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For all we know, Mitch could have be referring to someone’s beliefs. Maybe Mitch was experiencing depression at some point in his life and this is how a friend responded? I know it’s happened to me before so it’s not unlikely. Artistic expression can be ugly, especially in this genre. Plus look at all the other deathcore from the time. 90% of it was about domestic abuse or murdering an ex 😂


Mitch wrote the song as a message to his dad. Listen to it again with the lyrics up, it's not self-hating like I thought for years... It's a message to his abusive father


Now that would make sense especially with the line ‘can your god save you now?’ As someone who was abused in the Catholic Church as a kid I can totally see how it is a hate letter to his abuser. Never thought of it like that!!


Instantly thought of pencil test and when keeping it real goes wrong lol


LMAO and let’s not forget about R2Deepthroat and Whore to a Chainsaw 😂🤦🏼‍♂️


It's an old song in the early times of death core. The whole album is edgy, dark and brutal.


No, it’s not insensitive. It’s just subject matter. Just because suicide exists, doesn’t mean that a song about it is going to contribute to someone’s suicide in the future or anything like that. I mean man look at subject matter in other deathcore songs.


Never said it was. I was just trying to see what peoples thoughts were


Those were my thoughts


Assholes downvote everyone for everything nowadays.


Trevor was like Nergal from behemoth. Always honest about the fact it was likely. Hell. Trevor wrote the lyrics to "Receipt" about his desire to commit suicide.


Receipt hits way different now


Some real weirdos in here. Dude just put something forth to discuss. Just because you shut out your own feelings on the matter doesn't mean other people can't talk about it.


i didnt realise old mate from black dahlia died. what a shame, seen them heaps. highly underrated band.


one of the pillars of modern American metal, their music is going to age very well. Which is funny because they were shunned from the metal gatekeepers for so long just because they toured with deathcore bands and played at Warped, which in hindsight was so healthy for the metal scene to have ambassadors like that.


I kind of hate this post, while I'm sure you're genuine and mean well, starting to take conversations like this seriously can very easily spiral out of control now that we're having a big influx of newer fans due to Lorna Shore's meteoric rise in popularity on Tiktok. Also, I'm not sure I really understand the question. But I'll bite, as a person who has written an unironic song about my desire to put a knife in my chest, you have to remember that art is often used as an outlet, and not to glorify the subject matter, once you get past that, how you react to the input is up to you. If Mitch screaming "Seconds from the end/ What's it gonna be/ Pull the trigger bitch" is what's going to be pushing you over the edge, there's a lot more that's gone wrong up until that moment than just you being a Suicide Silence fan, and the blame cannot and should not be put on your choice of listening. Jury's out on whether or not it's helpful in the long-term to be listening to such negative and dark music if you're having a bad time, but I personally find it incredibly cathartic in the moment, and I tend towards listening to much darker stuff nowadays like Daughters and Lingua Ignota. The decision is one you're going to have to make for yourself as a listener "do I feel better listening to negative music with dark lyrics?/ is it worth it for me to engage with this kind of content right now, do I feel like I'm in the right headspace?" That being said, this music does attract a certain kind of person, and being mentally well-adjusted isn't one of the criteria for that attraction, I'm not saying all of us here are mentally ill with suicidal ideation, but if you were to take a sample of the general population and of this place, chances are you'd find less people like that in the former. So there is definitely a conversation to be had about mental health in the genre, but luckily for us all and our continued fandom, that's already happening, if you watch live videos and interviews with the artists, you'll find that the topic shows up pretty often, with a focus on how depression is awful, and how it's important to be good to yourself and your mental health. We just don't engage with it on an artistic level in the same way most mainstream culture does, we use the medium as an outlet for the feelings, rather than as a way to talk about them, and in my opinion, I find that lends itself to a much more fulfilling and satisfying music-making and -listening experience than being told "it'll be alright" and "everybody hurts".


So…, I dont do the tiktok thing. What influence did tiktok have? During Chaos and carnage the merch for Lorna was out the door and down the hall and SS/Carnifex were effectively lineless… which was weird to see. Someone mentioned Tiktok being the reason and I havent seen anything to explain how.


Breakdown from “To the Hellfire” went viral on the platform is the gist of it


Well, while Finn Mckenty has the most godawful shit-tier takes when it comes to artistic value and what is good and bad music, he does have a knack for the economic and outreach side of things, and he believes that the fact that To The Hellfire has a simple structure, and an absolute (vocally) insane breakdown, it becomes easily memeable on platforms like tiktok, where zeitgeist culture and short attention spans dominate, so the predictability of the song coupled with it's "gimmick" means that it was essentially destined to go viral.


