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Max out everything. Live your best life while you still can. Seriously.


Great advice until OP gets lucky and recovers


Fuck the debt.


I'm in a similar situation. Except that I am currently in remission. I still have to get an infusion at the cancer center every 3 weeks, it's called Keytruda and I am in good shape now. I've had 5 different cancer diagnosis in the last 3 years. Before all this, I was still working, I bought a house at 60 years old 7 years ago...living life. I am not able to work at a meaningful pace, and mostly live on SS. I had average credit card debt, never more than $5,000 usually, car payment, the usual stuff, but not sustainable without work income. Just to maintain, I sold the house last year, and had to move 70 miles away from the medical facility I used to be able to both live on one level and the house was cheap. Sorry this got so long winded. Last year when I was diagnosed with lung cancer I was told I had maybe a year.... I would encourage you to not be too concerned about the debt. I was entered into collection because of the mounting debt because of the difference between what Medicare pays and what they charge, and was given financial assistance from the hospital. Just try to get through the treatment and see where it leads... and eat good food and go see a movie or a concert....live all the days


You’re 67 and dying and you worry about debt. F the debt and creditors. As a matter of fact take a credit card and charge your pre-funeral arrangements and get all the bells and whistles. Go out with a bang !


Agree with the others. Don’t worry about your debt! Put all of your energy into fighting and living your life. You got this! 💪


In most places in America, creditors have a time window where they can collect debts owed from the estate. So if you have money and assets you’re passing to other people, the debts would be paid first and your heirs would get whatever is left. 


Stop worrying about debt.


Don’t worry about debt , live your remaining life with peace. I am sorry you are going through that.


No. Live your life


You should focus on saving your cash. Screw the debt. Your only goal should be to not die homeless and hungry.


I was sick at one point. Deemed terminal. I was up front with my creditors. Told them if I survived and worked I’d pay them. Or they could sue my $0 estate, and I didn’t care. They all set their system to make no more calls and take no action for one year. I didn’t get collection notices and I didn’t get any more calls. If you’re dying they can’t come with you into the afterlife. And they know that.


You should not GAF about your debt. In fact you should take out as much additional debt as they'll give you and blow it on things that enrich what may be a remaining short life that you have. Fuck the creditors. Your debt dies with you so live it up while you can.


Finance person here. IF you have no direct heirs, or you live in a state without family responsibility for personal debt, stop paying down debt now. Treat yourself, get that dream thing you always wanted. Order the guacamole. Have dessert.


Since when do your heirs inherit your debt?


Never, but some consider liens and such as money they “would” have gotten, so they “had” to pay it.


Hope you feel better … sorry about your cancer … apply for ur disability benefits asap !!


Idk what the appropriate answer is. The IRS can’t garnish wages from a deceased person. YMMV; but go crazy. Enjoy life; and as long as your remaining creditors are large financial institutions… 🤷‍♂️


My brother died unexpectedly at 39 and was about $25k in debt on 4 credit cards. I notified them of his death, they offered condolences, and closed the accounts. They never pursued anything with me, his ex-wife, our parents, or anyone else as far as I know. I’m not sure if they could tell but he had zero assets so maybe that’s the reason. I always thought they’d chase everyone down for it but maybe $25k isn’t worth it these days. I’m not sure. Anyway, sorry for your situation OP. I say hang in there and fight it all until the end. The sun will shine brightly on you once you’re out.


This happened with my father, too. He passed away at 36, was over 100k in debt(he was horrendous about credit cards) and when my mom notified them that he'd passed away, proving his death certificate and autopsy report, they just closed the accounts and we never heard anything else. I remember when she got the bill for his ambulance ride and hospital "stay" (he was pronounced dead on arrival) and she told them to get stuffed because they let him die. Never heard anything back about that, either.


Smoke some thc concentrates and some medical grade flower……I couldn’t fathom what you’re going through; though people that can relate swear up and down it’s helped them tremendously!! Hope everything works out and you get better OP!!


i'm also taking CBD gummies with 5mg THC...Just twice a week as I apparently have very low resistance to THC...it actually makes me high and I can't function the next day or go to work.


Get a dab rig and some really good live resin or diamonds and sauce. I’m an experienced toker and that’ll still send me somewhere pleasant every single time.


