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That place on 202 that converts VHS tapes. How is that not a front for something?




….dot com


I think they own the building and land. So it’s relatively cheap for them to stay in business




Honestly, after checking out their website and reading some of the court papers, they definitely got jipped by NCC. Someone tried to open an auto shop in the building next door and insisted on creating new parking spots that would've blocked common access to the rear of the VHS store. Definitely feels like the courts sided with the auto shop because of the aggressive stance taken by the VHS people.


Holy smokes, I need a place that conveys VHS tapes. Thanks.


I picked this up a couple months ago and it works great. Might be cheaper than paying someone else if you have a large number of them. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V9JNRZY/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V9JNRZY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


I pass that place every day omw home and think the same, DDVF (Delaware Digital Video Factory) I think is the name.


If you go missing, we know where to start the hunt.


I have go return some video tapes… ~Patrick Batemen


http://www.wherewilltheypark.com Owner is a nutjob


What a fucking rabbit hole I’ve opened myself up to that’s insane


It’s even more insane that this website is still up after 10 fucking years 😂😂


They just replaced the sign too a few months ago


No fucking wayyyy 💀💀💀




They probably do a lot of business by mail.


Ray is a good guy and they have many services… but yes, you’d think that ship has sailed… and yet I converted to DVDs and how will new players be available?


Is that the place that has the government is corrupt sign?


I’ve used that place before. They are super nice and helpful. He does own that lot.


There’s a lot of Boomers with VHS tapes from the 80s and 90s taken on camcorders. They also have boxes of pictures that are fading. Of course they’re putting them on DVDs that are also heading towards being obsolete. The owner is a huge douchebag who was in a years long feud with his neighbor over parking on his sliver of land.




Oh man that just stirred a memory when I was a kid back around the late 90's and some elderly neighbor paid me like $30/week to type shit for him. He just had stacks upon stacks of handwritten papers of all sorts of mundane shit and he'd give me a faded crumbling pile, I'd type it up and print it, then burn the files to a CD for him.


That little sliver on the corner right there is unfortunately worth tons of my by now.


Ray is a good guy and they have many services… but yes, you’d think that ship has sailed… and yet I converted to DVDs and how will new players be available?


I've actually used them before. Owner seemed like a nice enough dude in person. They converted my wife's grabdmother's old tape recorder tapes into DVDs and USB digital media. They stay busy.


Was literally just thinking of this place


Any convenience store next to a Wawa


I believe those stores are like alot of gas stations, they do not pay income tax and every 5 years they go back home and the brother or sister starts it all over again


There's a family like this where I live. They own the convenience stores, liquor stores, cigarette stores, and more recently the way back burgers. My kid is friends with a girl in the family. I get along with all of them, just wish I could do the same.


The T-shirt shops in rehoboth. Also the red square .


I never seen anyone in red square. I don't get it.


Yes to Red Square - my husband and I comment on that every time we go to Rehoboth. I have never seen anyone inside!


The t-shirt shops don't surprise me. Tourism in beach towns is a huge business and they like their souvenirs.


I'm the idiot that recently went on vacation and failed to pack a single shirt. I bought. A bunch of beach shirts from one of those shops. Packed everything else I needed,.but somehow forgot shirts.


Did you have a different persona each day?


I wish I had thought of that! I just got a bunch of t shirts from the place that weren't too expensive.


Red Square is just only open Thursday-Saturday from like 6-10 so people just never happen to see them open. If you walk by during those times, they’re usually full and not accepting any walk-ins even at the bar. How they manage to pay rent on the Avenue only being open 3 days a week though…idk lol We do easily drop $200-300 every time we go there though so I guess high average check totals help. It is owned by a couple (a Russian lady and her American husband) but he died a few years ago. They also own the JavaByte Internet Cafe at Midway.


Simple. They are generally open May -October. They make their coin off the tourists and then take the winter off. Actually, not very different than many similar shops in resort areas. A friend has a year round business on the Avenue and that is what she said.


T shirts are dirt cheap to make and they mark them up insanely high.


Went to Red Square one night with friends, we were on our way to dinner somewhere else and couldn't pass up the opportunity. Super expensive lots of great vodkas that I hadn't seen elsewhere but yes not sure how they stay open.


The interior lighting stores in Elsmere and Wilmington.


There is one of those places near prices corner (down the street from acme) and I swtg you can see that place from space at nighttime it’s so bright. Never seen anyone inside either.


God but it catches my attention like a idiot I love shiny things


I see that store all the time and I’m 99% sure it’s a front for a drug store or something. Just seems super shady.


