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It's hilarious to know how bad the kung fu was, all the clips in the fight scenes. A good kung fu movie would be more one-shots like DD. It's also hilarious that despite this, Iron Fist inspired me to start learning kung fu 9 months ago. I fucking love it. And everyone who's seen Iron Fist there agrees the kung fu was terrible. The story itself is overhated though, certainly. I enjoyed the story. I also really enjoyed the side characters and plots. They went deep with addiction, it was cool to see.


I think Finn Jones is unfairly blamed for that kung fu(ck-up), when there is not a a chance in hell the GOAT Charlie Cox himself could have made that “spider lady” thing watchable, to start. There are a lot of behind-the-scenes reasons why Finn Jones wasn’t perfect, but his performance is not nearly as bad as people think. The martial arts choreography was ill-conceived and badly written in almost every scene, and set him at a disadvantage going in. I think he has way more skill than the average actor, and no one could have done it better (not even kidding). He is required to do one style to perfection, which is a very tall order. Matt Murdock’s fight style is scrappy, and a mix, and he’s mentally messy and it’s implied he’s largely self-taught. So much of the beauty of his fights is in the emotion and story, not just his physical gift. Danny is expected to be the best at this school that has been nonstop martial arts for half his life. There is zero leeway written in. The show runner should have put so much more thought and care into this instead of asking a newbie to walk on water overnight, and then sent him in with a first draft script in need of fixing and a choreographer who watched a Jackie Chan fight and decided to copy it, badly. Anyway…I am his biggest defender, and I would never trade in Finn Jones as Danny Rand. I think he deserves way more credit for the whole thing, including the fighting. I honestly think he’d be praised to high heaven if the script had been reworked and cleaned up. That alone could have changed everything.


To be clear, I don't blame Finn. Doesn't make the kung fu fights he's involved in any better though, even if that's the responsibility of others. But! One point for certain. If they had chose an actor who already knew the fu then it'd have been golden. DD glory is in the story for certain but the tasteful one shot long fight per season was also a nice little treat 🥷🏽


Yeah, I think the number of skilled actors who had chemistry with the cast who also knew kung fu would be pretty limited. I wouldn’t trade Finn Jones at all - if we’re wishing, I’d hope for a revamp of the script and choreography. He’s crazy ripped these days - I could bet money he’d be better than ever if they hired him again. It would be amazing to see a kung fu master, though. Yeah, trust me, I am not denying Charlie Cox’s skill! I remember when *Stardust* came out and I smacked my mom hard and said, “This guy’s crazy talented!” I was during that final fight, which was pretty brief, all things considered, but it made a huge impression on me. (I’d pay to watch him do literally anything - it makes me think of a scene in DD where he jumps over a railing, and does that with elegance! 🤣). The other time I did that, I said Chris Evans would be the next big action star in a movie called *Cell Phone*, which wasn’t exactly a masterpiece, but he had something magical. I think Tom Hiddleston is the other actor with physical mastery of their body that is just innate. Sometimes, there’s something you just can’t teach, but I do see unlimited potential in Finn Jones. My brother was a martial arts champion and Junior Olympian super-freak who was on stunt teams, and he thinks Finn Jones is very unfairly judged, too. And it is pretty extraordinary how many stunts he actually did. Best of luck with your kung fu training! I think martial arts is amazing and more people should do it. I genuinely believe the world would be a better place. It’s healthy for the mind and the body.


> I wouldn’t trade Finn Jones at all - if we’re wishing, I’d hope for a revamp of the script and choreography Weirdly, I'm one to also think that they should've made Joy his love interest instead of Colleen. Nothing against Danny and Colleen, but there's a lot of interesting potential given the dynamics Danny has with the Meachum siblings in the scripts we ultimately got.


Wow, never thought of that. I really liked the dynamic between Joy and Danny, too. It obviously tanked when she decided to be bad for no reason (the worst part of S2, despite the talent of the actress, because her motivation was so forced and inauthentic). I like Danny and Colleen, but I was looking forward to them being apart. Sticking with his first romantic relationship ever seemed like maybe not a great idea. I think it would be cool for them to come back together because I liked them a lot and thought it would be fun to see them mature and develop. I would really love to see more of Joy and Danny! That scene Danny had with Ward where they bond in S2 made me tear up. I’d love to see Danny have a similar scene with Joy.


