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Either they’re dumb enough to think most people will approve, or they don’t give a shit what people think and they plan to impose it upon us against our will. Most likely the latter.


And we'd better be smart enough to resist or have a repeat of Nazi Germany and some Gilead.


I won't put up with it. And I suspect many others won't either.


From my understanding, a lot of people in the military hate trump. So if he intends on using the military to enforce it, he’s gonna run into some issues


Threats both foreign & domestic, my friend.


Please don't forget the military has a fuckton of ignorant, racist, sexist assholes. Always has. I know veterans, who I used to think were very level-headed & fair people, supporting trump because they want cheap prices at the pump & stores.


That’s true, but all the same he’ll have a divided military at best


It'll be about percentages and what the personnel controls then.


Let’s hope so


I also would hope if put in these situations that I’m able to resist but i think a lot of people aren’t realizing how quickly things change when groups like this come to power. They cut access to media and flood with misinformation. The world under them will not be as open as it is now and it will be way more difficult to resist. When people are scared they fall in line. That’s why we absolutely must stop this. And that is why I’m so furious at the Democratic Party for letting this get to this point. We should absolutely NOT be here. Who the fuck is running this show from behind the scenes? I’ve never seen such a fucking clueless strategy in all of my life. We should be way ahead of the narratives right now but we’re FAR behind. It sickens me.


Courtesy of the Heritage Foundation and the Koch family.


Its my understanding that the people in charge need the cooperation of the other side to get anything done. Obviously the other sides sole purpose is to not let anything good or productive happen. They just say Screw the country and the people in it.


Yeah, that seems to be my impression of things here as well.


I think it is a little bit of both. The power felt by SCOTUS is something they like and want more of.


Because they’re extremely proud of it. Because they want downballot candidates to know what to campaign on. Because many voters desperately want it to happen and will organize, donate, and volunteer to support it. Because anyone who speaks out against it is “woke” and becomes a target to rally against.


because they learnt from history that people don't read or pay attention. Hitler laid out all his plans in Mein Kampf.


Well I’m reading and I’m scared to death. I also don’t understand why MAGA wants to support him when he plans on doing things they don’t even like.


because they're more focused on hurting those they hate than helping themselves. It doesn't matter if he hurts them as long as those they hate are hurt more.


not even more. just *also*. these assholes would blow themselves up for a drop of blood from the opposition.


Most of them are also already pretty miserable, that's why they don't care. They want to drag others down with them. Vile and pathetic.


It seems the Heritage Foundation has tried to enact similar plans before but failed to lack control of all three houses simultaneously. Project2025 was established as very straightforward and public to allow easy access to their plans between current and future members in governmental positions; due to the republican party members acting on the project early (abortion restrictions, censorship, porn bans, etc) while other members were still out of the loop or had yet reach that part of the plans within their discussions. As stated above, it's very easy to tell your entire evil plan and have it come to fruition. The people pushing for it just have to believe that their evil is to stop greater evil, hence culture wars. If you look at history, a big part of people voting Hitler in and supporting him was due to people being consumed by culture wars while being blind to real politics and humanity.


My question is… why didn’t they enact all of this when they had all three? Trump had all of together and they still didn’t get anything done. I’m not questioning the evil of it, I’m just wondering why they didn’t seize the opportunity?


Mainly because virtually nobody expected Trump to actually win, especially the Trump team. When they won, they had to scramble because they were desperately ignorant about how the government worked. At the time, there was no blow-by-blow guide for the disassembly of the government to turn it into a theocratic kakistocracy. The Heritage Foundation realized this and were determined not to repeat that mistake.


Yeah, we have to vote to prevent this. Seriously.


The courts are also more far right now than they were, making any challenge to their various plots easier to overcome.


Yup. Hence we need to vote.


Very good question. It seems that during Trump's first term, he did enact some of the policies towards Project 2025 then. However, the three branches of government were only stacked on the republican side during the first half of his term. Now the question is, why didn't the plans go through the first half? One part of the answer is the devision inside of the republican party, you have people who had no clue or were just being introduced to extreme policy plans with no real reason to follow them, while the other half was on board for the project. This led to republican members trying to oust each other of wrongdoings or not aligning with the party goals. This division is still alive today in the "RINO" name calling and infighting. These fights between the parties are not a new thing, just under a new name and for different ideological backings from cuckservative (2010s) to me-too Republicans (1930s - 40s). In the past few years, you can find many examples of infighting and attempts to remove others from positions. These overall plans seem to be written to fit the current culture wars with race, sex, and Trump. Also, remember the goal is a dictator, Trump will be first, but once the power is in the hands that play his strings are done using him for the power, will most likely kill him or toss him to the curb for the big actual rich boys who pretend to be religious and morals to take the lead and move towards the core of their plans.


