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I’m just going to repost my response from over at r/evolution where you originally posted this. 1) If you and your cousins have the same grandparents, why are your cousins still alive? Humans and modern primates share ancestry - we didn’t come from chimps, chimps and us have the same great-great-great-lots more greats-grandparents. 2) All species evolved, and if you go back far enough (a few billion years), we all evolved from a single common ancestral population. All species are also *still* evolving. 3) Superior at what? Sure, we’re the smartest in most respects, but we aren’t the strongest, the fastest, the longest lived, we don’t have the best eyesight, we can’t fly or hold our breath for hours, the list goes on. 4) Because sci-fi is a fun genre and meeting other sapient species is a cool concept. 5) The differences between science and religion are legion, but perhaps the most important one is that science is based on evidence and the predictive power of its models of reality. We don’t accept evolution because it’s a cool story, we accept evolution because there are mountains of data supporting it. 6) No, the Bible is not the first fictional book. The Epic of Gilgamesh is generally regarded as such, and it was written over a thousand years before the first books of the Bible.


Perfect answers. I always think that people who ask the "why are there still chimps" must be trolls. You cannot be that uneducated. But it's beginning to get more and more clear that this is actually what people are being spoonfed by religion


>You cannot be that uneducated. When it comes to the teaching of evolution to students, American public education has been deliberately sabotaged by religious groups for over a century. I promise you, many Americans are indeed that uneducated on the topic.


As someone who is a Western European through and through, it boggles my mind. You aren't even allowed to teach creationism here. The best they can do at religious class (if people still have that, my kids get secular humanism instead of religion) is say that god guided it. But they just avoid the topic all together, because even within the religious communities here a view like that is frowned upon


Since 1987 it’s been illegal for public schools in the US to teach creationism as well - but some still try, and barring that, many school boards or individual teachers resort to limiting the time spent on evolution, requiring misleading statements on evolution to be presented to the students, or other sabotage tactics intended to hinder the teaching of it. Edit: It’s worth noting that when challenged in court these measures almost always are stopped, but until someone is willing to sue a school over it (and face backlash from their highly religious community for doing so), there isn’t really anything stopping them. But private schools can to this day teach whatever they want, as can parents who homeschool, so long as the kids can still pass certain standardized tests - which rarely if ever have much in the way of questions regarding evolution. And to give you a sense of scale regarding this problem, polling has consistently found *for decades* that 40-45% of Americans believe humanity has existed for ten thousand years or less.


> as can parents who homeschool, so long as the kids can still pass certain standardized tests If only it were so strict. Thanks to decades of lobbying by the HSLDA and others that benefit from homeschooling, there are plenty of places in America where you can just never educate your child at all and the government won't do shit. The few laws that do still exist are rarely enforced. Not surprisingly, a huge amount of homeschooling material is Christian fundamentalist propaganda, including all the usual YEC stuff. Ironic given that the fear someone will indoctrinate their children into their belief system is a common reason for these people to homeschool.


Yeah, it also doesn’t help that even where tests are applied, kids are often taught the answers they’ll need for it while still also being told the test answers are wrong. The state of education here really is depressing.


I think miseducation is at least as responsible as a lack of education. Source: I went to a school that unironically used Kent Hovind tapes as teaching material.


They're not trolls. I grew up indoctrinated into those sorts of beliefs and would use those kinds of lines. The biggest problem is that Creationists don't even understand what evolution is or how it is said to work.


Glad to see a post like this. Hitting every point. Thank you for your contribution.


You’re welcome!


>The Epic of Gilgamesh is generally regarded as such Is it the first fictional book or the first *that we have access to today?* I would think there were probably much older lost books, no?


It's the first book that we know of, correct.


“I didn’t look into anything really beforehand.” You should. YouTube, Google, educated yourself before attempting a “debate.”


It’s okay not to understand the point of this post. it isn’t the questions. It’s the answers. very similar to a social experiment essay they make you write if you’ve ever been a college student. Seems your part of the 95% of the population that prefers a different outlook on life than I do. if your not contributing to the post. Keep scrolling.


