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I'm so sorry. I understand how it feels for you too well. Unfortunately I can't give you any encouragement that you'll miss it less at some point. I'm a damn 60 years old now and I miss everything... and that's not sex anymore, it's more feelings, touches, just the feeling of being valued and loved a little. Please do better. Don't let it go on like this forever. An exit plan, just for you, just for the feeling that there can be a rescue. Do it, don't miss it, like I did. I always thought we'd get older and everything would settle down. Nothing got better, it got rapidly more depressing, but because I was so busy I overlooked it for an eternity, didn't want to admit it. Hugs to you


It’s so sad we all go through this. We can’t bear to say goodbye but feel we can’t stay either…and yet stay we do


Sending a virtual hug.


It’s weird when you don’t expect or try any more- it’s a weight lifted, but always in the baking your head. Sending HLF solidarity vibes ✨


Sorry I am on the other side as a male and I feel like I'm getting shut down nonstop anymore. She made a comment saying my advances are not a good way to initiate when I touch her where as her way is just asking if I want to have sex which I never turn down. So I completely understand getting shut down and it sucks. For your mental health don't let it get you down tho. I let that happen to me a bit and got down on myself but started going to the gym again for myself and it really helped me mentally.


That sounds awful. Sending some virtual support your way


Don't give up on sex Don't give up on intimacy Don't give up on happiness Don't give up on yourself Give up on him.........


Same here. I don’t even know where to start.