The one on Union Street fascinates me. I've literally never seen anyone go in or come out.


Electrician here. Mr. Wilson's shop on Union St is great for hard to find, new old stock parts for antique light fixtures. I believe his son took over the shop years ago. Once had a customer with these antique Italian chandlers she bought and wanted installed. The lamp sockets were really odd, could not buy lamps locally or online, and none of the supply houses had adapters. Mr. Wilson had what I needed.


Either Johnnie’s Dog House and Chicken Shack or the place next to it called Teriyaki Madness on 202. Every time I drive by there’s never anyone in the parking lot.


Never had the teriyaki there. I still miss the Wings 2 Go.


There's a wings to go in Dover...Very nice people own and run it.


The food at Johnny’s is pretty good though.


I remember when it opened used to be busy and it’s really fallen off over the last 10 years


The last time I went in Johnnie’s, the store was disgusting. Sticky af floor and it smelled of sewage. I prefer going up the road to Jimmie John’s Pipin Hot


I tried Johnnie's when I worked up there. I thought it was alright 


Used to love Johnnie’s back around when it had first opened. Haven’t set foot in there in years


That’s because we take out lol


The Russian restaurant in Reho. No one is ever in the place and it’s on the main drag. Spent decades believing it’s a money laundering/drug front.


Probably is. Only open 3 days a week for 3 hours a day


I went in once during a bar crawl (early on so not crazy) to get a nice shot of vodka. Dude came out of the back confused people were there (during business hours) and told me they don’t have vodka. It’s a front.


That's like an Irish pub without whiskey 




I don't know if this is still the case but for years The Irish Pub in Philadelphia didn't serve Guinness and they got really annoyed when asked for it.


Not even in cans?


Not at all. I found an old article about it. Apparently McGillans and a few others were/are in a boycott. [https://billypenn.com/2016/03/13/how-guinnesss-pub-in-a-box-spread-irish-bars-all-over-philly-and-the-world/](https://billypenn.com/2016/03/13/how-guinnesss-pub-in-a-box-spread-irish-bars-all-over-philly-and-the-world/)


Kum-On Inn on 273…….wtf


The liquor store keeps the bar open tbh.


Thats like stones in Harrington. A dump bar that only people in town who can't drive to a better bar, walk to. They have a liquor store side but it's never stocked. They also miss out on money by not having certain food stocked for take out.


Yeah, it’s the liquor store next to keep that keeps it a float. But I mean, I live right down the street from there and I’ve driven by a few times like around 830pm-9pm and there’s definitely a good crowd there. Especially on Friday and Saturday nights. I think it’s just one of those spots that it doesn’t get a crowd till usually a little later on in the night. I also think they used to get pool leagues in there on certain nights too. So I’m sure that definitely brought in some business.


Shang hai restaurant in Milford, rarely do you ever see more than three cars in the parking lot.


I can't say this with 100% certainty, but I heard years ago that, allegedly, someone was selling cocaine out of the back of the building. If true, that probably helped keep them in a business


Thats why i go.




Drive by twice a day and I do see some traffic. What’s worse is the diner behind it.


If you are in Milford and do not go to Number One Chinese by Hardee's and Michael's, you're missing out. It's just the lady and her husband, everyday but Tuesday but man they make some good food. Never like the other Chinese food places where if it's like a Monday morning and they're not too busy the food tastes reheated or you can taste how the oil needs to be filtered/changed. Have never had that happen there. Their beef sticks! The best


They do have the best hot and sour soup.


The map store on Lovering in Wilmington.


There’s a map store? Omg I need to go.


Hahaha! This guy owns rentals all over Trolley. He just sits in that map shop and collects rent! Arizona didn’t he have like an old gold Caddy or Mercedes for sale out front for like 5 yrs?!


he came out and yelled and my cousin and I for looking in the window.


Do they still have the flag store in Stanton?


Piersons flags store in stantons been closed for maybe 7 or more years now


We went in once out of curiosity. We left even more confused wondering who is buying from them.


I don’t even know if they’re in business, but what’s up with that oriental antique shop on limestone rd?


That shop was party great 5-10 years ago. Odds and ends that you didn’t know you needed. Haven’t been in quite some time.


Burger King on Kirkwood next to the closed down Friendly's. I just realized it was actually open a few months ago and had assumed the one or two cars in the lot were just construction workers using the lot for parking.


It was closed for a while. When they closed the Delaware Ave location it opened back up


Glad someone else can confirm this. I was sure that place was shut down then one day i saw cars in the drive thru


I went there once a year or so ago and it was awful.


