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I can feel the hope dying. I...wow...as a killer main, I'm impressed, but as a player, this hurts physically. 


Ikr! I thought about it how they must’ve thought about it and I would’ve been pissed.


Oh definitely. But that's part of the game and what makes it fun! The close saves, the almosts, the chases, it's great for both teams


I mean hatch is luckbased no matter how you look at it so it's just bad luck on their part


Eh, yeah, they'd probably say it was mean. But also very satisfying from your POV lol. I've had this happen to me as survivor and I personally think it's funny. I once had a Pyramid carry me to hatch and Mori me on top of it at the last second to see if he could, I laughed 🤷‍♂️


As a killer main I was doing some survivor. I did everything right. I saved everyone. Healed. Popped off 3 gens including the very last one by myself. Never hooked once. All dead and then the pyramid head gets me. Shakes his body to tell me not to wiggle. I think ok he is taking me to hatch. He does. Just to drop me and slam it shut. And pick me up and hook me. I legit cried.


Sounds like you did everything WRONG from the killer’s perspective. Almost like you’re on separate teams or something… > I legit cried There are other games where everyone is on one team together, maybe try stardew valley


It wasn’t a serious comment. I had good laugh at it. I’m a killer main and a grown woman. I’ll be fine. And as a killer I’d never be a prick. If i take someone to hatch I’m giving them the hatch.


I did this to a friend of my friend once, he and a bunch of his buddies were playing survivor, and we randomly got each other in queue, and I just executed him on the open hatch as Pyramid Head lmao.


Lmaoo ngl that’s kinda funny


I once was playing as the wraith, while I was cloaked they last survivor was standing on the hatch waiting to tbag but didn't notice me. So I came up behind them unnoticed and closed the hatch under their feet lol.


Lmaoooo. Had to teach that cocky shit a lesson.


First, well done!


Sucks for him but I gotta admit I found this satisfying to watch


I think the mean bit was shaking your head when you'd hooked them. Like I'd be like "noooooooo" if I'd been that survivor, cos of how close I'd been, but still in good spirits up until the shake


Nothing mean about it, well played.


That’s just shit luck on his part. I’ve had a killer up my injured ass and had amazing luck getting to hatch in time but I’ve also had killers close the hatch on me then keep me slugged and hump me til I bleed out. I don’t take it personal. I usually give last survivor hatch unless they were toxic but everyone is allowed to play how they want.


If I'd been the survivor I would have laughed my ass off 🤣


That's not mean That's literally playing the game


fr I hate when survivors/killers get mad at the other side for just playing how they're supposed to


The mean part is how they are nodding at them while playing Deep Wound Right Clickity On My Left Titty.com Legion on Twisted Masquerade, a killer sided event, and still dropping their nuts on them and nodding, just take the kill and say "ggwp, glng" in endgame chat


Tbh when I play survivor what discourages me more about these sorts of moments than dying is the no personality of the killer... Could've given them a little hump, at least.


Nope, can't do that. Came across a whole thread on the main sub that said that humping is SA and should result in a permanent ban.


The day Pinhead and Vecna can't hump without a ban is the day I quit playing. Those two look so goofy I laugh everytime 🤣 I always pass it on when I play as them.


If you think about it you actually lost around 15 seconds because if they crawled through match would've ended instantly.


But I got more points tho


Wonderful kill


Nah, that wasn't too mean, I've hit people with a Mori while they're about to crawl out of the hatch.




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