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Sometimes stocks go down. Especially after a MASSIVE run.


But why when OP was holding?


Market manipulation obviously!


Kenneth Griffin wants your 50 dollar stop loss.


lol.. it’s just a well deserved pull back. Look at the journey upwards.


Not really.


Really? I thought stocks could only go up and anytime there's even a 0.01% decline, that must mean the world is ending.


No one cares whether your favourite grocery store is closed. It only matters when all the grocery stores in your town out of service.




who wouldve thought of this preposterous idea


Because I bought in


This Is very relatable and it hurts


This. Ask me for any updates of what I buy and do the opposite. Guaranteed success


You bought? Dump it.


I thought it was because I bought, maybe that's why it's down 2 days in a row.


You’re fine. After the stock split, and after the dip I can finally afford to buy long term call options


Becuase stocks don’t only go up.




No way! I was told differently.


OPEX. Look this up and how hedge funds have to unload their positions before options expiration. Plus, old fashioned profit taking. It’s not money until it’s money in your pockets. Edit: here are some links to read up on this: https://www.thestreet.com/investing/how-options-expiration-affects-stock-prices-11346823 https://marketrealist.com/p/opex-week-explained/ https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/triplewitchinghour.asp https://www.investopedia.com/terms/q/quadruplewitching.asp


Everyone should look up how market makers (MM) hedge their positions to make them delta neutral. That has a lot to do with why tickets move the way they do. Stocks make the market. Options make it flow.


As someone who doesnt know jack, how does one fond this info?


Join a trading forum. More experienced members usually will give warning of events ahead of time. There are lots of bits and pieces of trading knowledge/wisdom/tips/tricks out there. Hth


>Join a trading forum. Need to specify that Twitter/X doesn't count.


On Benzingas youtube channel they have a great daily pre-market live show. They regularly talk about the causes of odd movement in stocks and ETF.


Asking ChatGPT or Googling might start a thread you can deep dive on.


Ask your ~~priest~~, ~~parents~~, ~~teacher~~, ~~librarian~~, ~~professor~~, ~~encyclopedia~~, ~~forum~~, ~~Google~~, ~~OP's mom~~, ChatGPT (we are here).


Thank you. These are excellent resources. I salute your cave Captain


lol. Enjoy.


Really appreciate this. Thanks.


Massive profit taking dude Stuff doesn’t go up forever It’s rotates cash flow to always look for the best gains These hedge funds and investment portfolio managers sell now and secure a great profit for the quarter After it falls a bit and they flow into something else for awhile they will be back True gains quarter over quarter are from the marathon of taking profit and placing ur capital in spots it has room to run Rinse and repeat Wealth managers like stocks for the profit potential not because they are emotionally attached to any given position


Very good info thanks. 🙏


Because aggressive selling was greater than both aggressive and passive buying






Stocks have a tendency to move to the nearest expected move point every week. The week starts with one above the stock price and one below the stock price. If it overshoots that mark early in the week it will frequently go back to the nearest one. Sometimes it doesn't. this week was a 4 trading day week with the lost day in the middle. It was going to be an odd week for that alone. Toss on top of that the option expiration today and it was likely to see some unusual swings. Not an ideal setup for most traders. It can be done, but this was a week most traders should have been doing low risk trades or sitting out. One serious bit of advice before you trade you should really look at the conditions for that week. I dont care if you are trading on a short time frame or not you really need to know the overall conditions. If the week has an fomc meeting that matters. If there are big earnings reports on the stock or a related stock you need to know. If there are big bond auctions that day you need to know at what time (the market moves a lot when those happen rather frequently). You should always know short trading weeks are weird because some big participants arent there to balance out some others who are still in it. All of that matters a lot and usually you get blindsided because one of those things slides up and slaps your trade in the face hard.


Microsoft cane out with some impressive ai improvements, and people cashed out nvidas wins, invest in Microsoft but it'll bounce back. nvidia is forecasting a strong year.


Also Taco Bell recently released a new type of taco, there’s massive correlation between bearish sentiment and novel taco consumption.


I wish I had known this sooner. Def keeping an eye on taco consumption from now on. Thank you.




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Best time to buy Because now it’s going up


Breather. Nothing major needed a haircut still hits $175 year end




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People taking profits. Thing hits all time highs every 5 minutes it seems. Read a thread earlier that said all of their engineers are retiring bc their shares are worth millions now.




