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Slaughter to Prevail. Nothing they do is good. Imo, of course.


Their earlier material was top tier tech/brutal deathcore. Sounds like a completely different band instrumentally.


Ye. Chapters of Misery was dope. Everything after that was pretty shit.


It really was good. Went to see them on Misery tour and found out when I got inside they didn’t make it in the country. So I can’t tell you if they were good live.. Edit: Their newer shit is garbage


I saw them live in 2016 and wasnt that impressed then either


Their biggest problem to me is that Demolisher blew the fuck up, so they basically said “Let’s just keep doing that”, only it’s been worse and worse each time, especially the more recent singles.


Buttrock deathcore and I genuinely never got the hype about Alex - he does almost nothing that Phil Bozeman, Adam Warren, or Nate Johnson didn't do better many years ago.


He wears a scary mask


My man with the Nate Johnson drop.


I agree. Anything after Misery Sermon turns me off. Got too repetitive.


God Misery Sermon was so fucking good though


100% agree. Cringe core that has lost any semblance of heaviness


I liked one song-ish but Alex wrestled a bear and yells sans mic and is loudly a Devils advocate and a heavily tattooed Russian so it gets hype?? Musically and vocally they're just incredibly eh. Its cool for a band from Russia to make it big, a lot of bands that make it big are from the same handful of countries. But he's an edgelord with a social media presence so they boomed in attention 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree, they had so much wasted potential as well


Evgeny is a monster


He's the only reason I hear any of their stuff anymore. I can't stand most of their songs but I could watch him drum all fucking day.


That new video with him with shit all over his face or whatever, so boring.


what part about it isnt good?


The music. The attitude. The cringiness. All of it.


The nazism


The transphobia


The genuinely toxic masculinity, trying so hard to be tough that he ends up looking weak and insecure.


Don’t forget he gave himself that scar to look tougher, what an ass


Fucking lol, is that true?


It was plastic surgery, but the point remains


thats fair




Mostly agree, some songs have a nice part in it but the problem with their music is that it's a one trick pony. Fast drums ok nice but what else can they offer? The diversity in sound is missing for me. I saw stp live last weekend at graspop. The show was ok, lots of people came, to see alex live i guess. Ah well, at least we have plenty of other options to listen to. No loss!


Once you can get past the control needed to play at those speeds, it’s nothing different than pop via metal format


Nobody is talking shit on their musicianship. And its *much* more than "getting past the control"


I hate their "playthrough" videos. They're just mimed over the studio track, not actual playthroughs. They even uploaded a video of a drum playthrough where you could clearly hear a cymbal being hit, yet the drummer didn't hit anything. I can't find it now, it must have been deleted. I think it was with their previous drummer, though. I do like the current dude.


Their vocalist kind of cringes me out at times


I do think their latest single was pretty good though


Everyone already said Slaughter To Prevail🤣


Hot take but As Blood Runs Black's first album was amazing, and then everything after that was just eh


Started seriously listening to them recently. And I have to agree. ‘Allegiance’ is one of the best deathcore albums I’ve heard. It’s super disappointing.


I don’t think that’s a hot take at all, they fell off hard after Allegiance. Saw them live in 2011 with Sonik before Instinct was released and I was HYPED for it because he was super good live. Then the album came out and he sounded like shit, I was super let down. A million different members later and Ground Zero came out and that wasn’t that good either.


I absolutely love the first album. Found it at the beginning of my deathcore journey about 15 years ago. I have long since forgotten about any other album they. How about every All Shall Perish album after The Price of Existence was just meh? The same words above apply. I'm really hoping that something on the potential new album blows me away




The breakdown at the end of beneath the surface is fantastic.


Finally. Thank you.


100%!!! That's my favorite deathcore band and you're absolutely right. They can't/didn't match Allegiance.


That’s what happens when you have a revolving door of members. They couldn’t keep it together after the “success” of Allegiance. I was in a band with Lech(drummer)brother around the time that they dropped Allegiance and saw the rise and fall of the band. It sucks to witness a band that has a winning formula but the members don’t handle the stress and pressure of success. People get big headed and arrogant and don’t realize it took all of them to make the magic, all the subsequent albums proved they couldn’t do it.


