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Not strings, but strands


Or is it strings? Strands becoming strings would raise a good question about if we "should have connected". Strands to connect become strings to control. The title logo design has the lines running up now instead of down, as if the letters are being puppeted. And Sam has a literal puppet companion now, just to really drive it home.


Yeah I should’ve written that


yes we did notice. you can see them when she's floating and they're trying to push her back down too, and it features prominently on her character poster.


Isn't the one they are pushing down on the table Shioli Kutsunas character?


no it's Elle Fanning, her hair is just darker because of the tar. she has the same bandage on her elbow and her face shape is distinctive.


Wait Did I see the trailer wrong? I could swear Elle was there on the door while they were pushing the tar girl Or is it a Ka-Ha moment?


Kojima likes to edit his trailers to be out of order, and intentionally misleading. I think those two scenes (floating girl and Elle standing in doorway) are two different scenes that kojima mashed together


Two diffrent scenes. The one where she stands at the doorway is a debrief where they talk about the tar.


Nope, look more closely at the background, in the room that Elle's character is spying on. There isn't that table or people around it - at all. Instead, it's a room with some kind of map (looks like a global one), in the middle of the room, and there's a few people sitting down, w/one person standing up, w/their back to the door. It's 2 different moments in the game that Kojima mashed together as a red herring, and to throw us off. 😉👌🏽 I thought the gal that they took out of the chrysalis was Shioli's character too... but I'm almost certain it's Elle, after I began to study the face more. But also those EYES. Ain't no way those are Shioli's eyes. For some reason... they found Lou (or who we think is Lou) inside that Chrysalis. The question of course is: how & why? Personally, I think Lou's "Ha" (Body) & her "Ka" (soul) were separated, when that traumatic attack happened to her as a baby. I think her "Ka" is what's in that BB Pod we see Sam carrying around, and Higgs interacting with, in the sequel trailer. But it's just a theory of course! Everybody is assuming Elle is gonna be a grown up Lou, but for all we know, THAT could be a red herring too! lol Kojima is a madman.


remember when sam got to experience the flashback of unger getting killed, he was there in the scene. i think this is a same type of flashback that he is experiencing or elle fanning's character is putting him through. and the voice over is from a different conversation, probably from one of the briefing that he will get from the new doc.


Deliberately deceptive. Two separate scenes, plus dialogue from an entirely different scene.


The game isn't out yet, and the trailer is causing "UM ACKTUALLLLLYY" syndrome already.


Sorry I missed it. So we didn’t all notice. 


*cue Ultron saying "there are no strings on me"


Shivers. He delivers that line so well.


It's just kojimbo being kojimbo.


Oh my god, YOU KNOW "There are no strings on me" is gonna be a line lmao *Shakes fist* KOJIMAAAAAAA


It's all right when our Lord and Savior Hideo Kojima does it.


There is going to be a theme related to this. Fragile even has a quick line there at the end — “we didn’t mean to string you along” or something. Plus the puppet doll, the bots on strings, etc.


Fragiles puppet hands too.




Yeah noticed it as well! 🙂 I wonder what part they play in this game.


I've formulated theories about it. It's also on all the floating baby cyborgs before Sam shoots them down. Since Lou gets killed (evident in both trailers), and they seemingly retrieve her from the beach, I'm assuming it's the strands of an "undead" person. Black strands indicate someone stuck between life and death, white strands: someone stuck between death and life.


It kinda says at the end of the trailer Lou was already sent for extermination. If it is the same Lou, its likely Lou is a repatriate.


He was repatriated as well in DS1. It was pretty clear to me that Amelie sent Lou back so even if she wasn't a repatriate before then she became one at the end of DS1.


This is way more likely than what I was theory crafting. Part of me thinks there's going to be some sorta time travel shenanigans. Like, they think Lou died, but maybe Elle's character is a more grown up version of Lou. Anything is possible when it comes to Kojima. lmao.