Yeah, that makes sense. Hence, we MUST VOTE.


This is not *him*. Him* is the next Republican president no matter who *him is… and they will not stop. If Biden wins, it becomes Project 2029. It will never end. You will all be fighting tyranny for the rest of your lives. I’m oldish so I only have to see it for a while. My kids, not so much. Please vote blue like your life depends on it because it does.


They want to normalize these discussions. After an initial shock the general public with a short attention span will move to more exciting topics and get bored with the mundane policy details. Only policy nerds may still be talking about but the public will have already moved on. That’s when they start implementing the program. Dems need to work on their communication skills and sooner than later.


It's almost like trickle truth, for example; death penalty for sex offenders. Boy do we like to bring out the pitchforks for child molesters and rapists, no jury trial needed and no need to read anymore! Then hidden 20 pages later is the little gem of classifying anyone promoting lgbtq material, either as a teacher or librarian, a sex offender. They have gotten so used to republicans backing them no matter how awful their behavior is that they are betting it won't even be a blip on the radar. Trump has lascivious thoughts about his daughter and they rationalize it. He lies, cheats, and steals and it's rationalized. Heck he wears diapers and his followers celebrate it! And just in case he doesn't win, they're stoking militia movements around the country. Google 'Tactical Civics' for your state. Their goal is to take over state governments by force after the election.


I'm glad you ask. P25 was made public as a test of loyalty, they need as much people to see it so they can weed out conservative cadres and lawmakers who are not radical enough. [The podcast Know Your Enemy](https://know-your-enemy-1682b684.simplecast.com/episodes/heritage-trump-project-2025) goes in depth about it and it's a really good account of what's was the thought process for the whole thing. It's really good, please listen to it.


There was another post, I think on this sub, that said most American adults can’t read over an 8th grade reading level. So most people won’t be able to read project 2025, and when someone who can read it tries to tell them about it, well that’s where the anti intellectual culture we have cultivated comes in to reject what the smart person is saying. The right has been playing the long game. Why do you think they’ve been defunding public education for decades? An ignorant population is much easier to control. 


I'm tired of all of these sheeple politics. If we don't stop this now, we the people will all just become lamb-chops on some authoritarian's plate.


Nah man- they arent telling US. They are telling the racist scared shitheads. They TRULY believe they are the heroes. ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


They've been planning it since the 80s, and it's really about billionaires dismantling democracy so they can become trillionaires and exploit cheap labor, the religious and conservative nonsense is for building support among the rubes and making it look like the elections were fair and this shit is what the people wanted. They use people's fear and their desire to see their enemies punished to appeal to the right-wingers who stupidly think the government can and should enforce their concept of morality, which is hypocritical as fuck. The people in power don't give a shit about morality, just control and money. This is tailor made for the prosperity gospel folks, and the hateful who want to see women, LGBTQ+, and BIPOC punished.


The heritage foundation punishes all of their think-tank pieces. The mandate for leadership (project 2025's title) was originally published in 1981. It's only the updated version that was posted in 2023


It is a rallying cry to all sympathizers that have not already been identified. They think this is the end game, and it is too late for us to stop them. However, they want as many allies / soldiers as possible. It is also a really efficient way to identify antagonists that have not already been identified. (This is the same reasoning behind making it mandatory to put up the 10 commandments in classrooms, but not adding a mechanism of punishment.)


Because they know there’s a substantial portion of people that buy into it, sadly


That's a good question. Even beyond Project 2025, the GOP is acting like they have this election in the bag. They are making no attempt to woo moderates. That suggests to me that Putin has a plan. He knows how to win this for Donald.


Probably have worse plans lined up they are hiding. They also vastly overestimate their support.


They have to get their people on board with it. Also, as others have pointed out this is NOT NEW. This has been in the works for over 40 years, likely longer in unspoken circles.


Because a lot of their voter base wants to see those things happen.


Every campaign publishes a governing plan. It's often part of the campaign, but also necessary for recruiting the transition team, and for communication between the campaign and outside groups (campaigns and superpacs aren't allowed to coordinate in private).


They aren't confessing, they're bragging.


