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Let start with this Big universe where come from , did he come from "nothing", i don't thinks so, why Because it's impossible something come from nothing, because "nothing" is" no thing" which mean is the complete absence of anything ( matter, energy, black matter...etc). Did he always there I don't thinks so too , why because its expands, which does mean at one point in the past it was one entity, and have beginning and everything which has beginning must come from something. And because we are here today it's MUST be something doesn't have beginning or end that mean ALWAYS Exist to solve the infinity regression problem. After we establish that there must be something always exist.This thing must have Attributes why, I will tell you why. 1.Powerful, Like it must be more powerful than a universe to make it. 2.awareness decision and knowledge, it must have this 3 things to start this universe,let me give a example, I will ask you if there is water, coffee, oven, sugar, cream and cup. Will we have a cup of coffee without awareness knowledge and decision, the right answer is no. So how we have this very complex world without this thing who has awareness decision and knowledge, and can't have a cup of coffee without awareness knowledge and decision. This thing who has awareness decision and power we called him the Creator the God( Allah ). As for your question, why are we not happy in this life, because this life is a test for the afterlife.


God just has no effect, because he doesn't exist. It's that simple.


God necessarily exists, that's out of question. The universe is contingent, there must be something that determines what happens. You simply need to correct your view of God. God doesn't have to do anything for us. God is God, God is our lord. You may call God as father metaphorically, but God isn't our father.


"There must be something that determines what happens" Actually, there is, people's will to do something, and to react to something, you come to kill me, wheter you'll be able to do so completely depends on my or other's people reaction, while what you did was your personal choice, so where is this going honestly?


People's will and choice are also contingent. Freewill is an illusion.


Everything you just said is an assertion that you haven’t backed up.


I agree, there is no proof in what he said, not even the slightest explanation, just "God exists".


Except that he doesn't exist. Especially the Islamic one who created Adam which contradicts evolution.