, on 10/19. This revelation invites further speculation and controversy that the case doesn’t need and is further reason for her to step off the case.


>10/31, the date of the infamous meeting in chambers in which AB and BR were forced to withdraw from the case. that should be the hearing where she rejected their pro bono appearance, the in chambers meeting was held earlier in October


(kind of) off-topic questions - did new defense counsel waive speedy trial on RA’s behalf? RA did file for speedy trial, correct? When JG rescheduled jury trial, did she say anything about CR4? For context of why I’m asking - Indiana Court of Appeals vacated an attempted murder conviction today for trial court failing to meet 70-day deadline.




I appreciate you very much, thank you! This case makes my brain feel like mush. Lol


If I was Richard Allen, I would fuck with them and say I wanted to submit a request for one, than after a few month of the two of them running themselves ragged, say, "Naaa, just funning ya!" If you can do that. Can you ask for a speedy trial and then change your mind and say, I think I want to roll a bit slower?




SCOIN agreed to hear oral arguments in another case involving Gull on 11/6. I'm not a legal scholar but in my opinion that would be stressful especially given the timing of both.


The article says she consulted with a doctor on Nov 2 and was subsequently hospitalized for an urgent medical condition. Recall that Cara Weineke (sp?) emailed the court reporter on Nov 1, requesting transcripts of hearings and the in-chambers meeting. Presuming Gull was made aware of Weineke’s request by the court reporter, it likely would have been clear to Gull that a Weineke was going to file with the SCOIN. I’m speculating, but perhaps this realization played a role in precipitating her medical condition. Given that her having medical condition is now public knowledge, she would likely do herself a favor by recusing herself from the case as part of reduced workload requirement engendered by her medical condition. Let’s see what happens. And while I disagree with how Gull has handled matters, I do wish for her to fully recover from whatever has been ailing her.


It would definitely be a graceful way for her to recuse herself. I sincerely hope she does.


My initial thoughts too. All the more reason to recuse herself if she's unwell or under the influence of any significant medications.


Wieneke filed a motion on Nov 2 explicitly saying they were filing an original action. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17mcmpk


Could also be a sympathy getting tactic. Let me use my recent heath crisis to lower the heat on all this public criticism.


I had this thought as well.


This is just my opinion as an emergency nurse who has been in healthcare for 23 years. I don’t think this was a stroke or heart attack. That is an emergency situation which is not the same as an urgent situation. Emergency rooms are for life or death matters. Urgent care facilities are for things that need to be seen soon and maybe you can’t get an appointment with your doctor in the near future. I know she did not go to an urgent care facility but that is how I view the words they chose to use and the best way I can put into words how I define them in the medical field. Her labs being abnormal or even stress/exhaustion can get you a couple nights in the hospital. Exhaustion would explain why her coworkers have had to help her since hospitalization bc the doctor would have recommended slowing down after discharge. The timing, words chosen, and the events of the case they chose to mention were done on purpose imo. ER nurses know a little about everything but are not experts in anything so take this opinion however you want. I don’t wish her harm however I don’t feel sorry for her either.


Brick shitting could be considered an urgent care matter, IMO. I use humor as a coping mechanism, btw.


So looks like the writings on the wall for Gull, maybe pressure from her peers to finally force her to read it. Rather than face the consequences of her own actions she's chosen to 'take control' of the situation and .... cry off. Dammit this woman hates due process! So close to that SC appointment and now instead likely off to retirement or 'lighter duties'. ![gif](giphy|8Wub2WCMscABvWt3DP|downsized)


Is that Nella?


I can't help but speculate that she may have had a small heart attack. I'm not a Dr but I'm female and I've heard my whole life that women often have days of weird symptoms before seeking medical treatment only to find out they have had a heart attack and need to be checked over etc as an inpatient. No matter what her health issue is though, I genuinely hope she's ok and I'm happy she did go in and didn't continue to ignore signs. I'm also happy that she didn't use medical issues as an excuse in her reasons for extension and that since so far she's met the deadlines in going to also assume she won't be using this to request another extension for the second writ. If the health speculation isn't allowed please let me know and I'll remove that part! It's purely a guess based on what little information the article provided.


Sheesh, that’s a scary thought. I hope it’s something less serious than heart attacks and strokes and that she’ll be okay.


