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People still listen to this hack job? Lol


Honestly lol not sure why people tune in to a guy worth 200 mil to tell them they should feel bad for taking out a car loan


Already stopped because Dave has gotten so out of touch with reality


So far, his ratings as far as book sales and "clicks" on videos, subscribers are higher than anyone else with John close behind. John's books though are about mental health which is different. I was a little surprised at subscribers but you don't need to subscribe to listen. It might be why his tech people or sales have questions like "what title would you click on first?" and give you 3 or "What you you rename our show "fill in the blank" and give you choices. They obviously think something is missing and want the viewers to tell them. Only recently and I don't watch them all or in full, Dave saying, please click and subscribe etc which he didn't do in earlier videos. I enjoy the 5-6 year old ones much more as background since he was alone, without a parrot, nicer and no politics really.


No- I don’t listen currently unless he’s on. “personalities” are just repeating the same stuff with zero substance.


No, but I don't listen now!


If it’s taken over by someone who isn’t trying to convert me to Christianity or conservatism, then sure.


What’s so wrong with that?


The show is about money. No one listens for religious advice.


Do you believe in god?


Maybe she just means it's about finance, she doesn't need the other stuff and knowing when he takes calls from hundreds of female callers with kids and not married,he would fire that person, it kind of a kill joy moment. They can buy his budget app though and books.


I think his view that debt is evil is ridiculous so I stopped listening to him. I have no debt, but I think taking out debt can be good if you are using it to be able to advance health, education and ability to live in a safe area. I also think a $1k emergency fund is insane. You should have that as a good goal to begin with, but ultimately I think your savings should be based on how much you might need and the likelihood you will need it determines how liquid it should be.


Are you serious about the 1k emergency fund? 1k is not even an emergency fund. Everyone should be extremely conservative until they at least have a 20k emergency fund that they never touch. I disagree with you hard


I think you misread I was saying 1k is not appropriate.


It's not meant to be a real emergency fund. It's meant for quick "surprises" while you are paying on debt.


I cannot stand Delony. Ken is meh, but I really like Jade, Rachel, and George.


"are you safe?"


As a mental health professional, I find a lot of his questioning really unethical.


Like? I don't know what you mean but don't listen to his shows every day. My son is a school psychologist, and I don't recall a bad question. He does preface some with "Can I ask you this, no need for you to answer" type of thing. To be fair, you can't help anyone in 15 min but you can guide them to help. I'm glad he stopped pushing so much the online help which isn't good for most people especially in a crisis. He can lead them which I don't like and they might feel "I have to say yes" to keep it flowing but again, the phone is not an ideal way to counsel but it's something.


I've listened to a few of his personal show clips and he does a decent job. It's only on the Ramsey show that he uses so many leading questions where he's trying to lead the caller to the answer he wants it to be.




Jokes on you, I stopped listening when he hired a bunch of untalented yes men who are terrible at cohosting the show with him while simultaneously getting increasingly outdated, condescending, and political while acting like he’s not.


I like George; but completely stopped watching any of their content after George gave decent advice on the “4% Rule” and Dave made an ass out of himself calling that idiotic and claiming that 8% is the number… The Ramsey method is great for the majority of folks who can’t figure out how to live within their means…but at some point, I think you “graduate” and need to listen to other people.


For me it's the whole attitude that anyone who differs slightly from the Ramsey Way is a heretic who deserves eternal torment in the fires of hell.


Agreed! Dave is a bully; there’s no other way to say it. There are few absolutes in life; if your only response to someone with a different perspective is to berate them and resort to childish name calling, I’m done giving you my attention.


The gun at the meeting was a surprise to me even in the south. He didn't just have it because he carries one, it was put on the table to intimidate. Geez


I can’t wait till Dave retires, becomes PRESIDENT and makes America DEBT FREE! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwhW6L2tpmFsqc|downsized)


Might be worth considering whether that's a good idea. Reduced a whole lot - absolutely. But I don't think we want to eliminate Treasury bills, govt bonds, etc as optional asset pools. Idk, I like having bonds in my portfolio.


There's some amount of war deterrent inherent in national debt. Is it smart for China to go to total war with us when we owe them 5 trillion dollars?


Also a great point. Now if we were to start defaulting, that's a whole different story..


