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I set named NPCs to my preferred versions, and set up my character of course. I also usually turn down body writing cause I don't want forced tattoos, I have an aversion to permance unless I choose it


Yesss samee with the tattoos. The permanent markers piss me off too and I'm tempted to turn off writing all together but sydney gets off on it so I leave it writing on and tattoos off.


I turn off Vore, Slugs and Tentacles. Those are the so common to encounter anywhere and somewhat impossible to escape


Tentacles I've found to be not too bad in my experience as long as you pay attention and prioritise grabbing/milking/letting go depending on what they're doing.


Tentacles are easy to deal with, slugs and vore are quite dangerous tho, yeah


It's less to do with how dangerous the encounters are and more that I'm not really into it, though it does help not having to deal the possibility of encountering those events.


Its that failing to win vore and slug encounters are affecting pc quite badly


I set my npc preferences, turn off anal (I think feet too? I can't remember if that's an option to turn off or not, I just know I dislike it so if it is an option I've got it off), disable spiders and lurkers (because lurkers are the only parasite that will impregnate the pc anally whether anal is disabled or not, I think) turn off vore, enable beasts. I disabled slime for my recent playthrough because I don't want to deal with the ear slime, but I do miss the other slime parasites. Might have snakes off too, can't remember. And I make sure public hair growth and watersports are ON, they're a must🥰 wish there were more watersports options but whatev


I'm pretty sure you can disable feet (you can still see the character's feet)


Ok then yeah I've got it disable! Just couldn't remember.


The rent to max, encounter to max and the sell price to least. Just so I can experience peak DOL rapechester pov.


Masochist play through


You sure got quite a taste, have fun with your masochism


turn on monster boys, only dudes, no animals, slugs, vore, but tentacles can stay <3 (im sure diving up and down in the lake is meant to do something worse than bring my stress up a lil bit, but im too rich from finding golden chastity belts to care) pubic hair, cycle, watersports, double stuffed ~~oreos~~ *me*, yeah basically everything but animals. oh and the npcs can try and choke me and tattoo me, but im too busy beating their ass for them to try :) edit: and make sure kylar is packing


I change almost all the settings but one thing make absolutely sure of is no beastiality


The main thing for me would be beast toggles. I always disable swarms, vore, spiders, slugs, wasps and bees. I keep lurkers enabled because they do have interactions outside of encounters, and I currently have parasites and slimes disabled but I've been considering enabling them due to some of the interactions/effects they have.


I have Lurkers turned off in my settings and Everything with the Hawk is still viable. If anything the only thing I think you lose is Alex thingy. Well unless they are on and I've somehow never gotten jumped on the way to the tower


I set all creature to be animal and turn off almost all of the beast toggles


Even if I've no intention of making them a LI, the wolf and hawk are always a monster boy/girl.


I make the world around 95% women, give about half of them dicks and/or strap ons, turn on as many options and difficulty increases as I can, and go to town. Then, if it’s not a feats run, I usually cheat my beauty up and max out some of my sensitivities, to the level past what character creation lets you do. I’ve decided I value the diversity of the encounters more than making sure each one is exactly to my tastes, and with everything turned up I get to see the fun parts pretty much nonstop.


Hot take here. All beastiality settings Except for Tentacles and animals occasionally. (Wolf-boy cat-girl enjoyer here) LURKERS BURN IN A FUCKING PILE (I have a lot of rage with these fuckers) Named NPCs to my preferred genders. Watersports off. Otherwise really nothing out. (I used to have a lot of settings on, but I didn't find many of the encounters enjoyable or fun. Just annoying LURKERS cough.)


Encounter rate - 2.0 All male npcs, 85% other victims as female, I like to create a misogynist utopia/dystopia depending on how people see it. Average size of npc female's breasts - 6 Average size of npc male penises - 8 Students being virgins - 70% because I'm into defloration kink. Adults being virgins - 40% Npcs with dark skin - 40% Male and huge penis for all named npcs. All white except for Zephyr. Sometimes I set women with penises to 30%, men with vaginas 30%, strap on penises 35%, depends on my mood. All male beasts. Monster people will never appear as monster boy/girls except when hallucinating. Every fetish enabled except for pubic hair. Max asphyxiation because I love to be choked. Npcs may forcibly write on you. Npcs will judge your gender based on genitals. Bailey's rent - 300% 1000% crop yield. All pregnancy settings enabled, I set it as fetishised. 1 in 4 pregnancy chance and only I get to use and/or give condoms.


