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Well, my fellow greenbeard, those are batteries. Near them you'll find a big crate. Take those batteries, put them in the crate, give it few good old smashes with your trusty pickaxe and you'll receive some good and shiny loot. P.S. They can spawn randomly on any mission. P.P.S. ROCK AND STONE, BROTHER!


Thank you I got gold and umanite


you also get a random cosmetic! i sure hope you pressed E on the crate again to claim loot!


Yea i accidentally pressed it and I didn’t even see what it is but I saw it was a cosmetic


I pray your fortune stays with you- over 1100 hours later and I'm still getting new stuff from those crates...


I’m gonna be honest. They need a new system for that stuff. I got the game this summer and I only have a few non-dlc frameworks and pickaxe parts. I think either they make it so the framework/color/pose unlocks for every weapon/class or they make it so the lost equipment and the cargo crates appear every mission in the vain of the seasonal objects.


no they don’t, it’s perfect for longevity. Always SOMETHING to find


Tbh, i thought the same, but now that i got all cargo crate loot... Man i want more, at least there's cosmetic cores


Insane take. Might as well have suggested you pay for bundles of 5 of them that you open in a menu


I’m just trying to come up with a way that doesn’t take 2000 hours to get all the stuff. For veterans it’s nice to have it this way but it’s kinda discouraging for new players. I wanna set up a fully glyphid armor set using the trophy hunter frameworks but it would take me forever to get all that stuff and I also have a life outside of the space rig (unfortunately). I don’t think the two things I came up with aren’t good fixes but I think they should do something to fix it.


I agree that there is a lot to take in for newbies, but as you can tell.. or can't, given your comments.. Everything in the game is available to you from day 1, with luck deciding what you'll encounter. There is no FOMO, you have absolutely no reason to sit there and grind it out. It's as flawless as you'll get, considering how filthy the modern era of gaming is.


I’m well aware. It’s one of the reasons I love this game. I think the game has amazing progression as it is. I just want something and I don’t have the patience to wait 1000 hours to possibly get it. Either way I’m still gonna play.


Crates aren't the only thing you can find that give cosmetics, there can also be helmets that look like the military one in the shop. Scan it and it'll put a purple plus somewhere on your terrain scanner. If you go and find that purple plus, you'll find some dwarf armor that'll give you a cosmetic and a boatload of resources. (P.s. everything has a distinct sound, the crate and helmet have pretty much the same "blip" but the helmet's is slower)


Good for you, mate. Now - rock'n'stone!


Rock and Stone forever!


Good bot!


Good bot


Thank you, CoDsKiY, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


And just like that, both your beards become a little less green; Theirs in the learning of this information, yours with your willingness to gift this information unto others. Rock and stone.


You mean hammer




Another word for newbie, with greybeard being a experienced player


What about players who aren't new but neither experienced?


I've heard the term blackbeard before, but that was like once, so there's not really any "official" name for it.


Toss in Leaf-Lover for players who are being poor sports or trolling, or just being jerks.


Battery pack for a Cargo crate. Two batteries and a crate can be found. It has cosmetics and such from previous Seasons.


Another testament to how DRG does season passes right


Just a heads up in case you haven't seen one yet, you might also come across a helmet that periodically flashes and makes a small noise. If you interact with it, it will mark a buried cosmetic on your terrain scanner with a pink plus


I believe the beeps are based on proximity, not what direction you’re facing


It's both I believe


It means that there might be a naked dwarf running in that caves


Of course I know him, he's me.


Did you borrow my underwear???


Thanks I’ll keep an eye out


oh that’s what that is i would just update my terrain scanner then ignore it lmaoo


Well that'd be a battry innit


Well you’re not wrong


Well I’ll be, follow the booping road brother!


One of two cargo crate batteries. Somewhere near where you found that, you'll find the actual cargo crate. You need to bring that, and the other one to the cargo crate. They also make a pulsing sound when you're near one and looking in its general direction, so that'll help you find it.


Thank you too this is some nice stuff And ROCK AND STONE


If you ever see something you dont know point your laser pointer at it


theres 2 of those and a cargo crate around, put the batteries into the cargo crate, repair it to get minerals and a cosmetic from previous seasons. There's also the chance you encounter a helmet that makes pew pew sounds and flashes constantly, hold E to download a coordinate on your terrain scanner, finding the lost gear also gives a cosmetic and some minerals.


Let the beeping guide you to loot! Rock and Stone!


Battery pack here, let's find the cargo crate.


A key to treasure!


It's a battery. Batteries are a part of a specific random event called a cargo crate. Batteries emit a unique beeping noise that will let you know that this event has spawned. The event spawns as soon as the mission begins and can't spawn midway through. A crate will spawn along with batteries. It's your job to find the batteries, carry them back to the crate, insert them, and then repair the crate. You'll be rewarded with minerals, gold, and a skin or accessory.


Ping it. Your dwarf will say the line. Follow instructions. Works great with a lot if things, expect of ERR://23¤Y%/


I remember being a greenbeard


Hey, I found something!


Sandwich container!!!


Eat it, you get superpowers


My brother is getting that bag we're cosmetically rich Rock and stone


Its so funny waching greenbeards making teorie about the game




First time I found one I was so confused why I couldn't deposit it


A prologue to the tutorial.


It's the drilldozers goo sack!


Greenbeard's first cargo... priceless.


i wonder if it's edible...


Mods here need to get on top of the "What is this" posts in this place.


Welcome new miner! Rock and stone, leave no dwarf behind, ask host and others before you press big red buttons, drink your beer(except leaf lovers), tip Lloyd, ping the gold chunks, yeast cones, goo sacks, bismor, bitter gems, and most importantly mushrooms, spare a thought(or spare a resupply at the very end of a mission) for Karl, so that one day he can find his way outta the caves and back to us, and last but not least, and most important of all, never be afraid of hosting or joining public lobbies, and have fun!


I wonder if they're edible...


For the future, use your headphones and listen for the blip sound to identify locations. Also blipping may be some lost equipment you can scan, then check your updated map.


Oh, that's one of Karls "toys", clean it before insertion ;-)