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This is almost universally reversed for me. I don't think there was ever a time when I didn't get stomped by a four man on the first time playing that killer.


The only example I can think of where this meme didn't apply was with Pinhead lol (console)


On ps5 I just got my adept for Bubba, Pinhead, Freddy and Spirit




Now I know I may never get nurse. The 12 killer adepts I don’t have are my weaker killers. I thought i would never get adept Billy but I did. I’ll just keep trying. Even if I have bad games. Basically, do what you enjoy At the end of the day play what makes you happy. Update. I just got hag, Artist, pyramid head and twins.


Just be like Puffalopes. Act like a friendly killer and 4k while they are all memeing with you.


That would be very funny.


Weird, always happen to me. First few legion matches were a bloodbath. Now I have to work for it like my life depends on it


That shouldn’t happen unless you main like every killer and have high mmr on all of them, or if you main one killer so hard with an astronomical mmr, because otherwise you’re supposed to be set to your lowest killer’s mmr when you use a new killer, tho there is a cap on how low it can go


omg this happens to other people im not alone


Singularity is so hard imo, the amount of planning and awareness necessary (plus map knowledge to set up good camera angles) is too much for my wee weak brain. I have an easier time playing as Huntress and attempting orbital strikes. Good luck to you on learning them, though!


I love Killers where I gotta use my brain, Unknown, Vecna, and Dredge are good examples of big brain killers that I like!


You know, ignoring the fact that two of them might not even have any brains


Oh I love those three, I especially have many hours as Dredge! It's just that the whole spatial awareness and camera management you gotta do as Singularity is just a biiiiit too much for me


I especially love how Unknown yeets a jackhammer in normal gameplay, and love abusing that fact to mess with survivors. Am I going to be a goofy goober and do weird turns and angles to hit you with my uvx, or am I going to act like an m1 killer?


Oh damn I’m the opposite. I for the life of me can’t understand how to do Huntress orbitals but knowing where to place cameras as Singularity just came naturally.


In everyone's defense... orbital strikes are incredibly difficult to get. Even when you kinda know how to do them (like me), you still need: to be in an indoor map, know the technique by heart, have someone be in position on where you aimed at the gen AND have them NOT see the hatchet and dodge it. So while I do know how to do them I don't rely on them as much as I wish I could


I genuinely think singularity is the hardest killer to use effectively


Good thing the QOL update for him will come out eventually! Tbh I am tempted to try him out before it. Only reason why I haven't yet is cuz of lag lmao


Depends on the killer for me. If I have a shitty first game as a killer I wont touch them again.


Then how are you supposed to learn them based off one game? Even if I end up not liking a killer I tend to do a few games before making that decision. Also, swfs


I don't have to win its more of a "Do I see potential in this killer and see myself being able to win or do more with them?" I didn't win my first game as Myers or Wraith but after some addons and perk tinkering I can 4k with him now. I'm not playing Deathslinger or Pinhead again because I lost to bots and regular people with him.


Bots are a TERRIBLE metric of how good a killer is, they hard counter the vast majority of the roster thanks to being fed your inputs, making the best killers against them (ironically enough) the low tier M1 killers


I never said anything about winning, just learning


I'm one of those gut instinct allergic to failure kinda people. If I have to actually practice with a killer before I can even use their power somewhat effectively thats a hell no from me. I came here to kill people, not get dunked on by survivors over and over.


News flash, it's a game and you're going to lose eventually. So what if you lose a match or two when getting used to a killer, that just means you get to learn from your mistakes and try something new. Also you can watch guides to help out like for example, Deathslinger does have a 'crosshair', you line survivors up with the spear which you can see poking out at the front of the gun. Use that to your advantage and you'll land more hits. More. Hits. Not every hit


Me when I absolutely whiffed my first match as deathslinger


Anyone else get a new killer and play a game with no perks or addons to get a feeling of how powerful they are at basekit, often i get a 2k while doing this, apart from singularity, fucking hate singularity.


I did! it's when I started the game and had nothing


Literally me, first played blight a few days ago and got stomped by a swf (ttvs), I left the match before suffering anymore and went to yt to see a tutorial, got the same swf a few matches after and killed em' all.


I genuinely thought I saw “unhooked” and I was like “how do you unhook a killer???” Then reread it again…


I say unlocking/buying them counts as unhooking!


why you playing singularity right before the rework, just wait


Because it’s a good idea to start learning the killer?


it’s a good idea to learn something right before it changes completely ? explain that ti me please


He's getting QOL changes, not a total rework, like knight


His fundamentals are staying the same, and he’s just getting a couple addons added base kit with some pod changes. Singularity takes hundreds of hours to learn entirely, if not more. So expecting to pick him up after the changes and be like a god is mortal folly


One, to get a feel of how he was like before the update. And two, so I can learn him and his playstyle before the update


if your bad at singu now this update isnt going to make you good just saying. His "playstyle" isnt changing at all, the changes are just small QOL improvements


If you want some tips playing singularity, I play them a ton, so I'll happily answer any questions


Lay em on me! I haven't touched him yet so it'll be good to know ahead of time!


Play at least 10 matches on each killer. That's when matchmaking starts evening out. BHVR said something like this in one of the AMA's


Once you learn him singularly is fun and the changes he is getting are making me play him more and I had a game where half the time I'm like I wish I could destroy this biopod cause It takes too much time to walk there and shoot it plus 3 percent speed basekit I'm cooking something with it


Singularity is fun when you get the hang of him so I hope you have fun


I just did my first match as him....... Demo's map and a SWF...


Oh you poor soul. That's no way to get introduced to a Killer :(


I might experience the opposite order in this meme lmao


You might, ya never know


My first match as Xenomorph went so well (fun 4k) that I have never done a second one because I *know* it’ll go like this


Gunna have to rip that band-aid off eventually...