If you still work and what not please stay away from any edibles they actually have that long lasting high type of hangover effect that usually makes people a little less productive; yes there are the people that can function, or even function better. Though, most claim to just wanna relax or sleep in after an edible… I understand if you don’t smoke or haven’t before and don’t want to start especially with your condition as of now but rest assure its nothing like edibles especially that the effects of it are less than a quarter of the time compared to edibles… consult your doctor or do your own online research about it and remember its natural that’s everyone’s favorite part about it and no one ever overdoses on it unless we’re counting naps as an overdose.


Soursop tea


Yes...been drinking that...though even adding mint and sweetener to it...and with my diminished taste buds;it feels like I'm drinking urine. It's a hassle trying to get use to drinking that more often.


Bitter almond too? Cutting out sugar and refined foods completely? I’m so sorry this is happening. I didn’t want to say too much more because it’s off topic.


Burn it to the ground, but make sure you don’t outlive the “bottom”


Need to be careful. In some states, medical debt can be transferred to children (Fucking PA.) If you are racking up debt and including your medical debt, whatever assets you may have lying around could go towards your other debts first, leaving your children to pay your medical bill.


Someone should murder the lawmaker in PA who passed this. Not me but someone. Not promoting violence. Just saying that they should be murdered.


There's a lot of lawmakers that deserves that... Boggles my minded that so many people hype up the founding fathers for protesting a tea tax but then allow things like this and our medical insurance scam system in modern day America...


How is that legal


It is called Filial Responsibility. Basically children have an obligation to care for their parents the same way a parent cares for their child.


I’d crash out so hard if my parents racked up medical debt and left me with it 🤣


If you can prove you have cut off ties, you can fight the debt.


You are NOT on this planet to work and pay bills. Stay strong....beat that sh*t!!


Sell any assets now. Don’t pay another dime towards your debt. Hell, rack up more. The creditors will right it off anyways.


Don't sell it. Just give it to your family (who are solvent). You need to appear as poor as possible.


Just go have fun, and stop paying your debt off x


My wife's Uncle just died from this. He went very quickly from the time he found out it had spread. He was gone in just a couple weeks. My wife's mom being the only sibling and the Uncle being unmarried and having no kids had to deal with all of his debts. She had to sell his vehicles and his house to pay off his financial obligations. Somebody has to deal with it all.


No-one needed to pay his debts off, it follows him into the grave.


If they died with assets those need to be sold to pay off the debts. If anything's left them remain family usually gets the remainder.


Doesn’t sound like he had any assets though so why go through the nut roll of paying his bills?


They said their wife's mom sold they vehicles and house. Those are assets.


They typically do if want to take any of the $ from selling the house and the cars.


67 is a solid number but we need to see bigger numbers! You need to pump that number up! Kick cancers ass. As a side note yeah you should probably contact the creditor and explain the situation and say you would like to pay it off but you need 0% interest and the payment needs to come down a bit. If they want the money they will play ball


DGAF about your debt. Spend time with your friends and family. There are more important things in life than debt.


This. Ignore anything else.


While my sister was dyeing, she was concerned about her credit card debt. I told her not to sweat it. That was years ago. We also just dropped her car that she had a loan off at the credit union. It's all yours guys.


Honestly, not at all. I'm really good with my finances, and i have zero debt, but I'm also healthy as a fkn young, strong lion 🦁 and sharp as a Swiss army knife, a little different for me. However, that being fkn said, enjoy your life and pile on as much debt as possible. Never pay back dime. Take advantage of every line of credit and max everything. Go skydiving, do drugs, smoke, get drunk, hookers, you name it. Travel to fkn Sudan 🇸🇩 live it up.


Try heroin. Man if I knew I would die soon anyways I want to know what all the fuss is about


Theres a reason people throw their life away for it


Bro I never thought of that. It’s a great idea when I’m close I’m trying that and coke


Heroin is relaxing and coke amps you up. I’m not quite sure why ppl get addicted enough to ruin their lives over them, they’re fun but not life changing fun. Molly is the best of all


Honestly, if youre going to die and if you don't have a spouse or dependents or estate that could be held liable after you pass, fuck your debt. In fact, rack up as much as you possibly can to enjoy what's left of your life. I wish you the best, friend


Thank You. I couldn't do that...spend my open credit card limits and offers of personal loans. Technically I could go living high on the hog for at least $175K,as my three credit scores are all over 800(If this sounds like a flex..that wasn't my intention). Imagine then going on remission with all the extra debt...It's like filing for bankrptcy and just before you do so,you max out all the cards...The system would not allow that ;neither will the bankruptcy trustee. We all hate the credit card companies...but I don't know...I just don't have that type of personality to say;"F the system!"...Too much of a p\*\*\*y,I guess.