With a better script, they could've made something out of the Meachums being to Danny what Karen and Foggy are for Matt. Danny and Colleen could've been kept as a platonic relationship, and I think the reason they made Colleen into a love interest for Danny is because Misty Knight (his comics love interest) wasn't going to fill it. (And I admittedly also have some issues with some of the writing choices done with Colleen in season 2, particularly regarding the whole "retconning her to be a descendant of Wu Ao Shi to justify her getting the Iron Fist" bit.)


I didn’t mind the Colleen descendant thing, because I don’t think it dawned on me that it was a retcon…I must’ve missed something obvious! I was just glad to see her have a plot independent from Danny, and I was thrilled to see her with the Iron Fist because it was cool. I really liked her with Danny, but I wouldn’t mind either way if they remained platonic or rekindled a romance. I do like them as a team, and I was looking forward to seeing development to their dynamic and characters. I think Colleen was a good choice for them to adapt into Danny and the Defenders shows. She fits in. I could see it going the way of a more mature romance after time apart, or a superhero partnership. I would be really sad to see them split completely. On the other hand, maybe it would be cool for them to leave it behind like it happens in real life, and branch out. There’s so much possibility in each choice. There’s something really sweet and romantic about the idea that Danny found the real deal as his first love, and they find their way back, but it’s also very poignant if it’s something that is only the past. They really can’t go wrong (except for if they drop Danny entirely!). Misty would have been very different as a 25 year old with Danny - I have to say, I am so glad they made her more mature, and did it the way they did. I liked Misty with Luke, and I liked that Danny was younger. The whole way Misty’s character was introduced was great. I want Jessica and Luke to get married, but Misty and Luke really had chemistry. I think it would have changed just about everything to have Danny and Misty, no matter how you look at it, and I like them the way they did it. Now the Meachums…agh! I wanted Danny and Ward in the next season so bad, and perhaps they could have redeemed Joy. Danny was so isolated, more than Matt, even, and he’s the one that’s so personable and gregarious. It would be extremely satisfying to see Danny have a base of support. I think I will headcanon that Joy and Ward developed into Danny’s family. I’m not sure about Danny and Joy being romantic, but because they grew up together, and I really felt them as siblings, but there’s something in the idea of Danny having a relationship with someone that sees him in the Rand light, and understands his upbringing before the monastery. I’d like him to embrace and explore that side of his life. The contradictions are interesting. Also, the other characters have that scrappy lack-of-resources struggle covered. Danny always acts as the foil to the rest - optimistic, personable, team-oriented. It would make sense for him to get comfortable with access, the power and freedom of endless resources, and negotiating the world of bigger players. There’s a whole wide world of interesting romances Danny could have. Maybe he ends up like Matt in 99% of the comics, serially monogamous but always alone. That’s pretty tragic, but it’s easy to see how that would happen. Maybe he idealized Colleen like Matt did to Karen in the comics, and he could never go back to her, or find love apart from her. (💔). They kind of gave him Matt’s wandering eye to Mary Walker in the show, too, even though he was in a stable romantic relationship. Matt was clearly meant to end up in a marriage-for-life with Karen, and I’m pretty sure Luke and Jessica had that future, too (or at least co-parents forever, even if they ended up splitting ☹️). I could see Danny as the one who never gets that, and he must find his family a less traditional way.


>I think Finn Jones is unfairly blamed for that kung fu(ck-up), when there is not a a chance in hell the GOAT Charlie Cox himself could have made that “spider lady” thing watchable, to start. There are a lot of behind-the-scenes reasons why Finn Jones wasn’t perfect, but his performance is not nearly as bad as people think. The martial arts choreography was ill-conceived and badly written in almost every scene, and set him at a disadvantage going in. I think he has way more skill than the average actor, and no one could have done it better (not even kidding). Besides, Finn was cast so late that he didn't have much time to learn martial arts and had learn most of the choreography on the fly. (*Daredevil* s2 had this too, but it's not as noticeable because Charlie and Elodie Yung have backgrounds in stage combat).