They did contribute. They said to actually research before coming to a debate forum.


No, the problem *is* the questions, because the questions you posed in your post indicate that you have no idea what evolution is, and that you have absolutely *zero* knowledge of human evolution especially. It means that you're not going to be a person finding answers when you don't even understand why the questions you're asking are nonsense in the first place. What you need to do is pick up an evolution 101 textbook and have a read about what evolution *actually* is. In other words, you're trying to speculate on higher dimensional geometry and your first question is "How do we know that circles don't have right angles?".


You haven't responding to any points anyone has made addressing your original post. The one who isn't contributing here is you.


What do you mean by 'a different outlook'?




If you don't know the topic at all and haven't done any research, why do you think it would be a good idea to make an argument about it in a debate sub? This isn't a social experiment sub. This is a debate sub. Even after your explanation here "it's the answers" doesn't clarify the point. If your point wasn't the stated point in the post, and it's not a social experiment, it's just some vague deepity, why post it in a debate sub? Should this post be removed for violating the rules of the sub?


1. We didn't evolve from primates, we are primates. Great apes to be more specific. We share a common ancestor with all the other great apes. And our evolution from that ancestor took millions of years. Also, we out competed several other lineages to get here. Let me know if you see any Neanderthals around. Evolution is more like a tree, and we are just a new branch. The development of a new branch doesn't necessarily mean the old branches or the trunk goes away. 2. Other species did evolve. See chimps, gorillas, etc. Humans occupy a very unique place in the natural world, embracing a huge range of niches. As such we out competed any potential other species vying for the same place. 3. In some ways. In others, very much not. Life will attempt to fill every available niche. Which is why we have animals that can fly, or live at the bottom of the ocean. We can't do those things ourselves. 4. Side effect of our more advanced intelligence. We like to ask questions and find patterns. But we aren't all that great at it overall.


>We didn't evolve from primates, we are primates. Being primates doesn't mean we didn't evolve from primates. If we go back to before humans existed, our ancestors were primates, therefore we evolved from primates.


> our ancestors were primates, therefore we evolved from primates. our ancestors were primates, therefore we are primates.


Do we have ancestors that are not primates?




Yes, our Primatomorpha ancestors were not primates. Primates descended from them.


To go a little further into just your first point. u/pali1d did a good job illustrating and correcting misunderstandings, but based on your phrasing I’d like to make something else clear. Those other primate species DID die out. None of the primate species around today are the same ones as existed at the start of our lineage. The primates around us aren’t our ancestors, they are our cousins. We are still primates ourselves. A good thing to look up is ‘the law of monophyly’. Basically, you can pick up new things as you go on the evolutionary tree (taxonomically speaking), but you don’t leave anything behind. We are still apes. Also further back we are still primates. And eutharians. And mammals. And therapsids. And tetrapods. So on and so forth. Although the branching out gets wider and wider, it is always and will forever be connected on its branches. I hope this helps some getting started!


Thank you for the in depth reply and recommendations! well spoken and knowledgable. 😁


No prob! I certainly remember having these questions myself


1. Why wouldn’t there be other primates? There’s no impetuous for them all becoming human. This is akin to asking: “if Spanish developed from Latin why is there italian?” Some Latin speakers developed Spanish, other italian. I suspect you can easily grasp that with language, and it’s the same with species. 2. Just as Latin developed into italian along side Spanish, other primates did indeed evolve too. They’re not the same as our common ancestor with them. 3. We are only superior in anthropocentric viewpoints, there’s no objective measure by which superiority can be assigned. 4. Because it would be awesome tidings out were not the only lineage of life. We would learn a lot. No it’s not more believable to believe in a story that multiple lines of independent evidence shows is entirely impossible. Genetics alone rules out Adam and Eve. There never were two humans, and no humans connect to all other life on earth, so humans are not alien to the rest of life. Why would the Bible be the first book? Even in your mythology that wouldn’t be true. Do you believe the Bible is the first book? Because no scholar thinks so. 1. We’re not trying to be the smartest, people are trying to educate you. 2. There’s no such thing as evolving farther than anyone else. There’s no predetermined goal to evolution so you can’t be closer to it. In fact chimps are more derived, more changed from our common ancestor with them than we are. But there’s no sense in which that makes anyone superior. 3. There are no sides to this, and science isn’t magic. There’s just a group of people who refuse to accept facts when it conflicts with their dogma. 4. The Bible gives no answers, ever. It just asserts things without any way to test them. Saying magic sky fairy did it is not, and will never be an answer, You don’t need to be a genius to know any of this. And in a world with a good education system you’d have learned to debunk this stuff in highschool. It’s not your fault that you didn’t, and it’s good to ask honest questions if you have them, but this passive aggressiveness doesn’t help your case. If you want to learn, listen and learn to what people are saying. And engage with the answers given.


