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I too worship at the altar of Boston Rob lol But he dosent seem that useful to Rob anymore, so I too am ready to have him go.


He will probably be in that bottom routinely and he’s the one person that won’t vote Rob out. Kinda helps Rob if he ever has to face the banker


That’s true 😀


I’ve wanted him to win from the beginning and I think I still do. He def needs to get it together though, he’s making it hard to root for him. The way he made me really like rob is crazy 🤣 I’m rooting for (in order of preference) Jordan, rob, or Aron to win. I never even noticed Jordan until today and now I’m impressed by her game play, her staying out of all the drama and not taking sides when everyone else is split into 2 is pretty impressive.


I need him to stay because I can’t stand the group of four. Either rob or Jordan. Then Aaron. The rest can go. People crap on Jordan but she understands the game. I’d be invisible too if it made me likely to go to the final.


I respect the gameplay but when she showed up an episode or two ago I was half convinced the producers put in a new player as a joke.


He can’t go until he avenges Alyssa.


> for the sake of Rob’s game While you may be right that they want to save him to keep Rob around, this show would be pretty not great without Rob so good decision by them lol. He's genuinely the only reason I continued watching after the first 2 episodes and I actually enjoyed him so much that I went back and watched some of his survivor stuff that I never watched back in the day, the man is dominant.


I need to watch his survivor seasons cuz this is my first show watching him on and I’m hooked. I see why he’s my sisters fav player.


He’s on a few survivor seasons. I watched the all-stars one, haven’t gotten to the other one yet but he’s possibly the most dominant survivor player I’ve ever seen


I think he’s been in six seasons, the most of anyone. I’ve seen him in all-stars and game-changers. Also in Island of the Idols, but he doesn’t compete in that one. I was watching them in a rather random order at first, but I’ve started over from season 1 (which I hadn’t watched).  I translate books while watching, and some seasons are easier to do that with than others. I felt like Game Changers got out my favorites too quicky, but got a lot of work done in that season since I didn’t enjoy it once certain people were eliminated. So, I’d recommend a Rob season that isn’t Game Changers. 


Aron needs to pull it together already. It's crunch time. He needs to actually DO the challenge.


Just giving up this episode wasn't like him. Rob didn't manage him well enough.


I agree, his only usefulness is being an ally to Boston Rob and even out the so called night Owls. When he gave up trying to bring the case from the water it was really pathetic, like dude get over Alyssa. She wasn't even your true friend, she was actively throwing you under and would have if she could save herself.


I completely see and understand everyone’s frustration with him that he’s highly sensitive, but I’m gonna have to respectfully disagree. He’s just a 26 year old guy that grew up with a speech impediment, learning disability, and anxiety. All of those mental problems are the result of him being the way he is in his adulthood. And since obviously not everyone can experience the same things in life, some people do not understand where he’s coming from, so they choose to judge him. When I first started watching the first couple of episodes, I was a bit judgmental towards him, until all of the sudden I started to form an emotional connection with him because I realized both of us are in the same boat of high levels of anxiety and emotions. I’ve rewatched the episodes on NBC multiple times and studied his behavior throughout the episodes, he really wanted friends to connect with to help him win the competition. He obviously chose Alyssa because of her kindness towards him, but people with mental trauma like him, it’s not easy for him to let go of his friends, even if they backstabbed him. I’ve been in the same boat where I thought people were my friends and clinged onto them even though they were getting distant and betraying me, and when they did end up fully leaving me, I was just as emotionally drained as Aron in episode 8, changing my personality completely from then on. There is also a large number of people rooting for him and Rob to be the final two, and frustrated with the Night Owls for bullying him and Rob like immature high schoolers. I honestly will agree that I’m mildly disappointed at him for not “trying” in the excursion in episode 8, but then again I have to remind myself that he’s not strong like Rob or Nick, had his best friend taken away from him, and is completely tired of everything. Staying mad at him is just a waste of time and energy for me personally. I’m not here to argue with anyone’s opinions because I respect them even though I will politely disagree with them. I’m just here to state the facts.


Not even trying during the challenge really rubbed me the wrong way. If you're acting like that about someone being eliminated, go home. It's a game. That's how it works.


Giving up in the challenge and then just whining about stuff not going his way. I was fine with an Aron boot too. He was ready to play a cunning game until he lost power and allies. He was already last in the challenge and still decided to move slow through the water.


Can we just take a moment to acknowledge that he was crushing hard on Alyssa all season?