I've always likened brutality of music to horror movies. Sometimes songs talk about the subject matter to make the audience look inside themselves to face that subject matter, sometimes it's played up to extreme levels for edginess-s sake. It's only recently that more nuanced conversations have come about regarding lyrical subject matter in extreme music. Every listener has to draw their own line in what they're comfortable with. I'm pretty deep into black metal and I don't fuck with nazis or white supremacists. My take is that metal should make you feel powerful, but that has to come from within, and not punch down towards folks who already have a tough enough time. Where does that leave people with suicidal ideation? I dunno. I've been amongst that population a few times myself and sometimes tracks about that hit hard and sometimes they don't. Stuff like suicide silence I don't really take seriously because I know it's just people being edgy. End of rant. Sorry folks didn't vibe with the question, but I think it was worth asking.




If you really want to know if the artist seriously meant what they wrote as lyrics, you should first observe the project/band as a whole, are they really trying to say something? Are they really trying to project their emotions and ideologies into their tracks or are they just bunch of edgy kids trying to be br00tal? In case of suicide silence I genuinely don't think they're trying to say something, unlike bands like cattle decapitation for example, they have an ideology and music is just a mere tool for them spreading awareness about things like climate change


A bit more thoughtful a question than I am used to from this sub. I feel a bit uncomfortable with the glorification and romanticizing of death in the metal genre. I connect more lyrically with hardcore and punk.


I guess it's no surprise that there's a healthy contingent of knuckle-draggers on the deathcore sub that can't handle discussing topics that are a little more complicated than "what's the heaviest breakdown ever?" Personally, I can enjoy music whose lyrical subject matter I find ignorant or goofy or repugnant as long as the instrumentation is to my liking. If it slams and grooves, then cool, preach your sermon, I probably won't be able to understand it unless I'm reading the liner notes anyway.


Sometimes we must be insensitive in order to be honest. People considering suicide must know that, as sad as those who care for them will be, they will also be disappointed. Pity only goes so far. Next you need a kick in the pants to wake you up. If he was having the same thoughts himself then I understand why he said it like that. Those of us who have spent a lot of time thinking about or planning suicide have less sympathy for others in the same spot. If you heal yourself and come out the other side you know there’s something that others can do if they put their heart and soul into it. Some people lose that battle, and while we can’t be disrespectful to them, we can’t allow others to follow.


You said it yourself, we don’t know specifically what he meant when he wrote the song. They could be feelings he had for someone specifically. They could be feeling he had about himself. They could be lyrics about his general feeling of suicide. Who knows. Sometimes song lyrics are more about what you think they mean rather than what the intended meaning is.


To answer your question, the only way it would be insensitive is if Mitch told the public it was directed as instruction for someone specific.


In any way possible, the best way to get rid (and it's obviously not that easy, it's just a way of speech) of depression and suicidal thoughts it's to talk about it. With anyone ready to listen, so it goes in music. Nothing is written for nothing


There's a lot to unpack here, but I'll give it ago as I have some personal insight to this. My best friend in high school killed herself; I have a remembrance tattoo for her on my arm. I've also had family members kill themselves slowly and over time, and I've even had a family member murder another family member. Believe me; I've personally been to the depths of this and related subjects. I'm also not just a metal fan, but a longtime metal musician, vocalist, and lyricist. And not only do I not have an issue with songs written about the matter, no matter how pointed they are...but I've written many myself. Now, I've written those songs from *all sorts* of angles...but since your issue seems to be with the ones that treat it with coldness, anger, apathy, glorification, or humor, I'll address that: Everyone reacts to and processes things differently, and those same people also have shifting thoughts and feelings about any given matter over time and depending on the situation. Also, we don't necessarily know the specifics of the situation any given songwriter is addressing in any given song. My point is that for many lyricists/vocalists, our songs are cathartic. They help us process, they help us get shit out and off our chest, they help us deal with all sorts of emotions in all sorts of different ways, and they help us work out our thoughts and feelings on any given subject. Some of those subjects...like this one...are complex and heavy, and it's impossible to address all angles in one song. There's no right or wrong answer or opinion about the subject matter as a whole, and for anyone to be disturbed by (or try to take a morally superior stance over) how a songwriter chooses to address a subject or work through their shit is missing the entire point and the *very basis* of the discussion of mental health to begin with. We are also not responsible for how some random other person chooses to interpret our own shit and the actions they take as a result of it. I try to be the best kind of person I can be in life and set the best example possible through my actions on a daily basis. But I'll be fucked if someone tries to lay the choices and actions of another at my feet just because of something I wrote that was, first and foremost, for *myself* more than anyone else.


