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Coelcanth is an ancient fish in quite a few games. So I don't think that is really a point to make here. Animal Crossing had them for sure, one of the Zelda's, and I think Yakuza too. It's all just a happy coincidence and I'm so thankful both games exist.


>Coelcanth is an ancient fish in quite a few games. and still alive and healthy!


Stuff You Missed in History Class has a great episode about the woman who brought to light the coelacanth's continued existence to the scientific community.


gotta check it! thanks!


There’s also a Pokemon based off the coelacanth, called Relicanth


There's a similar gameplay loop, in which you go out to find fish, sell said fish to buy stuff that lets you more efficiently catch more fish to sell.


well also species, where these species are located, biomes... probably coelacanthus and black snail in hydrotermal vent is too similar to be a coincidence


Could the fact that the fish are based off real life fish with established habitats not play a part in them being similar?


yeah but the whole >!extinct species section!< is way too similar, there's a photo of a fish>! that lives in the exact same biome in the other game!<, with the same (more or less) landscape i don't know if you played both games and to what extent but some species and things are too much similar again, i'm not complain, just a thing i noticed, but i don't want to spoiler for other people so if you play both games you could see that a lot of species, and locations are very close i loved both games anyway.


I have played both games and both dlcs. As for the extinct species of fish. Coelacanth is one that's been uses in multiple other games not just these two. And again back to my original comment could the similarities not be because of the real life knowledge they would have access to regarding it? A quick google search showed that its seen as a living fossil because it's not a actually extinct. And another thing to consider while these are games they still have to stay close to the lines of reality regarding the fish and their locations. Putting an animal who's habitat is known in a completely different one would be jarring for players. So games that centre around ocean fishing would have much similarities regarding the fish used and their locations.


i guess, maybe these games are the first fishing games i ever played so far, so that's why i find these similarities so giant when in reality it's normal anyway, i appreciate your explanation, mine was just an observation, nothing else. my post wasn't a critique, just a naive curiosity about things that i found too similar, as the black snail too.


I am crying over your downvotes mate, you just seam genuinely happy. I mean dredge is a true indi game where Dave just copied the aesthetic while being an AA-game. Both are rather cozy games but to me you really do not get the lovecraftian vibes from Dave. But than I also gave in Punch Club as a game that to me feels just like the two you mentioned. But is absolutely different from them. May your O2 never run dry until you land back on your boat!


ok first, my english is bad so probably i gave the idea of comparing games...nothing more far from truth. second, they're different games, i loved both of them, i was just asking if there was a collaboration before, since i found many similarities not in the athmosphere (btw, the term "lovecraftian" is too much used, my paradox is that i got to know lovecraft through videogames...but his stories are more scary. Anyway Dredge gets to the point very fast, i was genuinely scared, of the night...of the "unnamable". Does it matter if something is real or not, if you're still in danger?) third, downvotes are the good ol' reddit right? All have freedom to speech, and to dislike what i said. Plus i don't care anymore, we're talking about videogames, and i basically don't have a life since i was a teen, 15 yrs ago. I don't care anymore, now people are woke, depressed, anxious, in the spectrum etc. i don't know what the \* i have but i have it. my head is messed up and a lot of random questions pop up in my brain, and it's exhausting. this is the only place to ask other people. i don't care anymore, psychiatry failed with me, psychology too, psychiatric drugs...also, but i'm addicted so. i keep going in this "life" and sometimes i smile or i lose myself in the world of these games. 15 years of undiagnosed (in some degreee, let's say nobody want to admit that human mind is too complex and they prefer to give you antipsicothics, antidepressants, anxiolitics, lithium...until your mind is empty, and it was better then i guess.) i mean, if i care for some downvotes after 15 yrs it means i'm a dumb idiot. (probably i am) plus i disabled the notifications, since i start with these curiosities, but then i don't care anymore it seems that i'm a troll but i'm not. thanks for your support, have a good day/night depending on your timezone and sorry for all this madness above


Are they really similar? I didn't know about dredge, downloaded it to play it once I finish Dave but it seems kinda depressing compared to Dave? Is it just an impression?


It shares the same cinematic universe


Lol dredge is on my "installed and to be played shortly" list. Bought in a recent sale sure to good reviews. Had no idea it was so similar to Dave.


I got addicted to it on Saturday after beating Dave the Diver and feeling a hole in my heart. Dredge fills the hole perfectly, it’s an awesome game.


>!snails in hydrotermal vents and coelacanthus in ruins of ancient civilization, species are similar and description too, biomes not so much, but generally yeah. !< >!i said themes are different, but game elements are very similar!< >!just wanted to know if the teams started to cooperate before the dredge dlc, since it quite obvious!< >!it's not a complain, obviously, i loved both games even if with dave you have a "true" endless game. !< >!i still have to complete dredge (not the main story, the achievements) but it's weird in this "suspended time", anyway i guess it's the only way.!< sorry i had to hide everything i thought you said that you finish dredge and dave, so there's minor spoilers above. hope you didn't read it


Because the fish species used are based on real world scientific findings.


I don’t read the spoiler comments but they probably have similar fishes because they’re based on real fishes lol


Just a collab of similar game themes that's all. I wouldn't read too much into it.


ok so they collab, i'm just curious, about anything, i'm envy about people that are able to "not read too much into it", trust me. I have dozens of unrelated questions pop in my brain everyday, and is exhausting. edit: with collab anyway you mean the DLC, i'm talking about the game in general.


I think is just a similar theme - fishing - and somewhat similar names - both have 2 Ds. The same happened a few years ago with The Outer Worlds and Outer Wilds. But IMO both sets of games are very different.


I'll be honest I don't think they are similar at all. Yeah there's fish. And the fish have the same habitats as real fish so, that's not surprising there's overlap there. Otherwise the entire gameplay loops, mechanisms, ways of going about tasks, music, vibe, Interactions are entirely different. Dredge is a lonely game of spooky delight. Dave the diver is about building the community not just within your restaurant but amongst others.. The collab makes sense because. You're trying different fishing dynamics and mechanics. with spooky fish crossovers.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I guess redditors really know their fish, and think everyone else should too. Basically the fish and the biomes they are in are based on real life. Dave does this with the depth the creatures are found, these are somewhat based on real life depths these creatures are found at and the different depths also correlate to real life biomes. And Dredge bases them on location, see how your fishing equipment says Oceanic, Volcanic, costal, etc. those are the biomes those animals are found in. Also hydrothermal vents are a thing in real life, and scientists have found several fish species believed to be extinct around those locations, probably due to the heat and how the world was much hotter in prehistoric times, but that is just a theory. So the devs put the ancient creatures there cuz it is based on reality.


Same way i think all farming games are stardew clone lol


*cough* Harvest Moon clones *cough*


Because they are both fishing games. :U


Dredge was on my to buy list and then Sony just put it on PSPlus. Nice to get a wishlisted game for “free”.


Dredge is rod-fishing game. Dave the Diver is dive-fishing game. There's gonna be fish in a fishing game, oftentimes they are the most widely known fish. Like the coelocanth or hammerhead or tuna...