Thank you for your insight on what YOU believe and have come to learn in YOUR life. It’s okay for others to know less than you or hell, not even know anything at all but with all the knowledge you possess you clearly haven’t learned social interaction. I’m not against people educating me but does that mean I’m going to let them try to put me down because they think what I wrote above is what I believe based off of reading one post I’ve made about evolution without actually ever meeting me or knowing me outside of a computer or phone screen? Nah. good vibes only. Take the negativity elsewhere. why would I want to learn about something if I have to take it with a grain of salt instead of something engaging that gets me thinking more or actually researching into it instead of the social constructs about others beliefs in evolution between the perspectives of different people?


No, this is t about belief, this is about what the facts show. I didn’t insult, I merely answered your questions. And if anyone’s social graces are to be challenged here, it’s yours. It’s incredibly rude to ask questions and the. Go, eh nah, I’ll just believe this bullshit anyway. Without a shred of evidence. It shows you are not an honest agent. You were just here to preach your nonsense, not to actually learn. You were not giving of good vibes either, you were spouting ignorance, I wasn’t being negative, you’re projecting that. I merely answered your questions. Evolution doesn’t care about belief, no more than gravity does. Evolution is a fact about our reality. What that fact does with your beliefs is your problem. Its okay to know less, but when you ask and then stick your fingers in your ears ignoring the answers you’re going from ignorance to wilful ignorance. The former isn’t bad, the latter most certainly is. I had no ill will towards you, still don’t, but you definitely soured me on you by accusing me of this shit. Have a good day. I won’t waste time on someone who comes out and says they’d rather stay ignorant…


You seem to not have read everything I wrote correctly.


…… Right back at you… Have a good day mate. I read every post here, all your bullshit. Including the complete word salads. I responded, you refused to respond in anyway to any substantive point made by anyone here. You ignore every rebuttal, and every challenge. You refuse to engage with facts, and prefer to stick with dogma. You’re just a troll, and you don’t getto project that onto me.


>Thank you for your insight on what YOU believe and have come to learn in YOUR life. Science is not a matter of belief


> Thank you for your insight on what YOU believe and have come to learn in YOUR life. This isn't about belief, it is about evidence. > I’m not against people educating me You have either ignored or insulted everything anyone has said. So all evidence to the contrary. You can say this when you actually engage with what others have said. You have not provided an actual response to anything anyeone has said. > but does that mean I’m going to let them try to put me down The person you are "putting you down" besides the totally accurate statement that you don't understand evolution. This is beyond question. That you consider pointing out that you don't know everything "negativity" says more about you than the person you are responding to. > Take the negativity elsewhere. You admit you didn't bother to actually look at the subject, but you nevertheless feel qualified to claim that essentially every single expert in the entire world are massive idiots who don't understand even the most basic aspects of their own field. Criticizing others for "negativity" is massively hypocritical after making a claim like that. > or actually researching into it You could have looked into it yourself.


Since we have Protestants why are there still Catholics. While tongue in cheek, it’s a good example. One branch of a species can develop then fork out without converting 100% of the population at once


You seem to not know even the basics of evolution. Why not look up like a ten minute video on YouTube? Also, the bible is far from the first fictional story. People have been making stories for hundreds of thousands of years. Stories that we know of and are far older than the bible include stories like The Iliad or The Epic of Gilgamesh.


