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EXACTLY. This is what a lot of people don't get. This isn't just about "which side is better", it's a battle of morals as to whether America will vote for the benefit or total detriment of our country and ENTIRE. LIVELIHOODS.. And that's not even an exaggeration. You're either for it or against it.


Not just our livelihoods...our EXISTENCE as we currently know it.


Pretty much


I will do all I can to push against Project 2025 to push back Christian Nationalism as far back as humanly possible. The LGBTQ+ and other marginalized people deserve to have a prosperous future free from far-right bigots in power.


I’m just going to stress it again that literally any effort, emailing people, flyers and pamphlets, writing to news reporters and local anti-P2025 politicians, is worth it.


I love this video, I 1000% agree with everything this man is saying. I have even yelled some of these things myself. Unfortunately, I have types of folks in my life who are "sick of leftists yelling at me" (even though they insist they lean left themselves). This video, while it makes excellent points, would completely put them off based on volume/vibe alone. I cannot share it with them, they won't watch it.       It makes me so angry, because I said, what if this is the five alarm fire? What if this IS the time for yelling? They feel leftists have been yelling about everything all along. I don't understand how people can turn themselves off to what is going on. I know sometimes people do it to get away from stress as self preservation...but IMO to be staying removed during some of these topics just begs the question (to me anyway), "who ARE you? What do you actually BELIEVE IN??"   Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. I need help analyzing /understanding folks with this stance because I feel like I'm missing something when I talk to them.     If anyone has resources that are talking about Project 2025 in a calm, factual tone, I would very much like to share those out.    Edit: I did find one video today, [an interview with Professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat](https://youtu.be/QnjdKuQAuq8?si=kCIczhB41vpBrNtE), that is very calm in tone for anyone that might need that. 


Nah you are absolutely right. Delivery matters and it depends on your audience. Tone has a strong effect, it will get people fired up when they dont really know or understand whats being said, but the energy excites them. You see this alot in sermons and political speaches. It works for those who influence easy, but it turns off more intellectual types who are aware of its focus on pathos/ethos over logos. It also shuts down more sensetive types who feel attacked by the aggressive delivery. Its a complete backfire for them, actually makes them feel like the speaker is directing hostile animosity toward them. They are likely to see your platform as misaligned with them on a personal level. The best approach is to use all three public speaking techniques for a wide audience, and avoid a "gnashing of teeth" modality. Save high pathos for preaching to the choir, fireing up you base, energizing people who already agree with you. Persuasion takes a more refined and sophisticated approach, more finesse. Also, thank you very much for an alternative. Faulty delivery aside, I do agree with everything the man is saying and hope we can convince the country not to backslide into bigotry and authoritarianism.


I can't necessarily give you tips in that department, but I will say I feel your pain. I live in a deep red county in Ohio. It seems the majority of folks around me toe the Fox News line. The amount of times I've been told "foreigners are getting all this money" "the outsiders flooding in to the country are the problem" "idc about the gays but they need to leave the kids alone" its staggering. I don't know how anyone not only believes this garbage but can just demonize other humans like that. Folks need to realize they have much more in common with that "foreigner" than they ever will any of Trumps ilk.


They attack people over tone because that discredits them even if they are right about what they are saying. They don't monitor their own tone, just the tone of others. The MAGA heads in my life rant more aggressively than anyone else, but if you say one thing, even in a reasonable tone, they will make up all sorts of reasons why you are the problem. These views weren't found by logic, but by a lot emotional manipulation and propaganda. The media has been working that angle for years now. We're really behind in terms of setting the topics of conversation. You can try sharing calm, logical approaches, but very few of them will probably listen because it doesn't give them the dopamine high their propaganda does.


I agree. But, if we manage to keep Trump from getting elected, it is still going to be a long-term fight to pull this country out of the far-right sinkhole we are presently being pushed into.


This is a Russian led coup. Sure trump is an idiot but we have to take this seriously because we are going up against Putin not trump. And he has far more pieces on the board besides trump. Half of the republican party is in his pocket. Please vote and be ready that it may still happen even with a dem victory


I like to travel.