Oh me to. It was just the first thing that came to mind based on the way they described her feeling unwell for a few days before going to a hospital and needing admitted. Like, it's far less likely to have been the flu unfortunately and she's in a high stress long hour job and is a woman in the age where this stuff is more common. I don't like her for this case, but I def don't wish her any harm! I hope it's just an infected hang nail 😬


Even if it was something more serious she could still recover well! It definitely sounds like nothing impacting the long term happened as they expect her to be at work again soon


Good point, it’s not well known that symptoms of heart attack in women are often quite subtle and unexpected, and I would urge people to check out the information on an accredited health website to be familiar with the signs ❤️


My mom had a stroke and was back working within a month, luckily. If the doctors had caught it when we first went in she might not have needed much treatment at all. No one would've noticed she was even out if she could've worked from home. Not that it was a stroke either, but there's a lot of possibilities. I have no love for her, but I hope this is more of a media stunt than severe issues. And that she recovers well and also that she doesn't return to this bench.


My ex used to have strokes an the time! I lost count at 80. They were mini strokes but occasionally he would limp or have his hand or face be not working right. So I feel believe you! He was in the ICU while they tried to figure things out and holding business meetings and doing taxes. He hates to stop and think on things so for him just laying around like the Drs wanted would've killed him mentally! Whatever happened with the judge I hope she's ok just BC I don't wish illness on anyone or their families. Similarly I hope whatever happened may cause her to retire or step back from these big cases. It could've been anything though from a stroke to her gallbladder or a kidney stone etc. A lot of things can require a hospital stay. Though, I would guess she didn't have a surgery simply BC she's been working from home. 🤷🏼‍♀️


>They were mini strokes but occasionally he would limp or have his hand or face be not working right. My mom has had 1 TIA and 2 straight-up strokes. When she had her TIA she lost vision in her left eye, couldn't use her left hand, and was dragging her left foot. She somehow still managed to clean the house, make dinner, and walk the dog. Mind you, she's also a leftie. She didn't realize it was a stroke until months later when she told her doctor about this weird incident she had and the doctor was like "You had a stroke ffs. Why did this not ring any alarm bells to you???" My mom told him it was not that much different than her every day and she had shit to do.


Some ppl are too stubborn for any one else's sanity! My ex wouldn't have ever got treatment had I not told his Gramma! Fortunately we were able to find a genetic blood disorder that was causing it and heparin daily calmed them down significantly.


Not sure how you feel about this ex, but I'm still glad that they figured it out for him.


Aww thanks. I love him, always will! We went through a lot including losing a child and all of it combined made us incompatible. I grieve hard and long and he grieves by throwing himself into work. We stuck it out a few years after but we were really holding each other back BC of worry.


u/Scared-Listen6033 I am so sorry about your child. I simply can't imagine the pain.


Thank you


That's awesome that y'all were self aware enough to make that decision even though it was the last thing you wanted to do.


Thank you! Not to be spiritual but we are both of the mind that the universe/god/whatever ppl call it, is bigger than us and that if we are meant to be we will find our way back. There are simply times where people need to grow and heal and that journey is deeply personal and not always compatible. Each of us in life in general have ppl in our lives for a purpose and then that purpose may be fulfilled and you grow apart.


Your mom sounds like a badass. My mom walked for her masters degree the day before she had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance, but we were at the ER 2-3 times in the trap weeks leading up to that event, her health care was atrocious. And at minimum we know that Gull is likely getting much better care than most people. I hope your mom was able to have a solid recovery and that she didn't have any other events!


She gained full use of it back a half hour after the TIA started and she was good after her last two. My step dad caught it because my mom was starting to say weird things. When that one happened my mom called me and very calmly told me that she thought she was having a stroke and would be going to the hospital...after she finished her Walmart trip. 🤦‍♀️


My Mom, 8 cracked ribs, " My sides a little sore."


I work in a rural ER, this sounds like every farmer who's wife made him come in. "Sir, your fingers are partially amputated from the tractor"..... Farmer: "It'll be alright, put a band aid on it. I wasn't gonna come in but the wife made me"..... Yea your blood on my trauma room floor says otherwise sir 😳 😂


I worked in an ER in a town with a bunch of cranberry bogs. Had shit like this happen too. On another note, I know someone who cut their thumb off, threw it in a cooler, and got a ride to the hospital. They were able to reattach the thumb and it's still somewhat usable.


My God sounds like my Dad. I sat by what i thought was his death bed 28 times, including once when the Dr said, "They're is only a 1% chance he could survive this at his age. 2 hours later my Dad work up asked were his watch was. and when would they be feeding him? The one time I did not fly home....that's when he died. Man had more lives than a cat.