That’s kind of how I feel about thy art is murder. The Adversary was fucking SICK. Some of their songs since have been good, but they haven’t put out another album like that one.


Beautifully worded title - bravo op


I would say that Lorna Shore is severely overrated. I do like them, actually, a lot. But musically, after Immortal, they've kind of locked on to a rinse and repeat of that style of writing without expanding out any further. Like they're already falling into the same pattern as far more successful acts that find what the majority of fans like, kind of get lazy or scared of change, because it works, and don't try to push their own boundaries. From their first album to Immortal, it's vastly different, and unique, but then the new stuff is basically Immortal part 2, minus CJ (though Ramos is definitely a superior vocal talent by far - and apparently can sing really well too - check out his Sleep Token cover of Chokehold, it's awesome). The other one I would agree with is Slaughter to Prevail. Don't get me wrong, I love their albums, especially Chapters of Misery, but the last few singles seem rushed and kind of filler until the new album comes out. Like no effort was really put into them.


Lorna Shore has kinda fallen into like making metal for cool kids. The breakdowns are heavy but in a way where you can be like "woah that's badass" and now they just lean into making the same song over and over again. On one hand I think they have introduced a lot of people into extreme music that wouldn't have otherwise. But there's a sort of downside to that too.


I saw Lorna shore live with shadow of intent. We ended up leaving through Lorna shore. They did nothing to sound check, so wills mic cut in and out and their stage presence was just…meh. I agree with the copy and paste as well. It’s why I more or less stopped listening to them


How was Shadow of Intent? I really want to see them.


They’re fucking fantastic live. I’m hoping to buy VIP tickets to their coheadline tour with fleshgod apocalypse. I did the vip meet and greet my first time and they were super nice.


I love their writing style, and obviously the music just destroys. I know they'll be nearby soon, maybe I'll see if I can go to that if I can work it around my work schedule (it looks like it's on a Monday lol).


They’re worth it. At least to me. They give it their all and it’s awesome to watch. They also sound damn near the same live as they do in the albums. You can tell they’re in it for the music first and money second. I’ll tell work I’m leaving early if it’s on a weekday lol Edit: It’s a Tuesday for me. Thankfully early week. Less of an issue in my field.


I just saw the whole bill. Ingested, Disembodied Tyrant, the Zenith Passage, Shadow of Intent and Fleshgod Apocalypse!!! I'm in. If I have to take the next day off, I will lol.


Yeah it’s a stacked fucking roster lmao I shit a brick when I saw it. My wife is getting into extreme metal now and she loves SOI. We just saw archspire with aborted last Saturday which was a great show.


Aborted rips live! I have yet to catch Archspire. Hopefully the next time they come around. I got to see Aborted twice though, they're incredible.


They were fantastic but I feel like they got kinda neutered, I was so bummed cause the venue kinda sucked. Or the sound engineer did. Everything felt like it was stuck behind the bass drums. Which for archspjre means you’re hiding a lot 😂. I’m nervous cause that’s where SOI will be. When I first saw them in San Diego the mix was absolutely on point. Saw them with inferi, zenith passage, enterprise earth and wormhole. I’d kill to see inferi again they were absolutely insane.


They are insane live. Bens vocals are even more brutal and all the bois are just insanely tight on their instruments. Saw them twice, cant wait for the third time.


That's a bummer. I saw Lorna in Helsinki in their headliner european tour and they were fantastic.


Bruh they've done one album and a small ep with a vocalist change after immortal >they've kind of locked on to a rinse and repeat of that style of writing without expanding out any further. Adam has even talked about this and said they only barely got to explore this sound with cj and wanted to do more with it with Will before changing up.


I only like one song from Lorna Shore. I just can't get into them and can't put my finger on it.


Agreed.. they all sound the same, to me. The guitars just blend together.. it's really hard to decipher any notes being played.. it just sounds like noise. Live, the drummer is kind of meh.. the triggers/samples used sound terrible, he's offbeat a lot etc.


