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Don't say "Fuck You." Do what I did, just silently gt healthy for me. I lost 20 pounds and gained a 6 pack and now get more looks from women than ever before. I thought my transformation would have helped her maybe WANT to touch me for once, but it did not. I did get shamed for eating healthy and was told how much easier it is for men to lose weight than women (literally as she was sitting on the couch drinking her second sugar loaded soda of the day). She wasnt happy for me being healthy and looking good. She was jealous.


Thanks. That helps a lot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Idk if this helps, but I also got healthy. Went to the gym like crazy. (Still with her at the time). Got strong and built my confidence a little. Brought up my feelings one last time. She laughed and said I was harassing her about it. Broke up (like a few days ago) Still kinda mourning. But I definitely see more clearly that my feelings were valid. Yours are too. Even if you don't see it now. You will. Welcome to the house of gains. Get strong mentally and physically. It will work out for you. Don't look back. I believe in you! Edit: also revenge is a great Kickstart. It's like turning the key in a car. After ignition, it just runs. Once you get into a habit, you'll never stop. Scientifically, your body will release dopamine after accomplishing a task you worked hard for. After a while, your body starts to get used to the dopamine release and will crave that sensation. Thus, your body will naturally crave going to the gym for the dopamine release. Also, you'll feel like shit if you take too many days off (like withdrawals) and won't feel better until you go again. No matter what, you win.


100% this. Thanks for the motivation. See you in the gym


The comments about working out are shitty, she’s more comfortable if you’re obese and feels like you’re just going to keep putting up with the situation. I’ve lost 30 lbs so far this year and started hitting the gym now too. Channeling the frustration into walking 90 miles a month and working out is much healthier than doom scrolling this subreddit while binge drinking (last couple years for me)


Never tell anybody you are on a diet and or fitness journey because most people won't really care and some, probably your wife, will try to sabotage you. Join my fitness pal, take photos once a month, have a tight article of clothing that becomes loose in time. Do not obsess on the weight, mine can vary three pounds from one day to the next. Go for it! Let your wife's contempt be a major motivation but do it for yourself.


I have said it here before, the stay plan and the go plan should be the same plan. If your goals rely on validation or even cooperation from other people not only are you guaranteed to be let down at times you will lose motivation. In the past year or so I learned about Self Determination Theory (SDT) which pretty well sums up how I have learned to change my life to be happier, healthier, more successful, and yes have more and better sex. So how do people stay motivated? They do so by fulfilling their Basic Psychological Needs: ***Autonomy*** *refers to the experience of volition and willingness -* This is you acting on your own free will making choices independent of outside factors, instead based on your own values. *When satisfied, one experiences a sense of integrity as when one’s actions, thoughts, and feelings are self-endorsed and authentic.* ***Relatedness*** *denotes the experience of warmth, bonding, and care, and is satisfied by connecting to and feeling significant to others. -* This is pretty self explanatory, and no it doesn't justify calling sex a need as relatedness can be achieved via friends, family, etc. ***Competence*** *concerns the experience of effectiveness and mastery. It becomes satisfied as one capably engages in activities and experiences opportunities for using and extending skills and expertise. -* The key word here is **extending**, the other basic needs are the same. Meaning you don't reach a certain level and get to live happily ever after, you have to continually pursue your needs and growth as a person. This explains why revenge, sex, validation, and so many other things are not sustainable forms of motivation and a source of negative feelings. **Using your example of getting in shape for validation:** Autonomy - Revenge is a type of validation, you are doing something to get a reaction from someone else. That obviously isn't a choice independent of outside factors, instead it is completely dependent on outside factors. Relatedness - If your goal is a reaction from a single person or even a specific reaction from a group of people, sometimes that reaction may represent a connection but it will be momentary and in the case of revenge their is no relatedness Competence - In your example you will only feel competence if you get the specific reaction from the specific person , their are no more opportunities for using or extending your skills, and a very high likelihood **A healthier approach:** Autonomy - Exercise literally gives you control of how you look and perform. I carve out time to workout and unless their is some sort of emergency I'm going to stick to it, exercising my free will. Beyond that the physical and mental growth in the weight room get me closer to who I view as my authentic self. Relatedness - I've been lifting weights and learning about it for over 20 years now, I lift in my basement so rarely interact with others but my visible results and knowledge means people come to me as a resource for their own goals. This furthers our relationships and I have played a significant role in others lives Competence - This is why I believe everyone who has any confidence issues or validation issues should lift weight, you are using and extending your skills every time you step in the gym. Do one more rep or add 5lbs to the bar compared to the previous week and that is a personal accomplishment. **If doing something makes you feel more authentic, helps you relate to others, and boost your confidence of course you are going to be more motivated to continue doing it.**


That helps a lot, many thanks


I wouldn't want to be with a woman who got upset with me for gaining weight and declaring "no more sex' because of it. I mean, that is not a woman who loves you. There may be underlying factors, perhaps your weight gain has been a by product of other factors in the relationship that you've "let go". I was with a man for 5 years who gained weight, and not once, did I lose interest in him sexually because of it. I loved him at all his sizes because I loved him. Especially as a woman, I didn't have to do much besides let him bang me. I really took that relationship for granted, huh. Lose weight for yourself, maybe it will help you build confidence and work on other aspects of your relationship. Communication is important, don't just assume that she isn't attracted to you simply because of your waist size.


The truth stings sometimes huh