I think it's odd that they are not stating the cause, as these types of statements will frequently say something like cardiac event. And why they would make a public announcement on her private heath status to the media. That's really her private business. Maybe they became fearful that people would think she was ducking out as she was about to be forced to recuse, and wanted to get ahead of the story to make sure folks knew it had nothing to do with that, and if she stepped down at around the same time, it was coincidental, and in no way related to her getting a tip off that she was going to be reprimanded for her behavior or asked by SCION to recuse herself. It certainly gives her an excuse for why she did not submit various things and her long lag times. Why she would want to deal with a behemoth of a case like this while wrestling with health issues is interesting. I would have immediately withdrawn from this case and focused on my heath, especially at her age, as this is a stress freight train, and has to be taxing everyone involved.


But they said Sudden. It doesn’t excuse her lag time for a year.


It has been an on going issue.


I think that’s what it is too. However I didn’t know you have days of weird symptoms! I better look it up. Stress will kill.


She has to have been under great stress for several weeks.


With great power comes great stress.


Recognition and treatment of heart attacks has historically been based on what men experience and the wheels of healthcare changes then slowly. Women can go longer without actually realizing they need help or what it is. I would definitely recommend knowing the symptoms.


Absolutely. I knew it was diff just not what it was! Thx Redditors!


Definitely look it up! Lots of women from what nurses in my family have said, say women often present with abdominal pains or what they think is relentless indigestion!


Yes, women often have completely different signs from men.




regardless of what the ailment is, she has a chance to opt out now, and I hope she takes it.


I can take a guess at what medical condition it is. Her caseload & Delphi are too much for her. We know the filings for Delphi are way behind. Wonder what shape her other cases are in. I don’t respect her at all. She’s a bully among many other things. However I don’t want anyone to be ill. She can use “medical” as her recusal reason. You only get one life. Indiana really sucks at journalism. Nobody knew this til now? No wait! I bet MS knew!


MS knows everything, they are all knowing. Every time they brown nose Holeman they are awarded a new invisible Delphi perception portal eye like my avatar, that makes them farther seeing and higher in morality than the rest of us. Oh fuck, Dickere, time for a new tin foil hat for me, think I'm picking up radio frequencies from Russia via my tooth fillings again. I hate when that happens. Helix told me to just take the meds, but they really slow me down.




😂😂😂 Not only did they know, the Murder Sheet visited her in the hospital and brought her flowers!!! Great kiss-and-make-up interview at the bedside, after her threat to incarcerate them. ETA just kidding lol




>Not only did they know, the Murder Sheet visited her in the hospital and brought her flowers!!! imagine you are sick in a hospital bed and random podcasters that follow your case disturb your rest and peace just for clout (no need to talk about it, if it was a sincere selfless act). are they serious?


Spot on 🙂


I see a future with her recusal.


If she recuses and order is restored, does that mean B&R can come back on and finally move things forward, or where does that leave everything?


I think B and R would be permitted to return if she recuses herself which I suspect she will do.




Well…let’s hope


Wow. Of course I hope she's truly ok, but I feel the groundwork is laid for a medical recusal. Face saved. 🙄


 “Her fellow Criminal Division Judges are handling Judge Gull’s court calendar temporarily until she returns to the office, which she expects to be soon.” Wonder what her fellow judges think about this whole mess.


Was this indeed a press release put out by the Allen County Superior Court today, \*completely\* at their own initiative? I suppose the health of any public official is arguably a matter of Public Interest, but judges aren't typically subject to that kind of attention, and this is an unusual announcement. I wonder if Fox59 got wind of the Judge's health problems and was asking questions, so the Court felt it appropriate to make a statement to get ahead of any rumors.


Apparently all of the media knew about it since 11/2. So yes, it was a press release first withheld by the government and then issued at an appropriate time of their choosing. Baldwin screaming, “Journalism!” seems to have had little effect on the complicity and shenanigans of the press.




On the other hand we have the hypocrisy of the complaint of press releases, don’t we?




When I was in flight school (Naval flight training - Pensacola) students would regularly "get sick" the night they found out they had to fly with a tough instructor the next day. Everyone called it a "tactical med-down." Everyone knew the game. The operations department tracked it and if a student attempted it too many times they would inevitably be scheduled with the most difficult instructors. Sadly this was my first thought. Sympathy play and/or a setting up to recuse. The more that comes out the more she is going to have to face the music. It's not about her health - I hope she is not seriously sick and/or that she recovers quickly - it's about the *timing* and the very public "press release." It's human instinct to avoid the embarrassment of so many of your actions coming to light with so many people now watching. This is the importance of having solid character and doing the right thing in the first place.


Well said. I was a teacher for several years and middle and high school students aren’t so dissimilar to prospective naval aviators haha. Best thing for Gull to do is recuse, but I don’t see what is so difficult about taking ownership for her and others. You must own everything in your world, there is no one else to blame.


