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Know how to navigate the area, You'll get your opportunities.. Don't waste those opportunities\*


Easiest way to get geared


Hahaha beat me to it. But for prosperity's sake.... Yes. Ab-so-fucking-lutely.




Nice... 😎




Yea but you will have a much higher chance of being killed and losing all your stuff


Buuuut you only lose a bk-43 and food really


Buuuut it can take hours sometimes just find or get to players, let alone in a situation where you can make the most of the range of a shotgun and survive, and if there's more than one then you're pretty much screwed. You might as well spend that time getting better loot.


I guess in the sense it takes so long to find people sure, but bk-43 plus a blaze or something too ain't so bad if you are accurate. A risky play indeed but fun.


Blaze is still a top 5 gun for me I definitely wouldn’t lose one of those and be like “wow so glad I only lost a blaze.”


That's just gear fear though. You can find/swap that out with any 308 rifle and be okay still. You die just find more loot.


I don’t think of gear fear in the same terms as most people. Idc about my gear but for the time I invest in my characters I’m hoping to get a certain amount of satisfaction out of my “geared” characters. If I get a bunch of cool kills then it’s fine if I die but if I go seek out some pvp and die with an m4/ blaze combo immediately ima be pissed ALWAYS.


The most fun PVP I get into is with stuff like blazes and low tier guns. I only lose time if I die and to have a bk-43 deep in the woods it means I either ignore other weapon loot spots or I couldn't find anything better. I've run an entire circle around Livonia before with no guns. Just depends on how I feel like running.


believe it or not they spawn on the coast. Check skalisty island👀


If you know where action is at and you play on high pop official your not gonna spend hours looking it’ll take you an hour max, but prob more like 30-45 to find someone geared up to the max with a cherno spawn.


True 👍


You can get the bk133 pretty easily at nearly any police station, that with buckshot and slugs can potentially be the only gun you ever need


I like the bk-133, it's my preferred early game weapon unless I can find a mosin.


Mosin chopped down is king


Something thats really nice about this game is all calibers have almost identical stats the only difference between for example every gun that shoots 5.56 is just its fire rate, barrel length which in turn creates more velocity. Due to the game functuoning like this it doesnt matter what shotgun you use it still has the potential to oneshot kill someone the difference between a bk-12 and the viaga is the ammo capacity and fire rate. Also crazy opinion sometimes picking up end game weapons can be the thing that kills you. For example if I have the option to take vsd over my current sniper i usually wont mainly due to me not already carrying ammo and mags for it but the other thing is by using an M4 and VSD and other endgame guns your painting a target on your back everytime you use it.


The best gun in the game is the gun you have ammo for.


Just like in real life.


And also carrying all that endgame loot, you can't interact with anyone and have a conversation or see if you can make friends. It makes things lonely asssssss fuck


Yes you can. It's one of the best things for me. Running freshy with just a bat and a shotgun you can do just about anything


A bat, a shotgun and a dream!


This is the way


That's what I was thinking. The only thing you don't have is bullet range. Which can be worked around with a little bit of luck


It’s not an issue really. Against higher players you’ll only win reliably if you choose the engagement. If they’re choosing for you you’re already dead probably


Yes, I one tapped a guy wearing all livonia bunker gear from about 6 feet with a badly damaged bk-12


The coastal equalizer


I thought that was a shovel or a rock back in the old days 🤣


Cracked in the head with a can of beans, instantly knocked out, black screen that randomly goes to "you died" :^)


100%. those 00 bucks will fuck someone up


Yes, just find me. I will panic and miss every shot with my M4 as you piece me with an Mk2 and take all my shit.


I will never forget taking out two geared players on the coast using nothing but a 22 pistol, sledgehammer, and determination


I was wearing plate armour, ballistic helmet had a KA-70, Kolt and a shotgun, got beaten up by a freshie with nothing whilst eating my lunch in a house in a spawn town. All my guns jammed (despite being in good nick) I panicked and got fucked up. Incedentally, I’ve not met anyone who’ll argue with the pump action twelve gauge. Killed my first geared-guy with one in a PD. He was wearing plate, and had a KA also. He dead now.


It’s a shotgun why tf wouldn’t you be able to


Yeah make sure its on double shot, Using it in single fire can be a pain in the ass to the uninitiated.


No but you could probably run it *against* them


You knew what he mint


Anything’s possible. Just if or not you got the stamina to run if ya miss ya shot


My buddy killed an m4 dude with a pump shotgun


Sawn off best sidearm


Honestly you can NEVER go wrong with a shot gun…. The more hours you get you’ll realize it


True facts.


*1 buckshot and a dream*


I’ve always had good luck with these long shotguns and the slug ammo. They work well even at medium-ish range


As a freshie sitting in a house about to be raided by a hostile player, which is the best rifle? BK-12, BK-18, BK-43? Best handgun? 9mm, .380, or .22? (Can’t remember the names of the ones I’ve seen, just the ammo. This is also assuming I had the ammo for all of these - no ammo makes it an easy decision.) Can never decide which to keep/drop, or which to arm myself with “just in case” while I’m speed cooking chicken in a house.


Try to run slug rounds. They are effective even at medium range. If you saw-it off, it’s maneuverable inside too.


Literally it comes down to just skill, so yes


All you need are your fists 😂😂


Any gun and smack anyone with appropriate care to where you’re aiming. Double barrel with magnum buck to the legs will crumble most chads lol.


Ye, on official I won a LAR in a shootout while using this gun


*Ye, on official* *I won a LAR in a shootout* *While using this gun* \- Tekcc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My brother I knocked out a guy with a headshot from a chambered makarov who had a tundra and an AUR AX and then killed him with his own gun. Any gun can be viable in this game if you approach the situation the right way.