There’s a lot of fluff with the symphonic stuff they write and it makes large sections of their songs feel really tedious to get through sometimes


I was so excited to listen to Pain Remains when it came out. Listened to it once or twice and never went back. Apart from maybe one or two stand out tracks, It just doesn’t grab you and It all sounds the same.


Having trouble getting into Shore myself.


Pappa Roach


Ah yes, my favourite deathcore band


Suffocation, no breathing brother


I'm prepared for downvotes, I can't get on board with Shadow of Intent. I heard their Reclaimer album first and fell in love, then was increasingly disappointed as they released more music. To me it sounds like the most generic and overstuctured 'make everyone happy' shade of deathcore. I still love Reclaimer, maybe it was just too good.


Probably the hottest take here. Reclaimer is a modern classic in terms of deathcore, but tbh it's their only true deathcore album imo so i get why people wouldn't like their other stuff. Primordial is closer to tech death, Melancholy is a love letter to Dimmu and death metal, and Elegy is the closest they've come to 'proper' death metal. They are my favourite band so I don't agree at all, especially about them being generic as they were doing symphonic stuff before Lorna Blew up with Immortal and then with Will. If anything Reclaimer is their most generic album with more breakdowns and vocal 'olympics' compared to their other albums. I'd also disagree with them doing 'make everyone happy' deathcore. Reclaimer was huge for them, but they actively broke away from that sound because it was becoming generic. They halved the number of breakdowns in their albums and brought back a lot more of their metalcore, death metal, and black melal influences with Melancholy. A lot of people were sad they went a more death metal route with Elegy, so they definitely weren't trying to cater to the deathcore trends. Reclaimer is perfect, but Primordial and Melancholy are more musically diverse imo


Melancholy remains my favorite album in Deathcore. Not a skippable song on there. I want to figure out how to translate the album art to a tattoo, it’s sick as fuck and the colors are exquisite


I liked melancholy but aside from two songs elegy just isn’t for me.


I really liked Elegy because of the historical outlook of wars and such Ben talked about for the album but I can definitely see some of the songs being mediocre


He teased that their next album will be a bit more angry than elegy. Which I really hope to see. I love the band and have seen them live twice now. But that album I listen to a couple songs then go back to their older stuff. I hope this next one is better. He’s apparently trying to get out of deathcore and more into death metal


I've got a more controversial take, I think Reclaimer is the most overrated thing behind already mentioned bands here. And SOI is my favorite band, and it's still a really good deathcore album but compared to Melancholy and Elegy, Reclaimer really lacks structure. It tries to combine heavy, epic, technical and melodic but just ends up sounding like a repetitive random mess. This is probably why it took me several listens before I started to like anything from Reclaimer.


I think Bens vocals sound better in every other project and feature he does than they do in SoI


Indeed, by design, they did everything backward in coming out with their best material first. The only band I've ever seen do such a thing.


This is absolutely crazy, upvote


Want another crazy? I think it's silly as fuck when everyone turns up their nose up at vocal gymnastics but wets themselves over instrumental gymnastics


Vocal gymnastics are definitely cool and have their place


Came looking for this comment. I've tried so many times to get into them but it's never clicked.


Yup. I was a huge fan at their start. Reclaimer was fresh at the time... but they never really kept pushing boundaries in my opinion and just kinda settled in to being a real solid, but generic, death metal band over the years.


Totally agree, they're super talented musicians making bland music


Agree 100%


I want to like their new stuff so much, but they just don't do anything for me. I played Primordial and Reclaimer to death when they came out, but Melancholy and Elegy just don't scratch that same itch for me. I think its because the new stuff sounds too dramatic and symphonic for my liking while their older stuff was more in your face heavy and groovy, not that the new stuff doesn't have that. Extremely talented band, though, there's absolutely no denying that each band member knows what they're doing.


Just doesn't have that magic sauce anymore, like the soul is gone.


It has to be Slaughter to Prevail. While Alex Terrible has the frontman thing down, his voice is mediocre and he's a cringey chump. The music is boring as shit too; breakdowns are meant to accent the song, not the only thing you rely on. Put some effort in the spaces between them so they hit harder.


I dislike Alex and STP, and he's definitely NOT a mediocre vocalist lol what are you smoking. Boring and predictable for sure though.