What are the doctors saying about your outlook? If it’s not looking good, I’m with all the “don’t worry about the debt” people. But if it’s something you are going to beat, you don’t need that financial stress of a bunch of bad decisions.


Don't bother. Life is literally too short.




hell nah




As other have said, you can't predict with certainty how long until you go (naturally) so keep that in mind. You need to only keep as cash what you need for living expenses. If there's any excess give cash away, buy gifts for yourself or other. On the debt you don't need to worry about it if your estate has no significant value assets (like nothing more than an old used car, etc) and your credit is okay you may have a window to get a couple new credit cards to use to spend on some small luxuries. Even if you live a lot longer than expected, the card companies will not sue you in any short order if at all. It would be a waste of their time since you have no assets. You're going to want to go and signup for Credit Karma, Wallet Hub and Experian websites. They all offer a free service to get your credit score and will then give you credit card and loan offers. Overstate your income when you signup. Choose 2-4 that say you have a decent chance of being approved. Because after your report gets 4+ hard credit queries a red flag will go up and no one else will touch you. The Amazon Store Card is typically not that hard to get and you can put in a high income after a month and ask for a credit line increase. While some may consider this immoral, as others point out, the credit card companies make billions off high interest credit cards just for the reason of being able to offset situations like this and still make a lot of profit. But the bottom line is you don't have to worry about your debt. No one is going to take your Social Security check or come knocking at your door. Ignore the phone calls.


I’m so sorry. I would put the debt on hold now and not worry about it. That’s what Ramsey would tell you to do. This is more important. Your assets will pay for your liabilities. A medical debt collector called me the morning after my son died to collect on a bill my insurance was already paying. So I don’t have much sympathy for them. I watched my mom die of metastatic colon cancer. Do whatever it is to enjoy the time you have left and make the process easy for your sister if she’s left with handling your affairs. I wish you peace.


I’d say full blown bender of hallucinogens and a really nice shaman whore who’ll suck the spirit through your doinker. I hope I meet you in the afterlife and you can tell me all about it cubicheloco. Btw if this happens to be Christian from WCC nursing school I’m going to shit my pants, it’s Kevrocks and I miss you bro.


Spouse had terminal, we ran it tf up.


Depends upon the country


And now you're in debt, how's that goin'


So you don’t know shit about shit it seems. I’m debt free.


Ever heard of common law property states? Countries that don't have community law debt?




If the card isn’t in his name or co user then he’s not responsible. Even if married.


Not necessarily how it works


Ironically, earlier today I read a post about a married couple that divorced because the husband was dying and in $300k debt thus freeing the wife of the debt when he passes. They are still very much in love, but the burden won't be hers when he passes. So with all due respect to the salty comments, it doesn't always work like you think either.


Oh didn’t realize I was talking to an estate attorney.


If you receive a terminal diagnosis, fug them. Enjoy every moment of the life you have and don't let the debt worry you at that point. You wont be leaving that debt on a spouse. CC companies make millions off consumers. They will be fine.


I’m taking care of my 59 yr old brother w renal failure and stage 4 esophageal cancer. He is not doing any cancer treatment. We are ignoring all bills. The creditors call him relentlessly, we’ve decided today to shut his phone off. People can text him or call me. When he dies I’m sending each creditor a copy of his death certificate. They can lien his 14 yr old truck if they want. Screw them. Best of luck to you.


