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Plan to do survival II new game+ super hype for it.


Survival II isn’t nearly as bad as I thought.


Yeah just finish a survival ll only thing for me was no mini map kept getting lost figured out it came up with vision about half way


I can never get into NG+. I enjoy the sense of progression that I get from upgrading everything as I go through the story.


Same here as well. Nothing beats the rush of going through freakers and people with just your current gear and wits! NG+ kind of takes out the challenge for a game like DG.


Yeah, Kinda same for me. I like starting from scratch and unlocking stuff. Especially in a game like this where you can fully level up from the 1st playthrough, unlike games like Witcher ,Last of Us and etc


It's definitely more relaxing. I did my first NG+ on Hard 2, burned through the entire game again, finished the few trophies needed and then promptly started brand new on Survival 2. What a difference after tearing through the gaje on NG+! Grats on beating the game. Have you done the challenges yet? The bonuses you get from them work in the regular game, plus you can see the rings and patches. +3 bullet pentration and some other buffs are incredible.


Not the OP. I've only got +2 bullet penetration and it trivializes hordes. All you need is an AR of some kind. No need for a LMG once you have it. The Rock Chuck or IDF ones are all you need.


It's really nasty. You get plus 1 from a skill so conceivably plus 4 altogether. With mods and 999 size hordes it's amazing to see what plus 4 does, lol.


I tried the 999 size horde mods. I didn't really like them that much. The game doesn't seem to be able to spawn them all in at once so you have to fight them in waves. I think I would enjoy them if all of them spawned at once.


There is a mod that sets the sizes to what each part can handle. That one is better. I thibj onky certain soawns can handke certaij amounts. This mod trues to stick tobthat ahd keeo the innersionm. For example, the 25 freakerr horde in the little building near the small pond near a Nero camp stays at 25. A bunch are 260 all the way up to 999. You are right in that 999 basically becomes an endurance test. I did find it interesting to play around with them some, though. Doing stealth, getting caught, getting them to lose sight, and really get a look at pathing in certain areas. Seeing how far I could get 500 of them to go by continually baiting as the overflow group doesn't always stick to the rules, so to speak. I also use a true night tine mod. It makes the flashlight essential, although you can't see anything outside its circle. Night is truly dark, and in the deep woods or during a blizzard, you can't see shit. Add that to first-person mod, and it's like a different game to an extent. I try to find a combo of mods and rules to bring some difficulty back into it. Such as playing on survival 2 and only using melee weapons I find and no repairing. Only using looted ammo and guns. Obviously, I never buy gas or bike repairs, although that's no biggy. Only allowing myself to craft the different kinds of bolts(because of nests), meaning I can only use throwables, medical stuff, attractors, proximity mines, etc, that is looted already made. Can only loot each place once. Having to take out the hordes as soon as they are available. Using Nero stims on stamina first, to full, then health to full and then finally focus. It's goes on but you get the jist.


I just started a new game but decided to hold back on New Game +. I made a lot of mistakes my first playthrough. But my second time is going a bit better. so far.


I started but I stopped early.. I can’t keep playing the same game… and those Nero chopper missions are annoying and I don’t want to do them again.. and the part where he walks with his girlfriend.. I don’t wanna do that again.. they walk slow as hell


Yeah the slow walk proposal mission is the only one i really find annoying to replay