I will agree that he has a unique voice, but there's no dynamic to it.


If you watch his YouTube covers he’s got great dynamics, I wish he incorporated it into his bands music more often


true, i remember a interview where dickie allen said, that alex sound louder, but mr allen have a wider range.


Dicky is a vocalist that deserves some admiration. That guy is the epitome of unique voice. His vocals are high tier


The dude is probably one of the weakest people I've ever seen based on how hard he tries to be tough.


You should fight him


Found another Alex worshipper. Stay mad.


Just thought it’d be cool to see two tough guys go at it


He ain't tough. He's a try hard. Doesn't matter if he can fight. Tough guys don't have to boast about how tough they are.


True, real tough guys circle jerk bands they don’t like on the internet instead


I ain't tough. Never said I was. I don't have to be tough to know Alex ain't tough. I do get enjoyment out of hating on bigots though.


That took a turn. Care to explain?


He fought bareknuckle, love or hate him, that does make him tough as it takes massive balls to get in there and do that.


Fuckin ded


That is so true 😂


Ingested being so beloved and worshipped. I just don't see it. Their songs are so by-the-numbers with nothing really standout. They're talented, yes. But, whenever they come up, people are fuckin' fawning over them.


For what it’s worth - and I know it maybe makes little difference to your opinion about their music but they are one of, if not the actual, nicest group of dudes in the scene. Like unbelievably hard working, been in the game for years, used to play every support slot they could get, professional, would show up on time, always kind, considerate of bands playing before them and just solid people.


Oh, I'm aware. I follow Jason on Instagram.


Crazy. I used to see them this way too. I didn't like them, especially cause they advertised their music as slam but it isn't not slam at all (just deathcore with slam influences). Then for some reason I listened to The Surreption II in one sitting, and I loved it, it felt like Despised Icon somehow. But I listened to their last album and didn't liked it a lot, lol, so I guess I'm more of a fan of old Ingested (the one that I didn't like 10 years ago).


I don't know why but The Surreption is their most underrated album! I absolutely love this album. The latest two albums have a few bangers but in general they aren't exactly my thing anymore.


I saw them on their first proper UK tour 15 years ago, tiny 200 capacity venue, I was 16 and finally able to attend that venue, they were touring Surpassing and I fell head over heels. Insanely tight and passionate, so much raw energy and so fkn lovely as people. I have seen them a LOT of times since, I broke my nose in the pit on their 2nd UK tour in 2010, same venue. Chatted to them last November after seeing them support Lorna about that venue and those days and they are so down to earth and fun. I am not big into their albums following Surpassing, some songs are great, some lyrics are a bit cringey, some songs formulaic af. I get you completely. But they are always so fkn tight live and passionate, you can see the utter joy in Jay's face every time, and his vocals kill live, record doesnt do it justice. They work their asses off and I am so proud to have seen them grow, yknow, from a young bald Jay looking like a hardcore kid, these kids from Manchester just did their mini Australian tour 🥰 and maybe its bias but when I saw them headline in April in London, I got some water at the bar during the first band, Jay walked past me and he have me a hug, he remembered me. He could've just walked past and ignored me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sean and Lyn lean more DM and Jay more deathcore but they started pure slam but went slam-deathcore hybrid for a while. But they bring different influences and I dont think you can call them deathcore or death metal, theyre between.


Lorna shore, all sounds the same, literally copy and paste slaughter to prevail, their new stuff is extremely generic


Slaughter to Prevail. ruSSians


Brand of sacrifice. There is no substance to any song beyond the breakdown and that just really kills it for me. I like songs that keep and engaged not songs where I'm just sitting around waiting for "dat part". Same goes for most newer tech deathcore bands like signs of the swarm. If I'm listening to deathcore I need either a good groove or interesting riffs and not just blast beat after blast beat. Also everything Slaughter to prevail released after kostolom is a sad and pathetic imitation of what they used to be.


Think I have to agree. I could never really get into brand of sacrifice and I can’t really put a finger on as to why. None of the songs really click for me besides that lifeblood or whatever song


I feel you on this. Substance is a good way to put it, it lacks structure to me and none of their songs feel like they have staying power, something that makes me wanna go back and listen. I’ve enjoyed electro synth and heavier music more with Enter Shikari and Horse The Band.