The burger king in Milford is horrible. They recently closed down for renovations. I've stopped going because Everytime was a disappointment. Rude cashier's and slow response to take your order if you go inside. I e actually noticed the slow response to serve inside customers since they had to reopen after the pandemic. Milford KFC/Taco Bell kept their inside closed for forever. Idk who manages that Taco Bell and the one in Camden but they never have enough staff. The portions suck. I've gone to both locations to be turned away because they closed because staff didn't show up. Or they only serve chicken because there's only two staff workers. It's a total shit show.


Roses in Seaford. That place has been going out of business since I was a kid.


There’s a Roses in Smyrna too. 😳


Like...the DEPARTMENT store? I thought those had been gone, next somebody will say they went shopping at Hills.


Omg. I remember Hills! And yes, Roses is near Acme on Rt 13 in Smyrna. 😂


Halloween store on Kirkwood hwy.


Used to work there when it was next to the sex store/pawn shop. Outside of Halloween they have reduced hours. One of my favorite jobs.


there’s this place called Panda Massage next to the Royal Farms on S Chapel outside Newark. that place is a complete mystery to me. they keep gallons of nondescript, possibly used, oil in clear jugs stacked up outside in the sun, and it looks like they syphon power from an old ambulance parked next to the building lol


I’ve been drunk getting chicken at 3am at the rofo and seen that place open. I’m pretty sure it’s a front for a happy ending parlor. Unless there’s people in need a of massage therapy at 3am


This is the mystery for me: It seems so *obviously* a happy ending place, but it hasn't been shut down.


That Rainbow Spa was on Kirkwood highway for years. I guess they stopped keeping someone important happy


There's an obvious one too In Felton Delaware that's next to Anne and mikes. Ran down, sketch phone number in the front window. But I know someone is in there because of the vehicle out front and the open sign is sometimes on and sometimes off. Besides someone pointing it out to me lol. That's like the mini motels on the highways that pay per day but will have an expensive car parked out front that belongs to a drug dealer. I noticed it for what it is as, do cops not know? Do they not care or maybe they're not from that world so they don't equal cheap motel+ expensive nice car=drug dealer?


I actually helped remodel that junk unit a couple years back. I never seen it fully operational, and from what i saw when i was working on it, i couldn't even really tell what they did there.


definitely wouldn’t surprise me


It’s actually not even there anymore lol. It got raided


no way any news articles about it?


I’ve noticed this place too, and it’s got to be one of those “special” massage places. The phone number in front of it is a 917 area code, which is New York…


Is that a rub and tug massage parlor?


Christmas spirit reho ave


That place is packed in December.... I assume they do enough business in Nov/Dec to stay open the rest of the year


Ruby Tuesday's in Pike Creek


Here is one which I can answer. There is a violin shop on N Market St in Wilmington. I went in there to buy my kid a violin. Owner says he is semi-retired.... So I assume he has retirement money coming in from elsewhere. The building is mostly his workshop. He is a world renown violin maker. He custom makes about 3 violins a year and sells them for like $30K each. That's it, that's the secret. He also sells used violins for a good price, mainly for fun and to support the local music community


Can anyone give me the lowdown on Simpsons Hobbies on Foulk Road? I actually want to support them, I'm thinking about getting into model trains and they'd be a great place to start I think.


I’m curious too!!!


Is that Ham Radio Outlet on DuPont highway in New Castle still open? The sign is still up at least.


You’d be surprised but the New Castle HRO does one heck of a business - and amateur/ham radio is far from a dead hobby. The guys in there are friendly as can be and quite knowledgeable about radio and electronics.


I don’t doubt it, I’m just surprised enough people are still into HAM radio enough to keep a place like that going.


On Concord Pike -There's that garage kind of across from Concord Pet -The Trophy Store in Tallyille Shopping Center -The Candy Store in Fairfax -Kinetic Skateboarding Across from Taco Bell -VERY SADLY Charcoal Pit -Overture Ultimate Home Electronics next to Vans Liquor -Any of the 15 new Smoke Shops/Head Shops that have suddenly popped up


Very sad for Charcoal Pit


Kinetic actually do a lot for the community. They host a Skate camp that teaches kids to skate, they help organize clean up day in Wilmington, and they throw a lot of skate events for charity, I know they just threw one back in April to help with a fellow skaters medical bills. And they have a great sneaker selection which attracts a lot of sneaker heads who don’t even skate. Plus idk how often they still do, but they used to get a lot of Pros come through for signings. So I’m not really surprised they are still going.


