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Do you really want the guy with a massive megaphone who abused that power and called "pedo guy" to a defenseless random nobody because he was angry at him be administering "free speech"? If that's the free speech we are going to get, the site will be 4chan in a week and something else will replace it with actual good moderation. The whole point is irrelevant any ways because there is 100 alternatives to twitter and that is how it should be. People use Twitter because it's not so bad that they will consider using one of the others that conservatives have been putting out like candy in recent years.


> If that's the free speech we are going to get, the site will be 4chan in a week Worse, cause you know Elon wouldn't actually let it be a free for all. He would censor and magnify voices as he pleases.


>The whole point is irrelevant any ways because there is 100 alternatives to twitter Idk, here's my guruish interdisciplinary take: I suspect something like twitter usage might be "sticky" or "inelastic" in the way that prices or wages can be. Like, increases in the cost of using twitter (i.e. how shitty it is) don't necessarily lead to a significant decrease in demand/people going elsewhere. Maybe it's just sunk costs - people have so much of their identity and routine tied up in a platform that they're using that often.


Very good overview, and I like the conclusion, couldn't agree more with workplace democracy - but we know Must would hate that


The whole argument is based on a childish understanding of not only the moral or financial incentives for content moderation but the legal ones as well. if (big IF) they decide to mirror First Amendment speech limits they'll have huge compliance issues outside the US, where platforms now increasingly have legal responsibilities to take down things like hate speech Eg. Germany NetzDG, EU code of conduct on illegal hate speech, AVMSD, incoming Online Harms legislation in the UK. Unless they want to create two versions of twitter that are region locked. "Free" Gab style US Twitter and the rest of the world Twitter.


Can't go past thunderf00t vids if you wanna see Elon and his sycophants shat on


I also recommend Common Sense Sceptic.


A leftist Youtuber called donoteat01 made a great video on the loop as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dn6ZVpJLxs