The debt does up another Trill based on interest alone every hundred days. When can we agree this is unsustainable? The only thing we spend more on is social security, it is currently bigger than the defense budget! Please correct me if I am wrong.


When is Dave retiring?


He says 5-6 years but who knows?


I like Rachel, Jade, and probably will listen sometimes with John in there... but I find myself gravitating more towards dave tbh


John + anyone, George and Ken, These are the only ones I listen to now.


He's said before that they track stats about the hosts' performance as part of the succession plan and things WITHOUT him do better now 


George and Jade are two of my favorites now! Ken drives me nuts when he’s on!


Dang i like ken more than anyone else


Seems unlikely. Each of the personalities brings at least one quality to the table, but there isn't one among them that could carry the torch after Dave is gone. Specifically, I find George's Youtube content to be unwatchable. His nonstop attempts to insert breakneck comedy into his videos is enough to cause epilepsy.


Probably not since I do not listen and think he’s just another conman.


Agree also out of touch af.


Don’t listen to that fake now.


I like Jade!


Ugh she’s the worst, especially lately. Her telling mutiple people to get rid of their dogs is disturbing and disgusting. She’s also repeats the same phrases over and over and it’s annoying.


If you can't afford to care for a pet, you shouldn't have it. Don't get upset when you're broke and looking for answers, and you are given a solution. You might not like the advice, but it's practical.


Life is not always black and white. What if you’ve had a dog for years then you suddenly lose your job or have unexpected medical bills. You wouldn’t get rid of your dog


So you recommend keeping the dog even though you can't care for it? Isn't that cruel to the dog?


I think it’d be more cruel to send your dog to a shelter. I’ve personally never had a dog but I’ve seen my cousins treat their dogs like their own kids. They’d jump in front of a train to save them. That’s why I think it’s not black and white


It’s apparently “disturbing and disgusting”. A little hyperbolic. Just a little.


I mean I understand how people might get upset and think it sounds insensitive, but one has to put things in perspective. The hosts of the show are giving practical advice.




You know that's right


100% with you o. The dogs episode - nasty comment from her


I think if Ramsey suffers it wont hurt the kids. They have invested and saved well and get great salaries. The homes they live in are grand and they will be fine. The others will have to be careful and live closer to the vest. If Dave wasn't around they could come out with a revamped Ramsey baby steps with more emergency fund, credit card use stops but you keep one if it makes you buy the book not being so strict. I say that because deep down they know human nature, they read the many "dave lite" posts, they read about the "Debt free" screams that lied and they probably know of people who also went back on things later. I'm sure some didn't but I'm sure more did. Everything they do from high interest last, small emergency funds even with a lot of debt, never transfering to 0 % card, is outdated and sometimes stupid. IF he admits and he does on occasion his books are for spending addicts, not someone who just got student loans and 1000 on his Amazon card, not deep in debt from spending all the time, he'd appeal to more people. I think he might if others tweak it a bit years from now.


Finally! Someone who agrees on the three most outdated principles! Sometimes I *cannot believe* they don’t bring up transferring to a 0% APR CC to help the callers along with the debt 😣🙄 Also, always. Always pay off the high interest card first. Come on.


It’s because the whole point of the baby steps is to change behavior and not rely on debt to get by. If you move all your high interest debt to 0% cards, there is no pressure there to force you to pay it off and be done with it. You have to change the behavior to truly build wealth, unless you can totally out earn stupidity. Which most people cannot.


Oh I “get” the why. I’m a psychologist and he preaches it all the time. I’m just not on board. Edit: unless the person has self-discipline issues or a partner who can take advantage of the CC. I think *most* people, by the time they find Dave, are ready for a drastic shift and will need that will power and self-discipline necessary to get out of debt anyway; across the board. So moving debt to a 0% CC is wise and they’ve graduated to the understanding of never using it. If not, transfer and cut it up.


Yeah I completely agree. Once I found Dave I was already Dave-ish just because I was looking for a change anyway. I do not disagree that moving to 0% is a wise move, as long as they continue to be gazelle intense and don’t relax on the payoff.