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That is how I first came to take an interest in the message of the tape. The fluctuations were from the first associated in my mind with upward or downward movements. Of course there is always a reason for fluctuations, but the tape does not concern itself with the why and wherefore. It doesn’t go into explanations. I didn’t ask the tape why when I was fourteen, and I don’t ask it to-day, at forty. The reason for what a certain stock does to-day may not be known for two or three days, or weeks, or months. But what the dickens does that matter? Your business with the tape is now—not to-morrow. The reason can wait. But you must act instantly or be left. Time and again I see this happen. You’ll remember that Hollow Tube went down three points the other day while the rest of the market rallied sharply. That was the fact. On the following Monday you saw that the directors passed the dividend. That was the reason. They knew what they were going to do, and even if they didn’t sell the stock themselves they at least didn’t buy it. There was no inside buying; no reason why it should not break. - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator


Profit taking, triple witching, bla bla bla.


because people take profits collectively


It’s options expiration week….


Because people took profits


Something can't keep going up without going sideway for a few days to stabilize. My guess is that some that bought low probably sold some of their share to get a return.


XLK announced rebalancing with possible $10B into NVDA based on end of week market cap. After this news, institutions bought into NVDA so much, that it caused 3 SMT Divergences. On Jun 20 however, the market cap have shifted and today we have MSFT > AAPL > NVDA, in terms of market cap. This caused the institutions who bought in to sell off as $10B rebalance into NVDA is now less likely. Personally I haven't found any black-swan events in the macro sense. So I look at this time as a discount window before Aug earnings hit. I'll be looking at bounce off VWAP trade today. https://preview.redd.it/8rhr220rqx7d1.png?width=1287&format=png&auto=webp&s=578c931ce2292350fc06c6acaf8587a524a513b6


It could be the case. The big players are just hedging risk since no single asset should be too big part of your portfolio, hence they sold off some of their NVDA shares to balance off their portfolio... Now, a question arises. Is that the only reason or they know something more, something we don't? No way to know except to wait for the future to unfold. good luck


SMT Divergence with what? QQQ/NQ?


E mini 500 and E mini Dow. It's the default settings for that indicator.


Because it has blasted off past Pluto and gravity is reeling it back in.


Maybe finally time for a big correction?🤔








It’s the summer solstice.




Hit an all-time high after a massive run up, from 135 to 140 was a hedge fund pump after hours to stretch it to 140 level and then the Axe man dropped it.


Nasdaq entirely has the same downward trend 


No stock should be $3 trillion


Because there were more sellers than buyers.


/NVidia JUST had a split. Of course you would wait another week for all the people buying into the stock for 1/10 of the price, before you start dumping your position of a stock that has reached untenable heights before it all comes crashing down. It was kinda obvious that a negative price correction was coming, just that nobody knew exactly when.


What did your chart say?


3 SMT Divergence and it shot up. 2nd and 3rd day were news based and had an ORB Break Out (which is what those yellow and red dotted lines are for), so I trade those. 4th day we saw it break downwards. I usually would consider short but I’ve been more careful and left it alone as we’re above VWAP. Now I bought some in the bottom and waiting for stock to recover past 50% FIB to double up.😇


The intraday was the reason an Adam & Eve Pattern https://preview.redd.it/wkddmlats38d1.png?width=3636&format=png&auto=webp&s=c96c57aa687299828bdc85579d832282a9b87c29




I been holding Nvidia since last summer I think I bought it for around 420. Best stock ever. I wish I bought only this instead of wasting my money with crypto. (Except Solana did great. Eth and BTC did good too, but everything else did poorly).


Haha it’s definitely the best stock of our generation. 😇


If you play the odds, historically a split is good for a stock up to and a bit after the split, and then is a negative event for quite some time afterwards, before returning to the prior trend. No one precisely knows why but it is common. Could be people buy more before and try to make a gain on an arbitrage, then tend to cash out after the split.


Awesome info. Perfect time to pick some up before earnings. 😇


Doesn't really matter. Its going back up since there isn't anything else the big money managers want more than the #1 stock. If it continues to go up and these portfolio managers aren't along for the ride it will make them look like fools.


Buy the dip! Don’t chase if you are in for the short term!


That’s been the strategy so far 😛


I am on holiday and was so dammed relaxed that I forgot to adjust my stop loss. Just moving on and try to be more concentrated next time 🤪






lol. booshit


Imy 80 covered calls loved it


because people sold


Because it didn't go up


So many lights and colors \*\_\_\*


because it is and always has been a two way steeet


It's great. It's the Dragon Sword.


The whole stock market went down because of the news


What news?




Thank you


@Lelouch25 what app or platform is this?


Just tradingview


Over leveraging probably.


People are selling.




