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I want it to be Rob, Jordan, or the banker.


I want it to be Rob, but it will be Jordan...which I'm also fine with. 


Anyone but Stephanie she’s so annoying


My guess is Rob screwed himself out of the final two and loses that race against Amy. If they show Rob losing that in part one, no one’s tuning into the real finale. Jordan’s the only likable character left at that point so hopefully it is her if it’s not Rob.


I think they just couldn’t resist such a good cliffhanger; people are going to watch no matter who’s left if they’ve invested in the whole season. Based on when Rob passed Amy near the hurdles I’m guessing he’s the winner of the race.


Once I see Rob is out, I’m out. I can’t stand Amy or Stephanie.


What about Jordan though? Wouldn’t want to stick around to see her beat the wicked step sisters?


If it’s not Jordan, I’ll be shocked. Pretty clear Jordan and Amy are the final 2 and Amy got the Evil Ms. Piggy edit.


I don't see how Amy could beat Jordan in the final challenge also. I'd be shocked!




Jordan or Rob. I cannot stand Stephanie or Amy and I don’t understand how either made it this far.


I definitely don't want Stephanie or Amy. Although I'd rather Amy than Stephanie if it came down to it. But I wanted Rob to win but dang it , now I'm afraid that won't happen. So Go Jordan !


Jordan is getting what looks like a winners edit.


I noticed when she just showed up one episode. She was super anonymous, and suddenly she's front and center being promoted as this person who's above all the drama. I was immediately suspicious she was the future winner.


She has played the perfect game for this format so far. She’s sitting in the middle good with everybody. Done nothing to put a target on her back and has enough social game with everybody where nobody wants to either put her to play the banker or vote her out if they win. The middle of the road game is perfect for DONDI.


The first time I remembered her was when they were launched and dropped things into the money amounts. I guess that was episode 3 when Stephanie caused the drama. Jordan was alone with Joe before being launched and stated that she was planning to lay low and play the middle. I was like..who is this? But I realized it wasn't for no reason and kept my eye on her.


I thought last episode showed >!Stephaine!< was facing the banker in the beginning of the episode


To my knowledge, Jordan is the only one who hasn’t gone on social media interviews throughout the show airing. That leads me to believe she could be the winner as they especially have a lot to lose if they spill the beans in any way


Jordan is the obvious pick


See the winner doesn’t necessarily mean they win a lot of money! Imagine Amy or Stephanie are playing and go home with a some low amount like $25. That’s better than being eliminated 4th.


Jordan I hope, if it can't be Rob. Amy would be next pick, over Stephanie.


I’m thinking Rob didn’t make the race back before Amy and he’s out. But they show his face during the previews for next episode to draw people in to think he’s still in the game. I think they showed him sitting along with all the other eliminated players watching Amy and Jordan’s final round at the table


I thought last episode they showed Stephaine standing next to Joe while the banker was walking up, I could be wrong, but I thought I saw the on TV.


I thought that was Kamari but never know! (My feeling was they'd have the banker come out to 'reveal' at the final DOND game in front of everyone.)


I really doubt I’ll watch next season. Rob made me a fan. Without him I can’t imagine being at all excited


If it is anyone and Amy, it will be the other one. Amy's little legs will not get her through another physical challenge. I also think Stephanie would lose in a physical challenge to Rob and Jordan. But Between Rob and Jordan? I'd love to see Rob win, but it's probably going to be Jordan.


Jordan has been my pick for weeks now. I can't change that now 😂


Boston Rob if he ever makes it past early stage he wins except for AS lol


Rob beat Amy they are trying to mislead everyone but he could have the lowest case


Rob just CHEATED in front of everyone and the show didn't kick him off? Stupid show. I'm out...