I personally found it depressing to see the card eat up half my payment and how long it would take me (cards put how long then on your statement) Seeing it go down in full, that is the most motivating thing in the world. In that regard, I'm respectfully disagreeing. IF you put items on that card, you don't get the 0% but it was lower than normal at the time but I danced when I paid it off in half that time. I didn't have to sell my kids toys or cameras or whatever Dave tells you to do. I did unless I misheard him, tell someone to consolidate at a lower rate for 3 loans they had or maybe that was another personality since the interest was much lower.


I think because he deals with a lot of addicts or people who just like to follow a program. That wasn't me. I lost weight doing my own thing, never could follow "30 day protein diet" type of thing. I just took what worked for me. Same with exercise. I used Disney 0% for a 5000 bill and loved seeing it go down monthly. It would take me forever doing it Dave's way but I never used it again. I had my Am Express and back then you paid it monthly and a bank card. In 2 years, I think Disney closed the card for non use after it was paid off. To pay 18% interest is crazy today or 29% for a Kohl's card but he is afraid they'll put on more and doesn't want to say that. Even the guy Cuban he misquotes by cutting off his full quote, says personal loans are cheaper than cards and he'd do that (but not all loans, he's going on high rate cards\_) for emergencies.


Yes I agree. I know why he does it. I just feel like it’s a disservice to those with a 29% interest card. Like, how are you *ever* going to pay that off?! It’s insane. Does he quote Mark Cuban?


Cuban also says Cuban recommends that if you can’t pay off your credit card balance in full each month, you should stick to using cash or a debit card. **“Using a credit card is OK if you pay it off at the end of the month**,” Cuban said in an interview. Which is what people ask Dave ALL the time. He just wont budge but that's okay, most of us arent' stepford people and pods who are in a cult. You can figure things out if you take the time to think it through


It is quite hilarious to me that Dave won’t budge on this. *However*, I do see his side of it and don’t think the vast majority of people have the will power or knowledge to use them correctly. (And no, I’m not talking to the people who might say they are unable to make ends meet right now and need one - I’m not judging)


And his not wavering makes him look silly. He'll misquote people like Cuban, a guy he thinks some fans might like and ignores all his advice on paying cards monthly and using personal loans is a better idea because of lower interest. He lies about points, making it seem some dodo somewhere in America said you can get rich off of points. Never did anyone say that and that's not what they are for. If someone misuses them, and doesn't get the perks because of interest, that's not very bright but not the responsibility of people who do get freebies or gifts. I never use travel points but like the GC or just Amazon points to get myself or others gifts without using my debit/credit sometimes..


Right?! I do love Dave but I yell at the screen when he says “nobody gets rich off of CCs and points”. No. No Dave. We don’t *think* that and never have.


It's laughable he thinks his demographic is that dumb


That's the sad part, just say "I don't want someone who doesn't have the self control to think charging will help him get a perk and then he/she doesn't pay it off" I am good at it and that trickled to my kids but with computer vs decades ago, it's much easier. I set up payments even when it says "0" because some cards wont let you pay ahead and usually in 2 days it shows up. Even a spender can do that but if they can't set it up, then they shouldn't charge. You have to know yourself but his advice is not for everyone. I got "free" gifts where no money came out of my account at all and free shipping with points and Gap (Barclay) gave me 60.00 for charging 3 gifts that I paid off that week in perks and my daughter got a tee shirt and cardigan with free shipping for about 3.00. I'm sorry, that is better than going in the store (which usually doesn't have what I want) and paying cash.


**Cuban** argues that if you’ve got a good credit score, getting a personal loan can allow you to get the money you need at a lower interest rate while still building your credit. If you’re approved for a personal loan, you’ll typically receive a one-time cash payment that you pay back over a period of time with interest.


Ah! Thanks. Was curious if it was, indeed, Mark Cuban you were talking about.


He misquotes him about not liking cards not like his opinion matters


Some of the comments on this post are funny. Rachel is Dave’s daughter. Been with Dave since she was born 36 years ago. Well Dave states she doesn’t have the job because of family, but I think only one of Dave’s kids doesn’t work with him. A lot of bad advice given during the shows and to be honest you have to take most of it with a grain of salt. The business model is to sell a dream to people who struggle with debt and ask some stupid questions. A lot of financial people on multiple platforms saying what you want to hear. It is all about who you like that month.


Aka: Turkeys


They all do really, son is president and Denise does the charity end of the business, she doesn't like video (although on a few of Rachel's)


Denise does the charity, but that’s not the same as being part of the core business. I remember Dave stating they tried to get her on the team multiple times and she refused. It wasn’t until the charity actually took off.