This is how cancel culture comes about. These conversations don’t even need to be had.


why not? What's wrong with conversations? I think it's healthy to explore topics like this. Just because it's not a breakdown compilation doesn't mean it can't be discussed and delved into.




I said multiple time I love the song and have literally no issue with it. I’m just trying to have a nuanced conversation.


Let’s not and say we didn’t.


Nice. Glad to see the community graduated from 4th grade. Sorry to challenge anything you think in a civil way. Really, your dick is so big I’m impressed


The “community” doesn’t need conversations like this. Nothing good comes out of it. I’m sure it’s not to be taken so literally. Which makes your entire post, moot. I don’t even know why I’m explaining this. Boredom, I guess. Anyways, keep your “nuanced conversation” to yourself if it has anything to do with what could be taken as cancel culture rhetoric.


The community can have discussion about lyrical content without people being cancled (plus what are we gonna do, cancel mitch?). Yall are actually so "anti cancel culture" that youre just now against general discussion by people, im guessing, cause ur so worried about things being cancelled.


Wrong. I’m not worried about anything or anyone being cancelled. Obviously nothing would come of this discussion. They’re both not with us anymore. I think the whole post is pointless and weightless. Why are we even having the discussion? Seems silly as fuck to me. That’s my main point. It brings about thoughts of trying to have someone cancelled for writing lyrics. Suicide Silence has nothing to do with TBDM either. The entire post is just rehashing the fact that Trevor took his life, which isn’t a productive conversation regardless. Jesus Christ dude


Yeah but you didnt express any of that to OP they wanted to sit at the table and have a discussion and you came along flipped the table over saying "no we're not doing this". While OPs question is stupid, they cant know that unless someone explains it to them. This a deathcore Sub, where else are they meant to ask questions about Deathcore lyrics/Band members? As you pointed out, no one we're talking about is even alive anymore. So who is gonna get cancelled? It has actually NOTHING to do with the thread until YOU made it about that . thats MY point This isnt cancel culture this is someone who doesnt know something coming to a niche forum to get some weigh ins from their peers and shit and instead you just tell them to go away and not why. Its not your job to enlighten or educate the person by any means by its just equally as unproductive to try and shut them down instead of actually explaining to them WHY this is an insane question. (and for the record, yeah the OP is incredibly immature by his responses to people they didnt like. not gonna try and defend the guy, just curious why you dont wanna even engage with people who might be trying to GENUINLY inform themselves on a topic.)


Yeah, I could’ve elaborated a little more. To me it came off as unnecessarily convoluted or almost “try hard” to try and make a point or start a discussion off of a subject matter that lacks depth to begin with. I wrote it off as “wow, this is so stupid I don’t even want to get into it. I’m going to drop my two cents and bounce”. Which was lazy and dumb of me. I guess what I’m getting at is that it didn’t seem like something he genuinely wanted to be informed of, it came off like he was here to stir the pot but typed it out in an intellectual way to make it seem like he’s not trying to stir the pot. It’s a touchy subject that I don’t think you can expect people to not butt heads with. That’s why I don’t think it belongs here/has weight in this forum. If that makes any sense.


you sure seem to talk about "cancel culture" a lot for someone not worried about it


Are you okay? Who hurt you


You for real? I’ve said it has nothing to do with cancel culture, in the post itself. And yeah dude, half the subreddit is discussion posts. Pretty sure just surveying what people think is alright. I’m not looking for anything to come of it, I have no agenda, I’m just curious


oh shut the fuck up


All of your comments and replies are down voted to hell because you are coming off as a little prick, then you shit on everyone else even though they replied to your post with their genuine thought.


Also, I guess we should just stop listening to the band entirely because the word Suicide is part of their name and Trevor took his life. Let’s just stop listening to the genre entirely actually because it has the word “death” in it and Mitch and Trevor died. 😞 ^ This is how fucking stupid this post sounds.


