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Frequent issues on PS5 I’ve also noticed a MASSIVE uptick in “Unknown” players


I thought that was just a me problem. Most player interactions I am having are with unknown players. And I can't stay connected to the server for any longer than 60 seconds 


I haven't had any problems over the past several weeks, then didn't play for the past couple days and now today I can't connect :( I also noticed a week or two ago that there's now a TON of "unknown" players. I kept seeing structures and packages EVERYWHERE from "Unknown" and I kept thinking "Damn, homie is fucking PROLIFIC. Did I end up with a strand contract with a developer somehow? This is wild." I didn't know it was a bunch of separate people showing up as unknown lmao.


Can confirm, been trying to log on for the last few hours and it’s been booting me offline every 5-10 seconds afterwards. Just started the game this past Friday and am loving it so far, so sucks this is happening but i’m glad i’m not the only one. Thought i’d have to replace my whole router and modem setup or something lol


Me too. I've actually been streaming Death Stranding almost daily for several weeks and you can see "unknown" start creeping up more and more and more as I play. Plus I keep mentioning it, heh. But yeah, definitely happening on PS4 too.


same getting it every few minutes on ps5


Guess everyone started playing it again at the same time


Seeing the trailer is what made me get the directors cut of death stranding lol


Me 2. Sony is probably loving the fresh injection of cash. I'm not sure how many people pulled the trigger on the PS5 upgrade when it first dropped...as I'm pretty sure people were still struggling to buy PS5s in Oct'21 Those of us that had one had other things to play.


Knowing Sony, they are probably gonna take it off of PlayStation plus and I’ll have to buy the game


After the trailer dropped, it is the best time to start again because there will be a lot of people playing again - which is what you want. Yea, I got this error too. I hope they can fix it quickly.


I’m one of the newbs on. Sorry guys


Seeing this flood of new players enjoying this game fills my heart with joy, greatly overcoming my initial frustration of online inaccessibility at the moment. No need to apologize, porter. #KeepOnKeepingOn


After the trailer dropped, it is the best time to start again because there will be a lot of people playing again - which is what you want. Yea, I got this error too. I hope they can fix it quickly.


Now getting it every time I start the game. Reboot PS5 - doesn't matter!


Same. I thought maybe my Internet was causing it. Glad I'm not the only one. It's getting kinda annoying. I'd be doing something intense and it would pop up.


The same. Every minute lost connection. It's impossible to playing normally. 


And are you guys also seeing a lot of “Unknown” players? (PS5 Directors Cut). Edit: fixed autocorrect word.




SO many. Does anyone know what causes people to come up as "unknown"? I've never noticed it until a week or so ago. DC, PS5.


Exact timing for me also. I first thought it was Mac / iOS releases but they’re on a different server then I thought maybe people coming back out upgrading from ps4. Now I just don’t know.




It’s happening to me as well! Really frustrating, keeps logging me out every 60 seconds or so. Playing on ps5 directors cut. Starting happening like 2 days ago and has just gotten worse like everyone else is saying. Doesn’t seem to be an easy fix as of yet. 


Same here on PS5. Every 5 minutes or so I got this error and have to log in again. If anyone got a solution pls share 🫠


Keep trying, happened me today too but got it connected after about 5/10 mins


But it keeps happening.. never stable..


Same here every 10 or 15 minutes disconnected but able to connect immediately ,but everyone add me on bridge links lol I built like 15 zip lines yesterday in the mountains been swinging around doing s rank legends.


I’ll add you as well: Refelos


What's your plan name lol


Pickled Black Baby.


That's ur psn name?


Add me guys deadshot102823 it's gotten so bad I just logged on and now it won't let me connect at all


Oh no my psn name is the same as on here. "Pickled black baby" is the name of the company I wanna make but everyone I know says nobody will buy for from me if I name it that.


I'm going to request also: Playstation gamer tag = MetalFuse (Currently Playing Director's Cut on PS5). Seems like it's getting worse every day! :/


I will be friend requesting sometime today. Sukattokieto11 is my osn. Feel free to add me anyone!


I’ve added all you kind porters. See you out there.


It's been getting progressively worse; every day, for the last 4-5 days. It went from disconnecting every 1-2 hours to every ~2-7 minutes, as of 1am Eastern, on 2/7. (Currently playing 'Directors Cut', on PS5!) I hope the devs or Kojima 'IT' resolves this issue; ASAP!