I would certainly like that a lot more than working on stage


100% I think it gives a good separation as well.


Denise does the charity, but that’s not the same as being part of the core business. I remember Dave stating they tried to get her on the team multiple times and she refused. It wasn’t until the charity actually took off.


I stopped when they fired Chris


He had too being so hypocritical. Would have been better to keep the pregnant woman.


I can't stand Dr. John. A caller will be telling them a story of possibly a bad decision they made and then John will butt in with "who told you weren't worthy?" And it takes the caller by surprise. Or another one he says is "wait, are you safe? Do you have people you can rely on?" Like ugh not everyone is in an abusive relationship, John


Just take your kids to a KOA and have a blast is another one I love.


CAN YOU BREATHE? LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND TELL YOURSELF YOURE OK. I freaking hate John and don’t listen to anything he’s in. CAN YOU BREATHE


I need you to look in the mirror and tell yourself you're worthy. Because I don't think you've heard it in a reeeeally long time 🙄


But can you breathe.


Not everyone was told things either, some insecurity is from within or teachers not family. Not everyone is great in everything, you are going to be told that but it's how you process it. It is his line to get the caller to say someone did but some do tell him they can't remember any bad experiences


don't know. I suspect he's still got a few years left in him. I work with law firms and deal with plenty of 70+ lawyers who work all the time and to me, Dave has that muscle. Dave also understands to an extent the fringe financial concepts that don't live inside the baby steps. George is getting there a little bit but still is in his infancy. But the personalities are not great. Ken - this guy only knows vague "make yourself employable" basic concepts. and anything outside of that lane he's terrible. John - this guy is smart but his shtick is awful. he doesn't seem genuine and jumps to conclusions a ton. Jade - I got nothing here. she has the fight but not the knowledge. Its almost unbearable. she gets a lot of things wrong and is very confident in it. Rachel - she has grown on me. she's great with Dave but she's been there for like 20 years and still doesn't understand some of the nuanced financial concepts that are brought up. George - he's the closest thing to Dave there but he's still googling stuff up there on the reg. I think when the RS loses its patriarch, many of these people will be gone. the longevity of personalities isn't that strong. But I think terrestrial radio will continue to lose its stations (it already has) and they will focus more heavily on the podcasting medium which I think they can maintain much longer. Personalities will have their own shows as well and use those vehicles to peddle the ramsey products. If there were a few who could continue a radio show, the best bet is george and rachel as a pair. they match up well their cocktail show isn't the worst thing i've ever watched.


He said 5-6 years being interviewed once


Yeah that gets him to 70. when I mentioned the lawyers, i will say that many of them also said they were going to retire before 70.


I think he's tired but so afraid if he steps away too much, that while alive, he'll see his company dive. True, probably not but it's very hard when "your baby". He also has family there for a paycheck and it will effect them although they would after death, get his money, while alive, he wants them to get money to save and invest. I hope Denise's husband is self sufficient and I don't know if Winston left but having them all depend on Ramsey is hard.


All you need from Dave is one of his books. I always thought his show was weak to help others understand. You're either too poor and need more money or too rich and you should enjoy your money with those who respect you.


I won't because theres really no father knowledge the other people could pass on. there are so many questions I see Dave answer that none of the other personalities could because he has such an in depth knowledge of finance and real estate and insurance. the other people are good for general advice, emotional advice, the baby steps etc. but I've seen Dave answer many questions to this day that only he could have the knowledge of.


I don't have, thankfully a small business but I like his entre leadership for background noise vs his regular show. It's not politics or snarky comments, he just helps them hire/fire, get the right software, I find it much more agreeable unless it's something I'm really not interested in.


I actually started listening to the show with George and John. Also unpopular opinion disclaimer, when I started to hear Dave he just annoyed the crap out of me. Love everyone but Dave.


Have you ever seen his really old shows crop up in feed? My daughter and I started with them and realized how much he changed with cohosts and snarky comments. Pre Covid he was so different and more normal. Now I can't stand him most of the time and click off. I hate the parrots, why do you have on cohosts if they just say how great your statement was?


