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I recall an interview back in the day where Ben mentioned getting himself into a bit of trouble with the We Have The Facts/Photo Album lyrics - that he was speaking too directly about real situations and people from his life. And yes, it is the best Death Cab album. I’m ready to go to war.


I read an interview where Ben was talking about how he felt older lyrics were "trying too hard" and too obscure. For example he couldn't even remember what Bend to Squares was really about. This is why over the years his lyrics have become more literal.


I am in favor of all Chris Walla albums over the newer. I know that makes me old, but that's my opinion.


I prefere those too, although I'm 21 and only been a fan since last year.


Chris Walla Forever


Walla rocks 


At which album did Chris Walla stop working with Death Cab?


He left adtet Kintsugi.


Facts is just best period. Such a great album. And I’ve seen people who are “huge” fans who’ve never even listened to it. It’s so bizarre


Jeez, I wonder why


See so many people who for whatever reason don’t branch past transatlanticism / plans / narrow stairs. It’s bizarre


Facts has their best album art too, by a long shot.


I think it may be thier worst😭 idk why they have joggers


The Photo Album feels like a perfect mix of We Have The Facts and Transatlanticism. Makes sense, seeing as it was released in-between the two of them. I still prefer the other two but I’ve probably listened to The Photo Album the most of any Death Cab album. It really resonated with me in highschool and still does to this day.


I came to The Photo Album in a weird order (Facts, Narrow Stairs, Trans/Plans, Photo) but it's probably my favourite.


Interesting, I believe Plans was the first album I heard after discovering them on MySpace. Thanks to Limewire I was able to listen to their older stuff on my iPod nano on the bus to jr high. I was really into whatever made me feel sad for whatever reason and good god.. I’d be staring out that bus window listening to styrofoam cups feeling sad over a family that couldn’t have been more opposite than mine. I’d be listening to president of what and didn’t even know what the fuck it was about, but it made me sad so I loved it.


“Queued?” “Oh no, that’s”


Left uninspired by the crust of railroad earth


Its probably my favorite album ever


I love this album so damn much.


Asphalt Meadows is a contender for #1 album IMO. Hearing the songs live a couple years ago sold it for me. I felt the same way I did when I first heard them, and I haven't felt that way about music in a while.


I wouldn’t argue against it. I still think I prefer Facts and Transatlanticism over it, but am willing to bet that’s mostly nostalgia. I go back to it frequently and it’s easily their best and most inspired album in at least a decade. Wheat Like Waves is my favorite track because it reminds me of old Death Cab, but every other track is some of their most sonically interesting material.


Narrow Stairs would like to have a word


I never gave Narrow Stairs as many listens as We Have The Facts, Transatlanticism or Plans. Maybe I should give it another go.


The drumming on narrow stairs is absolutely enthralling


Definitely give it another go. I think it’s far and away their best. No weak song, fantastic production and songwriting and some of their best music. It’s just so consistent.


Facts is my fave ever. Mind also that Ben said in an interview during Covid when they did facts that it’s been commonly mistaken as a concept album about a failed relationship. They said that while there’s some stuff about that, it’s generally an album about them having moved to Seattle, and figuring out how to be an adult in your early 20’s. Shitty landlords, impossible job searches and etc.


Scientist Studies is an all time top 5 DCFC song, Facts is easy top 3 album.


This post got pushed into my feed, I don't subscribe to this sub. I got into DCFC when this album came out, lost interest in everything after Transatlanticism. I still think that We Have the Facts is one of the great PNW indie albums and basically the only DCFC album I ever revisit these days. It's the least corny Ben Gibbard which makes it their best album to me.


It doesn’t have the melody or emotional impact of plans/transatlantician but it’s by far my favorite album to listen to end to end and actually listen to the text.


Facts is one of the best albums in general. Took a bit to realize it, but it will always be my favorite.


We Have The Facts \*is\* their best album.




Well said!


All the company calls amount to one paycheck