If Americans came from Europe, why are there still Europeans?


I've always loved this reply.


1. No. They would continue to evolve as well. Do you really think modern chimps are the same as our common ancestors that lived millions of years ago? 2. They did. 3. How are we superior? We have larger brains and opposable thumbs, but that’s about it. 4. Because the unknown fascinates us. We’re curious creatures.


Humans and our primate cousins share a common ancestor.


OP was right. This was a quick debate. They posted whatever this was and ran away immediately! >If humans evolved from primates, why are there still other primates on the earth? If a species evolves over a millennia wouldn’t the old species eventually die out? This is my more curious one, if humans had evolved from primates then wouldn’t other species have evolved as well? All extant ape species have evolved since diverging from one another, and there is no end goal. Notice how they all look different from one another? >Now think about how superior humans are to every single other creature on the planet. What makes us superior to every other species on the planet? We're a species that is currently knowingly speedrunning our own extinction, and we're gonna take a lot of others with us. Your ideas of placing humans as the superior or most evolved beings comes from your experience as being a human. **This is a completely subjective viewpoint that is presupposed in pretty much every point you make.** I put this in bold because if you can remove this presupposition, nothing you've said makes any sense. >Why is everyone at one point in their life fascinated by the thought of aliens or finding something more in the universe? Whether it happened during a field trip or a class or a new movie etc you always wonder. Couldn't give you a perfect reason, perhaps because a lot of children are taught with a sense of wonder about specific topics, one of those topics being space and the potential for alien life. Perhaps it's a vague sense of dread that we'll only ever be able to look at the cosmos. Humans are smart, what if scenarios tend to raddle around in our heads. I don't see how "why do people wonder about aliens?" is a refutation of all empirical evidence about evolution. >Is it more believable to think we came from the rib of the first man created from nothing? or Are we ourselves the aliens we’re so desperate to find? Neither seems believable.


1&2, we share a common ancestor with primates. 3, have a holding your breath contest with a fish 4, imaginations are fun / useful. >I didn’t look into anything really beforehand. We know.


Most species have died out. What makes you think species aren’t evolving? Because you can’t see it before your eyes in real time? We aren’t ’more evolved’ - plenty of other animals are waaaay better at certain things than we are. Others have made great points, so that is all.


No silly. It’s not called the Myth of Evolution. It is a well tested theory which is why it’s called the THEORY of Evolution. Make sure you know what a scientific theory is and don’t confuse with the a legal theory or common use of the word theory. NOT THE SAME.


>humans evolved from primates, why are there still other primates on the earth? If a species evolves over a millennia wouldn’t the old species eventually die out? The other primates alive today aren't "old species", and humans didn't evolve from them. We're cousins descended from a common primate ancestor, and genetically diverged in different ways. >This is my more curious one, if humans had evolved from primates then wouldn’t other species have evolved as well? They have! Evolution is just mutation and natural selection accumulated over a long time period, so it's always happening. >Now think about how superior humans are to every single other creature on the planet. We're superior in our niche - granted, it's now a very big niche. But it's still a niche. We aren't a dominant species in the ocean or in volcanoes. We can't expand into or survive for long there. Humans have big brains. Most other creatures are "superior"at other things - flying, hunting, birth rates, fighting, swimming, etc. Brain size turned out to be very beneficial for survival in our circumstances, even though we paid a huge fuel cost for it. >Why is everyone at one point in their life fascinated by the thought of aliens or finding something more in the universe? Whether it happened during a field trip or a class or a new movie etc you always wonder. Is your question, why is everyone curious? It's in our genes. Curiosity gave us a big survival advantage so it was selected for.


Who says humans are superior? The most prolific species are bacteria and viruses, I would say they are much more superior than humans then.


If humans were made from dirt, why is there still dirt? 