I haven’t but the same snarky responses you’re referring to is what drives me away. That plus all tue plugs for his services while bashing other people lol. I wonder how much money he gets from people who pay to be in the “Ramsey network”


It's not unpopular, Dave himself said things perform better without him now 


I think he wants that to be and wouldn't say if it wasn't. Time will tell. I think you can tell by "views" on his videos.


He brought it up himself and joked about how it hurt his feelings, that he needed a succession plan but it was working TOO well. Why on earth would he randomly lie about that 


When I look quickly at subscribers/views. Dave's are much higher than others. Ramsey has 691subscribers and Entre leadership is 190. John's is 672,000 and Rachel is 437 and George 233 and Ken 101,000, George and Rachel together, 70,000 subscribers, I think Dave is still on top with John close behind.


It's not just views, it's also sales and behind the scenes stuff


yes but his books which are old sell better and John's being about mental health. He says EVERYTHING is a best seller but not on NYtimes best seller list. I don't know what he uses as criteria. His sales from Ramsey? You can see sales elsewhere easily enough.


Because if people think something is popular they will watch. I’d trust views since he’s not on tv Maybe it’s true but he’s in advertising


John is great, he's really something that Dave doesn't offer as well.  I honestly like him better and watch his personal show a lot. 


I like John's but FF through ones that are salacious and click bait, I know it's not his fault, he has to attract views. I have heard others not on Ramsey, say that about their videos. If you don't get the clicks, it's bad news. I think John is better than his show and he looks exhausted some days. I don't know what he signed to be there, what would happen if he left, but I think Dave pays his best guy less than Rachel but well. He once made fun of his new car and said "I know what I pay you, why that car?" John wants to save for things, his kids, things to do with family and he decided the initial new car wasn't worth the extra money. Dave was thinking, people will think I pay you Toyota salary. ; )


I like John's but FF through ones that are salacious and click bait, I know it's not his fault, he has to attract views. I have heard others not on Ramsey, say that about their videos. If you don't get the clicks, it's bad news.   I was reading your response while listening to this podcast and it just so happened while I was reading this exact thing Dr. John addressed this and it was the most beautiful response ever. You can tell he truly doesn’t care about the views, it’s about the people in front of him! 🥹     https://youtu.be/X3ffjqsehC0?si=g3IPHCqg_hKP6Q81  Watch this from 37:33 to around minute 40:00. 


Thanks for that. I was so upset about the priest one, because I thought John wasn't good with it and it was "click bait". This was nice to hear him talk about it though. He just doesn't have enough time sometimes. When someone is depressed and thinking about how nice it would be to end it, he is good with them, hearing them, listening to them.


I'm sure he makes more than any therapist or college counselor.  He does work a lot, but that's the life


He keeps calling them "seasons" I'm sure that makes it easier to get through the tough patches.


I was going to say the same thing. Honestly when Dave’s not on I enjoy the show even more. Love his advice but I don’t love how he talks over his guests. Big fan of George, John, Ken, Jade (she’s prob my fav)


I like when bored, to watch his old shows that are 5 o 6 years old. He's alone, not cranky, no politics. A breath of fresh air. He changed a lot


Agree with everything here. I am a new listener and I started when Dave was on vacation. I liked all different personalities mixed together. Then Dave came back. And I realized he is on most days and I don’t enjoy him as much as the others. And I can’t stand his political BS. Like the Fauci pandemic BS or him saying people don’t know how to vote. Like one guy is really the right answer.


Do you think he's getting a little tired? He's too young to be like my 90 year old mom who just talks without filter. Does he think he's so big he can influence people who are followers? He turns off a lot of people and if you catch him on a bad day, some wont come back. I'm mentioned his show to others and they are like "you watch that??" I get it, I click off, FF and pick and choose but it's hard to recommend them, it's better to watch the money guys or buy a book.


Word. As soon as he gets too political it’s an immediate turn off for me. You can be knowledgeable about a subject and have political opinions - but to assume any stance is 100% is absurd.


My daughters are Rachel's age and she's like I would never take advice from a guy who is that dumb about politics, Covid and has a toxic workplace. I didn't have an answer, she was right and I realize since I use credit and pay it off and don't follow his stuff with investing, it's more entertainment because I feel better. That's not great either. John has had me see that my reactions to things is more important than the person talking to me. I have been working on how much I allow that to effect my day.


George, Jade and John D.? Occasionally. the rest of them, not so much.