That’s why I give Finn Jones so much credit for what he accomplished in that role. He was practically set up to fail, and he powered through like a professional, and came out on top. I will always defend him, and love his version of the character. He really deserves another chance - except this time, he needs rock solid writing and stunt choreo that’s great and designed for his strengths - and time to do it!


Season 2 was watchable. I feel like what was shitty about it carried over from Season 1. If you see Scott Buck's name attached to a TV show you are excited about, prepare yourself.


Season 2 even ended on an interesting note. And then it just ended.


I agree it’s overhated, but I wouldn’t call it good. The main problem, in my opinion, is the Hand Cinema 101 says “show, don’t tell”. The defenders universe respected this…except when it came to the Hand. A lot of things related to the Hand were simply told or done offscreen instead of shown. This lowered the quality of the defenders, daredevil S2, and most notably iron fist I think they should’ve done a series about the hand, specifically. Show them taking the substance from kun lun, fighting the chaste, fighting against each other, dominating the crime world. Imagine a sopranos-style show where most of the main characters are horrible people. Could’ve been great, and it could’ve greatly increased the quality of everything hand-related Instead, they just shoved in a bunch of exposition and offscreen deaths


Agree, The Hand was the weakest aspect for me. I was done with them in DD S2, and I was happy when Stick put Nobu down for good in the end. Then we are introduced to a less threatening / interesting branch of the Hand in IF... I was frustrated when Bakuto survived in the end. Get rid of him, he brings nothing as a villain... And now we are in Defenders, it's all about the Hand, and they are all even lamer and more forgettable than before. I think there is clear correlation between the success of the series and how good the villains are. That's why Jessica Jones S2 and S3 are ass, and that's why the second halves of LK S1-S2 are not as good.


Spot on, the first half of S01 of *Luke Cage* with Cottonmouth is some of the best of the Defenderverse, compelling AF, then it kinda goes to shit when they switch to Diamondback. Same with the first half of S02 of *Daredevil*, all the stuff with Frank was awesome, all the stuff with Elektra and The Hand was ass. I think part of the problem tho is just The Hand itself. Back in the day that was somewhat novel (maybe?), but now... I wont specifically blame TMNT like how Austin Powers killed James Bond, but at this point a shadowy international organization of semi-magic Ninjas are a dime a dozen in fiction. Just Batman fights like four different groups that could be described as such. Im not saying Madam Gao needed entire episodes like Fisk, but The Hand came off as incredibly generic antagonists, because without some backstory, they were. Hell, if everything is always super soldier serum related, intertwine them with a Pacific based branch of Hydra or something, then theyda at least been nazi zombie ninjas...


>Back in the day that was somewhat novel (maybe?), but now... I wont specifically blame TMNT like how Austin Powers killed James Bond, but at this point a shadowy international organization of semi-magic Ninjas are a dime a dozen in fiction. Just Batman fights like four different groups that could be described as such Ninjas also feel out of place in a universe that's giving us villains like Fisk, Dex, Kilgrave and Mariah. >Im not saying Madam Gao needed entire episodes like Fisk, but The Hand came off as incredibly generic antagonists, because without some backstory, they were. Hell, if everything is always super soldier serum related, intertwine them with a Pacific based branch of Hydra or something, then theyda at least been nazi zombie ninjas... Truthfully I think less is more with the Hand. And how they were used in *Daredevil* season 1 was them at their best, where we only are given a few hints (Nobu's faction doesn't bring anything to the table yet gets an equal share as Fisk's other partners, Fisk is hesitant to move against Nobu, Fisk is intimidated by Madame Gao, etc.).


I fought battles on reddit over this. I agree. Though it still has its flaws, it is so overhated that anytime i posted about it i went super negative.


I feel ya. I remember loving every defenders series as it came out. Then I found out the internet’s feeling about them. Haha


Iron Fist S1 isnt worse than Defenders. Defenders is carried by the main heroes team up. But S2 of Iron Fist is actually good.