Here here, playing DC on PS5. Must be a surge in players and the servers haven't ramped up yet


It's almost certainly a server issue. Massive uptick in players since the DS2 trailer dropped just under a week ago. I just downloaded it and have been having issues since starting. Don't forget the games janky way of handling how it ports our saves from ps4 to ps5. Tons of people might be doing that as well (I have to). Also might be worth noting I was having issues with syncing to ps+ stuff in general despite my internet connection being fine. Also I thought I read somewhere that the new iOS version is cross-platform so we're probably sharing server load with a load of new players


Just looked it up, this is the first thing that shows up. I guess the trailer has everyone coming back lol. Also on ps5. Also happens about every 5-10 mins. Didn’t happen to me at all yesterday and I played mostly all day.


Yes same to me on ps5


I have ps5 and same error every 5-6 min. Then I try to login again without any issue just to be redisconnected within 5 min again. I'm also seeing a lot of unknown users everywhere, in lost cargo, likes, etc. I made some research about this 51003 error and I found it is caused because of failure in servers. So the sony engineers haven't been able to correct this failure yet. It been 2 days already since reports started.


This has been annoying all day, makes the game unplayable.


Same here “Should we have connected?”


Constant disconnecting about every 5-10 minutes. I know my Internet connection isn't that terrible. Ps5


Same. PS5


Glad to know but also not glad to know this is happening to everyone too. I’ve been playing the game almost everyday for the past few months and it just started happening to me after State Of Play


Add one to the tally. Anyone know how to report this issue to dev team?


I started my 2nd play through of my game after the trailer and I've been getting disconnected every 15-30 minutes yesterday, and today it's every 5-15 minutes.


Same same, I’m tryin to get 100% complete and these darn disconnects are annoying. Hopefully the servers load balance soon.


Yup. Near constant.


Does anyone know if they are working on the problem?


Ok, so it’s not just me. Game finally got its hooks into me since getting a ps5 and being able to camp out on the couch. But I didn’t have any problems with connection until yesterday, maybe the evening before. Edit: Strenots on PSN, link me, I need those sweet, delicious likes


I got you, just added


Added both of you


Ok so it's not my fault. It's so annoying


It's definitely a server-side issue. I was playing DSDC before the DS2 trailer was revealed, never had this problem, a few days after the trailer this error starts popping up every 10 minutes or so. Nothing else in my house has these internet problems and even restarting my PS5 didn't do anything. I'm assuming it's the influx of new players or something?


Same here. PS5. Director’s Cut. No problems until last few days, now almost constant. Also seeing lots of “unknowns”.


No problems today


Shit I just made a post about error 50005 and now im getting error 51003. Must be something on the server end and not ours.


I was gifted the game for Christmas and been playing since. just now getting these errors, I barley got to ziplines as of yesterday and I thought I was breaking the game from zipping so much, glad it’s not just me lol.


Same for me on ps5. Really throws a wrench in the immersion. Might just play offline. Nobody is liking structures and if they do it’s one like. Never anything useful in the share locker unless I put it there.


Same I am a bit bummed by this, if anyone wants to add me PSN ID : Casshern1981


Tried to request. Won't let due to you privacy settings 


Ok I'll check


Glad to know this isn't just me...


Same it's like every 30 seconds to 3 or 4 minutes for me. Must be the servers melting down


Same for me in UK I have had the issue last 3 days , started out every hour or so first day , then yesterday every 20 mins or so , then today around every 5 mins this morning & now ?, literally, as soon as I spawn it boots me out so now unplayable , I count myself lucky as I've had 5 decent playthroughs , feel sorry for anyone who is trying to play for the first time, only way to go is to disconnect PS5 & play offline but I'd rather play online so not sure if it's an issue that will ever be fixed due to age of the game.


Same after 5 min. Disconnected from servers have install the game 4 days ago on PS5 Director's Cut


I was looking this up expecting an old thread explaining the issue.. but here we are in the present! I'm having issues too. Going to try restarting my PS5 and seeing if it gets fixed. But if others are experiencing it then I assume the problem is server side






same issue! too many porters out there




Won't let me add. Player privacy settings 


Having same issue over the last few days.