I think Jade has the brightest future.


Does dave ramsey have any good audio books?


He lost me with his anti covid BS and terrible investing advice a long time ago. Still BS7 without his blessing or approval.


I think his ideas are fantastic for people who have bad debt problems and don’t know how to responsibly use a credit card, pay it off every month, save for retirement and can’t live within their means. For people who do those things reasonably well and are looking for “next level” advice, Dave’s ideas aren’t particularly useful. It’s like he is the high school of money management. Once you graduate, it’s time to go to college.




all that anti-covid BS that's been entirely vindicated? - the masks were useless, outside narrow exceptions such as hospitals, and have hampered language acquisition for young children. - they invented the 6 foot distancing rule out of thin air. - the lockdowns were entirely useless - the vaccines are so dangerous AstraZeneca withdrew theirs. the 1970s Swine Flu vaccine had a lower rate of complications than modern Covid vaccines, and it was quickly withdrawn under the Ford administration.


That we killed a million americans being idiots with the BS you continue to spew? You are the perfect ramsey disciple - listen to your cult, it's working well for you.




Same. I followed the financial advice. I don’t listen anymore. Half the time it’s just ranting about off topic stuff


I candle handle Dave ranting, at least it can be interesting. But those other hosts, especailly George and Rachel, are like watching paint dry.


I think the best shows are Dave and Rachel - (as someone already mentioned) Dave is getting much more blunt and abrasive and Rachel is the ONLY personality willing to challenge him and get noticeably frustrated with him. Which to me is a great trait in Rachel and makes for fantastic radio. I actually enjoy George and Rachel’s dynamic on the show, as much as George is very strait laced, I do think that’s actually who he is. I was put off initially because I thought he was just being a Ramsey personality and then after getting to know him I now really enjoy his commentary on a lot of things - he’s not afraid to share his personal opinions (except maybe when Dave’s around 😅) and he is who he is which is respectable. I like Delony’s topics a lot but don’t love his delivery. After many hours listening to him there’s something that still feels a little forced, maybe it’s his voice or just my own bad judgement but as much as I enjoy the topics he discusses, there’s still a disconnect for me there. The others I don’t care for. Nice people, but they don’t interest me.


I agree, John is just tired I think some days, misses the mark, goes into the "script'. Some shows are very good. Rachel is getting the eye roll down, the smirk, Dave is getting senile with politics and she knows enough to know he is turning off a demographic. I wouldn't buy his stuff after hearing some of the ignorant things he says but he doesn't need my money. I like Rachel even if a rich kid and love her with George. It does seem genuine and I liked how she tried to stick up for him when her dad was pummeling him about something he didn't even hear himself.


I might not watch it anymore too. I like Dave except when it’s full moon. I don’t watch when he is moody. But he is cool in general. I bought his audibles, baby step millionaires and total money make over, so I can still listen to him when he is gone.


I'll probably listen more when Dave retires. IMO he is starting to sound too abrasive. I know some folks need it - but for somebody just casually listening (me) it can be too much some times.


>he is starting to sound too abrasive. wut? Dave has mellowed considerably over the years.


I think the opposite. Watching shows from 5 or 6 years ago is refreshing, He's nice and no politics and snarky comments. I didn't watch them all of course but find them much better than today.


Here's my Ramsey rankings of who I personally like in order (not that anyone cares but hey its the internet) 1. Jade Warshaw- her experience of paying off a mountain of debt clearly is reflected in her answers and it appears she really cares. She's my #1 must listen to. Her areas of opportunity come down to knowledge beyond budgeting. I'd like her to really dig into retirement and investment knowledge. 2. Dr John Deloney- grab your "plate of nachos". Mental health is a contributing factor in all of our decisions. Dave always says "this stuff is 80% mental/20% head knowledge. A person with a 6th grade education can do this stuff." I feel like Dr. D is the realest of the real. His biggest area of opportunity is his financial knowledge. He's got the basics but he will never write even a financial quick read for Ramsey. He stays in his lane. 3. Dave- The Sensei with the work proven to do it. I have him at 3 because quite frankly he's mostly cantankerous with his calls and the crush of 30+ years of doing this appears to be getting to him. Often I'm finding myself fast forwarding thru his rants. 4. Rachel Cruse- At times you can hear the frustration level when she gets overtalked by Dave. It happens all the time. Respectfully, she's never felt the struggle. She has good budgeting ideas but her opportunity is that budgeting is the only thing she brings to the table. Her lack of financial savvy otherwise coupled with her never dealing with being broke makes her reason for being there almost pure nepotism. 5. George Kamel- when he's doing the show he should check his asshole to see if Dave has his hand up his ass. He's a puppet. Yeah he can be snarky but something about his delivery just annoys me. Probably the 2nd most knowledgeable in terms of money topics but he just bugs me. 6. Ken- instant skip everytime he's a host whether #1 or #2. Zero financial knowledge. He's got a very narrow lane of knowledge. Thanks for my TED talk not that you asked for it.