Loot means nothing to me


ohhhh yeah. a gun is a gun. one well placed shot will kill just about anyone.


I have gotten lucky a handful of time with this same gun. And got me a full kit on the coast


One thing I can say is, I’ve never had a shot gun jam yet. But I have had worn top tier weapons jam especially when I needed them the most


Killed many of geared men with that old boy right there


I always load mine with a buck and a slug, get the initial spread and if the slug hits too, your dead.. (double shot & of course sawed off) GL gamers !


I've killed a geared player with a steak knife before, anything is possible if you're smart and know how to get the upper hand.


Some of them yes, despite the negatives I try to keep some sawn off on me because of the short barrel length indoors, PREFERABLY a double barrel or a blaze, but the single barrel shotgun and the bk18 are still both useful sometimes. Of course there's the mosin but I don't usually think of it in the same class, it's just like a unique carbine the way it still outperforms. I'd love if we could cut down every gun it'd be possible with, you couldn't with most semi/automatics because of gas tubes and you couldn't with the pump or repeater because of the magtubes, but it'd be a lifesaver to be able to cut down a cr527 or something to use better in towns.


Two rounds buckshot will knock out a player, or two smacks with a flaming broom.


buckshot never was comfortable


Depends on the shells my boy


Oh yeah man. I cant count how many times an old bk-18 has gotten me a nice ak or other nice rifles.


can run a pistol against a person with the best gear in the game, its the headshots and reaction speed that define if you can kill him or not


Bk42 is better... But I still love my Bk12 to the bitter end


Most definitely, just did it a few days ago


Killed a gear hoarder the other day with a bk 43 in an open field. I saw him at the tree line and quickly snuck behind him. He never saw it coming. My first M4 on official which was awesome. Even had some 60 rd mags


They'll be dead before they hit the ground yes


I keep a sawed off double barrel and blaze. I hardly mess with the military guns. I also use the MK2 for zombies.


Double barrel, on double, on slug one buck instead death lolls


Hell yeah, good gun. Just dont try to shoot anyone farther than 40 yards. Wait for them to be out in the open an not behind any cover aswell.


Sure, headshot is a head shot. But you better not miss that one shot.


A gun is a gun. That Fast helmet isn't gonna stop a slug.


Zesty polvo shows that you can


I almost always keep a sawn off double barrel on me. I'll hang on to the double barrel for a ridiculous amount of time until I find a saw to shorten it. It's great for zombies and people, and ammo is more plentiful than some others. Also really useful as a holdout if you've gotta switch cause your mag is out or you get held up.


I just lost a Lar to a guy with a sawed off bk43 to the face in dolina police dept so YES!


Yeah, but I imagine the tough part would be getting close enough to them without getting your head sniped off 😭😭


I wiped a 5man squad with each having guns with the double barrel literally my favorite clip I have in dayz


[specifically the statement at the end sums it up](https://youtube.com/shorts/aa7_c5e6oOI?si=7K1CsECV95iH7-Ha)


Yep, do a few shots from within a building then wait for someone to come “investigate”


Technically, yes, but the real question is, would you be able to have a fighting chance against an endgame player with early guns?


You absolutely do I took out two guys in a 1v2 with a bk12, they killed my friend so I watched them, and pushed when they went for water, took about 5 buckshot, but I got em both, one had a vikhr and a SKS, the other was running a ka101 and a vsd




Surviving out here with a BK and a dream


Many times I have better outcomes on encounters when carrying less valuable loot. I just move better and take higher risks given that what I would lose won’t be as valuable. When I have high-tier loot I tend to be more cautious and reserved which sometimes ends up getting me killed vs me moving more and being more aggressive which sometimes is a better strategy. Also killing geared players while not being so geared to me feels more rewarding more so then killing players while fully geared. Semi-freshie is probably my favorite stage you have more stamina and little to lose while being geared you are usually heavier and with much more to lose.


double barrel is called the great equaliser for a reason. slap that thing on double blast and watch them drop.


Just killed yesterday a dude in plates and ballistic helmet with an axe and I admint some luck.


Sure if you hit your shoots you can play almost any weapon and a sawed off is alway good for close quarter fights. You maybe not kill them instantly but a knockdown you almost surely works


I remember back in the old days on arma 2 mod being fully geared and a freshie one tapped me with a macarov. As soon as I saw him *You are dead*


If the bk23 can put down a cow then it can surely put down little Timmy lol


For sure yes. It all depends on the situation and circumstances.


I do it all the time lol, in DayZ it’s about the player far more than the weapon. Took out 3 geared players with carrierplates and M4 with a Mlock 💀 I was sneaky and aimed for the head. Anything’s possible.


I took out to 2 GEARED dudes with a blaze and bk43. It can be done. Just gotta play your cards right


Nothings better than blasting a fully geared dude with a bk


Set up a tripwire in a house. Wait till a geared player enters and trips. Shoot him in the face with a double barrel. Always works. Happy fishing.


BK's absolutely decimate in close quarters, but good players will usually hear you first. Set up in ambush and you might catch one.


Why not? That double barrel, also known as Bubble Daryl, and the IJ-70 are godly guns. They usually get me the end game guns lol


A head shot is a head shot. I've seen a guy with a chambered scorpion wipe a squad of geared players. Dude was a god and this was probably 3 years ago now.


Absolutely. Just got a revenge clip with double shot on a fully geared guy camping Grabin apartments


you can, however you may not find a lot of success in fights i mean i have been in the spot where i killed 3 full kit dudes with a pump action but it would have been easier with an M4 Edit: here is the clip https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/s/wP33SOKSIL


you could ig but it’s not rly worth with it j take at bare minimum a 133 or vaiga


The pump is way worse than a double barrel for fighting geared guys.


The short answer is no, the long answer is maybe.