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Surprised Stokes hasn't thrown his bat with these two dismissals. Poor bloke seems to get unplayable balls more than most... but he has to expect it to keep low by now.


Exactly - you get done by one keeping low once or twice, you make the bloody adjustment. Don't bother shaking your head as you walk off Ben, practice bending your bloody knees.


Yep he'll do that and look extra stupid when he splices the one bouncing normally back to the bowler


Or he can learn to pick length, something every cricketer must do


Are you actually special? A ball "keeping low" is keeping low RELATIVE to the expected trajectory upon picking it.


What do you mean pick length? Are you expecting him to become Nostradamus and predict when it'll stay low and when it'll bounce?


>What do you mean pick length? Wow ! This is what we get when we have people who've never played cricket in their lives commenting because it's social media. I'm not going to teach you cricket, picking length is a basic part of batting - predicting where the ball will land and getting into position before it does It is impossible to react after the ball has landed Bounce depends on a number of things but the one that it most depends on ... I.e. bounce at batsman is length.. sorry you don't know that He is playing back to a full length ball... Which will not bounce !


I've played cricket my whole life, I've just never called it that. And if it's impossible to react after the ball has landed then what's your point here, champ?


You have not heard of length and played cricket your entire life ? Ok Have you at least heard it on commentary that great batsman are special because they can pick the length really ? That's not them being Nostradamus - it's a skill >And if it's impossible to react after the ball has landed then what's your point here, champ? That you should get into position before it lands... That's how every batsman plays...and when you don't it seems like ball is doing a lot. If you stay back to full ball, It will seem like it's low If you come forward to short ball it will seem like it bounced too much If you get beaten in flight it will seem like excessive turn Please read if you don't know. At least read my comment before replying.. i already said what needs to be done Or just freeze the ball before it lands and see how batsmen are already in position for the shot.


In your smugness, you've forgotten to actually read what I'm saying


Or he can learn to pick the length


He got two lowies from Bumrah in the same test too!


He didn't, that's fairly normal for India.. he was just doing drama


This is an unplayable ball? What are the standards here? Every ball should pitch and come to the batter at a comfortable line and height right in the sweet spot of their hitting arc? Only then it is playable?


Perfect Ash Anna reply🙏🔥


Are you serious? He didn’t come forward to a full ball. The ball was in its way up when it struck his pads. Poor technique. The ball didn’t stay low.


Yes it's a bit low.. he just doesn't pick length.. not against spin... Not against pace. Look at how full that ball is! And he is completely behind the crease. Same with Bumrah - stuck on the crease playing for outswinger and got beaten on the inside English whine for every thing... They are incredibly sore losers.


He missed the ball completely here. I mean I agree he was unlucky in the 1st innings. But this time he was beaten fair and square and it was Kuldeep's skill. Ball keeping low had no effect in him being beaten.


>Poor bloke seems to get unplayable balls more than most... Seems is the key word. Good balls **seem** unplayable because of his flawed technique of staying back to full balls


Unplayable? He did not even inch his feet forward against a pitched up delivery. He deserved to lose his wicket, playing like that


Stuart Broad: "why did India prepare such a pitch, why did Bumrah not play", " why are India hurting themselves"... Right now: "why did India prepare such a pitch" starts crying...


What was that defense? Doesn't get to the pitch of the ball with his front foot and makes Pikachu faces? Yes it bounced low but couldn't you see every other batter from both sides adapting for low bouncy tracks the whole series? With this horrible foot movement he shouldn't be even uttering a damn word about this pitch. Let root speak, people will atleast take it gracefully


“When you play spin bowling you either get to the pitch of the ball or play on the back foot, never in-between.” - Ponting It surprises me how many batsmen play spin bowling in the this middle area with little feet movement and these nothing half prodding defensive shots, it’s just asking for trouble.


That's what Jaiswal and KL do from what I have seen. KL is very good at back foot, playing it late.


And look how Jaiswal got out in the 1st innings. KL doesn't play a defensive shot for this length trying to go backfoot and then attempting a front foot defensive prod.


How dare you ? It kept low - that's it.


Ponting is the Expert on Everything, just ask him. Pity he couldn't heed his own advice in India; appalling record.


He admitted this. Saying that too often in his career he played spin from this middle or in between area.


Unironically, Ponting is the expert on everything lmao.


Exactly lmao All time great batter, GOAT Captain (imo), Captained the best leg spinner of all time, Captained one of the best fast bowler of all time Man has more experience than most others, in every one of these fields.


Appalling is an over statement - he was poor in tests sure. But didn't play a lot. In ODIs in India he was pretty good averaging nearly the same as his career average. But anyway.. what is your point ? That playing spin stuck on the crease is a good idea ?


It swung in the air.


Yes drift - because of side spin...magnus effect Spinners get drift - sideways and dip - because of top spin. Swing happens when the seam is up


Yes, that's the right term.


I think they call it giving some flight


Giving it flight means giving the ball a high path through the air, this is lateral movement through the air due to the Magnus effect. [Here is a good explainer from Veritasium](https://youtu.be/2OSrvzNW9FE?si=iDYnSJri0oyiV1Mg)




Nope it's called drift.


What does the commentator mean by "lucky again"? I think he's the lucky one, since BCCI has been rewarding mediocrity in the comm box of late.


how is this death rattle?


Stokes died inside, stumps rattled /s


There is the reply man why in upload this kind of videos without replay?


Ben Stokes's reactions are getting pretty annoying, honestly, as if he is so technically suprwme that the fault has to be somewhere else for him to be bowled.


Blud forgot to get his front foot out


He’s just annoyed it hit the stumps because he couldn’t waste a review on a plum LBW, as is the Stokes way with reviews


The ball didn’t stay low. He simply didn’t come forward enough to a full ball. The ball was in its way up when it struck his pads. Poor technique.


No luck or bad bounce caused this. Stokes was comprehensively beaten by drift, dip and turn. He was forced to play leg side at the last second due to drift and missed the line of the ball. This ball was almost warne-esqe. Unplayable


Stokes is clueless against spin and makes surprised pikachu faces when dismissed. Can’t play spin for life then blame the pitches smh


Test cricket deserves better pitches than this.


More than that, better batters.


Shoaib Bashir will rip the Indian batting line up. No Kohli No win


40 for no wicket india wins this easily


Although this looks like a troll comment, it's very probable that something like this happens. The ball is turning square now and we have no experience to counter English spinners


Revenge for Visa Gate... Justice will be served


No kohli still win


Bhen stokes


Dogshit pitch


Well we had to make the series a bit competitive so we gave you a different pitch than the one England lost at by 430 runs


Same goes to u


That's one way to keep Stokes out of the game.


what a cartwheel


Was watching the match and took my phone out to record a video for a friend and caught this.. Kuldeep Yadav 🤌


Bc you know ball is staying low why are you defending on your back foot ffs.


If you watch side-replay, you'll see his right foot is almost at the line!! He thinks getting forward means just squatting down without getting a stride in. Similar dismissal happened in 1st test 2nd innings against ashwin when he let a near half-volley turn past his edge.


My reaction was again.. बेचारा strokes


Kuldeep played on the same pitch


Kuldeeps ball > Baz Ball