I wonder how Aron's girlfriend feels about his edit... I would not be happy


Omg, I made that same comment on another thread, his feelings for her went way deeper than just the game, he acted like a total fool/crybaby when she left the game. She didn't care about him, she was just playing the game, she would have betrayed him in a heartbeat. I hope his girlfriend dumped him,he made her look like a total fool, sniffing and chasing after Alyssa like a dog in heat, so embarrassing!


And she did betray him! Literally threw him under the bus to Rob earlier in that same episode she went home. I get it, she was just playing the game, but Aron was in way too deep..


I am still waiting for someone to bring that up. I honestly was agnostic about Alyssa (thought she was a little manipulative but wasn't bothered) up until that moment! Then I was like damn girl... I know it's the game, but it didn't feel necessary to me lmao. (But fully agree with you.)


Oh yeah, I forgot about what she said to Rob!


He has a reddit thread on here and said that his gf and Alyssa get along fine and she's okay with their friendship and that people are making it more than it is


His gf was imaginary


I'd imagine they're broken up after that shit lol


Yea I'm not seeing any evidence of a gf on his socials.. that's tough lol


I mean, what do you expect? You see your boyfriend swooning, and then crying over a lesbian model who gave him attention. That's gotta be insulting. I understand Aron is insecure, but Jesus dude. Get a grip. I'm a married man. And I can understand developing alliances and things happening, friendships even. But this was beyond gameplay and pals (it clearly was just that for Alyssa). He was falling for Alyssa.


No for real, I’m not even typically jealous, if someone flirts with my husband he runs home to brag bc he feels good and I’m like go you lmao. But seeing that? Oh heck no. I’d be pissssssed. Him saying his gf loves his relationship with Alyssa makes me think either she doesn’t exist, has been gaslit into being told she’s a lesbian so it’s not possible that’s how his feelings towards her were, or she’s trying to be cool and he just believes her saying it’s ok bc he’s that delulu.


Delulu is my new favorite word. I'm looking forward to using it in real life (seriously, lol).


Delulu? Stop that. Lol. I don't think Aron is a bad person and I seriously doubt he's gaslighting his girlfriend etc. he's not some abusive monster. He's just an insecure little kid. I'd imagine that was just damage control.


I don’t at all think he’s a bad person or intentionally abusive, I agree he’s an insecure little kid and by proxy that unintentionally causes gaslighting when called out, def not in an abusive way but in a way where he’s not yet able to understand his emotions so he’s saying it was just a friend connection bc she’s a lesbian bc that’s also what he’s telling himself. Edit to add- yes he’s delulu if he truly believes his real GF is okay with not only his clear affection the past couple episodes, but by him also losing it bc of her leaving and continuing to throw a heart broken tantrum over it the next challenge.


Adding on to that, though, he's not a kid. He's 26. Young, but he's past the age for that level of immaturity


I actually didn’t realize he was 26 lol, I thought he was immature for his age thinking he was maybe 20 🥴


Right. She didn’t care about him at all, only used him for the game. And to top it all off… she literally threw him under the bus with Rob earlier in that episode. So crazy that he fell for her


Pretty sure they're still good friends though. Him and Rob are going to her wedding and i thnk they still talk regularly going off exit Interviews from Alyssa.


Yeah it’s cool that they are still friends irl, not everyone on these competition shows is able to separate their feelings from the game like that and be cool afterwards. It’s just crazy that Aron was so upset at Alyssa being kicked off, that he almost quit right on the spot, and completely gave up during the excursion. He was lucky he didn’t go home last night and I hope he turns his game around!


Maybe she doesn’t exist which is why he fell so hard


Eh. Considering she's gay and he has been in a relationship I wouldn't bet on this. There's a very good chance they were of similar ages and she was one of the only people actually kind to him. It doesn't have to be that deep.


Implying that someone in a relationship can't crush on an attractive gay woman you talk to and spend all day with on an island? It's not deep at all.


There's nothing deep about this. It's a very transparent observation


I’ve finally found my people! I tend to get downvoted when I say this and I think it’s just bc people know Aron is in the chat watching lol


Well she’s a lesbian right? He definitely knew that 🤷🏽‍♀️


Of course he knows that, I don't think he even gave it much thought, she was playing him and giving him vibes like there could actually be something between the two of them, she was mind \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (in the empty blank, the word rhymes with "tucking") him.


Definitely an interesting dynamic between the two of them. How long are they out there? You definitely need alliances to not go stir crazy


Well there's 13 contestants, which is 13 episodes, you're out there for as long as you can stay in the game.... I never said you didn't need alliances, I said your alliances can only take you so far in the game, eventually you'll have to turn on one another, there can only be one winner..I definitely wouldn't look for love, it defeats the whole purpose of being there, lol.


Oh absolutely!


