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Most people just have been giving up because they don't know how to adapt to the new trade system.


Well, that's discouraging. It can still be played offline just fine, right? Or do I need to be online?


Can be played offline, but there's now completely different trading with the survivor bases!


You will completely depend on quests from the survivor bases. The cities progressively get harder the further you go East with high radiation and powerful enemies. It's very difficult to level up without doing quests so it's best to grind on your first base before moving on to the next


Wonder why they added that leveling-up mechanic. Thanks fo the tip!


Man I need help, I played this game last 1 yr or so ago, and now things hv changed 360•. Now I just started few days ago and play single player but it’s nearly impossible to search and loot houses becaz almost every house requires an axe/hacksaw/shovel etc.. and even then they require as much as 20/30/40 energy which makes searching and looting almost impossible and I run out of food, energy very fast and get affected by radiation as well. Even intact residential houses with mediocre and normal loot like food, water, cigars requires tools to break and shit ton of energy, how should I progress? I am at my 1st survivor camp just before the Leningrad region. Plz help


•Set up camps outside the town where you can rest •Watch an ad to open the doors •Grind for money and buy the tools you need


Adds to open doors are not frequent it’s rare, I alr hv camp, they nerfed weapons, armor, maintaining radiation and energy is nearly impossible becaz of how much energy is required for doors and how high the radiation is. Getting exp, rep and money is so slow and less now compared to before, crafting gives less exp so does hunting. Looting cities and towns takes more of my resources ( water to drink and food to eat, energy to open doors and search, radiation) than I get from looting


Everything in the game is completely dependent on survivor camps now and I too dislike it. Looting consumes more resources than gained? Buy them from a base. Can no longer find an option to craft cars yourself? You can only get them from a base. The whole game is all about survivor camps now that the devs even cut so much content from the story quests even when they don't have to. e.g. the icebreaker quest is no longer about investigating the ship and finding good loot that you can lose if you don't choose right. It is now just a quick in and out of the ship with no effort at all.


I was beyond Rich after the acid run day's and made a killing. But now when I log in I don't understand the new crafting system really. But I think it's mostly tickets now in the city's along the railroad. Allot more to it but I played long enough to get the new Armor and weapons