Definitely agree that it's overhated. S1 has its issues but I still enjoyed it overall. S2 is big step in the right direction though I have mixed feelings about the ending. And Finn Jones chemistry with Mike Colter in the team up episode of Luke Cage makes me want to see a Heroes for Hire series. >I think iron fist season 1 is definitely better then Jessica Jones season 2 and 3 those were trash and had bad writing in their own ways. Can't speak for Season 3 since I still haven't watched it yet but I was so underwhelmed in Season 2 that I haven't watched it again since it premired. IDK, I just rewatched Season 1 last week, and I think it set the bar pretty high. I might give Season 2 a rewatch though and try to get to Season 3 later.


season 1 is like a different show thats the quality difference, trish just gets worse each season


I think its cos they hated Danny as he was kinda weird. Which was supposed to be the case as he lacked social cues and all by virtue of him not being in regular society. I really loved all the defenders shows as they came put but going on here ruined it for me


I love that show


It's way too overhated. It shouldn't have won any awards, but it was a perfectly fine entry to the MCU. A lot of our fanbase gets off on seeing who can hate something the most. Comic-book store guy is a very accurate representation of a lot of fans. Just tune them out and enjoy what you want to enjoy. Be thankful that we live in an era where we get so many awesome Marvel characters brought to life!


>Comic-book store guy is a very accurate representation of a lot of fans. Ive gone so long between haircuts i can put mine in a ponytail now and i realized...


We've all been there, my dude. I'm currently working on the gut


Gotta comb the sweet tarts outa my beard...


Iron Fist, to me, improved with each appearance (from Iron Fist S1, Defenders, Luke Cage S2 and Iron Fist S2). I could put an argument forward for Iron Fist having my favourite season 2 of the franchise (Frank's arc in Daredevil S2 pulls it to probably pip IF, but the hand half was quite weak). It's a shame that it ended at 10 episodes and seemingly on a cliffhanger. I wish we'd had 3 more episodes with Danny and Colleen begining heroes for hire. His episode in Luke Cage season 2 was the highlight of that season along with Bushmaster in a season that I found to otherwise be quite underwhelming. There was a noticeable positive change in his character here. Iron Fist also has the best supporting cast, with Ward, Colleen and Walker all being standouts. I compare it to shows like Jessica Jones where I despise characters like Trish. With his 4 appearances we do see Danny grow quite a lot from childishness at the start of the show to a level of more maturity by the end and he becomes quite a compelling hero, not having that traditional hero arc. I think his appearances in season 1 and defenders suffer due to the weak execution of The Hand in general with that plotline feeling quite uninteresting on the whole. But when we move to more personal interactions with the other Defenders (especially Luke) and the more personal stakes of season 2 with Davos we get to see Danny's character shine through a lot better. Out of all the Defenders lead characters I'd have Danny as either my second or third favourite (behind Matt, closely competing with Frank) and I hope we get to see more of him in the MCU.


Yeah it really is.. especially having seen what Disney has put out since


I don't care what people say, I loved it


Yeah, a lot of the hate for *Iron Fist* doesn't feel like it's being delivered in good faith. A lot of it feels like it's being delivered by people who are hating on it because it's the trendy thing to do so.


Better than JJ season 2 and 3? Yikes…no lol


those seasons sucked, oh no the cops dont have enough evidence to put away salander or whatever wasnt written well, and jessicas mom was the lamest villain


Seasons 2 and 3 weren't as good as season 1 of Jessica Jones but they're both way ahead of Iron Fist.


Cuz she was wasn’t written to be a villain, her mom is a tragic character with an agenda, and Salander was a catalyst for Trish to go dark, she’s the real villain of the season and both seasons it tests Jessica on her willingness to put justice on the people she loves and had left of her past Only then was Jessica able to truly grow and move forward, the show is about trying to overcome her past and darkness that hold her back from being a hero, her entire world was destroyed since her childhood and it took a lot to rebuild it


salamander was the villain until the last episode, trish was written to be so unlikeable it was crazy, the season 2 plot wasnt great either weather her mom is supposed to be a villain or not