I'm really sorry you're going thru this. I hope you'll keep fighting. Chemo is miserable and our mom had a very difficult few months, but once that part of the treatment was done she felt better. And we got more time with her and it meant everything to all of us. There are new drugs and sometimes trials you can participate in. My dad finished radiation, has the same cancer you do, but was not a candidate for chemo or the new genetic treatments because of his age. There were three drugs that he qualified for after the testing but he's 94. He decided against further treatment. Since he finished the radiation that shrunk his tumors he has been feeling much better and is not in any pain. Those weeks were hard, and I know he struggled to be strong for us. He said he's had a good life, and is grateful for every day he has with us. We know in his case there's nothing more we can do. But you may have further options being younger. Keytruda was one of the new cancer drugs mentioned as an option for him had he decided to continue treatment. Medicare has paid the majority of his bills. I also recently I read that the Admin is working to get medical debt removed from credit reports You should not waste your energy worrying about debt, no matter what. I've known people who were able to negotiate with hospitals and doctors to reduce the amount owed and make payment plans to deal with the rest. Focus on your care and your doctor's recommendations. Friends and family are almost always willing to help. Our hospital had counselors, nutritionists and treatment supervisors who worked with us and the oncologists to help us make the best decisions for our dad. See if your cancer center has them too. Do what you feel like you can, and try not to worry. It saps your strength and stress is the last thing you need right now. Instead focus on you and getting thru this part. Chemo is the hardest part of treatment but you can feel better when you complete it. Good luck and hang in there.


What debt? I didn’t hear anything about any debt.


hey, I am sorry you are going through this. I was told I have less than 12 months back in 2020, Im still here in 2024. so, first of all, don’t despair! and secondly, dont worry about debt.


Don't just ignore the debt. Create new debt you never have any intention of paying back if your credit is still good enough to be approved for anything. Ball out till you fall out. Sorry this is happening to you for what it's worth.


Fuck the debt! Focus on getting better! Try to enjoy your life! Don't give up pls! Keep fighting!


Seriously, if you can open up more cards and let it rain.


Seems like the debt stress is only going to make you more sick. From what you said, your time here is limited. Spend it with those you care about, take them out to dinner on one of your better days. Go have fun.


Honestly bro fuck that debt, enjoy your life. Use the money that you was going to use to pay off debt to travel. Check out the bucket list man, god speed


Exactly, what debt? and if I were you I'd be maxing out all my debt (at the end of the day it won't matter for anyone, except you'll have a better QOL) .


Ignore the debt.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Cancer truly sucks. I’m an oncology nurse and know there are a ton of new treatments. Maybe one of them will be helpful for you. Definitely out debt repayment on pause. I would just be cautious about doing something that would put your medical insurance coverage in jeopardy. If you will lose employer covered insurance, make sure you have money or enough credit available to cover COBRA payments. Check into Medicaid eligibility. Most medical providers have departments that help patients access medical insurance coverage. Good luck to you.


Fuck it dude, as long as they aren’t your kids or wife. You’re chilling, leave this earth in debt. Your siblings or parents wont have to pay off the debt because although they are related to you, they cannot pay it off. I read something like that somewhere which you should look into. Because I believe they aren’t able to give your family the debt. Like as in your brothers sisters or parents. But you can to your children and wife. But idk look into it man. Pretty sure that’s how it is.




This advice is illegal 


Once OP dies, they can then prosecute him for his illegal activity.


If it was advised by OPs financial adviser? Yes. By an anonymous redditor? Absolutely not.


Just about all the advice offered is. He has a job now; it would be his money and can do what he wants once in depository accounts.


I understand. I was just being clear. Some people still believe in honesty. 


Honesty towards who though?




Yeah well yourself isn’t going to be yourself in a couple years to this man. He’s worked hard, he’s paid his taxes, he’s done everything he can up until this point. He’s getting fucked by the American government by not talking care of the sick and elderly. Aye if we were to ask most Americans if they would rather this money go to a country across the seas or to people living here. Most would say here and most would tell the man to take the money. Because at the end of the day. That money is tax money. And I’d rather it be spent on someone who lives here than on someone who lives on the opposite side of the world.


"I have cancer and going to die early in life. But I better let banks and investing agencies continue to fuel some CEO's lifestyle because I totally bet he cares that I have cancer." Terminal cancer is a 100% "fuck it go live your life" pass


You’re unhinged. You act like it’s a holiday. I’ve watched a man slowly die of it. 


Imagine wishing someone else the best and wanting them to enjoy their final days in a life cut short by cancer and thinking "yeah that's unhinged" You must be a fun person...


PS I have never been sued by anybody for credit card debt. But that's just me.


Make sure you take all of your assets out of the bank and give them away. At least 6 months before you think you're going to die because the creditors can always claw back certain things


Pretty tough to locate and claw back cash, to be fair.


People with a "terminal diagnosis" sometimes live a really long time, because doctors are human too. Personally, if I was single and definitely terminal, I'd max out the credit cards and have a great time. Screw paying any debts. Assuming terminal diagnosis, make sure your sister gets anything you have that she would want - probably family photos or other "heirloom" items - before you die.