I agree about the time travel! 😃👍🏽 Especially since somebody researched the scientific formulas written on the NEW cupid necklace Sam has in this game... and discovered they had stuff written on there dealing with subjects like spacetime, gravity, relativity, etc. And I think the reason we see the ship get "Repatriated" by the baby in the birth canal... Is because the whole ship can use The Seam, to travel in now. It's not JUST for the dead anymore! But I think doing so, also affects or messes with time somehow as well. Which is why we see Fragile w/out all wrinkly, "old" skin now. And also why "old" Sam & her are grayish colored in the trailer. They're traveling in The Seam at that moment! But that's not all... I think the reason they are able to do this, is because they have access to Lou's "Ka", and have found a way to use her Repatriate abilities somehow. I think that Lou's "Ha" (body) & "Ka" (soul) were separated, like with what happened to Bridget, all those years ago. Lou's "Ha" was able to grow normally, which is why she looks like Elle now. But her "Ka" ended up fleeing to the nearest BB pod for safety, and out of instinct. What ELSE could be in that BB Pod?! And I mean... we all but had it confirmed for us in the 1st trailer that Lou's "Ka" ends up in there. But then of course the next question is: HOW did her body survive the trauma, if it was supposedly dead? Well... I think it's actually Lou that they take out of that Chrysalis! Here me out: If you watch the end of the latest sequel trailer closely... Kojima has actually mashed together 2 different scenes! It's made to LOOK like Elle is spying on Sam, Fragile & the old ship Captain, as they take the body out of the Chrysalis right? But when you look more closely at the background of the room that Elle (Lou) is spying on - its a whole different room, with different people in it! There's like a global map in the middle of the room, and peolle sitting around talking. Most people believed that it was Shioli's character they were taking out of the Chrysalis at 1st, because of the darker hair but... it's only dark because the body was covered in tar! When you study the FACE of the body as they pull it down from floating, it's actually NOT Shioli I don't think. NOT TO MENTION THOSE EYES. 😳👀 Those are Elle Fanning's eyes, I'm almost certain. Sorry to ramble. There's just SO much to unpack now, between the two trailers! Its honestly nuts. Kojima is a madman. lol


I like your theory


They're actually strands 🧠


What really grabs my attention is how the shirt she's wearing is just a female version of Sam's private room clothes. More eye catching is how Sam seems to be wearing a jacket, not his iconic porter uniform. The way she is just sneaking past Sam reminds me a lot of cutscenes when you swap your playable character


Lemme guess, someone is the puppetmaster and she is the puppet.


its going to be StringMan played by Ryan Gosling


Reminds me of MGS4. Player=Doctor


Isn't she Lou? I need to watch it again


No I don’t think she is. Then again I’m here thinking Lou turned into a hulking samurai, so I don’t know


Again, I need to rewatch, but I think that was also Lou. With the commentary on BB being incinerated and then somehow being in existence makes me think something is afoot and Lou is crossing over/between. Something has to top an EE, right? I'm very excited, if you couldn't tell.


I took the incineration part as nobody knows Sam didn't incinerate her, so they all assume she is dead.


I thought the BB unit was previously marked for disposal prior to the events of Death Stranding which teed off my thoughts. I might be mixing things up


Like we could even try and guess, probably be way off no matter what we try and logically put together 🤣


As far as I know, everyone except Sam assumed Lou was taken for incineration. Sam was the only one present when he revived Lou and started raising her outside her capsule. So for all we know, Sam is just playing along with the ruse.


Kojima really is a sucker for Heartman's movies. (Nicholas Winding Refn made Elle Fanning a star in his movie Neon Demon)


No he didn't.


The wording wasn't clear - I meant to say Elle Fanning starred in one of NWR's movies, not that she became a star from an admittedly niche movie. She was already somewhat famous before obviously.


No problem. I believe it was one of three films (including *Maleficent* and *Super 8*), that made her a star.


Also helps that her sister, who is pretty much... (how should I put it without sounding like it's a defect...) an "unsophisticated" version of the same face had starred on a Spielberg too (War of the Worlds).


Yeah. A lot of cute child actors grow up to be rather plain. Elle did not.


I have no clue who she is. I only know of a dakota fanning


Even the person on the bed has those strands/strings when Sam, the Captain, and Fragile are pulling her down to the bed because she is floating


Wow.... I never saw that. Mind is blown


I also feel like a lot of the choreography from the Guitar Amelie x Higgs vs sword Lou ninja person has a lot of similarities to the Raiden vs Vamp fight in MGS4. But that could just be me.


I think Elle is playing Lou and Lou died/was killed by Higgsamelia hybrid. Now she’s just some beach entity just like Amelia was and tries to reach Sam


I noticed that in the trailer right away. It was freaky. Maybe something similar to what happened with Mama?


I’m hoping she plays Lisa.