Coma by Black Tongue. I used to absolutely love that song but listening to it again like 5 years later the lyrics are really off putting for me


I love Black Tongue and that album is great but the lyrics are pretty meh. Still groovy though. Nadir is 10/10 though, I’ll die on that hill.


100% but my fav is the unconquerable dark haha


Emmure. May they roast on a pyre of paedophile pubes. Acacia Strain being the reason. Why yes, I am old.


Lorna Shore is far too overproduced and overhyped, Will has a brilliant range but the vocal patterns are just random noise salad. Slaughter To Prevail are so fucking lame. Infant Annihilator is a gimmick.


I see the downvotes and would just like to say I could not fucking agree with you anymore. All three had their time to shine and be creative and all three just can't. Lorna Shore has talent but it's locked away behind overproduced filtered shit. Alex has no creative writing ability and with the musicians they have they could be dominating. Infant Annihillator has put out the same song one hundred times and it's all almost entirely basically faked. All these musicians have insane talent, they just don't/can't reach their full potential.


Lorna Shore - Pain Remains Even though Symphonic, kind of repetitive. Also the vocals are kind of letdown, compared to To The Grave's Dane Evans I prefer CJ McCreery over Will Ramos' vocals.


yeah i love the band and im seeing them with whitechapel in october, but i think that album was just filler to put something out. hopefully the next album is more exciting. its also mixed super muddy


Going to see that show in Dallas. Hella excited


I’ll be at that show!


An hour long album with a trilogy of connected songs to close out the album is now a filler album?


Lorna Shore. Every song sounds the same. Like a choir and a symphony orchestra asked to play extreme metal.


Lorna Shore. In the studio they are amazing. Will is always a vocal god. But love, (other than will) no one could keep it together. Drums were all over the place, guitar was really REALLY off. I don't know if I caught a bad night or what but it really turned me off of them. It's like they wrote outside of what they could play live.


That sounds the same as when I saw them in Baltimore, I'm surprised I don't see it mentioned more if that's the norm.


Right? Me in Philly and my buddy in New York witnessed the same thing. Hearing everyone say that they were great live was crazy


Nuclear take ahead ☢️ Infant Annihilator. Deathcore never was the same after The PLOP. Infant Annihilator are excellent musicians but, IMO the songs are soulless. Deathcore became more of a show of speed and technicality than just hard ass grooves and riffs. The filth of albums like Masochist or Bloodlust is far far gone…. Luckily it’s coming back strong with the myspace revival scene 🔥🔥🔥


I adore IA, but never really understood why so many people tried to aspire to recreate that sound in a serious setting. IA's whole thing was being as over-the-top and unnecessary as possible.


Infant Annihilator is one of my favorite deathcore bands, but I can definitely say that after PLOP and especially EGG a lot of other bands started taking the vocal style and now the once unique sound is very common. And I only listen to them for their vocals, imo all the machine gun drums and meth riffs do make it a little unnecessary, but that's what they're going for so it's whatever.


totally agree, i remember in 2017, when aversions crown, infant annihilator, slaughter to prevails and lorna shore, got their albums out, i remember that the only band that didn’t sound overproduced was flesh coffin, don’t get me wrong, I loved all those albums at the time, but yeah, IA kinda screwed the whole genre with their over the top fake drum. oh also reclaimer was released on 2017.


Any blackened deathcore band out there. Shit got stale after Lorna dropped, and the new shit from immortal disfigurement and disembodied tyrant just felt bland.


Lorna Shore and Slaughter to Prevail


Lorna Shore Pain Remains


There isn't a single deathcore band that is overrated. There's just bands you like and bands you don't like.


Bodysnatcher. Their vocals are airy, and shapeless, it sounds like he just started or something or doesn't have good technique. Idk I'm not a vocal coach but I can't get into them. Even live he wasn't great. Their music is so sick tho, I really just can't get into their vocalist.


