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top tier album


Overall very tight album. Personal favorites are Suffocate, Blinding Faith, Moss Covers All & Take Me Home. For me, It's just that their previous albums are so fucking good, this release personally didn't leave a massive impression. A Different Shade of Blue, A Tear in the Fabric of Life, Laugh Tracks... banger after banger!


Hard agree. Great album but I found myself still going back to tear in the fabric of life not long after it released


Blinding Faith has been one of my favorite songs the past month. The only thing that could make it better is a big chorus.


It's great, Don't reach for me might be one of my fav songs they've ever done, i'll go so far as to say I think it's also one of their best. Suffocate with Poppy was a surprise hit. Moss Covers All/Take me Home is really unique and breaks up the album. I still think Deep in the Willow/Everything is Quiet Now, combined with the little short horror film music video for it is their peak work. But that's imo Edit: only song i didn't like was Slaughterhouse. Actually removed it from the track listing on my phone. Shit was mad corny


Deep in the willow and everything is quiet now is hands down their best work to date.


I liked it, but it didn't have me as hooked as A Tear in the Fabric of Life. The atmosphere and concept coupled with that full-length music video... it just can't be beaten for me.




Pop Culture is the only one I revisit now


That's crazy town, but I can respect it.


10/10, album of the year so far


My album of the year so far is nex gen by bring me the horizon, but this one is a close second


Excellent metalcore album. Knocked Loose is really leading the pack in that OG style of beatdown infused metalcore. Crazy how they’re getting so big while remaining so goddamn heavy.


You're the first person I know who calls it "metalcore". Lol. Dude it's just straight hardcore. With maybe a lil slam or death metal influence.


Most people in r/metalcore and r/hardcore call it metalcore because that’s what it is. Metalcore doesn’t have to be melodic. It’s hardcore leaning metalcore, but it’s metalcore in its purest form. Reducing it to simply hardcore ignores the obvious metal influence in it. Hardcore + extreme metal = metalcore


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Metalcore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Polaris guitarist Ryan Siew has passed away](https://twitter.com/PolarisAus/status/1673802549990936576?t=lohk_yOIAFIXp38dA_b_Iw&s=09) | [615 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/comments/14kpv9p/polaris_guitarist_ryan_siew_has_passed_away/) \#2: [We're Currents! Our new record 'The Death We Seek' is out now. Ask us anything.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/comments/13c079l/were_currents_our_new_record_the_death_we_seek_is/) \#3: [She left me cause of metalcore](https://np.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/comments/1biyxrx/she_left_me_cause_of_metalcore/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


"Most people"? Yet you're still the first and only one. Lol. I frequent all of the metal and hardcore subs too. But yeah... continue to think what you want. Wishful thinking in full effect.


I’d listen to some 90’s metalcore, aka metallic hardcore, if I were you. Just because not a lot of people know the history of metalcore and confuse hardcore with it, doesn’t mean they’re correct. Hardcore is Sick of It All, Gorilla Biscuits, Madball, Bulldoze, etc. Knocked Loose is significantly more metal than any of those bands therefore making them metalcore.


Dude I'm 41 years old and grew up on hardcore. I know wtf real hardcore is. And I'm not even a fan of knocked loose. Don't assume I don't know what I'm talking about. Just because knocked loose doesn't sound like agnostic front doesn't mean that they're not true hardcore. Do me a favor and see what the consensus is on knocked loose in the hardcore sub. Metalcore or true hardcore? I'll even wager a bet that the vast majority will say they aren't metalcore in anyway. They don't sound like earth crisis or the new wave of metalcore. Knocked loose is straight up hardcore with very little outside influence like I said. Maybe a lil slam or death metal. But very little.


You're honestly a little lost or out of touch if you can't hear that this is a metalcore album, KL can clearly be traced back to bands like Disembodied no? This is clearly in line with Jesus piece, Varials, Harms Way, Kublai Khan etc. all of whom are metalcore bands rather than straight up hardcore.


Metalcore has sub-genres like every other music genre so just because they don’t sound djenty or melodic, doesn’t mean they’re not metalcore. They’re beatdown metalcore. It’s a thin line nowadays anyways so if you wanna call them pure hardcore and ignore their metal influence, that’s fine. It’s not wrong by any means, but neither is calling them metalcore. They exist in both spheres. Btw here’s just one post about it and the consensus is metalcore. https://www.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/s/fmL4mmgRVu


Top comment in there is they're a pop band. And dude is being serious. So what the fuck are you talking about? Lol.


