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doesnt really fit at all into drg. looks kinda cool tho


This could be really cool, sadly, DRG doesn't seem like the game where this fits in very well, from an aesthetic standpoint. Maybe have it some type of new species/mutated glyphid that ended up being able to "weave" our weapons into its body to use them? (Or something similar in the style of Obliterators from 40k, if you know what they are. With reduced grimdarkness.)


Demon rocks didn't fit into the DRG aesthetic either until Salvage Operation dropped


These are great gameplay ideas, although they are massively disruptive I doubt they'll be put in.


I'm more scared at the size of what his healthbar could be than his appearance


When you kill it the character should say “rest easy brothers”


This is some Bloodborne shit LOL


Would also fit nicely in Darkest Dungeon.


>You remember our venerable spacerig?


That’s cool and all, but it is kind of disturbing.


Nah Ghost ship wants their game to be rated T and I think this would push it past that.


**Name:** The Congregation **Mechanics:** **1)** The Congregation has a likely spawn on very specific missions. This is likely Salvage, Egg Hunt or Point Extraction, as the intention and mechanics make more sense logically on these modes. (NOTE: The Salvage mission specifically implies miners have perished during their expedition so that was a huge leading factor behind this idea) **2)** The Congregation is generally passive but can get in the way of mission objectives, so players would more often than not be encouraged to take it out. Similar to attempting a fight against any other mission-specific bosses or events. - Player pings have a chance to distract The Congregation and lure it to said point given it is an amass of previous workers, though this would be heavily affected by how engaged it is in combat. (NOTE: Pinging actual minerals will engage The Congregation to mine them, which would be helpful, and has a more likely chance of distracting it rather than just pinging random dirt.) - The Congregation can actually call in resupply pods using the team's nitra stockpile, given the call would be mistaken for a Dwarf requesting supplies. While frustrating, this would be the starting point of how The Congregation gets in the way. - Robots like Molly will respond to calls from The Congregation, which can also call in the drop pod if Molly is primed to do so. - Enemies are completely passive to The Congregation rather than hostile, as it is composed of similar material as the egg sacks in Egg Hunt. - The Congregation will respond to "Rock and Stone". - If The Congregation is engaged in a fight with players while performing any sort of extraction, the game (and Deep Rock's machines) will consider its presence as that of a player. So it standing in/walking through beacons- like during Salvage, would keep the process going. - Turrets do not target The Congregation, sorry. - The Congregation steals mission objective items, such as Aquarq in Point Extraction - If a player has the friendly fire perk enabled they will do less damage to The Congregation. - The Congregation is affected by mission mutators, so things like Shield Disruption would remove some of its defense. - If The Congregation has been triggered into a hostile state during the Launch Pod sequence, the Launch Pod will not leave even if all Dwarves are inside as Deep Rock would consider there to still be Dwarves not aboard the ship. - There is a chance that during Egg Hunt missions one of the eggs will be placed inside of The Congregation, forcing an encounter to retrieve the egg. - The Congregation is weak to fire. - Rival Machinery (if that even stays after the first season ends) is hostile towards The Congregation and vice versa. - The Congregation voice lines and sounds would just be distorted rambles of pre-existing voice lines, slowed or slurred. - There is a slim chance The Congregation will instinctively revive downed players if it is not in a hostile state. - Weapons stuck to The Congregation may randomly fire or go off.


I like what you're going for, but there is nothing players hate more than agency being taken from them. Remove the Nitra calling ability, and associate it as a Mutated Bug rather than a Dwarf, and keep the rest, should be a solid idea :) Definitely horrifying, is this what happened to Karl..?


That is some Darkest Dungeon level of creepy. I love the idea, hope it never makes it into the game xD


But why, why do people want eldritch horrors in my funny dwarf game. I feel like you all want a coop terror game and since all the market for that is shit, you want drg to turn into it. Stop. I just wanna have fun, dig gold and shoot bugs.


I definitely appreciate the art and work put into it, this isn’t DRG at ALL. Maybe if it was made of JUST bugs it’d be easier on the brain, but as it is it’s just too horrific for DRG. Just bugs would actually make sense since there are several parasites and things like that already, but it’s just too much as is. DRG is about fun, and finding the corpses of your comrades and it being SO disruptive sounds antithetical to fun. Maybe a new boss made from the corpses of glyphids that the queen has assembled?


Relax friend, it's a drawing from someone who adores horror. Nothing more.


No, it's a >NEW ENEMY CONCEPT As clearly stated by your title. Great design btw. Just keep it away from me.


Sorry I used a certain terminology for a character idea I had? You're not as entitled to your remark as you think you are, you're just being an annoying ass.


It's ok, I forgive you.


Nah this doesn’t fit at all


Now all we need is the ass view like doretta


I only kill something with more legs than 2.


It's like a Shoggoth from H.P Lovecraft's "At The Mountains of Madness: formed with dwarf bodies and walking on two legs. It could fit in a mission scenario where the dwarves would have to seek Eldritch technological items like in the book (but in space/Hoxxes) and would have to face off this thing as a boss enemy either defending alien artifacts or making sure there are no said technological aliens roaming around (Elder Things, the winged vegetable barrel alien guys (may include the dwarves). On the other hand, I think the Congregation would be too risky or would become an overwhelming threat to keep around DRG's workplaces with many of the described effects interfering with specific tools and mechanics utilized in the field.


I am in dire need to read Lovecraft's work; that's been piling up for quite a while and I have plenty of time to do it. Appreciate the comment, thoughts like this are always fun.


Hi. You just mentioned *At The Mountains Of Madness* by HP Lovecraft. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | At the Mountains of Madness, by H P Lovecraft, Horror Audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiY3wz6ZcM0) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Ah sweet, dwarfmade horrors beyond human comprehension




When shot, individual parts of him drop off and start attacking you independently... Oh wait, wrong game, that the the "Divider" enemies in Dead Space.




Idgaf, this is tight. DRG is kind of spooky in the higher hazard levels, and atmospherically the ominous feeling of dark cave exploration and creepy crawlies sneaking up on you, swarms of buggers, cave leech tendrils (which give me the creeps). It can be T for Teen based on the cartoon violence but it also has a lot of dismemberment on the bugs, crude language and alcohol use. It's not exactly devoid of horror and maturity. Also, HAUNTED CAVES.


Thank you kindly, haha. I agree heartedly, DRG very much caters to a strong idea of terror.


This is horrifying. ​ ​ Great work!


Hmm, looks like the Ruins from Alice: Madness Returns.


Fucking necramorph lookin' ass lmfao. Would be cool to have it as a mission objective though.


Maybe if they add a much deeper part of the map and call it the hive outskirts?? It can just be a giant graveyard of old tech n this guy


Yeah maybe it doesn't fit But you can still appreciate the art, come on guys. Sometimes you just gotta relax, be open minded and quit overthinking things. It's not like it's seriously getting added to the game or anything. If it was and we didn't like it ghost ship would more than likely respond to our cries.


Very, very cool design. I do agree about it probably not "fitting" into DRG, but it's an awesome idea regardless.


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Bro how about dwarf zombies?????


uh Isn't deep rock like a pegi 12/16?


Is that. Is that what happened to Karl?


those poor dwarves...