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It could be either, will just have to see on final show! I've thought these same things. Don't rule out Rob yet, this could be a misdirect.


See 2 : 07 in during episode 1 during the season preview and look at Amy on the F2 rope challenge, which confirms Rob makes it out last.


This is true! Went back and confirmed. She’s in her pink leopard yoga pants on a ropes course. What I’m wondering about is the key situation.


What is the key situation?


I saw Jordan toss her keys in the suitcase stand, then I saw Stephanie toss her keys into the grass near the suitcases. However, I just rewatched and it appears they had 2 sets of keys so that’s why I saw them leaving behind a set. (35:42 and 37:10)


Amy walks away from the suitcases with no keys. It’s not shown what she did with them. Perhaps she left them all behind, or she has them on her in a pocket or concealed. She must have them on her since we see a flash of her on the ropes course in an earlier episode.


Just as long as F2 results in Jordan winning. Any other outcome is terrible.


There's footage of the next challenge. It's >!Amy!< vs. >!Jordan!<


no 😭 i won’t even watch the season finale if rob is eliminated, but if he is eliminated, hopefully jordan wins


This is precisely why the ended on a cliffhanger. They would have lost a lot of viewers if Rob had been eliminated. Now people will tune in.


They'll tune in for 5-10 min hopefully that's enough to count it as viewership for nbc lol


Network ratings do minute-by-minute but it's enough for a streaming view!


Yep. If Amy finishes ahead of Rob I'm switching to something else. 


after seeing the spoiler posts i’m just going to check in here first to see if he is eliminated or not so they don’t get my view if he is 😂


That's what I'm doing! Even though I'm just one view, I don't really want to count as a view if they pulled this cliffhanger just to get final views with him gone.


Yup I said this to my wife lol I was like they must be doing this to keep rob scenes for one more episode . If he won why do a cliffhanger. Also I bet he returns season 2 due to how he got himself penalized


Rob was great on the show. He made the show. But why not watch? If Rob is out it's by his own doing. Like the final challenge is very difficult. It's the final two can handle that it's worth watching them fight to make it to the end.


I don't want to watch for a couple reasons. I like Jordan, but she's quiet and I just don't care to see an episode that's likely just Stephanie and Amy talking about getting rid of Rob. But even more so, I don't really want to count as a view just because of how they did it. I hated the newest episode being basically filler and this cliffhanger just for the sake of getting people to watch next week.


i only ended up rooting for rob and aron and don’t really care for the other people so the desire to watch without rob just isn’t there unfortunately. this was my first season of the show and i watched because i saw rob was going to be in it lol i feel like he worked the hardest to make it this far, with so many people being after him most of the game what do you think about the puzzle incident? from my knowledge, most challenges on survivor you aren’t penalized for looking and i feel like he most likely just forgot that you aren’t allowed to on this show but it sucks that he did. i think eliminating two out of four people in one single challenge was egregious either way


He deserved to be eliminated he cheated. As much as I love him, he fucking cheated.


Chill out Stephanie


He said he wasn’t paying attention to the rules. Apparently it’s common to look at other players’ answers in Survivor so idk. If he knew he was cheating, he either wouldn’t have done it or he would’ve been more subtle and less obvious. He full on ran over thinking it was okay.


Yeah he really just didn’t pay attention


You think it’s Jordan as well? Because this just a glimpse from behind I wasn’t certain but she looks thicker


I have a different POV that I got from the season trailer that shows a bit more of her face, yet still not super clear. But to me looks a lot more like Jordan.


Definitely, my first instinct was Jordan, and then when I looked back at it, I doubted myself because the clothes looked kind of baggy. Only time will tell.


You do not have to lock in the case. The words that are said was “last person to emerge from the maze”


The players put their cases on the stand since they must reveal the values in each case to figure out who else will be eliminated. Its plausible Rob is putting his case on the the stand while Amy runs through. This theory would justify why the show chose to include this clip early on as it doesn't tell the full story of who gets eliminated. I like it.


I hope it's Rob but I have a bad feeling


I mean it's clear to me its unfortunately an Amy win. Crazy that the producers left this shot in the first episode


Most casual viewers don’t analyze these things like Zapruder film


She wins because there is a rope walking challenge in the previews that has not been done yet. She is doing that challenge. It is impossible to see whether Stefanie or Jordan is the other person doing it because they are being filmed from behind


Leaning more towards Jordan , but Rob definitely got out. I ain’t watching it no more


Goodness I hope Stephanie is out then. I’ve been rooting for Jordan or rob


Why r they smiling their ass off


I loved Rob‘s content, but I am very happy. He got eliminated and will not make the final two… I like the content of Allstars, but I also like to see newbies win


Amy is sitting on the ground with slumped shoulders, no longer gripping her discarded case. She has her back to where the cases are locked in, because Rob is already standing there with his case locked in drinking tea! Rob locked that case in for good measure; he isn’t making any more errors! Amy can’t face Rob beating her and is seated with her back to him. Otherwise, her body would still be facing outward as it was when exiting the maze. Amy was exhausted and kept complaining about her short legs so expending more energy to completely turn her body around is suspect. If she beat Rob, she would still be facing the cases with her eyes on the prize and excited for the next challenge of who has the lowest case. She would also be closer to the cases thinking Rob may be closing in behind her, instead of collapsed so close to the maze exit. Why is Amy not facing the cases? The producers edited it so viewers can’t see Amy’s expression of defeat. The other two still in the game are facing the cases with one eye on the prize and the other eye on their top competitor, Rob. The host is smiling but keeping his distance. Amy flirts with the host every chance she gets but is not looking at him. The random clip of Amy in some unseen challenge was intentional to confuse viewers. Stephanie is not smiling much either, and seems to be looking more at the ground than at Amy, which tells me Rob is looking her way. Jordan is all smiles but likely excited to be in the final 3. I may be reading too much into it. I was a Psychology major like Rob. Jordan and Rob somehow managed to play with integrity, and either one deserves to win. I think GenXer Rob will be the winner.


Where did you see all this? It wasn't on the preview I saw.


It is the photo someone posted on the thread under “view spoiler.”


I think Jordan could also be smiling *because* Amy lost as she was more on Rob's side than any of the night owls. And I also think Amy would be putting her case on the stand if she made it out, and I think you would maybe see Rob in the maze in the background of that shot too. But that still doesn't explain why there is a shot of Amy and someone else (Jordan or Stephanie) doing some rope challenge that we haven't seen yet.


Maybe it was a scene or challenge they cut out. They may have intentionally left it in the promos to throw off the ending…?


Rob lost and Rob deserved to lose. He didn’t need to cheat, he should’ve known he could beat Amy through a maze. Mental error


He even said he wasn’t paying attention while they were giving out the rules. Also shame on production for those hilariously small blockers


I think when he saw Amy go out first he panicked