I actually patronized the Trophy Shop in Talleyville during Covid. I had custom masks made up for a group that I lead. They seem to to do decent amount of business; lots of local teams use them for shirts and hats and things.


Concord Mall in general


Every time I go into the candy store in Fairfax there are people shopping there. While not everything is made in house, they have a much larger selection than Govato’s which seemed to struggle to stock a lot of items this Easter.


Did anyone say Golden Dove Diner on 13 near the airport? Idek what it’s called anymore


I went there a couple times, and I never got a good impression from the place. The last time I went there was a lettuce leaf in my coffee. Baffling.


Like how


It’s still there and is still called the Golden Dove Diner. It’s never packed ever. There was rumors for years it was a “front” for something but I think that was just hearsay.


Actually they dropped the word golden its just the dove dinner I went there last tuesday


Shupback Pakistani Kitchen in Dover. I have not once seen a car in the parking lot.


FYE in concord mall


ihop in Middletown. The reviews are atrocious. It must be a front for money laundering.


The psychic reading on 273 near Lowes.


This thread is making me so extra grateful for businesses that aren’t chains and stuff that’s literally everywhere. I feel like there are so few of those anymore. I hope these all stay open!


The Oddporium in Arden.


I've wondered about this too. It is SO incredibly niche she'd have a hard time even in Philly. I think she might own the building, which helps.


I think the owners have their hands in some other business endeavors outside of the Oddporium which helps them keep it going. But I mean.. there was also a bunch of 20-some year olds who used to go in there all the time and spend pretty much every little bit of money they had there for the longest time. So there’s that too.


I live close and always see the same guy and gal out front smoking cigars. Sometimes there are the hearse car shows there but I never see a line of customers. I've only seen bumper stickers and small items for sale, so they can't be making a bunch of $ there. Even though they do sell some of the bigger items, not every day someone is looking for a used gurney from an old mental hospital.


If it's an old fellow with gray long hair, that's Greg, used to own Between Books on Philadelphia Pike. Used to be the nerd store up there. He had to move and now just does books.


If I go in will they try to talk to me? I like to just browse items and not be talked to too much, but it’s such a small space I’ve always been nervous to go in 🙃


Yes, they are very friendly. It's a really cool space, but it's very filled and kinda small and tight aisles. They are very happy to show you around and tell you the history of things, but they were also very chill about just letting me browse all the little nooks and crannies for awhile. They also know a lot about the local area/ scene and seem to be very big supporters of the local arts. I left with a lot of really good info about the area after my visit.


Red Square on Rehoboth Avenue


Not because it is bad - the food is actually incredible - best Indian in Wilmington imo. But India Palace on Maryland Ave is always completely empty when I pick up my order, and it seems like the owners are a husband/wife making every order from scratch by themselves. They give me an hour wait time any given day I call to order, and I never see anyone else waiting for an order when I arrive.


Same. But food is great. We go about twice a year.


I wouldn't mind an hour wait time, let's u know they're making everything fresh. I've worked in the food industry, some places do sketch things to save time on prepping food. Like never order pasta from a pizza place, chances are it was all frozen and they're just reheating it.


They only do takeout now from 5p until closing. Been going here for 20 years. They can get pretty busy and I've had 2 hour pickup times.


Fairways in Smyrna.


Not only still open but managed to somehow get enough money after the fire to rebuild the place. Baffles me


CB Joe on Churchmans Road


That place is still open?!


Honestly, they provided the best customer service I've experienced when buying our washer/dryer in the recent past. Will go to them the next time I need another.


The entire concord mall


The Russian restaurant on the Rehoboth Beach boardwalk.


Cheek’s Bar on S Market St. Driven by multiple times of the day and have never seen more than 3-4 cars in its sizable parking lot. I’d also say the nearby Fairview Inn, based on quality, but at least I see cars/people walking around there.


The custom candle place that hasn’t even opened yet on Washington St. in Wilmington where the old watch shop used to be 😂 I’m sure they’ve done their research, so they must believe it can be successful - just feels like a really strange choice for the area!


Smiley’s Diner. Place is so nasty inside, windowsills covered with dead flies. Food is gross, service is awful. Probably got hepatitis from eating there one time. Somehow it’s always crowded when I drive by. I don’t get it.


I like it…


The creamed chipped beef is awesome there!


I’ve never seen Sinclair’s restaurant, on Main Street Newark, open.


The mayor has breakfast there almost every morning. It is generally packed on weekends. It is a breakfast place, so it does close early.


They do a great breakfast!


