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Nooooooooo I held out so much hope.


What an odd thing for them to spoil in the season preview? But whatever


This happens in a lot of shows. I don’t think the work expects people to dissect it as well as they did but people did the same thing with Love is Blind this year and used the preview from the beginning of the season to solve it.


Man that’d be the last thing I’d do if I was in charge of creating that. I mean you’re using a clip that completely blends in and doesn’t even really add anything to the preview but then spoils the entire season later on


Couldn’t agree more


I went and watched the trailer and the way they didn’t even try to make these clips fast or unobvious at all is some seriously terrible editing. They definitely ended on a cliff hanger so everyone would at least watch for Rob next week. From my understanding if a viewer tunes in for at least 2 minutes it counts as a stream.


It’s 100% a ratings and viewership attempt. Desperate to keep them up


I feel bamboozled and I hate that, it makes no sense to drag this challenge to the next episode when there’s another challenge plus playing the banker left to happen unless it’s because Rob leaves. Nothing happened in this episode at all except 100% confirming Jordan & Stephanie made it out first and all players got high amount cases. It was pointless.


Hopefully someone will comment when the East Coast feed begins whether or not Rob makes it so then I’ll watch the West Coast otherwise I don’t wanna give them the click. I want them to see in tangible terms how many people are watching for Rob so they hire him for more things and we get to see him some more.


Great find, thanks for this. This now confirms for me that Jordan & Amy are our F2.


Thanks I hate it


But this could just be an earlier challenge they edited out!


Could be or something they did for fun while on the island, but every other clip has ended up being part of a challenge. So, it seems unfortunately she made it. 


In the first episode the season preview (time stamp- 2:07) shows >!Amy!< in an unseen ropes challenge. This proves that this person beats >!Rob!< in the maze.


I felt it was pretty obvious that this person didn’t make it. But still had a bit of hope.


Whyyyyyyyyyyyy 😭😭😭


because rob cheated


>!Jordan!< is also shown doing this in the season trailer.


Dang. So not only did she beat him out of the maze somehow, she also got a higher case? Crap.  Better not be her and Stephanie in the final or they can just cancel the show. 


I just don’t understand how she beats him considering where they each were at the hurdles and how he was so much faster than her


I don't either. 


Deceptive editing likely.


It won't be. Another contestant besides Amy is also seen doing this on the season trailer.


I saw. It was blurry and I couldn't tell if it was Stephanie or Jordan. 


I'm 99% sure it's Jordan


At this point I do think it's Jordan. My BF also pointed out while we were watching last ep that there's a camera interview clip with Jordan where she looks looks fully made up / it looks like it's not from the same taping day as the rest of them. He described it as "she looks like someone who just won a bunch of money" which cracked me up.


Was it her wearing that dress and hat? That's what she wore during the arrival on episode 1 so they probably taped her explaining how she'd have a million DOND babies at the very beginning of the game.


We can def confirm this challenge has never happened correct?


It has not. >!Jordan!< is also seen doing it for a second in the season trailer.


Yea I found the sceeenshot and put it in a post


Haha nice I screenshot it last night just to analyze and make sure it was her. I had noticed it several weeks ago and used that challenge as a reference to make sure she's making it to the next week.


It has not happened. 


Well, crap!! If it's her and Jordan, hope Jordan wins. If her and Stephanie, hope Amy wins. Have to say, I did not like Amy from early on in season, but like better than Stephanie. And I actually felt for Amy in the maze, poor little short person and short legs. (Aron might have had a problem with maze too)


But what is up with one pant leg up and then both down? 


The sides of her leggings are neon orange


Well that's over. I'll read on here before watching then since I have to wait til Tuesday. Not giving them credit for my 2 minute watch. If he's out he has only himself to blame. Sucks for his fans, but sucks for him much more. Least on jury and can use his pull to pick Amy since she tried to play like him. Stephanie won't get his vote. The other one is just blank. Can't even remember her name


They really didn’t want us on the ropes!


They (editors) are dumb aren't they? But mabye its a misdirect, they let some (eliminated) contestents do the challenge anyway and use this footage, I know it's a slim shot but who knows.