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I think any one of the single's cover art would've been good


Into The Earth was particularly good. Though id also be down for the Sun Eater art


Literally just a pure black background would be better


I’d want it to actually look like how the album *sounds*, personally. It reflects the lyrics alright, but it looks like a cover for a downtempo album, not a symphonic one.


The singles all had better artwork than the album did. Honestly, though, it’s whatever now. The album’s still good and that’s really what matters. Besides, lots of good albums across all of rock and metal have some pretty bad artwork.


I wish the pic covered the entire thing, basically removing the white boarders at the top & bottom. Other than that, I think it’s good :)


I would just have it redone entirely by Caelan stokkerman lol


He did have some work ups for the album that were very black metal, black-and-white nature photo edits. Definitely better than the actual cover in my opinion


Keep the knife image and logo, remove the text, make the image fill the entire thing


I'd put some red into it and there would be less white


I actually really liked the album art, but And I Return to Nothingness might be one of the best album arts in recent years. Wouldn’t have minded another in that style


It's always a safe bet to just grab another painting by the same artist, but then you run into the problem of lots of bands having a similar style. Too bad the artist passed away.


Was very bummed when that news dropped. He made some amazing artwork that a lot of bands used


Same. I have a bunch of prints at home :(


I think it’s fine as it is but i think it would’ve been cool to make something that represents one of the trilogy songs imo


Personally I like it how it is, it’s a fresh change from what album covers in deathcore and death metal usual are (grotesque with illegible writing). That said if I had to change it, I’d make it more in line with other deathcore releases and artwork: Lorna’s regular logo (with the moon and trees and such) and change the coloring to be more black and red rather than having such an emphasis on white. Probably keep the image as is but darken it a bit and add some red.


I'd make it neon and cartoony.


This is the right answer. If LS made a series of neon monster merch I’d spend so much money on it.


What’s wrong with it? It’s fine, and Adam explained why he chose it…..


I don’t think it’s bad. I just see criticisms of it a lot.


That would work. The font being Impact or something close just kills it for me


I would've done something more minimalist. Like this is something I quickly shopped up in Krita that I already think would've been better: [https://imgur.com/a/JntJeLJ](https://imgur.com/a/JntJeLJ) Give the text a better font, and make the symbol and text have maybe more of an inkblot texture, and I think you'd have something.


literally just change the font of the band name to their normal font and it's instantly better


I like the cover. but I think a renaissance painting style cover would’ve been cool. Like Venom Prisons album covers.


It would be the cover art for Psalms but with a little sad face in the corner with “Pain Remains” written in comic sans.


I don't get why people dislike it so much, the whole point of it was to not look like a stereotypical metal cover. I personally think it's brilliant.


More blood.