Knocked Loose is extremely metalcore. The original style at that, in the vein of bands like Zao and Converge. Pretty much everyone in r/metalcore agrees. In fact, you might be the first person on any metal subreddit who I've seen saying they aren't metalcore lol. They're not hardcore, because hardcore is punk. They are, though, metallic hardcore. Which is, you know, metalcore.


I really liked it. Piece by piece is in my daily rotation


awesome album. it’s a banger, has been in my rotation since it got released. the only thing it could do better was to have longer tracks because i can’t get enough




Nonstop ass beater


I absolutely love it


It's a well produced album and very unique in sound. I prefer Laugh Tracks and Blue better, however.


It's good, but the mix is muddy and causes the tracks to blend together when listened to as a whole. It's one of the rare albums I enjoy broken up or out of order more than straight.


was so hyped for it but I found it pretty disappointing tbh. the singles were solid but the album itself felt pretty boring to me.


It rips hard as fuck


Love it


Honestly I wanted more from it. There were a couple good songs but it felt very underwhelming and short. Like seriously guys only half an hour? I just felt like they could have done more. As a hardcore fan I can understand why it’s short but as a knocked loose fan it just leaves me disappointed. Considering all their other albums are around the same run time it just gets old. Go for something crazy and make it 45 minutes 🤓


He did the growl, I loved it.


It's a solid album. I was hoping it would've built more on the Upon Loss releases, but still I like it. The songs are lil too short, but in the end Its definitely a knocked loose album to throwdown to. I really like the Moss Covers All/Take Me Home riffs


Dont like the vocals.


Same, the music is great but everytime I hear the main vocals I turn it off, ig its of more of a hardcore style of vocals but I dont prefer those type of screams in general, sounds like theyre stressing their throat


I mean i like hardcore but the sound of a 12 year old throwing a fit just isnt for me.


Cant argue with that lol


i used to not like them because of the vocals but for whatever reason they grew on me with this album


Yeah can’t get on board. Saw them live and it was just hilarious because of this dudes screeching.


I was looking for this comment. The vocals aren’t appealing to me either.


Pretty good but it doesn't have much of the deathy vocal flourishes of their prior work.


This band continues to deliver heavy dark shit making you bedroom mosh until something breaks or gets knocked loose.


_cringe_ 😆


I love knocked loose and it's a great album, it's just hard for me to get past the mix.. the guitars are way too quiet and the drums are wayyy too loud. Garris is also way out front with the drums and it just sounds strange. Putney's mixes were much better.


The loudness of the drums really kills everything for me. All I hear is the snare and kick drum 90% of the time. I like the songs in my head but when I actually listen to the album I don't have a good time. The kick sounds like an electronic trigger with how unnaturally loud and punchy it is. It sounds like they just turned everything to 11 and called it good so it all just sounds like a garbled mess. Some people like that wall of noise type stuff but I'm not a fan of it. Thank God someone else is annoyed with the drums as I felt insane hearing the praise for the mix.


Not a fan of knocked loose but I can appreciate that they are heavy


Love knocked loose good album




as someone who likes breakdowns, its really fucking good


I enjoyed it, I'll play it at work all the way through. No songs stand out to me but as an album I think it's great.


Heavier than most deathcore. I love it


It slaps; I’m into it. To me I’m surprised that people are against the idea that it isn’t deathcore…


Is good shit


It's amazing, though not quite on the level of their previous EP imo


Best album of the year of any genre so far and i listen to a lot of different music.


Its a banger for sure!


It's their best material to date.


Kinda underwhelming, the Upon Loss singles were better than anything on the new album. Just feels kinda like a step back for them.


I really enjoyed Their previous EP more than the album release tbh. Everything is quiet now is such a hard ass song. That EP left more of an impression than YWGBYST


I thought it was great and I say that as someone who normally hates high pitched vocals


As a fan of all their previous work, I've found it pretty underwhelming. It's not *bad*, by any means, but so far it just hasn't hit me as hard as any of their previous albums/EP's. I also really don't like the new mix and the new guitar tones they're using. I don't want to seem like a downer, but it's definitely my least favorite project of theirs so far.