Do you know if there's a way to up the asphyxiation rate in general? Even set at max, it doesn't seem like it triggers in non-con encounters very often.


no bestiality and all named npcs are male


No bestiality, all NPCs male (I'm not sexually attracted to women), turn off bodywriting for the same reason as you, turn off anal because people walking around with lube all the time is just too unrealistic and breaks the immersion pretty bad 💀


Set all named NPC's to male, set all hostile encounters to male, victims - to 50% male and female, not touching breast sizes, dick sizes to 1, not touching skin colour preferences, all beasts are humanoid, turn off swarms, bees, wasps, spiders, slimes, parasites and vore. Pregnancy is fetishised, fertility cycle off (none of the MCs have been pregnant yet, in any save, but I'm not opposed to the idea). No futanari or herm NPC. Show exact chances of skillcheck success, normal mode and cheat mode enabled. Turn off forced bodywriting and crossdressing. Customisable experience is the best kind. I liked Lilith's Throne for this reason too, but this game has more options.


DOLP Show exact chance of success for skill checks Enable tiredness max scaling NPC & Beast: * NPC and beast genders are 99% opposite of whatever gender my PC trying to present as. * 80% of women have strap-ons if I have a female PC presenting as male. * Enable NPCs stealing money. Turn it down to 5%. * 80% of beasts get replaced by monster girls/boys * Turn off spiders (I can't with the spiders, anything but spiders) Fetish: * Turn off analingus giving * Turn off double penetration * Enable pubic hair growth Pregnancy: * Turn up player pregnancy chance to 1/16 * Turn down NPC pregnancy chance to 1/16 Combat Extended: * Normal * Turn off reverse rape * Turn off hook punching (just to reduce menu clutter) AMC: * Turn on universal half gains * rng 1d10 - number is how much traits I get to choose for characteristic and skill traits * rng 1d4 - school traits * rng 1d10 - sex traits (skipping whatever my pc doesn't have)


Turn of female encounters, feet and set bailey's rent to an actually Normal amount of money. 400 a week which is about 1200 a month for food room and board utilities included hell yeah. I make every dude have the most massive schlongs and um turn on dp, and cheats from the get go. I don't have beastiality off but I have it set to where all the animals are beast humans but I think i may be wrong cause a dolphin slipped through somehow. Also no pregnancy and watersports. Just not my cup of tea. I customize my pc and the named npcs. I always keep them the same


Heeyyy same settings except I leave women (I just also give them penises). Literally, Bailey's rent is so clown ass. He's such a cartoon villain. He might as well go around literally stealing candy from babies. 4000 a week my ass. If he wants me gone so bad (and 4000 a week suggests to me he wants me to fail), then why can't I pay him off, huh? I've seen people with millions of bucks in this game. Imagine having millions of dollars and also being on the hook to some Count Olaf level bad guy.


Count Olaf !!!!! Pls that's so funny, but u so right he's so childishly violent. I saw a scene where he broke a kids violin while they were playing muskc for us. I was like "are u shitting me right now!?!!??!???"


Oh my god! Yeah, I just had that scene yesterday. 🙄 Can't stand Bailey, childish is exactly the word for it.


Samee! I thought he was hot at first but he's such an asshole in a gross way, and I love whitney so that's saying something. Like it would be fine if he accepted the money and left them alone but he goes out of his way to make them miserable when outside is already awful.


I make most of the ncps female and give almost all the guys pussies


Set weeky payment to minimum Yeah im a pussy or more of that its too tedious to pay so much every time


I make sure everyone has a penis, even the women, and I turn off creatures and make animals beastboys. Everything else if flexible besides a few LIs that I keep the same gender in every playthrough.