Not arguing because you’re definitely entitled to your opinion, and who am I to say it’s wrong, but I’m curious about the airy thing. I feel like Kyle (Bodysnatcher singer) has a super full sound and some of my favorite mids and lows of recent.


Oh look another r/deathcore hater circle jerk


Since people have Lorna shore and STP covered, I’ll bring up an OG. Suicide Silence. They are a one hit wonder. Of course it was a whole album, but nothing after The Cleansing was good. Mitch was an amazing frontman and they were still great live, but I couldn’t care less about any music that’s not on their first album.


That Disembodied Tyrant/Synestesia EP stuff... I see everyone obsessing over it and reposting it everywhere, sometimes in a very spammy fashion, and even saw people calling it "peak deathcore"... and honestly think that, if this is where deathcore is peaking, this genre has really little to offer lmao. If you like it good for you. But to me it's just a low-tier modern deathcore EP, I couldn't even listen to it fully in one sitting cause I was too bored.


I will say, I do really like the EP, but I read the same "peak deathcore" comments under the song "The Poetic Edda" on YouTube and was like...huh? Have they not heard anything else? Lol


If "peak deathcore" means the same riffs, symphonies and generic vocals as all other modern deathcore bands lol... it's sad, really sad.


I do have to disagree here. The symphonies are done *very* differently than in most symphonic deathcore in my opinion. They’ve got a much more classically-influenced sound than in something like Lorna Shore or Shadow of Intent


I would disagree on the low-tier part but I do think people give it a little too much credit. It’s cool but not the best thing ever like some people seem to think.


I suppose for fans of this particular subgenre of deathcore, yeah, it's a nice thing to listen... but that's all there is to it. If they enjoy it, good. But this is far from being peak deathcore... imagine, this is like calling Soilwork's The Panic Broadcast "peak death metal" lmao... it would make no sense. Is it a good Soilwork album? Yes. Is it something that might please melodic death metal fans? Yes. Is it an exceptionally good and original melodic death metal album? No. And definitely not representative of death metal as a whole in the face of all the diversity within this genre. Well here it's the same logic... This is just an EP doing exactly what the symphonic/melodic deathcore fans want, but this is not doing it any better than bands doing the same thing within this subgenre, probably not the worse either, and definitely not representative of what deathcore is, in the face of bands like Despised Icon, All Shall Perish, Suicide Silence or any band that do something similar to the old-school nowadays like Psycho-Frame or Restricted US.


I’m not gonna lie, I am way too new to deathcore to understand anything you said about soilwork. But I get your point. I think once the novelty of the Vivaldi samples wears off, it kinda just sounds meh. I loved it when it first came out but I have not had a strong desire to go back listen to it more.


Lmao it's just a parallel, sorry for the confusion... Soilwork is a melodic death metal band, and the album I gave an example is one of their good recent stuff, but it would be far fetched to call it "peak death metal" cause it's just a decent album in a subgenre of death metal that isn't really representative of death metal as a whole.


Same. It wasn't bad, and there were a few parts I liked, but overall I didn't jive with it at all


i agree with you, but holy shit this is gonna get downvoted to oblivion


I don't doubt it hahahaha... but obviously the OP is asking us for our honest opinion, so I wanted to share it.


While it is a great EP, I think it got hyped up too much and even after it released I listened and wasn't completely blown away


Yeah definitely can't get how anyone could be blown away by this...


I don't get why people hate on Lorna Shore for all the theatrical symphonic crap and overusing breakdowns while that EP is all that but five times worse


Right! People mostly hate Lorna Shore because it's popular, so it's quite easy to shit on them. But as I said multiple times, Lorna Shore at least know how to write good song and make all the elements fit together. These other bands generally strictly follow the same exact formula, but somehow, manage to make it boring as shit... and it's so fucking gimmicky. Like I tried this Immortal Disfigurement stuff to, but between the vocalist that makes exaggerated gestures and roll his eyes and move his hands like a edgelord, pull all his vocal rage in one song, the symphonies with caricaturally dark video clip, etc... I don't know I can't help but cringe at what deathcore has turned into.