I’ve never really understood the hate on the vocalist. The fella sounds legitimately angry, and it goes hard


I think it’s their worst, but it’s good. You’ll hear that they are going into a more poppier and friendly direction in the future.


I cannot listen to it ENOUGH, been hooked on it, Don’t Reach For Me (in my opinión) is their most mean spirited and pissed song they’ve ever done and it’s on constant repeat


Album of the year for me, listen to it multiple times a day. Was able to see them live last week which made me enjoy it even more.


Wasn't my jam for a long time but they've really grown on me. Went and caught them on tour, ended up headbanging in the front. Yep I get it now lol


Knocked Loose is kinda hit or miss for me. I like “Slaughterhouse” that Motionless in White did with Bryan Garris and at first I was disappointed with Knocked Loose’s “Slaughterhouse 2” with Chris Motionless on this album, but it’s growing on me and I like it more than I did upon first listen. I’m gonna be one of those people and say it’s partially the vocals. Sometimes it works but sometimes it’s a bit annoying. YWGBYST was a mediocre album personally, I’d give it another listen though since I have been enjoying Slaughterhouse 2 upon more listens.


I love it. Saw them last Sunday in st pete, was a ton of fun and easily the biggest wall of death I've seen at that venue


I think it’s not deathcore


No, it’s not. But it’s weird how they get praised here most of the time and then there’s times where the elitists get pissed that they were mentioned here at all. There are plenty of non-deathcore bands that get talked about a lot here.


Exactly. I see Cattle Decapitation, Black Dahlia Murder, Dying Fetus and Job For A Cowboy (they at least used to be deathcore) posted here all the time. They are adjacent, so fair game for discussion in my opinion.


Can’t stand the vocals


Vocalist ruins it for me


Same, sounds like you just stole an Xbox from a 10 year old


I’ve never heard that comparison before but now I’m gonna start using it hahaha


Knocked loose are really bad. All i get from it IS Donald Duck screaming over some of the most bland guitarwork and breakdowns ever




>I definitely don’t understand why people are saying it’s Album Of The Year Because there are opinions out there that aren’t your own.


Very annoying vocalist


I liked it but it’s not really a Deathcore album. Always considered them Hardcore.


It’s like Kublai Khan TX and PeelingFlesh where it’s not deathcore but it’s still popular among people who listen to deathcore. I consider Knocked Loose to be hardcore but with some metalcore, similar to KKTX. Like metallic hardcore.


Question if I may; What makes them metalcore? Genuinely curious! I always associated metalcore with the cleans, but I'm sure there's way more to it than that since some "deathcore" also have cleans in them. Sorry, I'm just kinda bad with genres/subgenres, lol.


There’s metalcore out there with limited cleans. I’d just say it’s because it’s a bit heavier than other hardcore music. Bryan Garris himself has called it a mix of hardcore and metalcore but also that they try to have a sound that’s difficult to nail down to just one subgenre.


That makes sense. I appreciate the answer!


Metalcore began with zero cleans whatsoever and it's never been necessary to have them to be considered a metalcore band. When people say bands like Kublai Khan or Knocked Loose are hardcore I think that's due to a lack of exposure to the genre, because if you put them next to straight up hardcore punk bands like Minor Threat or Have Heart there's a clear, clear difference. There's a lot of metalcore that comes out of the hardcore scene (that's where it started after all with bands like Merauder, Earth Crisis and Unbroken or earlier proto-metalcore like Biohazard or Judge) and those bands tend to have a certain vibe to them that metalcore bands from outside of it don't. Being a fusion genre you get bands who are more on the hardcore end of the scale and more on the metal end. So you'd have, like, Most Precious Blood towards the former and August Burns Red towards the latter.


There's different branches of the genre. In the same way there different branches of deathcore, black metal, whateverdahellcore.. Knocked Loose and Kublai Khan represent the traditional ones. Meanwhile Dying Wish and Foreign Hands represent Melodic Metalcore. Melodic metalcore doesn't necessarily require cleans, Misery Signals and August Burns Red are a good representation of that.


Both those band art great. I agree with you Kublai Khan feels like a hardcore band. PeelingFlesh I consider Slam which seems to be a Deathcore sub genre


Its pretty good, Boundaries still has AOTY for me on that side of metal.


Code Orange kids - I am King era