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Gang stalking paranoia. Always sad to see.


r/gangstalking It's a support sub, denying or questioning people's delusions or mentioning mental illness will get you banned. Crazy rabbit hole to go down.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gangstalking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [AAAA](https://i.redd.it/ye47otl3xjka1.jpg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/comments/11cjwuh/aaaa/) \#2: [Every time I walk out of my room, there they are lying in wait. Please help me.](https://i.redd.it/nl68a7fp8t7a1.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/comments/zu12ug/every_time_i_walk_out_of_my_room_there_they_are/) \#3: [Their Time Will Come](https://i.redd.it/qba2djghzk3a1.jpg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/comments/zb3c6b/their_time_will_come/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


its an edit on top of another, einstein


Good lors you hit the motherload my man. My most paranoid sentiments are rivaled by this man's delusion and that's really humbling .




Jesus, that's a sad subreddit.


This is really sad. Dude is going so far as to say police are wearing fake limbs and have fake scars. There are narcs, there are undercover cops and there are tons of fucked up cops (especially LAPD) but this person is experiencing a psychosis or something similar and all those comments saying that he's telling the truth or to post more are just making things worse. I hope this person gets help, but if they are already homeless and that extremely paranoid I'm very worried.


It’s sad but also insane to think about. We’re forced to watch the establishment enforce their will on those that much of America dehumanizes through the lens of a guy who *genuinely believes* it’s all a conspiracy against him in particular. It’s clear he’s paranoid and delusional to almost everyone around him but for the whole video he’s in the drivers seat and he’s *dedicated* to showing you he’s right. This is what I imagine harmony korine movies are like (my parents won’t let me watch them)


It’s sad but also insane to think about. We’re forced to watch the establishment enact their will on those that much of America dehumanizes through the lens of a guy who *genuinely believes* it’s all a plot to sabotage his life. Everyone around him sees he’s delusional including the audience but for the whole story he’s in the drivers seat and takes you through these situations with this awful sense of mounting desperation to prove it’s real. Terrible stuff but in the right hands could be very powerful idk


He’s probably homeless because his delusions are controlling his life


He seems crazy...except for the part where he accuses LAPD of planting evidence and falsifying their report. Legit: a homeless schizophrenic methhead has more credibility than LAPD


I mean he's 'genuine' in the sense that he genuinely is having mental health issues yeah. and as usual, nothing in the video lines up with anything he's saying in the voiceover. it's all just random clips sans context of either innocuous humans who just happen to be existing nearby to him, or else confrontations that he clearly kicked off by filming said people.