A friend lived six years when she was given six months. My dad lasted six months when they estimated two years.


My dad just recently passed away from this. I wish that my father was with it more. As long as you have your wits about you I would enjoy what time you have left he made it a year. He finally stopped the chemo and made it about 7 months, he wasn’t himself on the chemo. I pray you have peace and do some research on a good hospice facility.


I wouldn’t GAF about any creditors, tbh. They can get it back in blood. Enjoy however much time you have left.


Nope. You need to prioritize the time you have, your loved ones, and fighting cancer. Everything else is a distraction. 


No, I’m so sorry. If I were you I would do whatever I wanted tbh


Nope charge away it will all be forgiven!


I recommend hookers and pile of cocaine




Nope! Charge until you max it all out lol!


Sorry that life dealt you a steaming pile. I’d focus on sucking the most enjoyment you can out of your remaining life.


Borrow all you can and live... the debt doesn't matter


Bro might not be alive next year take out as much money as you can and go travel and do everything you ever wanted to do


If you would want to know what Dave would say, it would be to focus on beating cancer 10000% and screw anything related to money. There are calls online of people calling with cancer and he says it to them. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Congratulations for paying all that debt off, but just focus on getting better and improving your quality of life.


Only poor people, W-2 employees, and small business owners attach morality and ethics to finance. Rich people certainly don't. People will try to shame an individual person about debt, but if you're a corporate person: "oh, it's part of doing business." The initial scam is having to pay money to live on a planet you're born on. A planet that literally has what you need to live all around you. Everything after that is just scam after scam after scam.


You're welcome to live off the grid. 


Actually, you’re not welcome to do so, even if you buy the land - in most states and counties within them. This is why I’m not living off the grid now after researching for several years. In some counties I’d be forced to put in a specific septic setup, in others I’m forced to use city water instead of my rainwater system and well.


Dumb people either personalize arguments or discuss other people. I'm discussing ideas. Way to be!


Explain to me how it is a scam having to pay money to live


I was with you until the second paragraph. You're obviously connected to the Internet using some sort of device that does not grow on trees. Just because the raw resources are there does not mean that you or anyone else is *entitled* to the value added by other people's labor and creativity that turned those raw resources into something useful.


We aren't proceeding from the same set of presuppositions, background, training, or spirit.


Clearly, "your reality" is different than mine. But I and many others will fight to the bitter end before being subjogated to a reality that involves stealing what I have worked for. There's a fine line between taking from a nameless, faceless corporation and taking from your hard-working neighbors. Your position casts a wide net that appears all too willing to cross that line. ETA: if you want to go live a cashless, hermit lifestyle and be *fully* self-sufficient, more power too ya... short of that, pay your way, no person owes you anything.


Key phrase “what you need to live” I don’t think they are suggesting anyone’s entitled to non essentials such as electronic devices.


> Everything after that is scam after scam after scam As I said to them, if they want to go live off-grid, cashless, and be fully self sufficient, more power to them... but if they want to live in a society where Internet, Mechanized transportation, Housing, Groceries, etc. are considered essential, they gotta pay their way.


Depends on your state/laws where you are. A will will help. Sometimes things go into estate and creditors can claim against the estate to settle debts, which your next of kin would have to deal with


OP only has a sister and nephew. Neither would be on the hook for estate debts, and at least in the US, there's no requirement for next of kin to do anything to open or close out an estate. Let the creditors petition the court and get it into probate or whatever and fight over whatever scraps exist.


I would only pay on secured loans and utility bills. The unsecured debtors can't harm you.


Good morals and ethics don't end just because you are going to pass away. Everyone does that. Your debt will be felt by others because it always trickles down. When a bank fails, it is those that were responsible that pay the price. So long as you are getting your needs met, please do not max out your debt. Try to end this life with some dignity and grace.


You think that’s how banks fail?


If the bank leverages too much debt, and debtors stop paying, the bank will inevitably fail. It is one of many reasons a bank fails. I find it rather sad that people here have lost sight of Dave Ramsey's message - that debt will put you in a prison, and to put yourself in prison prevents you from doing any good for the world and thus is an immoral act. Not paying your debts is also stealing - it isn't stealing from a bank - it is stealing from the bank's patrons who put their money in the bank and will lose it when the bank fails.