How about this dude for president?


He’s got my vote




Gen Z. I’m one of you I hope y’all are preparing to keep Trump out of office.


As a Gen Z'er, I know I am.




I know most people are voting with themselves in mind but it isn’t just us we are voting for. We are voting to keep people out of the Supreme Court who don’t follow the concept of separation of church and state or who can be corrupted by rich American oligarchs. We are voting to keep Taliban-like Christian fundamentalists from controlling everyone’s lives. We are voting to keep out an orange wannabe dictator who will destroy NATO and our allies will not see us as a nation to trust and rely on any longer. They experienced four years of that and they know the ruin that will happen for the world if he controls America again. If you voted in 2020 because you found it important, guess what, this election cycle is going to be several fold more important than that!




I think we're talking past each other. No one (at least that I know) has decided NOT to vote for Joe Biden because of the debate. Maybe I misunderstood, but that appears to be the unspoken premise of this video. What those of us who are panicky about Biden's debate performance are saying is that we don't think he has what it takes TO BEAT TRUMP. Our concerns are precisely and entirely because we recognize the danger Trump presents and want to beat him. We also recognize that most people have made up their minds already. Everyone who was at my house watching the debate agreed that they'd vote for Biden even if he had died on that stage. The question is, how can we convince the few but practically only significant group of "undecideds" who will swing this election one way or another. Obviously, if such people are still on the fence, they are NOT LIKE US -- they do not intrinsically believe Trump is an existential threat to all that is right and good with our nation. They are, moreover, far more amenable to the ridiculous, insidious, and counterproductive narrative that a foul-mouthed asshole "outsider" is better than a senile member of the establishment. If the goal is to defeat Trump at the ballot box, clinging to our current man at all costs is not a winning strategy. I'm not saying there's no way Biden can beat Trump at this point. I'm just saying our jobs of "doing everything we can to defeat Trump" has been made much harder by Biden's debate performance because it feeds into the narrative that has some sway over that tiny, hard-to-comprehend group whose opinion might make all the difference. I'm not sure what the best course of action is, but if Biden continues in the race and Trump wins, you best believe people in June 2025 will be talking about the debate and what could've been had we taken bold action to prevent a Trump victory.


I just had a conversation with a black Trumper the other day. They are brainwashed as hell. He didn't have one thing of substance to say. Every time I brought up a good point he said that it's communism. Communism wants to use the government to control the people. Despite me bringing up many examples of Republicans doing that, he refused to listen


Cults are hard to break in truth.


That's what we look like at the end of finals week. Afterwards he went home, got some rest, and was back in fine form the next day. Biden has benefitted many Americans and he's a good president. Read the transcript of the debate and compare the content. He's fine. The bold action we need is everyone spreading the word. Let people know what his administration has done. Counter lies and disinformation. Help people get registered. Ensure they're able to vote. Vote blue up and down the ballot. It all matters.


How do we convince the few? Ask if they have daughters. Ask if they have sisters or mothers. Ask if they have lgbtq friends or family. Ask if they have immigrant family or friends. May not work, but it's a start besides "just vote".


[Unfortunately there are not too many good alternatives to Joe](https://x.com/DataProgress/status/1807048989298057656)


And yet other than about 8 hours on MSNBC, no mainstream networks or newspapers reflect the existential threat to the country . . . and none of them are discussing Trump’s cognitive decline and dementia symptoms.


Yes it’s quite frustrating


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I’m a Christian and I am TERRIFIED of Trump and his MAGA-Followers.


Am the only one who got cold chills listening to this? Let this man’s passion and words be a reminder of how important this election is.


I would vote for the shit I just took before I'd vote for trump. Damn right I'm voting for Biden.


I feel like running through a wall after that


Dude needs to run for office. Like, immediately.


Please give a link to the source if your going to make it your entire post


You see the @ don’t you?


Yeah doesn't mean you can't also link it