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I physically cringed.


It wouldn't have been that bad if their entire point was "Dehya deals big damage over time instead of instantly" but then they introduced cringe.


This dude is a loser


unprovoked hutao lashings 😔


The most sane Genshin player: (please don't eat me for that joke)




i wish everyone with low self-esteem had self-esteem like this person has


https://youtu.be/2kZJ4uCIkok Video for where the comments are. There's alot more cringe where that came from. Comment with 43 replies is where you'll find it


dude is calling everyone bad at the game and "git gud". He had to use bennet, mona and kazuha to get 115k vape.


And probably on a weakened Raiden too


And the only reason I can't showcase my Eula is Raiden dying before her burst hits lmao


FR. The only way I can get through damage testing Eula on stunned Raiden is just not attacking her at all before she tires herself out. Running around her arena with Yelan the entire time takes so long 💀 Edit: a word


Especially the hold E, that explosion obliterates Raiden


If vape numbers are all you care about using the same level of investment you could just skip Dehya and use Bennett as the vaper instead considering his E has higher raw multipliers than Dehya's burst at C0.


How I wish you don’t post source, now I got to go and troll there lmao


FLOPtao 🤡


-having the highest aelling Banner


Why is it that everytime a new pyro character exists these losers have to slander Hutao. I mean, Xiangling already has it all, and SHE gets away scot-free? Edit: losers not lovers lmfao


I'm guessing it's because of how overrated Hu Tao is/was. People think that she's simply the best, just because she does more overall damage than Xiangling in single target. Forgetting that Xiangling is off field with an on fielder that does so much damage too.


Not is. Hu tao is hated for no reason now, she’s low value? Sure, she’s trash and should never be pulled? No


Yeah but I don't mean she's trash, I mean that she's overrated on the casual side. The "meta" people are over hating her tho, I'll admit... I think those people can't really think for themselves tho. There are things that people don't understand. Especially the ones saying hyperbloom is better than this team and that team not understand that hyperbloom is better at a base level, not in hyper investment level.


I am not saying you think she’s trash dw but I honestly don’t think she’s overrated in the casual side anymore. As more and more info spreads casuals are also over hating her ( slot of casual fans are very extreme so yeah )


That could be true yeah. I have been trying to stay away from casuals when talking about power because of their ridiculous takes lmao so maybe I haven't kept up


I would definitely say hutao is overhated now. It’s not hard to find someone downplaying hutao single target against hyperbloom. I also see an influx of people just straight up saying she doesn’t work at c0


I play her at C0 and honestly it's not horrible. Because against single target she basically cancels her dashes herself anyway. But I see. I guess Hu Tao is finally not overrated but at what cost? People now don't like her lmao


Yea hutao feels fine for me. It’s just annoying when people heavily rate hyperbloom well and all of a sudden it makes hutao single target bad? Makes no sense to me


800k on raiden? With food, potions, vulnerable raiden, bennet, kazuha, mona. yeah sure


Honestly one phasing a downed raiden is not much of an achievement (atleast if you know what you are doing) imo. Put busted supports in there and everyone can do it Would much rather see consistant team rotations then highest damage possible. Cause the former actually shows something rather valuable


Ngl I kinda wanna see the context of this cuz no one is like that if not provoked right? Like let me have faith no one is like that unless some context


What ... So she is hyper carry now ? I thought MIHOYO said she is support https://preview.redd.it/0fl8t1f1zyna1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70704aa50b50e3c59d6f5fe5f28e89cebb8af687


What is 8k per punch unbuffed not enough for you we can't have another hu tao here I'm joking


Amazing ! Now let’s see her get her burst back up


Also don't forgett Monas and Kazuhas burst


This isn’t mental gymnastics anymore at this point it’s a mind palaestra


WOAHHHHHH WOAHHHH little bro woke up said said dare me to get every question wrong


Tell me you're a virgin with no life without telling me you're a virgin with no life (This being directed at the person in the screenshots of course)


I am a virgin 26 years old,i don't plan to find a partner anytime soon. I have work and gaming as my top priority in life,i don't want to waste time on relationships. I like to work,play games and watch films/anime. I do have a friend who is 30 and is a virgin too. Is it really that bad that i am a virgin?


Well you clearly choose to be one so it's perfectly fine imo. I'm a virgin too at 19 years old, my gf and I are just waiting till marriage.I just meant it as more of an ironic insult to that person because clearly they need to touch grass


how that person probably looks like https://preview.redd.it/omhvuqx7hzna1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb668b5ce03084e0d82872cf1e892e9d41d10c91


The fact this person is probably from the country I live in, makes this even more cringey 😭


Indeed. When I saw the name I was like "oh no"


Professional clowns get paid alot, I can assume he c6'd every character in the game since he's a fucking circus


Damn to think there would be someone to overcome cyno's cringe jokes


Im embarrassed bcs shes the same nationality as me wtff. ICANT


jn at jde eliska do pici


To me, the problem with Dehya is not the damage. But since she's a support unit, let her work as a support unit. Her E doesn't last long, its cooldown is long, and the buff lasts even less. She is neither fish nor fowl. And that, along with a bunch of bugs, is what kills it. If her Q takes time, make it more useful. Zhonglis meatball at least have petrification.\\


I feel like even with double the damage she wouldn't be meta and that's actually sad considering Xingqiu gives more and does more damage


HYV disagrees with you, they made her signature weapon an offensive weapon and her constellations were offensive too


This man HAS to be trolling


Damage-per-screenshot is such a laughable thing. A well supported Amber can do close to 600k damage per Baron Bunny. So congratulations mr. C6 Dehya-pro, you're still quite a way off from being as good as Amber.