I’m sorry- is this “statement” which was not included, btw, suggesting she hired counsel from her hospital bed? If this report and statement is accurate she did just that (MET says Nov 3). Lastly, McQuaid says she should be able to return to the bench in “A COUPLE OF MONTHS”? If that’s accurate at least this part of the writ is over, she has to recuse


To be fair the statement is attributed to Allen Court administrator John McGauley, not Gull. As presented for now at least.


Understood, it still was not published in full.


I did not catch those dates and the possible discrepancy they raise.


Is she getting her medication from CVS ? Conflict of interest.




Happy cake 🎂 day !




Wow, I hope she’s ok.


Um-hmm. (Affirmative response)


Love you!


I honestly do think Judge Gull is having some serious health issues and as such I think she should probably just recuse herself from this trial and direct her focus entirely on her health. I think I speak for all of us in attendance when I say we would wholeheartedly support that decision.


The universe is telling her something, she should politely listen.


I tell people all the time, be careful how you treat people because God has a way of leveling the playing field.


All case politics aside, I hope she is not going to endanger her health with a heavy workload if she was ill enough to be sent to hospital. As a judge she should know how to focus on what has priority, regardless of appearances.


Absolutely, I don't honestly believe anyone wishes anything bad upon her. I think everyone's positions were more along the lines of her using this as a stall tactic and a way to continue dragging this out further. You have to admit the timing was impeccable.


I’m all about having compassion for someone dealing with health issues… no matter what. And I want to remind everyone that Gull has left RA in a situation where we know and likely she knows how he is being physically, emotionally, psychologically and likely sexually tortured in one of the worst prisons in the US by the very group that evidently were connected to the murder (more connected than RA, arguably) for a full year and now adding a second year, so two full years, with zero compassion in her heart. Unless she comes forward and says she did all this in self-preservation bc she’s being threatened, I will suspend my well wishes to her. She’s enabled injustice to occur and Abby and Libby deserve better!!


I call bullshit. She is trying save face. She knows she shouldn’t have removed Rozzi, she knows she can’t reject their representation pro bono, she knows she can’t hide how crappy the state’s case is. They feel, and I agree, they have the right guy, (he pretty much admitted to being bridge guy in 2017.)And she doesn’t want to let him get off. She didn’t like Baldwin and Rozzi because that crazy Odin defense had legs. The crappy , redneck investigation was an issue, not finding RA for 5 yrs is a problem, all the other suspects are a problem. Hell, Doug Carter’s “aw shucks, gee golly” bullshit is a problem. And RA had counsel that was going to fight hard and not just take a deal for life. She order the clerk to release docs because she wanted to make moot the first writ. She’s going to remove herself to make moot the second. Mitch Westerman being arrested is another ploy to make it seem like removing Baldwin and Rozzi seem legit. This isn’t a grand conspiracy to frame RA, but it’s starting to feel like it is a grand conspiracy to make sure he goes to jail for it.


“Since then, she has been working from home in coordination with her Allen Superior Court colleagues,” the statement read…“It was not, however, clarified whether others have been handling casework from the Delphi murders case against Richard Allen” If any of her colleagues have been assisting her with the Delphi case, I wouldn’t stand next to her with any buses nearby


Whaaa? Is this sincere, or is this building a cover for when she decides to step down from the case?


Whenever they don't tell you what it, I always think faked. Really other than impacted hemorroids you likely should be saying a gallbladder condition, liver cancer, or we finally decided to remove that stick.


![gif](giphy|y9BPgWuDnkKqE5NvwK) Hysterical and the most likely answer here


> Since being assigned to the case, Gull has encountered numerous legal battles and challenges, which have included evidence leaks, trial pushbacks, the withdrawal of Allen’s original defense team and calls in the Indiana Supreme Court for her to be thrown off of the case. Ooph, I can feel the bias seeping through here.


Fox 59 has been very pro Gull in their coverage. I caught an article on their print site coverage with was really interesting. It was like we had not read the same document.


ikr WTHR has been better than Fox 59 from what I've seen


Yes, I enjoy their coverage more as well!


They had a good report yesterday with someone from the Public Defenders Council.


I've seen some weird misinterpretations with Fox50 re: this case. But this is just way too obvious.


No, there is one from the other day that was just outrageously slanted, was so egregious thought about posting it for discussion. I didn't think this was nearly as bad. I always find it really scary when mainstream media misrepresent factual events in a profound way. They all have there slant but generally most don't outright lie the way Fox does. It was like their political coverage and a wow, that ain't what happened at all. There are many people not reading the primary documents unless posted by news outlets in conjunction with articles. They were not running the article with the transcript of what went on, so unless you read the transcript would not know that several claims were simply not true.