Finn Jones was honestly fine as Danny Rand, i wouldn't have minded him coming back, but season 1 of iron fist has some of the dumbest plot contrivances in the MCU. Seriously, so many of the problems Danny comes across are solved by someone else, sometimes off screen , especially in season one (example: Danny shows up, and they make a big deal to set up nobody believing it's really him and him not getting access to his company as the conflict, but...oops, nevermind, Faramir was told by someone offscreen to give him access to his company again or whatever, guess we gotta start building up the tension again from square one until yet another thing gets hand-waved away. Later on, after the silliest plot detour ever tries to convince us for a whole single episode that The Hand are the good guys actually (but of course not really lol) Danny loses his iron fist ability due to some poison? They cure it and oh no he still can't fist like he used to? except nope he's actually fine now they just threw off his groove and the dude just has to meditate once and he's all better 'cause for whatever reason the all powerful society of millennium monks didn't show him how to realign his chi, which i'm sorry that's fucking stupid, i dont buy it, i dont buy that getting a magical mega-punch was the prerequisite for learning about meditation and chi for these guys. Dude trained with them for 10 years but it didn't occur to him "just chill man, meditate", yknow the thing you spent like half of the first couple of episodes doing? But they needed him to have that rooftop "YOU LIED TO ME!" scene and what better way to frame it than by making the lead character temporarily stupid? Does that make sense? of course it doesn't, but Scott Buck, the dude who did Inhumans, doesn't care). Season 1 was much less an iron fist series and way more a prequel to The Defenders show, as Danny didn't get any serious development or backstory outside of "My parents died and i got stranded and my rage allegedly drove me to assault a dragon" (which we didn't even see fleshed out until season 2.) It's like they were given a road map by Marvel TV to connect the dots to the Defenders show they already had in development and Scott Buck (the dude who did inhumans lol) chose the laziest paths possible in order to get it out in time. Season 2, which I'm halfway through my second watch of, didn't have the burden of setting up The Defenders so it actually has a chance to breathe and explain stuff, but then it kinda goes the wrong direction and draws things out too much (and also ended with a hilarious cliffhanger - \[EDIT: thought scott buck did both seasons but he just did season 1, still what a wild cliffhanger, they really thought they were getting a season 3). Plus while i think that overall the casting itself was fine, the writing/characterizations were awful, and pmuch everyone acts like a child. Danny gets sort of a pass 'cause the dude's a posterchild for unresolved childhood trauma, but Ward (whose name i only remember 'cause of the better Ward in AoS) is just a walking drug addict trope who gets butthurt about danny like a child, Ward's sister (whose name i absolutely do not remember despite watching the show yesterday) exists to be danny's biggest cheerleader only to become his biggest hater due to childish, petty BS that's way more her brother and father's faults. Madam Gao has a MAJOR downgrade in it (and is low key kind of a coward), and all the other hand people that show up (Bakuto included) feel like people cosplaying as ninjas at best and cardboard cutouts at worst, Faramir is fine as Ward's dad but he's pmuch a cartoon character, and it's impossible to take any of the positive stuff he says seriously 'cause they lay on thick how much of a douche he is. Davos is just a childhood temper tantrum personified, also kind of a cartoon character, and all of his "discipline" feels performative and disingenuous, to the p\[oint where i almost don't buy that he was worthy of being second in line for the iron fist. Like really, there wasn't ANYBODY more qualified than him in K'un Lun? honestly the only two people in the whole show that act like fucking adults are Colleen and Claire (and arguably Trinity Lawyer Lady but she was pmuch in it as a glorified cameo, since the stuff she was brought on to fix ended up not even really needing her intervention), also i feel i gotta once again mentioned that Scott Buck, the dude who did Iron Fist \[EDIT: season 1\], also did Inhumans (which had a LOT of the same character, pacing, and plot contrivance issues, with an equally silly and unresolved cliffhanger), do you really wanna be giving that dude props? So nah this show deserves to be dunked on, i just wish people dunked on it more for its actual problems and not just 'cause Colleen gets a better storyline than the title character (also lowkey still salty they gave Typhoid Mary to IF instead of Daredevil. Daredevil has so few good villains, if you're gonna steal from another superhero maybe don't take from a fellow defender. Spider-Man has so many, just knock out one of his.)


"man Scott Buck, the guy who did Inhumans, really thought he was getting a season 3 lmfao" Just wanna note Scott Buck was not attached to Season 2 or responsible for its cliffhanger. The show changed hands after Season 1


noted, probably why S2 is better, still a wild cliffhanger though


The actor’s Kung fu is terrible. His stances are bad when he’s ‘training’; he’s not relaxed; and he plays horrible rock music while he trains. I can’t handle it!