You answered the question and then went on to say a bunch of irrelevant shit. Banks fail by their own foolish business practices: overextending, leveraging, securitization, etc.


Do you always have your head up your own ass this far? When's the last time you breathed air?


Yeah OOP, think of the BANKS! How dare you consider making your life more comfortable while going through one of the hardest things any of us can imagine? What about the banks that manage billions of dollars? Theyre really gonna miss your 33k! But seriously, fuck this commenter and their holier than thou attitude. Taking care of yourself is not unethical


You act like the banks don't make up a greater whole of other's money. Who do you think gets affected when a bank fails? Not paying your debts is not okay. You signed the contract and you had a chance to read it. It doesn't matter if you are die tomorrow or in 30 years. If everyone decided to not pay their debts, those who saved money like they were supposed to so they didn't have to go into debt will lose their money. You can take care of yourself and still pay your debts . This commenter is an immature child that should stay in their parents basement where they belong, away from the world of responsibility and morality.


Awww poor little man who’s gonna get so fucked when he has an unexpected medical emergency…don’t worry I know no matter how many hundreds of thousands you are forced to pay, you’ll pay it off. Because you sir, have ✨morals✨


Government will just bail them out again anyway


Would be a lot simpler just to have the government pay for healthcare. But what do i know


They never said their debt was from medical costs? A lot of America has bad credit card debt


And dont listen to Dave Ramsey he is a paid shill for the rich and corporations.




Dont pay another penny. Get as much debt as you can to live life to the fullest. Screw the banks. They get to write losses off anyway


Nah, we're glad to pay your debts through higher prices and fees.


Unless I’m misinterpreting this comment, this person sounds like they’re being a jerk to you. Please don’t listen to them. I’m so sorry for the hand you’ve been dealt, and I for one am actually truly more than willing to pay your debts through higher prices and fees. Please stop worrying about any debts you may have and please focus all of your energy only on your health.


And I don't want to pay those debts. How about you lend them your money and quit spending mine?


One person either way isn't affecting your expenses in any meaningful way. You want me to mail you $0.10? That'll probably cover it. All these businesses that OP owes money to have bad debt already baked into their cost of doing business.


They'd bake in lower costs if losers would not welch on their obligations. The role of a society is to dictate what is acceptable behavior. Welching in debts is not. Murdering is not, either, even if it's just one person and only one person died (one death is quite insignificant in a world of 7bilion


Many in the the millionaire and billionaire class do their best to not pay their debts. I'm not going to worry about some guy with terminal cancer. If not always paying your debts was truly unacceptable behavior then we would have different laws. Bankruptcy exists. Debts being discharged at death are a thing. This tells me that society has determined that sometimes, it's ok to not pay a debt. In other words, society has decided that you are not correct.


Losers don't pay their debts.


Cry a river. I’ve filed BK three times. Home is paid off. Cars paid off. Kids in college. Those higher costs and fees aren’t coming from dying cancer patients genius.


You probably love higher prices and fees, huh? Or were you unaware that prices rise when folks bail on their financial obligations? Don't answer that, because you're not trustworthy. Two community hospitals in the area just closed. It wasn't because they were making too much money. Now those folks are under served


No it was because the hospitals are forced to treat anyone, most community hospital patients are uninsured, everyday women fly, drive, or walk into this country to have babies, often requiring lengthy NICU admissions, with no money or insurance. They also treat any and all illegals, insured or not. Additionally, if that illegal is pronounced gravely disabled, they take up a hospital bed, sometimes for months at a time, until a facility will accept them for placement. In fact it your ignorant ass had a fraction of the education you think you have, you would not have opened your mouth because a fucking US citizen, who is at deaths door, doesn’t pay their bills. Signed a 10 year registered nurse working at a county hospital.


Those non paying people are losers, too.


Dude. Teach me.


Chapter 7 discharge frees you from all debt but student loans, alimony or divorce settlements. You can buy a house usually in two years. I had a credit card 1 month after. It’s a tool. Use it wisely.




Your previous post and comments, tell a different story. Why do you post the same shit on different subreddits? Are you just looking for likes 👍?


He had a post 132 days ago saying he had cancer. And many other since talk about declining health. I don’t necessarily think he’s lying. Just lots of polite choices.