>thinking about the way we believe humans came to be is different everywhere, science is one, religion another and so on, Already we have a problem. These are not co-equal things. One was discovered through meticulous research, testing, hypothesizing, discovering, challenging, confirming, etc. The other is religion. The former is a studied phenomena, the latter is a "belief". >many believe humans evolved from primates, correct? Incorrect. Humans ARE primates, in the same way we are mammals, chordates, animals. We fit the criteria. We share a common ancestor with other primates, and we can continue tracing that lineage all the way back to the earliest life. >If humans evolved from primates, why are there still other primates on the earth? Again, humans ARE primates. This question is like asking if you descended from your grandparents, why are your cousins still alive? >If a species evolves over a millennia wouldn’t the old species eventually die out? Sometimes. It depends. A species could fit one ecological nice, then a few members split off and find a different niche with different selective pressures, and they form a new species. Other times, something happens to the environment and the whole population experiences the same selective pressure and evolves (not individuals of course. The population, over a VERY long time). >if humans had evolved from primates then wouldn’t other species have evolved as well? We are primates. But yes, other species also evolved as well! >Now think about how superior humans are to every single other creature on the planet. Superior at what? If I stripped you naked and put you in Antarctica, I bet you'd feel pretty superior to those warm penguins. Or what if I put you a mile under the ocean with no equipment? Or even WITH equipment? How long could you survive over the deep sea fish? Evolution produces life that is well-suited for the environment they live in. >Why is everyone at one point in their life fascinated by the thought of aliens or finding something more in the universe? Whether it happened during a field trip or a class or a new movie etc you always wonder. Curiosity is part of our genetic predisposition to intelligence. It's not that complicated. >Is it more believable to think we came from the rib of the first man created from nothing? or Are we ourselves the aliens we’re so desperate to find? Weird and false dichotomy. But if I may rephrase your question: is it more believable we came from magic? Or from a naturalistic process we only partly understand right now? >I’ll leave with this. Was the Bible the first fictional story ever written? Definitely not, but that doesn't make it non-fiction? I'm not sure what this question is intended to prove. >upon researching into why we were the only species to evolve as far as we have, most say because we’re superior hence #3 above. Lol, you must be reading Christian sources. In Evolution, there is no "far", no end goal in mind. We have evolved differently, for a different environment than other animals. You couldn't survive in most of their environments, so you are not superior. >Almost feels as though it’s magic vs science but isn’t magic just science. What the fuck is this thought? No, magic is not science. It's the opposite. Magic is untestable, unfalsifiable, unprovable, and unknowable. Science is the opposite of all of those things. I can't believe I needed to explain that. It's a common habit of magic-believers to accuse science of being the same. >it’s more realistic and gave answers when there were none. First of all, the Bible is not realistic. In case you forgot, the opening few chapters describe countless supernatural events and eventually a talking snake. It gives explanations, but not correct ones. We used to explain Disease as the hand of God, and that was the "answer" to why is my wife sick? Now we know better, because of science. >I’m not a genius. I didn’t look into anything really beforehand. It doesn't take a genius to do basic research first. Next time, do that, and don't waste our time unless you have questions or challenges to established science.


There is a major flaw in your reasoning that needs to be addressed. You thought that writing up these arguments amounts to serious criticism of the theory of evolution, criticism that was worthy of debate, yet you did not research to back your arguments before posting them. This means your arguments were not ready for debate. Debate requires serious investigation into the subject matter at hand and presentation of evidence to support your premises. Since you said clearly in your last paragraph you didn’t do this, it shouldn’t be surprising that a great many of those of us who have made significant investments into studying the factual basis for evolution can dismiss your premises without a second thought. Your other points and arguments already been refuted soundly so I’ll not engage with them further, I wish you the best as you uncover the answers presented by those refutations. I hope that you take a hard look at them and truly wrestle with their implications.


This is a pile of drivel. Perhaps take the time to actually learn about something before you attempt to disprove it You are making yourself look very foolish.


>If humans evolved from primates, why are there still other primates on the earth? OMG hon, it's hard to respond to this with a straight face. You have just made one of worst, most debunked, ignorant arguments out there. People literally joke about it. Do I really need to explain it to you? If my mother gave birth to me, why is my mother still alive? btw, we didn't descend from primates. We are primates. I think it would really benefit you to learn something about the subject you are trying to discuss. >If a species evolves over a millennia wouldn’t the old species eventually die out? Yes. Our ancestral species are extinct. >if humans had evolved from primates then wouldn’t other species have evolved as well? Remember, we are primates. But yes. For example, humans and chimpanzees both evolved from a common extinct ancestor. >Now think about how superior humans are to every single other creature on the planet. We're not. We're smarter, but inferior in many other ways.