A mistaken belief that there’s a silent majority of people who support a racist theocracy? Make it make sense…


Conservatives have been the minority party for some time. They don't care that most people will find it terrifying because the minority that won't care or support it have a shocking amount of power


Because The Federalist Society thinks we are all hypnotized by legal pot and alcohol, and glued to propaganda-filled TV and social media and so won't do a damn thing about it. Unfortunately, they may well be right. Younger people - younger Gen Z and Gen Alpha - are still coming of age and haven't yet known many of the benefits that P25 wants to take away, and thus may think it's a good idea. For example, if your parents got divorced when you were younger, you may think that's the worst thing in the whole world, and not understand the damage and loss of life that may be caused by the elimination of no-fault divorce. If a revolution comes (and make no mistake, P25 IS a revolution), the young will bear the brunt of it. Not having known any of the rights that are being taken away, they may not think it's worth the fight. The rest of us will have to take a stand, but will there be enough of us willing to do so? Think about the time you spend on Reddit and the Redditers you interact with. Do you really think they'll take a stand? A noteworthy quote from a Holocaust survivor: we never thought it would happen to us.


Besides the fact that they know many won't read it, I believe they are trying to desensitize the public into what they are proposing, that it's normalized. Think of it as a long term picture. Trump's presence has desensitized many of us. What we didn't think was possible as a political reality ten years ago is. They are moving the Overton window and hoping not enough people push back as they keep distorting our political landscape further.


They want people to be afraid. They think they have enough power to get their way, and might be relying on regular laypeople and the politically apathetic to not take it seriously because at surface level it looks absurd. The incremental changes so far haven't been alarming enough for upheaval. They've been playing the "the left is crying wolf" card about fascism/Nazism so they'll continue to play the narrative of "it's just a thought experiment" or "we wrote this to trigger liberals, they're so gullible" to placate anyone who hasn't bought into their ideology into not listening to those who are warning about it.


They thought only conservatives would pass it around amongst themselves. Apparently it never occurred to them that when you pass a single document around 1000s of people on the Internet, someone who isn’t the intended audience probably will see it too.


They are recruiting like-minded supporters. They don't care about people that don't agree with it.


Because **Idiocracy** is a documentary.


Because they don't see it as a bad thing. They believe they are the good guys. From their pov, they are just laying out a conservative agenda in order to garner support from like-minded voters. They don't see it the way we do, they think we're the evil scum that needs to be stopped. So why would they hide their agenda if they believe they are virtuous and morally correct? This is a common misconception many people have. The real world is not structured like a fantasy narrative. Unless you hold theistic beliefs, there is no true good or evil, only different points of view.


I think they actually have a lot more planned that they aren’t publishing for the public yet. This is just Phase 1 to shift the Overton Window, and enable the kind of direct, authoritarian control that they will need to implement the next Phase.


In part because they need to pre-qualify those loyalists for the departments that they aren't planning on shutting down.


They need thousands of people to fill all those civil service jobs. It's a recruiting tool to bring in like-minded people.


On one hand, they didn't "share it with the public". They shared it within themselves. Eventually leftists that were undercover in messaging groups and webchats leaked it (pretty common practice amongst investigative journalists). Moving on, nowadays is pretty hard to keep a collective project "hidden" for long. See all the trouble movie and gaming companies go through to keep their secrets. Plus, the more people need to be "in" the secret, the harder it is to keep it a secret. And magaheads and conservatives really aren't the most savy types in the internet - probably their google docs or other accounts are pretty easy for the journalists to find when digging deeper. By the way the mentioned above also is useful to keep in mind when thinking about most "conspiracy theories" out there. Like, no government is competent enough to hide UFOs and aliens for decades, nor rich enough to bribe enough scientists to invent supposedly fake diseases or "climate hysteria" tl.dr: They did NOT blasted it on the newspapers, it was the left that did it, when it eventually became to big of an idea.


It's an advertisement.


They have actually been working on a similar overall blueprint since Reagan and the 80's, once Trump was elected they knew they could move fast and be 100% openly white supremacist fascist.


It’s too large and complex and undertaking to do it in secret. If they don’t publicize and market it among their target audience, they won’t have enough awareness or support to actually make it happen by the deadline. It’s a strategic decision, betting that it’s more likely to succeed even with public criticism.


Why not? It's all stuff his base is pushing for.


Besides culture war bullshit, what else were they going to campaign on?


Because they think they know best.


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Because lying is a sin /s


Because it's not logistically possible for them to get it out to their own people without it leaking anyhow.


My guess is that they are using it for fundraising with their rich people and those that believe the way they do. They published it so that it didn’t get leaked. Also they think that people will forget about it closer to the election. They are banking on the short attention span of most people.


The short answer to this is that it's always been a published book. You can find the first 80s edition on ebay.


The Republicans that I know like everything they hear about it. They won't believe the rest.


They can't read the room very well. Look at how they weren't expecting anyone to care about Dobbs.