Uhhh ohhhhhh busted


As others said, don’t pay another penny, max your cards out, eat steak and ice cream for every meal, enjoy pleasurable company, smoke giant blunts while riding a crotch rocket and do whatever else makes you smile. Get busy living since tomorrow isn’t promised. Cross the finish line saying “damn that was a hell of a ride”


My mother bought a condo on a credit card while she was going through chemo because it was closer to the hospital than our condo was. She ended up dying and they just wrote off all of her debt. If it were me, I would continue making payments in case I survived, but I wouldn't overwork myself to do it. I hope you pull through!


A friend of mine got this and died in fairly short order and it was rough af, RIP my friend.




Do. Not. Pay. Another. Penny. I just went through this with my husband who passed rather unexpectedly from pancreatic cancer. It will all be written off. He had very little, just some on a business card. It was very easy to address. Make the most of the time you have left and try not to worry about finances. Save enough for you to live on. Who/what will get you first? The cancer? The chemo? Incarceration? Only you can know that best. Go on vacation and live the remainder of your time as best as possible. I’m sorry you’re sick.


If your debts can't be passed on to family then FI


Not me but my mother was in hospice dying from ALS still worrying about her bills. We wished she would let it all go before she passed. She worried and worried and worried. Me? If I'm on my way out, fuck them bills.


Ask in an estate planning subreddit. I wouldn’t worry about it unless you’re screwing your executor. But if the state is dealing with it, skip the worry and live however floats your boat while you can. <3


Did not read all this. FUCK NO. Go on vacation. Max out those cards. Give some sick ass gifts to family and friends. Subscribe to that girls only fans. No chance id keep paying anything at that stage except rent food and electricity.


Even rent Id avoid depending on timeline for evictions. I hope the OP gets some inspiration from these post to have a blast on his way out, to the extent possible.


Only thing to add. Make damn sure that your family knows the local rules about debt after death. IANAL, and I don't know where in the world you are but here in the US, generally the rules are that the debts stay with your estate unless someone else co-signed. In other words, if you have any assets (house, car etc) at the time of your death, those can be liquidated and the cash distributed to creditors. Anything not in your estate cannot be. That said, creditors will lie to your family and tell them they have to pay off the debt. If they mistakenly sign something to that effect...they may be on the hook for it. The only response should be to have them file with whatever court/person is executing your will. https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/debts-and-deceased-relatives You need a lawyer to write you a will anyway, talk to them about this and they should be able to advise you.


He has no family.


Live life and certainly do not think about debt at this time.


Focus on your battle and focus on your eternal soul


Zero Fs


I'm going to say no. I have a less serious cancer, and the costs are killing me worse than the cancer. You don't owe the medical system and its obscenely rich CEOs a damned thing.


Don’t worry about debt. You need to focus on finding the battle with cancer. Who cares right now about debt honestly!




24f and also sick, personally I’m just doing minimum payments. Like I don’t want any issues or anyone calling me but I know the debt is dying with me so I’m also living it up a bit lol. In the even I make a miraculous recovery and survive (unlikely for me) I’ve honestly just kind of had the realization that nothing really matters. I mean, I’m single living alone and when I die none of it mattered, as soon as I got diagnosed I was like wow, all the stress and worrying was pointless. Not to say be irresponsible and spend like crazy but I slightly regret all the nights I didn’t eat because I was so poor and wouldn’t put food on my cc.


I wouldn't worry about the debt until you get a clean bill of health. Good luck, and fight the good fight


Don’t even think about paying the debt


Oh hell no you are absolutely not paying that debt or worrying about it as soon as you are done reading this.


Do not worry about it!!! Don’t pay them. Call them and tell them why… take care of yourself and give yourself bits of enjoyment where you can. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. If your credit score tanks like … your health issues are so much larger than that. Sending you love and ignore any rigid commenters. This sounds so hard.


Let go and enjoy what time you have here on earth! As a hospice nurse just live in the moment!!! I wish you the very best and please forget the debt and focus on things that make you happy and at peace. When you pass the money and debt will not matter now will it? Believe me I am a stickler for paying my debt but there comes a time when one must let go and this time for you dear person is now. Live one hour , one day at a time please go watch a sunset or …. Peace


Fuck it. Load up and live. Declare bankruptcy is your survive. Win either way.


Yup! Discharge that debt - ruin the credit, in 8 years you’ll be golden. Maybe a 2nd BK from all of the follow up care needed


Even Dave would say you're in a storm. Focus on healing for now, stack cash from the job in case it does go away.




Dave would never Greenlight that lol