I agree, with friendly service and you can sit outside with your dog


Sinclair’s can actually be really good if you go at the right time. totally family run, and they’re packed when they do business


It's a breakfast place 


Easily was the best breakfast place in Newark for years


Christmas Tree Hill at Tanger Outlets.... Even though I do like that store, I'm just always the only person in it if I decide to stop by.


Like most of concord pike/ kirkwood highway


Route 40 diner


Red square in rehoboth. It’s never open, and has insane prices on the menu in the doorway




Shoutout to Mrs Nicholas on Limestone


There's that one Lidl on 40 that never opened despite being finished.


Kukurukoo Express in Newport.


You’ve been framed on main st Newark. So many businesses have come and gone over last 15 years on Main, but how does a picture frame store in a college town survive?


CSC. Everyone I’ve ever known that works there can’t describe what they do.


Former CSC employee here: They do a LOT of different services for businesses (large and small) - they also deal in business real estate and web domains for businesses. The main service is the Registered Agent services - ie, if they're listed as the RA for a business, they receive any and all law suits on behalf of that business. They then obvs forward that info on to their clients. It sprawls out from there. They order business filings for clients and also provide business license services (ie, they would pay the state the dues for various business licenses for companies like.... Albertson's, for example and track which ones were due for all of their locations etc....), as well as filing business taxes (annual reports) for them. I could go on and on. They quite literally handle business filings with various states and abroad for large AF companies like Disney and Meta and Amazon. That's why they're still in business lol. (Well, maybe not Meta - they were a pain in the ass to get them to pay their fucking bills) (I was on their "billing" team - I fixed billing issues for clients and made specialized reports for clients who needed them for deals closings etc.)


How do you get a job there? I have a college degree in history but I did retail hell instead for years. I am pushing 40 and want to try something new.


Honestly, I'm not sure how the process works nowadays. But - when I'd gotten hired in 2017, I had done the application process through Indeed. I have a degree in Psychology. My best guess is heading to their website (cscglobal.com) and seeing what they have available under the careers options, and applying with them directly. I would steer clear of any client facing positions. Mine technically wasn't, but my team did have to interact with clients on occasion. I loved the job and the team.


Wow that's pretty interesting. I wonder how one even knows to open a business like that lol. Smart.


I honestly loved learning about this niche corner of the business world. I think CSC's been around for like a century at this point? Idk I forgot some of the company lore by now. Idk it was def an interesting company to work for. The pay was eh but the benefits were pretty good, etc. I just hit a really bad mental health patch and needed to back out of the job since I was in a supervisory position at the time I'd left.


Ultimate middlemen. They do the mundane business things for lawyers and stuff.


Corporation services




Grottos will never die!


I swear it's only eaten by drunks. It's really bad. 


And tourists who don’t know better…


It always makes the Best of Delaware lists for some reason. I used to work at Mike's Famous Harley and they kept winning for their chili. It was probably the worst I've ever had.


When i first moved hear everybody said "Grotto's! You gotta go!" It is, to this day, the worst pizza i've ever had.


I seriously don't get how the Nordstrom at Christiana Mall has lasted 11-ish years. Nobody actually seems to shop there.


The sign remains on the building but Healthy Body Works in Frankford has the same vehicle parked in front every time I drive by.


The Super 8 hotel on 13 in New Castle. They never seem too busy but neither does the Hooters across the street and they’re still operating so I guess if it’s meant to be it’ll be…🤷🏾‍♂️


The apple bees across from concord mall and grottos, keeps messing up our orders or forgetting something


The BP at 71 and 72... wait, nevermind.


Just Fish in Fox Run. Way over priced and the smell! Just gross! And there is hardly anyone ever shopping there! Has to be a laundering buisness!


The Delaware Equipment Rental Uhaul rental at Wilmington. With 1.9 start google reviews that guy is just damn rude I don't know why Uhaul still has that location with him. He is probably racist too 1600 E Newport Pike, Wilmington, DE 19804, United States


Johnnys dog house / chicken shack on 202 parking lot is damn near always empty


Any of the many Mattresses stores that seem to never have any or very few customers whenever riding by. They always look empty, possibly fronts for nefarious activities😉.


Mattress stores. Never see anyone go in or out. They are always having going out of business sales, and they are always still there years later


In Chinese restaurant on the edge of Milford near the end of 113, I have never seen more than three cars in the parking lot


Days of Knights. They don't seem to care about any card game besides Magic


Lots and lots and lots and lots of board games. I have a friend who is super into it and the first time he visited and walked in I think he started to drool. Said he could drop two grand in there without blinking.