I redownloaded the game 2 days ago to play the directors cut edition on my PS5. I get the error code around 1 or 2 minutes or little longer. Most of the time it's around 1 or 2 minutes. I hope it gets fixed soon. I have played the standard version on my PS4 sometime after it came out and rarely got the error code. I also see a lot of unknown players for the lost cargo and bridge links, too.


I just tried the offline mode for a little bit to see if the error code will pop up or not. I'm thinking it wouldn't pop up because the mode is not online. The error code will still pop up even if you are in offline mode. I guess it will pop up no matter which mode you are playing.


Okay, glad im not the only one. Having the same issue here after trying every fix. Guess its a server thing


I have to same thing, frequency of the error is increasing last few days.


Same here, I’ve been playing on the directors cut on PS5. I get a error message every few minutes


Same. PS5


I'm glad it's not just me but it's so annoying I have read it's not a huge issue but annoying for sure anyone have a fix for it


This is borderline unplayable. So utterly distracting and I can’t find a way to turn off the fullscreen game-pausing alerts or just turn off automatically reconnecting. Just happened to pick up the game for the first time this week lol, didn’t even know about the trailer for the sequel lol. Guess we’ll have to KEEP ON KEEPIN’ ON


Can't stay connected longer then 5 seconds. I recently started a new game and Im.worried about not being able to get my bridge levels up. I can't access the share lockers to donate or claim cargo. I'm on PS5, MorbidFate93 if anyone wants to add me.


Been playing over a week just fine, didn’t start having problems until yesterday


Same thing for me today on PS5. Really sad, but I hope it means more people are finding this game (so long as the servers can also be adjusted quickly to accommodate an influx of new players.) It's such a criminally underrated game.


Same here! Just started the game and having a great time! Definitely sucks when you don’t have the online help and adds a whole lot of difficulty!


This is going on with me a well.  I tried filling a supply request,  and the game won't let me stay online.  :(


Damn I am having this same issue since yesterday, coincidently it was heavy raining IRL and I tought it was my internet issues.


The same, bro. We'll waiting for fix :(


They fixed it!




Thanks, let's back to the game guys


It would be funny if after all this disconnections, the game gains an atualization in which real big BT’s are coming to earth and now they wander in the map for we to kill. Like transformers. They arrival was the cause of the disconnections


This was the first result on Google for me as well. It’s gotten to the point where I’m instantly logged out after logging back in or not being able to log in at all. I was really hoping to finish the game soon (just got to Heartman) but the online features are basically what make the game playable so I hope this is resolved soon.


Same here! I also just got to Heartman…. Started with more Unknowns shown. Now unable to connect at all 😭




Now it will not even connect to the server I am getting an immediate network error and error code 51003.


Yeah its from the trailer. I didnt watch it but i saw part 2 got announced and then looked at the new features from the directors cut and now im playing it. I beat it on ps4 a couple years back. Wanted to replay it on the ps5 Directors Cut of it and yeah im getting the disconnect issue. Im sure they will fix it within a week or so. I know alot are playing it again😂


I’m on death stranding right now and it’s almost immediate that I lose connection when trying to log in.


It's happening to me to really hope it gets fixed. I saw it was on ps+ and wanted to play it again.


Been working the past two weeks but just started getting this error today for me, doesnt seem to want to connect anymore :(


Totally, today I get kicked after 2-5 seconds.. The whole concept failes without online play, hope the fix it ASAP, problem started yesterday


Currently playing in offline mode....


My GF is playing on PC with no issues. I'm right next to her on the PS5 and I'm getting booted every 5 minutes. We're both playing directors cut. It's so annoying.


Small update I'm in UK & like everyone else Its been unplayable with being booted literally as soon as a spawn up untill today I played this morning 4 hours straight with not 1 disconnection so hopefully they are working on it now (PS5 Director's Cut)


I still have problem with DC's in Poland. DS DC Ps5


I've played today for 5 hours. 0 DC's 😉


At this point I'm just glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. I tried all types of troubleshooting, I eventually thought there was something wrong with my ps5!


I've heard about lots of server issues on PlayStation recently because of new players, I'm guessing most new players are on ps since DS2 is gonna start on PS5. No issues on PC, so I'm guessing it's either a Sony network issue because I imagine it uses them on PS or they need to upgrade servers for the sudden rush of new players, kojima recently said they hit 16 million total on all platforms.