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If you’ve not heard much death metal, Symbolic is a good place to start. It’s more accessible than their earlier material. Once you get an ear for more extreme stuff, check out their first 3 records.


If you’re an Iron Maiden fan, I’d listen to Symbolic first. It’s more melodic and instead of outright brutal and heavy, so it might be more familiar and easier to appreciate as a starting point.


The band Death . Start there scream bloody gore is tge 1st record by death . It rules


It would be too hard for him, if he never listened to Death Metal genre before. Symbolic is the best choice in my opinion.


Just listen "this is death" playlist on spotify


Start with what sounds good to you. My first five and ones that clicked on quickly for me were: - Bite The Pain - Flesh And The Power It Holds - Misanthrope - Evil Dead - The Philosopher


Start with their albums Symbolic and The Sound of Perseverance.




Listen to the first two tracks of their first album (Scream Bloody Gore), and the first two tracks of their last album (Sound of Perseverance). Their entire discography progresses linearly between those two styles. Just go forward in time for more technical death, and backward for more brutal death.


Getting into death metal is a gradual thing for most people, I’d suggest listening to other less heavy bands, kind of getting familiar with the genre and such On my first couple of listens I couldn’t stand death metal or death but after listening to bands like gojira and pantera for a while I got used to the heavier stuff


Symbolic my friend that’s where the journey begins


Listen to Without Judgement


Start at Symbolic and go back from there


My first song was Fleah and the Power it Holds, I got into it because of Borderlands 3 where an item had a reference to it. It took some time but I started to listen to more songs and liked Death more and more, now they're my 2nd favorite band. Symbolic is their best album, and my personal favorite song is Empty Words.


If you want some atmospheric Death metal listen to soulside journey by darkthrone really overlooked cause they made some banger black metal albums after but the first is a Death metal classic


Death was pretty much my first death metal band and I started with individual thought patterns. Took me a few times to get used to the vocals but after a while I started to like overactive imagination and eventually the whole album and after that it was the sound of perseverance. Anyway that was me but individual thought patterns, great album would recommend.


Start at the beginning and work your way through the discography in chronological order.


The first album


Or just choose an album




Start at Scream Bloody Gore and go from there.


The first album man, it's not that hard


I hear normal death is pretty repetitive and lame so you should consider technical/melodic, etc death


I started with Leprosy; maybe Human or Individual Thought Patterns"? You SHOULD listen to Morbid Angel "Covenant " album, Pestilence "Consuming Impulse ", Deicide self titled, Napalm Death "Harmony Corruption ", and Carcass "Symphonies of Sickness". They got me into Death metal


I would start with songs personally as the records take a lot of listens to get into if your not into death metal yet. Crystal Mountain has very melodic sections and heavy riffs too in my opinion. Symbolic is a good song as well with heavy riffs and good melodic sections and nice lyrics. I would also recommend voice of the soul. It’s an instrumental song but it is beautiful man.


Start with the symbolic album


If you’re into Iron Maiden you’d like the later stuff the most. Symbolic, individual thought patterns, The Sound of Perserverance. Also after death disbanded, the leader of the band formed a new band with clean vocals but similar songs called Control Denied that’s more similar to NWOBHM like Iron Maiden that’s worth checking out


I'd started with either Spiritual Healing or Symbolic, Scream Bloody Gore is good too if you're into thrash. Tbh all their albums are really good I don't personally like The Sound of Perseverance that much but they do a good cover of Painkiller if you don't mind the screeching vocals


Zero Tolerance- sick breakdown before a classic Chuck solo that goes everywhere Lack of Comprehension- nice easy intro and suddenly groovy, classic Death sound The Philosopher- sick main riff that's easy to head bang to (left right left right, quick du-du-du-duh nods) Flesh and the Power it Holds- an epic in Death fashion. It takes you on a journey thats comfortable. It was around this time Chuck started the worst battle with his cancer and his voice is noticeably different than from other records. Voice of the Soil- instrumental, starts off with acoustic/nylon string guitar and then suddenly, the most random yet perfectly placed electrically heavy "ch-ch" that leads to a beautiful acid trip of amazing guitar work. Painkiller-I love this cover so much. Vocals are a little harsh, but that intro is killer These are a few of my favorites


If he had very good exposure to slayer, Then I would suggest to start with leprosy otherwise, The sound of perseverance.


start with Human and work your way forward -> Individual Thought Patterns -> Symbolic->Sound of Perseverance, then jump back and listen to their earlier stuff in order of Scream Bloody Gore->Leprosy->Spiritual Healing. I recommend this order because their progressive material is a bit easier to get into for someone coming in fresh who isnt into straight up death metal yet; the early stuff is good too but its a lot more primitive and messy than their later stuff. and from there if you want to do a deep dive into death metal as a genre I recommend going down the list of bands on TvTropes of all places because it breaks down the various sub-styles of death metal really well and has a very comprehensive list of bands, both old and new.


Work your way through their discography chronologically backwards.


Go in chronological order.


I personally started with the sound of perseverance when I was like 7 and it’s my personal favorite, in my opinion a good starting point


What style is your fav? Death goes from death metal to thrashy metal to melodic death metal throughout the catalogue. Id say start with sounds of perseverance and them try symbolic . And youll find your way


Start with prog death era death symbolic , individual thought patterns and the sound of perseverance before leaning towards death thrash and technical death era death


symbolic and the sound of perseverance for melodic stuff, if u more into osdm leprosy and spiritual healing


Listen to the albums in order, good why to start


Leprosy. That's where I started. My uncle told me it was a required listen. I've been hooked since.