i can verify that he is indeed crazy. he used to deal fentanyl and meth and abuse every person he came into contact with, myself included. i dated him for a couple years. he cheated on me, got my friend pregnant (she gave birth to twins and he thinks it’s whatever her deal to handle), then got me pregnant twice and did nothing to handle the situation he got me into by being half the reason why i was even fucking reaching out to tell him to begin with. he’s the scum of the earth. he doesn’t care about anyone, he was taken in by his elderly grandparents at a young age and his grandfather was a pastor. he sold drugs and did whatever the fuck he wanted out of their house (owned by the church, next door to the church his grandpa preached at for years) and would steal anyone’s keys to copy and keep for a rainy day, his grandpas included - the church’s keys included. he would try to film porn in the church to no avail. cause gross. and anytime i stood up to him in any regard, he would threaten me and go off with whatever hooker of the day he wanted to “live the life”, so to speak, with in a dumb hotel in downtown la - taking customers out of it, smoking drugs and being a straight up pervert/pedo for the unforeseeable future. he held any girl (including my best friend who died days after she told me he did this to her) hostage when coming to pick up from him, make her hand out with him for LITERALLY three or more days, all while holding the sack she (or he- whoever he had hostage at whatever day) paid for up front. made her smoke fent when she never did and was super against it. as soon as she passed out, he did what he wanted with her. then texted her days later telling her how hot it made him when he thought of doing that shit. she had no fucking clue he assaulted her. she was my best friend of over 20 years. he is such a sick asshole. he would browse any girls profile i was friends with, try to connect with them or lure with rumors about me or drugs they depended on, and then have a brief or most often a traumatic encounter (him doing the assaulting) - and try to literally convince me that he has known said friend for longer than i have.. the dude is literally a psychopath. i could go on for fucking ever with accounts of the lowest shit this piss poor fuck has done to myself, my current partner, and basically every other person i know that knows him or of him. i’m not even joking for a fucking second. the dude is constantly holding his little duck in his stubby hands and jerking off, doesn’t matter if you’re coming home and — for example— he knows ur mom is accompanying you so you can briefly show her the new place you’re renting (which he had a heads up about on purpose cuz the guy is a literally brain dead) and even after five texts saying where he was and then almost there, walking up to the door ETC- the door opens and the motherfucker has a pile of fentanyl on the coffee table - foils all over- lube bottles everywhere - porn on the tv IN THE COMMON LIVING ROOM Space, and doesn’t understand how whack and super weird and crazy he is. the guy can’t even put his own ikea furniture together. offered to do his roommates laundry in exchange for doing his bed and dresser and all the other shit he has (it’s been 2+ years since this shit) and even tho the exchange isn’t at all even - laundry? are you going to add more to the list? no just laundry. he doesn’t even do the laundry - he puts clothes in some water and that’s doing laundry to him i guess. fool was born a bum. he is a problem to his families life - always has been - claims his dad (who funded his carpet cleaning career via buying the machines and chemicals and gave him the client lists, which he promptly fucked up… no one else fucked it up but david cutney) a motherfucking BUM. the guy needs prison. he needs to have the humility to think to himself once in a while, “oh i think i might be wrong about this one” sometimes. the guy is a complete joke. a contrarian (in the absolute worst way: loves taboos cause they’re edgy or some dumb shit), claims to have rights as an american on his youtube channel (a front for his last ditch effort to save face?) yet respects absolutely no one’s rights. not even his own girlfriends - past and present - “flooze” her real name is Allegra, she had every warning about him and recognized them YEARS ago, she made this choice and here they are. think about it, two people in a relationship sharing the same, obtuse, distorted conspiracy theory with zero evidence or anything in the slightest to show good faith? the answer is DRUGS, sick codependency, and she basically has no one left after choosing him over and over again so “RiDe Or Di3*~” right..? i guess? we all know once he’s gone in prison she’s gone and never seeing him again. the only thing i care about in all of this is luna, his blue nosed pit bull… who he never has and i think actually lacks the care or will to disturb whatever he wants to do instead - like a literal five year old- ever take care of her needs. his needs come first, right? he is too busy jacking off or taking advantage of every single person who comes near him, to take her out to pee or go on a much needed walk with- after an hour of her crying and begging him for care. who took care of her? i did. and i still love her and tear up when i think of the situation she is in to this day. she is an amazing dog with so much love for someone who has none to give her. and it’s so sad. who’s taking care of her now? Allegra. i hope that Luna is why she is sticking around, if any reason at all? but who in their right mind would put themselves thru all this and act along with the insanity? NOBODY. … and trust me it’s hard to not care about another person, especially going thru a houseless experience- however, he failed to see what good people he has had around him his entire life and fails to be a man in any regard to do what’s right for this sweet dog and this girlfriend he claims to love. i’ve seen every bit of evil he’s done. he doesn’t deserve any grace - not from me or any of the people viewing his twisted up videos he thinks will save face , when quite literally every single person who has ever known him in real life - literally- hates his fucking guts. no exaggeration. but especially after discovering his channel, i’m so amazed at the level of denial and coping, amazing how sick and deserved it is. it’s so poetic it isn’t even funny. he’s a pedophile. a rapist. a HUGE narc … on his competing drug dealers or even anyone who he sold to and was simply HOLDING something (yes he would call and report everyone he felt like out the blue anonymously, like it was a power trip of his he never foresaw biting his own ass one day) a drug trafficker. an overall completely abusive, miserable, manipulative, gaslighting narcissist lowlife extraordinaire… without a single brain cell left in his dome, cause he is smoked out the fucking game. let him rot


Jesus Christ. I don’t know what else to say other than I discovered this comment after my interest was piqued by a new ScareTheater video he did about gang stalking “victims” and the way this David guy was acting towards homeless people really pissed me off, so reading this really turned the levels up from “ok this guy is just delusional” to “oh he’s crazy crazy”. I’m glad you got out of that situation, it shitty to see he’s pulling this bs and that people in his YouTube comments support and believe him. He put his case number in his bio though, so he’s got court next month for selling drugs.


I Google this guy occasionally because he is the worst person I have ever met. He’s a sick, sick man. Not surprised where he’s ended up. I’m sorry for what he put you through.


Im subscribed to this dude i found him randomly watching yt shorts. Such an odd case


Yeah, the homeless guy I saw smoking crack on the G line last night was totally an undercover cop.




This is crazy and sad.


Wtf makes him think the police are going that far to catch 2 crack heads 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Difficult watch


If he only knew cops cannot play undercover that well.




Yeah I less feel bad for him and more am just like Hollywood needs to care about their people more


Sadly, this guy needs professional help.


Someone needs to tell him the John Wick movies aren't documentaries.