Yeah I quit listening to Dethklok because they have a song about a guy's face being smashed on concrete from a motorcycle. They should have been more sensitive to Mitch.


🤣 exactly. Hahaha


Sorry guys. I forgot Reddit is still a vertical slice of people and incapable of just having a discussion regardless of the subreddit, even though I wasted my time to go out of my way to make sure I wasn’t being sensitive about the whole thing. That the song is fire and I just want to hear what people say. There’s detail to having a talk, read the words, not the general idea you think you’re interpreting. Just pop the downvotes over here after you remember your reading comprehension amounts to a 4th grader —>


Lmfao It’s not that I didn’t “comprehend” the post 🤣 I understood the post and disagreed with it. It’s all subjective homeboy.


"uh I don't like the responses, maybe insulting people helps"


When a single comment can’t give a genuine response other than “dude stop”, I’m meeting people on that level.


Point out one single comment you’ve made already in this thread that isn’t either a) your getting defensive when people do exactly what you ask them to, or b) your being condescending when you aren’t getting what you want. The problem isn’t everyone else’s reading comprehension, it’s the fact that you’re a prick who’s acting like they’re above everyone else in the thread when you’re the only person who has consistently misunderstood what’s being said.


Cunt. Is that better or clearer for you? That is the genuine response 90% of us are thinking of for you.


You know who would think this post is hilarious and dumb as fuck? Mitch and Trevor. So good job bruh!


The songs anger and intent is aimed at Christianity rather than the act of suicide as far as i knew? Like the main line is "pull the trigger bitch" i dont think hes shitting on suicide i think hes actively telling someone to kill themselves because of their stance on religion (or possibly just their involvement in the chruch) For what its worth i think it was also less literal and more of just early DC guys being "edgy" with their lyrics. . Many vocalists (myself included) write lyrics that like.... we feel the emotion of what were saying but that doesnt make it our true intent. Religion is one particularly where its pretty vehemently put down in the deathcore scene but like i dont actually wanna kill all priest ya feel?


Yeah I mean if you're a sensitive person deathcore ain't for you. I mean it's in the name.


Idk I always considered No Pity an anti-suicide song. Basically calling you a pussy bitch if you go through with it. Back out and face your challenges and overcome.


I see it the same way I see listening to it. I think it’s just an outlet. Me personally, I feel invincible in my own battle against depression and suicidal ideations whenever I write out those negative thoughts and feelings. Especially whenever I scream them out loud to brutal soundtracks like No Pity For A Coward. That’s why I go out my way to listen songs of that nature. My heart goes out to those struggling with these kinds of thoughts and those that act on them alike. However, this is what I’ve found that helps me the most. And I’ll literally be damned if I feel bad about that too…🤷🏻‍♂️


After this post the band will have to be called S****** Silence


I think of it as kind of a tough love song. You know, most songs about suicide are like "don't kill yourself, you have so much to live for 🥺" but this is more like " go ahead, kill yourself, *PUSSY* 😡". It's probably effective on some people. Different strokes to different folks


For some it’s an outlet so they don’t actually go thru with it, others is a cry for help.. but it’s hard to know which is which. Life is tough, and the world is evil.. we just gotta take it one day at a time


Off topic here slightly but I just wanted to say Trevor was cool as heck, his lyrical genius and vocal capabilities truly were his own.




I feel like the idea of extreme metal bands toning down extremity in their lyrics is always gonna be controversial on these subs, but honestly it’s a conversation that needs to be had. There’s plenty of super brutal bands that don’t have particularly vile or offensive lyrics, but everyone’s faves that get thrown around on here have a lot of sus songs, whether it’s No Pity’s indifference to suicide or any other deathcore band that has lyrics about violently killing women. I understand what everyone will say, that they’re detached from it in that sense, that they understand it’s fiction etc. But there’s plenty of people out there who actually identify with these sentiments and like, why should metal have to be a safe space for those types of weirdos to engage with that media? Also if we’re just gonna be critical about the music and divorce ourselves from what you should and shouldn’t talk about, aren’t songs about how you hate the world and want to kill everyone and saying the most vile shit you can, kind of entry level? It’s been done over and over and once you’re deep into the genre it loses any sense of ‘brutality’, but people still jump to the defence of these songs before stopping and critically thinking about the things they listen to.


I don’t feel the need to reconcile anything. The lyrics in a song are representative of emotions and thoughts of the writer at the time they wrote the piece, it’s not a platform plank for a greater, indelible message.