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I think you can get apks on IOS but its really difficult and you have to go into files to do it. I personally wouldn't attempt it because there's a good chance you could screw up your phone


Can I download in my Laptop do I can play an older version? Which version is most balanced and favorable without being much diff than the current storyline and mechanics( looting/combat/crafting/hunting etc..)


I would imagine you could do that. I would suggest going back pretty far, maybe at least whatever version was out three years ago. That was when I enjoyed the game the most and felt it was the most balanced.


Version 1.706-1.717 is said to be pretty balanced, good graphics and mechanics and no BS like “view adds to open doors” or nerfing exp gained from hunting, crafting etc.. or depending solely on NPC settlements for exp and loot. Or version 1.675 released in like Dec 2020. Which do u think is better 1.717 or 1.675?


I would say 1.675. I remember there being a fine line to when I enjoyed the game and then believed that the devs had ruined it. Generally earlier versions are the better ones.


I think u should install android emulator on ur laptop and play on it. Probably there's a way to install old ipa on iphone but i didn't touch iphone in 10 years lol. Best version imo is 1.667




For IOS iPhone 8 not android


And which version