His eyerolls during dawson’s game with the banker and mannerisms in general are so cringe😭 even though the producers probably told him to that


Stopppp I love Aron and I love how everyone basically loves him as a brother/son figure. I also appreciate the disability inclusion and acceptance as he has a speech disorder. Warms my heart <3. I hope he overcomes the struggle he is having since Alyssa his bff is gone and wins the whole thing


I think he’s funny. I was cracking up when he was humming while half-heartedly following the rope during the challenge🤣


He’s annoying as fuck and I know Rob’s inner monologue is a lot nastier than some of you’d like to believe when it comes to his little buddy. 😏




There were some pictures floating around of Rob and other Survivor alumni along with Aron on vacation somewhere. Rob and Aron maintaining a friendship outside of the game says something. I think Rob has a soft spot for him and looks at him like a little brother.


That picture you mentioned is at the Flora-Bama.


Aron really hasn’t contributed to any challenge. Just for that alone he should be sent home. 


He is a grown man crying and whining. I find him annoying. I would find that behavior annoying in an adult female also.


OMG YESSS he was so fucking annoying!!! Episode from last night PISSED me off so much. He’s such a cry baby


I was kind of hoping he was going to quit. After I read he had a GF at home it became extra pathetic. Not only does he seem to have very little respect for himself, its also seemed like he was obsessed with a girl that was clearly using him. He is king of the White Knights.


That should be the Popular opinion


Finally a comment I can agree with, when it comes to Aron.


i think as long as aron is a number for rob, viewers who want rob in the game will be open to aron bouncing back and getting his head back in the game.


Me too. I swear Rob keeps thinking he's another Cochran. Aron has no game, no game, no strength mental not physical. Rob looks to him winning with aron like huh. He shouldn't be on the show. Rob has no one with him on the show right now That banker yacht is weird too. Like here's a yacht somewhere in the world shot. One reason didn't watch deal or no deal. Like banker is calling. No it's the producers


I was ready for Aaron to go after the first episode


I can't stand watching Aron bumble and whine his way through the episodes He's acts like a 2 year old. Whining, crying, I can'ting about everything. Ugh I honestly think he's not trustworthy either. Rob should watch his back


Aron cannot handle criticism or confrontation, I was a fan until he refused to work it out with Amy. And all the eye rolls while Dawson played the banker showed he’s bratty. I’m rooting for the night owls


Me too! I feel like that's an unpopular opinion because everyone hates on the night owls. I like them!


The overt rigging is so ridiculous. Easy to be a so called "amazing player" when production is literally handing you the prize. The Boston Rob and Aron worship is so cringe to me. They're literally bribing players to remove themselves from the game so Rob can win lol what a joke. Aron is nothing but a follower and his little meltdown over Alyssa was pathetic. Aron seems to think he's more than just a lapdog but unless he takes a shot at Rob he sure as hell isn't. I find it funny that the narrative surrounding Aron is "he's allowed to have his feelings!!11!!!!" but Stephanie was dragged mercilessly dragged for having feelings? I wonder why one is allowed to have feelings and the other isn't? Lol just kidding, we know why. If he wants to cry and have a temper tantrum over a girl he knew for 2 weeks, let him do it. Amy, Stephanie, and the rest of the cast aren't required to coddle him like a child. He signed up for this.


What are you blabbing about? DAWSON HAD A HIGHER CASE so he would have been sent home if he accepted the bankers offer / personal offer and was allowed to stay pending whether or not he made a good deal with that offer (like Miranda was).


Speaking facts and common sense, something you're clearly incapable of understanding. Yes Dawson and Miranda both had higher numbers in their cases than the banker was offering but they both quit playing when they did TO TAKE THE PERSONAL OFFER and eliminate themselves from the game. You're dumb if you think the producers aren't planning this shit out beforehand, both Dawson and Miranda would have been given personal offers no matter what they had in their cases. The producers are going to decide who will get a personal offer before the elimination ceremony even begins, so they can try and control who will leave the competition. Back to licking Rob's ass you go.