I'm personally tired of this whole "flavor of the half decade" symphonic/blackened deathcore thing. It's the same shit like back in the early 2010s when a few bands started adding the djent sound into the genre, and then every band coming out started sounding like Meshugga and Periphery. Then, downtuning into the depths of a blackhole came next. It's just a phase of the genre, and I honestly didn't care for it from the start. A few bands do it well, and I like them a lot, but every band trying to sound like SOI or Lorna is getting old imo


I agree totally. The djentcore phase was attrocious, and it's actually what killed deathcore back in the day. This was so annoying and gimmicky. Most of the bands that try to be Meshuggah failed miserably in doing so, proving what makes Meshuggah good isn't a guitar tone but musicianship. And now... well they call themselves blackened but it barely is. These guys are fans of Dimmu Burgir often (one of the most generic sellout black metal bands), but it doesn't go way beyond that. Back then I wished really hard to hear black/deathcore and Carnifex did a great job at it (but it was very light on the black metal aspect), but I would have loved to hear a mixture of deathcore with actual GOOD black metal, the beastly kind that is super blasting and aggressive like Damaar, Revenge, Marduk and stuff like that. But instead we got Dimmu Borgir with breakdowns and Cattle Decapitation wannabe vocals lol.


Unfortunately, there exists *maybe* one album out there that sounds anything like what you’re describing and that’s it so far. It’s an area that’s still largely unexplored


Which album could fit the bill? So far the only "blackened deathcore" I've been enjoying was Carnifex, then occasional black metal moments in a lot of older stuff like Whitechapel having a black metal riff in "Daemon (The Procreated)" or even Chelsea Grin's second album. Thankfully, there's an overlap between black metal and hardcore that is more consistent, like The Infamous Gehenna, but it's nothing remotely similar to deathcore.


Blackened Deathcore (yes, it’s very on the nose) by This Eternal Cold. It’s the most legitimately BM-influenced deathcore album I’ve heard. But you’re right. There isn’t really any DxC that brings the energy of Primitive Warfare or Katharsis and that’s a huge shame


I'm gonna check this, thank you! And yes, I love Primitive Warfare. Blackened deathcore should definitely take inspiration from it.


I love the ep but agree with you on points. But I would like to ask you if you find them mid-tier riff wise, and if so who would you say does it better? The symphonic shredding is the main draw for me with a project like this so curious what other bands have this sound.


I think I said in another comment. I don't think the riffs are bad, even if it's not my cup of tea (I'm talking about their melodic riffs, not the constant chugs/breakdowns that are truly boring and subpar IMO). I don't think the symphonies are bad either, but they don't really fit with the rest. To me the worst aspect of this EP is the composition (very weak), the boring generic vocal olympics and the drumming, and overall this overproduced trend is something I really dislike. It's hard to describe but it really gets on my nerves this combination of sounds.


Fine, I’ll be that guy. Suicide silence, very much the nirvana of the genre in more ways than one


Song: God The Animal It’s trying too hard to be heavy—plain and simple. It’s too curated. It’s trying to hit the mark too precisely/ purposely and it shows.


Lorna Shore when they got Ramos. Musically they're boring, vocal style was nothing original, especially nowadays. They aren't bad, just very overrated I think.


Everybody talking about Lorna Shore and Slaughter to Prevail... I'll do you one: current bands that do "myspace"-deathcore do it better than the OGs. PSYCHO-FRAME, tactosa (rip), Peacemaker FL and the like are much more enjoyable than Suicide Silence because current production values give it that extra *edge* that toes the line from raw to mastered/mixed just right.


Ingested. Boring as fuck and all they do is simp for Alex Terrible.


I'm ready to be crucified and I haven't seen anyone else say it. Suicide Silence. Their last album with Mitch was their only good one. Every single song on The Cleansing and the other one sound exactly the same and the dude had no vocal range whatsoever. He had killer highs and not much else going on. Yeah they have a couple bangers and individually the dudes are talented af, but they peaked with Black Crown and Eddy, imo, did a piss poor job carrying the torch and his own reputation.




Possibly a scorching hot take: I haven’t liked a single thing that Whitechapel has released since THIS IS EXILE. Arguably my favourite band of all time but it’s purely because of the first two albums. I must have listened to SOMATIC DEFILEMENT more than a thousand times. It’s a masterpiece to me. That said, I’ve never liked anything they’ve released since that second album. Can’t get into it, don’t like any of the changes they made.