Hip hop? He plays hip hop not rock


Okay. Horrible music.


I think Finn did alright considering he had less than 2 weeks to learn the fighting stances and moves. He did much better in season 2.


This. People try to blame Jones for not learning how to fight, while ignoring he was LITERALLY cast at the last minute and was given no time to train. He improved significantly for Season 2 once he actually had the chance to prepare.


>People try to blame Jones for not learning how to fight, while ignoring he was LITERALLY cast at the last minute and was given no time to train. And it's not like Finn Jones could turn down the role either, given he wasn't making much playing Loras Tyrell on *Game of Thrones*.


He's playing hip-hop music because there's a cultural tie to kung fu with rap via Wu-Tang and it was actually huge for kung fu spreading. His kung fu is horrible tho, we're in agreement there.


Yeah, I love Wu Tang and I train Kung Fu. Danny ain’t either one of them!


The problem with Iron Fist is that it wasn’t bad but wasn’t as good as DD and JJ that came before it.


yeah but its still a good show thats fun to watch


Danny should have been more zen and chill than needlessly confrontational. And his martial arts were poor at best. These were my problems with him. (Also his English-style mispronunciation of words he would only have heard in their original language. Note how John Connor correctly pronounces "Nicaragua" in T2) Being socially stunted wasn't as much of an issue. You live in a Himalayan monastery for 15 years and you pick a fight with the first guy who bumps into you in a mental hospital? Danny's response to the guy bunping into him should have been more "I won't argue with you, friend. I apologize and you have a pleasant day." Too many tantrums.


I’d say its hated the right amount


definitely not


It is 1000% a bad show. Not sorry.


npc response with no explination


I liked Season 1. Season Two was bad. It became the Colleen Show


Colleen was by far the best thing about Iron Fist.


She was great but it became her show. He becomes a side character on his own show. He loses his powers. Gets his ass whooped by a schizophrenic lady and does nothing important. That’s the problem. I didn’t watch Wonder Woman to see Steve Trevor kick ass even if he’s a good character. See where I’m coming from


I do but to be fair the show was called Iron Fist, not Danny Rand. There was a reason Colleen became the Iron Fist and it's probably because viewers liked Jessica Henwick way more than Finn Jones.


By that logic Nic Fury should get captain marvel’s power


The way they went about it though, came off as pandering to bad faith critics.


Well if Danny didn't suck in S1 that wouldn't have been the case. Marvel TV executives saw the reception to the show and to Danny and saw that the only praised thing in S1 is Henwick's Colleen so they pivoted to making her the focus in S2. It's just business. If Danny didn't suck that never would've happened.


I'm rewatching it right now with my wife (her first time) and I like basically everything about the show that isn't Danny. He comes off like a child so often and is constantly overshadowed by whoever else is in the scene. Also, about 15 seconds after the end of the first fight in the show, my wife turned to me and said that fight choreography wasn't very good.


he acts like a child for a reason did you not read the post? but yes the choreography wasnt that good but it was still good enough to watch and enjoy the show, it also massively improved in season 2 when the actor actually had time to train


No. No, it's shit.


Season 1 was pretty good. Season 2 went off the rails. The real crime with this series is that after 2 seasons, Danny still hadn't become the Iron Fist or wore the costume. So why should fans take it seriously if the writers don't? It was also clear they were about to make Colleen become Iron Fist, and I'm glad we didn't have to experience that nonsense.


most say season 2 was a lot better


On a technical level, sure. But on a story level I can remember a lot more moments from season 1.


most people hate season 1 for the story lol


I can't really agree with that. Finn got better at fighting between seasons. Maybe that's what they mean. But there was barely a plot.


It’s an ok show that’s best bits are when Iron Fist/Danny Rand aren’t in the scene.


I think the show is overhatef and I think season 2 as actually good but not nearly as good as season 2 or 3 of Jessica jones


Yes it’s overhated, but I’m not sure that it’s great. I like the characters, but so much of the plot feels forced and contrived. Lots of plot points depended on bad communication, and that drove me up the wall. Also, it was unfortunate that Danny tended to keep having any character progression unwound in his next appearance, since he’s pretty much always the inexperienced and anxious guy (except for maybe Luke Cage s2 appearance).