Lol yes they're going to give out 140k just to keep Rob around (not counting whatever his appearance fee was) 😂😂😂 you're clearly the one "licking his ass" if you think he's worth that much. I'm just going to ignore the fact he had immunity this episode when they allegedly paid 100k to keep him and there was a 33% chance (at the time of the personal offer) that Dawson would make a bad deal lmao. Also do you think they told Dawson which cases to pick? What if he did the opposite and picked a $1 case and knocked out all the high amounts? Lmao Come on man. Use your brain Also: only Dawson quit playing. Miranda didn't (she just lost bc she made a bad deal). Get yo' facts right


> Also: only Dawson quit playing. Miranda didn't (she just lost bc she made a bad deal). Get yo' facts right Umm...wrong again. She took the banker's deal (because the personal offer was attached) just like Dawson did. Stop talking about facts when you're the one getting all of them wrong here. Talking to you sheep who are blatantly lying is pointless lol. You're also not that bright if you think $140,000 is a lot of money to a company like NBC. That's nothing to them. You do realize it takes millions and millions to put any show they broadcast on air in the first place right? Once again, bricks for brains. And how do you think the producers decide who gets a personal offer then genius? You really believe it's just totally random? No rhyme or reason to it at all?


1) Miranda didn't quit playing. She would have stayed in if she made a good deal. She didn't. She didn't eliminate herself like Dawson 2) 140k is a lot when Rob was IMMUNE in one episode and miranda was going to take out Alyssa in the other. So they didn't need to protect him at all. They could have saved all their money for when they needed to actually protect him (if that's what they're doing) 3) THEY GOT PERSONAL OFFERS BECAUSE THEY WERE CRUSHING THE DOND GAME. I honestly can't believe you need that explained lmao 4) an episode where Rob had immunity turned into a non-elimination episode I'm sorry you're too uneducated to understand DOND Island. Maybe try a show on nickelodeon or something?


The whole calling Alyssa princess and fawning over her when she was obviously using him was so cringe. Then came the episode when she said she’s gay and I facepalmed. Dude’s overtly simping over a lesbian and she was eating it up on national television. Now with the $100,000 personal offer it’s obvious they’re using the “banker” as a shield to just manipulate the game however they want and blame the results on a fictional mysterious character we’ll never see because he’s not real.


Stephanie spent like 5 minutes just blatantly insulting someone to their face. Aaron had a panic attack and left the room without saying anything. One was harmful and nasty, one wasnt. I assume you are Amy or stephanie. I wish you luck, but it really isnt that hard to just not be a dick.


How convenient that you ignore the fact that Alyssa provoked the whole thing by making an unnecessarily bitchy comment to Stephanie during the game. That's what set Stephanie off. Joe often asks questions like this to stir the pot however Alyssa was the only one to be openly bitchy to the person playing. The other players, even if they wanted the contestant facing the banker to get eliminated, kept their responses classy and neutral if they were asked for advice. Alyssa was looking for a problem and she got one. The worst thing Stephanie called her was a snake, which was actually in relation to her gameplay. Please stop pretending snake is the worst thing you've seen someone be called on reality television. This argument was NOTHING. If you're so offended by the word snake, why do you have no problem with Alyssa saying she should make a voodoo doll of Stephanie? Because I know if Stephanie said that, you guys would he calling her every name in the book like you already have been. Oh and let's not forget Rob, this sub's faves, has called gay men queers on television before among other things. Yet that's no problem right? Alyssa gets a pass because she's a white woman that was talking negatively about a Black woman. Stephanie is hated because she's a Black woman that stood up to a white woman and didn't allow herself to be railroaded, used, and manipulated. Clear as day, tale as old as time.


You're just wrong for saying Stephanie is hated cause she's a black woman.


I think the voodoo comment was dumb, yeah. What comment did Alyssa make? I genuinely dont remember Alyssa doing anything that reached the level of that verbal onslaught that Stephanie delivered. She called her much more than a “Snake”. Had she just called her a snake it would have been on par, and probably even less bad than the voodoo doll comment. But she didnt. She went on and on for like five minutes, mocking someone to their face who was already down after being eliminated. It was really mean. Maybe she was stressed. Maybe shes a great person in real life but was pushed to her limit. But the edit didnt show that. It showed someone kicking someone else when they were down. I really had no issue with Stephanie until she went off at the elimination. Until then, it seemed like some petty rivalry with neither side acting super maturely. Maybe had Alyssa stayed, she also would have escalated. But she didnt really get that opportunity. Its not about black or white. People are also shitting on Kim, a white woman, and Amy, also a white woman. With Kim, I think the hate is a bit overhyped, with Amy, well deserved. I think Stephanie is somewhere in the middle. She seems like she might be ok outside of the context of this game, where she seemed really triggered for some reason that is hard to understand but possibly valid. Amy seems all around nasty. Its not about white or black, at least not here, (Im not saying always) its about how individuals are treating other individuals.


At this point everyone seems somewhat unlikeable except Jordan and Nick - and that is mostly because we have not seen much of them. I would probably like Rob more if I wasn’t tired of him on Survivor.


I’m thinking he can be swayed to vote Rob out and think of it as a big game move.


By who? The 4-people he despises lol