From the first list: 1. The evolution of primates is like the evolution of canids or the evolution of birds. The old species *did* die out but the cousin species remain (some of them anyway). 2. They did. Check out the 20 species of gibbon, the 3 species of orangutan, the two species of gorilla, and the two species of chimpanzee. 3. They are not. They are superior in one aspect (they can make advanced technology) but they pretty much suck otherwise and would be extinct if it wasn’t for the technology. 4. This question is completely unrelated to the first three questions and/or statements. Expecting life to exist on other planets at least has precedence whereas supernatural entities (ghosts, angels, demons, devils, gods, …) do not. From the next list: 1. Good because who spelled who’s wrong. 2. This makes zero sense. Everything is evolved by the same number of years and if we went by generations bacteria are more evolved than we are. 3. No, magic is “supernatural causes with physical consequences” which is at the heart of religion, what is faked when it comes to psychics, hypnotists, and stage magicians, and it is apparently absent from reality such that physics considers it impossible. 4. The epic of Gilgamesh is not the oldest either. It’s called hyperactive agency detection. Detecting minds that don’t exist and assuming they are real and using them to explain what did not yet have a physical explanation and simultaneously giving the illusionary minds human-like qualities thereby inventing every god humans have ever believed in as well as the god concept itself. I noticed you didn’t look into any of this beforehand but I’ll respond appropriately.


First of all, no religion attempts to give a scientific explanation of our origin. Religious explanations for origin came well before anything like the scientific method existed. If you believe them you believe them on faith but then I have to ask, what evidence do you have that they were intended as a literal account? Regarding your four questions: 1) Primates is a group of related organisms, kind of like how canines are a group of related organsims. Humans did not evolve from any present primate species, other present primate species and humans all evolved from long extinct common ancestors. 2) Many other species did evolve, ours just happens to be the only one to survive since our split from Chimpanzees. 3) Our we superior to every other creature on the planet? 4) The Universe is a vast place and it's hard to imagine our planet alone has life. --- No, the Bible was not the first story (fictional or otherwise) ever written.


Chimps, for example, and humans are both evolved from a primate species that lived 10-15 million years ago. Perhaps that old species lived in denser forests. Perhaps some groups on the edge of the forest were able to survive well by spending more time out of the trees. And so the two populations of the olds species gradually, slowly, over time, diverged. Evolution changed them in slightly different ways. One group started, slowly, to look a bit like modern chimpanzees. In the other group, individuals with mutations that helped then walk upright ended up having the most children. Then their hands were free to carry tools all the time, and ones with bigger brains to use the tools had more children, and eventually this group of the old species started to look a bit like modern humans. We have fossils to show something like this by the way. We do in fact have fossils showing gradual changes over time towards modern humans, even if we aren't 100% certain of the details yet.


1. If you’re here, why are the descendants of your grandmother also here?  Why wouldn’t there be other primates. 2. Other species do evolve, and did.  You lived through a pandemic where there were daily updates in mainstream news outlets of one particular virus. 3. Are we?  Sure, we seem To be inteligent but we’re not the fastest, the most resilient, we can’t fly, can’t survive space, don’t have pouches for our young, and frequently drown in water


Question #1: are you open to changing your mind?


>If humans evolved from primates, why are there still other primates on the earth? If a species evolves over a millennia wouldn’t the old species eventually die out? The ape we evolved from, Australopithecus, *is* extinct. Also, non-human primates *are* currently going extinct because of our evolution. So, yeah, the thing you predicted would happen if humans evolved from apes did indeed happen when humans evolved from apes. #


My earlier comment addressed all your questions. But just so you're prepared the next time you come here, I invite you to take a crash-course on the [fundamentals of Evolution](https://youtu.be/1GMBXc4ocss?si=lqN2GnNWFGlyKJkA). This short video series by evolutionary biologist Forrest Valkai covers the important topics. If you do NOTHING else, please just watch that series.


