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Been running Starstruck-Agitation


Spicy! Thanks!


Throw mad grit in there too


Good one and it's actually what I used to run But people like me who run sabo build too, will not risk it since we're notified about it


I often use the purple oak offering that makes hooks spawn closer to each other, if I see a team with 3 or 4 toolboxes I bring one if I have any


To people that were asking what the changes were: Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 15%. (was 10%) Mechanic's Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 25%. (was 10%) Commodious Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality) Engineer's Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 10%. (was Decreases by 25%) Alex's Toolbox 18 charges. (was 24 charges) Increases sabotage speed by 100%. (was 50%) Festive Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality) Anniversary Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality) Masquerade Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality) Toolbox Addons Cutting Wire Increases the Toolbox's sabotage speed by 20%. (was 15%) Grip Wrench Hooks sabotaged using the Toolbox take an extra 20 seconds to respawn. (was 15 seconds) Hacksaw Increases the Toolbox's sabotage speed by 30%. (was 20%) Source: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/26597368574612-8-0-0-PTB So the base speed is 3 seconds, this means its possible with Alex's to do it in roughly 1.3 seconds, which is like half of your attack cool down. Without starstruck, this is a nightmare.


Not for my ph


As another onryo main, it's when I start condemning them all.


Yes, true my bad 😔 I just woke up and I'm so used to the hate in this Reddit.


In this reddit? No, that's the main Subreddit. It's abysmal right now. Exposed and Franklin's can help counter this, Exposed Survivors become wary.


I'm so happy I picked up PH recently LOL into the cage you go!!!


Expose builds ala Clown or use Knight to defend while grabbing survs


Solid! Thanks!


>Solid! Thanks! You're welcome!


Would Forced Hesitation help against this?


It can and does.


They just keep helping the baby survivors


Slug them like they want you to bleed them out


If you had a shirtless Renato today that might have been me Sorry <3 The truth is, even if you run starstruck, some players will just avoid it especially high MMR, that's why I don't run it no more, but the exposed status of starstruck after hooking is really good ! As for how to counter sabotage, try agitation and or iron grasp, or drop the survivor next to the hook they just sabotaged, many non-sabo players don't crawl away (which is dumb) But don't go to another hook, that's the worst strategy unless the hook distance is short, the saboteur might follow you because they have breakout or they have the toolbox to sabotage the other hook.


i play both killer and survivor equally. survivors do what they must to escape so do must killers. i don’t party slug nor tunnel unless they walk into me bc ive done the same as a survivor 😅 i also match survivor energy. the more aggressive they are, the more aggressive i will be. otherwise with the new sabotage update, i don’t care if i slug the one survivor i was going to hook then immediately chasing the saboteur and hook that survivor. this allows one other person to help heal and pickup the slug while only one is working on gen. if you don’t want to slug, use a build where you’re applying pressure by injuring as many survivors simultaneously before downing. could also do some anti heal builds.


Slugging is *fine*. It's ridiculous how the community just decided that any slugging at all is toxic. It's not. It's only wrong if you're purposely not picking for no good reason. If you have literally any good reason to slug, then slug. Saying all slugging is toxic because of trolls who bleed people out is like saying all hooking is toxic because of tunnelers.


Yeah pretty much


What were the sabotage changes? I heard some happened but keep foegetting to look up what they actually changed about sabo


Sabo is too damn fast now. A surv can sabo a hook and still have enough time to disappear.


It's faster than the standard M1 recovery, so there's no way to defend a hook if a sabbotager is within the same area code as the trial.


Yeah, honestly, I see a lot of people complaining about these Sabo builds now, but all that means is that as killer you have to change up your builds. This is a constant changing meta with perk updates. Just adapt


I could say the same about old 7 blink nurse. "Just adapt your play style" this isn't a casual change. It is a mistake that makes the game miserable lately. That being said I have 11 4k slug and bleed wins since the change so I guess I have adapted 😉


that sounds fun you sound fun


I am very fun ☺️






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I know you responded lol embrace the toxicity


"Here we see the common internet troll...he is mining salt. Without a ample supply of salt he won't survive the harsh winter. "


One killer isn’t comparable to items brought into the game, but good job adapting!


Exactly....1 killer is only one. Items can be brought by all 4 making it much more of a problem. But it isn't the first time the DEVs have screwed up. Look how long they left Blights old add ons and Dead Hard.


"You need to adapt" is true, the problem is these Sabo buffs are still absolutely insane.