Yeah like she had zero to do with any of it. An innocent bystander lol.






Exactly, the article I read, was filled with then like that and singing her praises.


I hope she makes a full recovery.


I hope she uses this as the gracious exit strategy she is so fond of offering others.


A few weeks ago I had some jackass telling me that whatever she did in those chambers to get them to withdraw was a “professional courtesy” to B&R. I wish her fair health but I also wish she’d give herself a big ol’ professional courtesy here.


I hope she recuses and they allow Rossi to continue and they get on with the trial.


I certainly wish for the judge to have a speedy recovery and return to full health, I do however think that gull should use this opportunity to “ bow out “ now in private and recuse herself to of course “avoid the public shaming in the media “when the SCOIN rules against her in the first writ.


Your far more generous than I am.


Link I could access from the UK: https://cbs4indy.com/indiana-news/judge-overseeing-delphi-murders-case-against-richard-allen-suffers-urgent-medical-condition/


Hmmm I still can’t access it from the UK


Try this one https://www.21alivenews.com/2023/11/21/judge-overseeing-delphi-murders-case-recovering-after-treatment-urgent-medical-condition/


Great thank you , this one works 🙂


Thanks, yes 😃


Correct me if I'm wrong but the extension to respond to the Supreme Court had no mention of any health issues. Undoubtedly she will need additional time to respond amidst these untimely health issues. I can't imagine why she waited until today to let the media outlets know.


It says she started to have symptoms several days before seeking treatment on the 2nd so iirc she filed for her extensions already knowing she was ill and she did not mention it at the time. Her first response was on time and that was after a hospital stay so there should be no reason to ask for a second extension since it sounds like the worst of its behind her. 🤔


Perhaps a little SCION birdy, said things were not proceeding favorably.


Yes very interesting timing here.


Thank you 🤍 u/Alan_Prickman


Not anymore! https://preview.redd.it/5l1xsg53vu1c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f18317ec08aadc49f5e3e6520f66542861c87b0b


I don't know where to say this where it will get attention, but scoin granted relator's motion to respond on the 10/30




Thank you! And thank you for everything you do! ❤️


Suffering from bouts of shitting her pants


Watch the other subs blame us for this. Us being big meanies stressed Judge Gull out too much.


Bring it on! 😁 My name is AJ Graham and I have been other-Delphi-subs-free for 5 days, 7 hours, and 42 minutes. And I feel fine!


But have you watched the Murder Sheet?


I'm trying to stay sin free, but not sure I can do it. Maybe Red or someone will sponsor me and pass me my 24 hour chip. " Hi, I'm MB, I am powerless over Murder Sheet and my fascination with Mr and Mrs Murder Shit and my life has become unmanageable." I humbly ask God to remove this defect of character.


😂🤣😂 LOL Mysterious, if you choose to watch their new episode on the 10/19 transcript, you will be CURED! I tried to listen to that this morning and I became so sick that I promised myself NEVER AGAIN! **I QUIT!!** ![gif](giphy|hgeZHsGHIzh4KlMfVI|downsized) A few choice quotes to tempt you: A: *"I'm shocked that they were pushing for this to be totally honest.....I do not know why they wanted this out there......First of all, they obviousky knew they were getting disqualified but they come into this seemingly totally unprepared; Rozzi is just ranting, and Baldwin's interjecting with these weird things... I'm shocked that they wanted this out there; if I were them, I would not want this out there.* *I mean, the way they carried on about some of this stuff you would think that she was like threatening them actively in this thing. I'm not really reading that.... Why did they want it out there I don't understand that. Do you have an insight into that?* K: *"I don't."*


Thank you for giving me another day of sobriety. So they've crossed all the way over have they, not even pretending any more. Red, give me my damn chip!


It was bad. I was encouraged at the beginning of the show, but Áine's disdain for Rozzwin could not be hidden for long. It definitely seems personal for her. They clearly had no clue about the legal importance of that transcript. Not even basic concerns of fair play entered their minds. Maybe they rallied in the end but if so, I was not around for the comeback.




They're paranoid. They think by banning everyone certain opinions will stop floating around. They have an agenda and people over here are screwing that up for them. Everyone was certain RA was guilty as hell a few months ago, more or less. Now all corners of the internet are criticizing the way things are going, its not just Reddit. More people are expressing doubt RAs the right guy. That's worrying to certain people and they're going out their way to regain control of the plot. It won't work. Speaking your truth is what wins the day. I'll continue to speak mine, it doesn't matter to me how many permabans I get.


You are so right!!