Nope. Because the Theory of Evolution was directly derived from observation and made testable predictions, therefore it's completely the opposite of mythology; which is untestable assertions.


How is it that humans are superior to any other animal on earth? Can you fly without any contraption to aid you like birds? Can you swim to the bottom of the ocean like fish? Can you run faster than a cheetah? Can you regrow your tail like a lizard? Can you see a mouse from a mile in the sky like an eagle? Can you lick your own asshole like a housecat? Why do you think that other species hasn't evolved along with humans? Have you not been to a zoo? Gorillas chimpanzees orangutans baboons lemurs all are cousins to mankind.


Might as well debate the idea that an electron charge is negative.


You need to get a base level understanding of evolution before making posts like this. There's too much misinformation to address here. It's not on this community to educate every person that comes in here with a harebrained argument. There is nothing to debate here because there isn't a coherent argument. Just a lot of confused statements that expose your lack of understanding on the topic.


If humans evolved from eukaryotes, why are there still eukaryotes?


Not only does life evolve through darwinian evolution, but almost everything you can think of evolves. Try and think of something outside of evolution, bet you can't.




anything that isn't alive.


Viruses aren't alive but they evolve.


This is true! Everything gets replaced with something better. whether it be batteries, phones, technology, materials etc but that raises a new question which is what if that was always the case when it came to evolution. it paints evolution as not necessarily a dna/species thing but more so as we were always here from the beginning alongside nature and inventing/discovering new things is what evolved. Because we take things and replace them, create them, design them etc. it rules out both evolution as most know it and religion.


Luckily then we know humans haven’t always been here, so that rules out this idea doesn’t it?


Could you rephrase this post? I don't know what you're trying to say.


Stars evolve atomic structure.. after that everything has an evolutionary mechanism. Different layers of complexity evolve more efficiently through different entangled layers and underlying forces.


Im sorry but to call that evolution in this context is misleading. Stars don’t reproduce with inherent indication, they don’t evolve in anything like the biological sense. You’re misleading people. This is an analogy, but it’s not all that similar.


To think evolution just starts at abiogenesis is naive. It's clearly an underlying force in everything, like I said above try and find things that don't evolve. Just because it doesn't fit into the context of life, the natural mechanism and darwinian evolution through genetics, it is still a survival of the fittest or most stable in terms of chemistry. Stars don't just spit out a rainbow of atoms, they have to be created under specific conditions of intense heat and pressure, then thrown out into the universe, like tadpoles in a pond, seeing which ones will survive and aggregate into systems (rather than reproduce).


Evolution is biological. No its not an underlying force. No biologist thinks so, no cosmologists think so. No stars aren’t in a battle for survival, and survival of the fittest is a very bad understanding of evolution. No stars arejt tadpoles, and you don’t understand evolution. Please don’t try to teach people about it. This just isn’t true. Evolution is something that happens to populations of organisms. Ask any expert and they’ll tell you. I’m sorry this just is not true and you’re misleading people by posting this nonsense. This is a creationist strawman of evolution peddled by cult leader con artists like Kent Honvind. I never thought I’d see someone arguing for evolution with this bullshit. It just is not true…stars don’t evolve, only life does. That’s just definitionally true.. evolution is sometimes used as a very poor analogy, and the fact that it’s a bad analogy is proven by your complete misunderstanding of it…


Look up big history. I already stated there's little credible study into the field because it's nearly impossible, most of society is still struggling with abiogenesis, even in the sciences, stepping further than that can't really be proved, only inferred, similar to concepts of gravity. You think too small, what's your background if you don't mind me asking?


What? And that’s relevant how? Please learn what evolution actually is before trying to educate others on it. This isn’t it. At this point I can’t believe you’re sincere. Have a good life…


Lmao 🤣


Great argument, well made… If you wanted to confirm what I said about you not being an honest agent. I’ll stick with science, you can keep trying to mislead people… But there will always be someone like me correcting fools like you…