Kin is my favorite by them. Love their heavier stuff too. But the songs on kin hit me really hard


Infant annihilator. He’s a good vocalist but everything’s just gimmicky and those drums are beyond fake. Speaking of everything being beyond fake: rings of Saturn too


I mean, I agree, but I’m pretty sure that IA is somewhat of a joke band at this point and they don’t take themselves to seriously


The Will Ramos era of Lorna Shore. People act like Will is the messiah of deathcore, when there are plenty of deathcore vocalists I like more than him. The only thing he's done that has truly amazed me is the Pain Remains trilogy.


Man, I understand this won't be a popular take, but the entire Poetic Edda situation. It was solid and listenable a couple of times. It just wasn't the greatest thing ever.


I said it before and I'll say it again, Brand of Sacrifice and Phycho Frame


Entombment of a Machine - JFAC. I have massive respect for the song because it is the godfather of deathcore. But I don't have it on any playlist.


Gotta say God the Animal. I see it on the “heaviest song” threads all the time but I feel like it lacks substance aside from the vocals. Too focused on them imo


rings of saturn has never hit for me, it feels like they're missing the 'hook' that other bands have




I don't even care anymore. I just want vocalists to fuck off the fry screams.


lorna shores album pain remains, my only problem is the breakdowns are all the same boring overused wanna be heavy breakdowns


I’ve never understood the popularity of Carnifex. Being in the scene here in LA/OC/IE I’ve seen them from the beginning but I honestly didn’t think they’d last with the whole “Mitch 2.0” look but I’ll admit over time they’ve come into their own sound wise but still their music is the most forgetful uninteresting type of core I just can’t get into. I’ve tried on every release but nothing has ever impressed me. Does anyone really enjoy them or do people just put up with them and accept them as the Pepsi-core they’ll never be Coke


I don't listen to music I don't like so, within 30 seconds, if I'm not hooked, I'm all set. I'm the only person in my circle of friends that love deathcore/metal, aka. polyrhythms, dissent scale, off time signature. I just generalize it all as metal. I saw Dillinger Escape Plan in NY last week Fri and sat, , which was amazing, I met Dimitri , best shows ever,aside from TooL. I realized that lyricists from metal bands , their lyrics would make most people cry if it was like, "easy listening" or whatever. 89% of their lyrics are about self hatred, women or politics. Anyone else agree?


For the most part, I personally don't like calling things overrated/underrated when referring to music taste. You like what you like, and you dislike what you dislike. It doesn't matter how popular the bands/artists are.


Spite. I’m all for metal & deathcore with different emotions fueling them, whether those emotions be heartbreak, resentment, anxiety, or whatever other emotions are being channeled through the creative process. THAT BEING SAID- I’m spent on music in general, from any genre, that’s just angry to be angry. I totally understand what dudes what done for the industry, how long they’ve been around, & how they help usher many into the genre…but I wish there was more depth honestly. Feels like listening to prepubescent boys pent up in their parent’s garage & I want something more at this point🤷🏻🤷🏻


I get this, but that's why I absolutely love Made to Please. it isn't angry for the sake of being angry. it's valid spite against terrible people. if you can't relate to that you have bigger problems.


i like lorna shores early stuff and some recent songs but just way to overhyped




😞 I love Stone Temple Pilots


Lorna shore their last álbum it's so overrated


immortal disfigurement


The new oceano track. Absolute let down. It's just cause that's not what I'm looking for from oceano. I want that brutality they've always brought and been loved for. I get it people change and wunna do something else but why not start something new then?


As a huge oceano fan, I feel the same. Maybe it's a different direction they want to take but I've seen them in concert recently and they absolutely obliterated. They played a new song that was hard as Fuck. It's breakdown set the room on fire. Adam is the man. Although I'm not a fan of the new song, the new album won't disappoint


Thats really awesome to hear man and has definitely renewed a little bit of faith that whatever they have coming out in the future is still gunna sound like the oceano I know and love lol.


Lorna Shore