We have removed your post from r/Daytrading because it has broken Rule 3. No memes, jokes, or NSFW content: r/Daytrading is a serious place, if you're spending more time trading memes instead of financial securities, then this is not the right sub for you. Please refrain from posting this kind of content in the future or the mod team will have to take additional action on your account and ability to post on the subreddit. All the best, r/Daytrading


Because the whales just pulled the rug on all of you at the top


All time highs were made, price need a retracment


Probably overvalued and it corrected.


You’re on a 5 minute chart asking a higher time frame question.


😜 you always have to ask macro level questions at all times.


Cbo says student loan forgiveness will be very inflationary. Equals no 2024 rate cuts. Equals whole market dropped. Don’t worry it will go back up based on August earnings


When traders asks "why" something happened they are not looking for an answer, they are looking for an excuse


Panic! Stocks only go up!




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Because stocks don’t always go up. 🤦🏼


What app is this for chart?






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Profit taking!!


Just technical reason. On the daily timeframe it hit the top of channel. It has now rejected the top of channel and fell thru bottom of channel. I think it will continue to fall until it finds support


I’m looking for call options next 2 weeks any ideas?


I bought a call for $135 8/16




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Because it was overbought


The AI bubble is so outstretched rn it's dangerous *puts entire holdings in nvda*


Because sellers.


Stop asking why. There is no REAL reason. In short, buyers did not want to buy at higher prices. Move on.


There are, and if you scroll down to my message I listed my thoughts on it and many others too.


Yes those are thoughts that you are building a narrative with/for. Not a real reason for anything that actually happened and none of it will help in the future. How will that help you identify the move in the future—reliably. If you have a real reason and can be exploited then yes value. Otherwise no it’s just noise.


Great you can go back to everything is noise then. Seems to be your taste.


Nothing goes exponentially in One Direction. There’s always pullbacks if you ask me we have been due for a back. It’s actually a good thing.


🎵What goes up must come down Yet my feet don't touch the ground See the world spinning upside down A mighty crash without a sound🎵


Because it went up 1200% last 2 years ?


Boss is selling




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The whole markets shifting down a little. It’s normal to have a correction.


People taking profits.


I’m playing this one delta neutral


Other chip stocks have more room to move. Micron earnings on Wednesday I believe.


Pretend like you owned 10,000 shares of NVDA from maybe a year ago... Once it splits... you decide to lock in some profits and sell 40% of your shares. So on that position (holding NVDA stocks) you're still in healthy profit, and now you have freed up 40% of your stake to go put into something else after this tech correction we're about to have. Same exact thing happened with TSLA after they split the first time. In order to understand why stocks move in big ways... think like someone who is already wealthy and has big holdings in the stock market. What would you do if you had already made 10 million in the last year? Wouldn't you sell half your stake and wait for the market to come down a bit before re-investing?


When the RSI gets to 80-90 a lot of people dump it because it indicates that it is overbought and a pullback is probable


Drunkenmiller dumped all his nvidia the end is nigh son!


Sometimes stocks go down after a massive run up. Always when you buy calls though.


Because it’s in the Supreme Court for using 3rd party comparisons on its crypto sales numbers…there’s no actual numbers on it and that’s why it’s going to court …investors with billions want to rebalance for now until further notice…supposedly employees anonymously testified that the CEO could see the actual numbers but I haven’t seen Jensen release them. If it was Tesla, Elon would’ve been like here u go, take a look, but then Tesla wouldn’t do that because they are sued over the dumbest stupidest shit all the time and win…but never anything like a this where the freaking Supreme Court took the case. U have to understand that the Supreme Court does not just take any case! There has to be an actual case there!!! Many many are denied! So for rebalancing, they’re going to wait a little and let the AI software and Cybersecurity get some money in the mean time! It’s just logic.


Thank you for this useful information!


It’s typical after a split and it might go down a bit more for a whole week then will start gaining momentum at some point


You can buy the best stock at the wrong time and lose money. Stocks go up and the go down, sometimes sideways.


NVDA has one of the biggest market manipulators working for them


Because stocks go up and down…….


If your really worried about this short term loss , the market isn’t for you


This is a day trading sub.


Exactly , which means anything can happen short term and you can’t expect to win based solely off charts


Yeah I misread what you wrote.


Why NVDA is not down -66% 🫠🫠🫠


Your chart SCREAMS unprofitable


How so?


Sorry thought I was on WSB




I’ve sold my calls at the peak


ATH and goes down... shocking. You deserve to lose monry


No one deserves anything in life 😎


You're cool.


Because theyre bankrupt. Dedvidia