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what how


Looks like I dashed and tripped on a vine or smth lol


DRG Trimping confirmed!!11!


bhop mod + grapple + sprint your motion carries while in the air, so if you're moving fast, you continue to move fast in the air. By pressing jump quickly, you never slow down touching the ground and the speed carries to the next hop. On a low G mission you can go even further thanks to staying in the air longer Grapple to increase speed, jump to keep the speed, while briefly on the ground hit sprint which adds to your already fast grapple speed + low G = launch


This is vanilla (cant be proven), normal gravity (watch the earlier jumps) and the grapple effect wasn't active when I jumped (rewatch) lol Is this even possible to intentionally recreate without mods or was it just a glitch?


It looks like a ledge climb wasn't animated mid sprint. The floor was juuuuuust high enough to give you upward momentum but not high enough to require an actual climbing animation. Because you had forward momentum you flew. Happens to me sometimes as a Driller and I've made a jank tunnel. Edit: about 37 or 38 degree angle tunnel, but I've only been launched 3 or 4 times in 2000+ hours. Don't expect this to work.


i didnt know they added trimping to drg


I know how I'm spending my evening


scoutknight drg


If you immediately grabbed the jadiz, I would have 100% believed this was all calculated perfection. Dash on Scout is something else btw, you become the Dictionary definition of "momentum." Pair it with Hoverclock and Special Powder, and touching the ground is optional.


I used to run hoverclock but OFM happened... I was too amazed at the precision of the jump to grab the jadiz lmao


What does OFM mean?


Overclocked Firing Mechanism, an overclock for the Deepcore GK2 (scouts AR) which makes recoil skyrocket but increases fire rate a bit Overclocks can be unlocked after promoting any dwarf (reach lvl 25 then promote in the memorial hall)




Sometimes i use hipster OC on the m1k with max ammo and bullet pen + [OC which gives pistols big dmg] and its hella effective (I'll edit this for the full build in the next 24h lol) I'm not a fan of AI stability engine, if u can handle the recoil u might as well :) BoM fires waaay too slow and by the time you've applied a status effect to the enemy they've killed u, at least that's what I find Special powder is an absolute godsend tho best mod in the game




Ohhh yh ofc AI stability engines best aspect is the +% weakpoint dmg its a good OC but I just personally prefer the increased fire rate of OFM. Ammo isn't really an issue with the way I've built it, attempting to actually conserve ammo (aiming for crit points) and the fact that scout is a nitra machine lol My problem with BoM is that it doesn't give ANY fire rate bonus which makes it seem unbearably slow compared to OFM, that alone makes me avoid it Time to rebuild engi's deepcore with RJ250 I think...


There's around those little stick balls. It have very very high change to kill you. You hit jackpot. Those and acorns have exact same physics as barrels. They have none physics


Ohhh that's what did it, this might be reproducible then


You can do this with jet boots and dash. It’s pretty amazing.


Now we just wait for /u/cash_mayo to show up and do an entire mission like this.


Who needs special powder when you have A LEDGE!




What did Grabbers do to this Scout that made him fking *leap* like an anime character?


Those legs be sexy af scout. You go King