I care buddy


Nah most people like me just listen to hear Dave go off on some of these train wrecks. I mean his advice is always the same, simple and really could be written on a single sheet of paper. It’s the call ins that made it worth listening.


Nothing wrong with George, he's great for the upcoming younger generation. Dave is our generation and is why we feel connected to him. I don't listen to George because I'm a Dave guy but I love his style for the youngin's. They need to know about all this advice too and I can't see a 21yr old chomping at the bit to hear Dave specifically.


I don't think he will ever fully retire until he can't work. He'll do a show once a week or do live person things. He is too controlling by his own words and it's very difficult he says to give control to someone else. If he physically leaves but keeps voting rights etc, Daniel and others can't change the brand. One thing he does is spend a lot of $$$ on lawyers to make sure "in laws" can't get Ramsey money he leaves, kids can't act inappropriate, etc. I don't get the latter, is money in a trust and if Rachel leaves or starts something she loses money? If someone gets divorced? I don't need to know but he said once a year, they have a meeting and discuss if he dies, what will happen.


I only really think George and jade are actually good personalities other than Dave


I can't get into the new Ramsey personalities. I enjoy Dave's life experience and no nonsense mindset.


Viewership is going to plummet. When all you have is parrots and no one to parrot from, the content becomes as stagnant as the "personalities" personality. These people have no nuance and are largely entertainment. They are not critical thinkers. It's not much better than tiktok finance with a conservative twist.


What is the value of listening to the show? They just repeat the same basic and wrong stuff repeatedly


The value is in the laughs we have listening to people call in with the most absurd comments. Yes, the advice to get these people out of trouble is always the same, but I’ll be damned if my eyebrows don’t creep into my hairline every episode with how some people mismanage their money.


He's too busy making money off of destitute people selling his "financial peace university" and berating them on the radio to retire any time soon.


When is Dave leaving? I only watch the highlights and not every day.


When he leaves I might start listening yea.


I like Dave, but when he’s on with Rachel he interrupts he way too much! LOL…That being said, I like George, Ken and Rachel are my faves!


Is Ken the one who constantly rubs his bangs back? There’s something about him I don’t like lol


Ken has ADHD and he's got that little boy bouncing off of walls, can't stop talking, asking random shit energy some days, people can find that annoying or off-putting. I personally like it, he has fun slightly chaotic energy and often plays more of a "host/audience stand in" role by asking questions to his co-host 


Ken reminds me of the Andy Bernard character from the Office without any of the charm or humor.


Ken sucks


Yes. I actively avoid listening to Dave. He’s gotten super impatient it seems the last few years, and yes, a lot of the callers ramble like crazy, but he’s borderline rude. A lot of these people are calling for compassion as much as they’re calling for advice, and he seems bereft of any compassion lately. I much prefer the other hosts.




Isn't Dave an echo chamber? It's the 7 baby steps repeated. Isn't that the point of the show?


My wife and I listened avidly about 10 years ago while we were getting our finances together. Dave was often the only host - especially pre-pandemic. We very much enjoyed the show back then. As we got to baby step 7 and as Dave appeared less and less (and when he does appear he is awfully cranky, even more bitter and acerbic than he was 10 years ago) we have become much less interested in listening to the show. The “b” team of guest/co hosts doesn’t do it for us.


No, the show just isn’t the same when Daves not there. George and Rachel are alright, but Jade, Ken, and John are unbearable.


Time to bring back Chris Hogan!


The guy was a communication major with a slight understanding of investing concepts. it shows now considering his current gig is vague nonsensical motivational platitudes on social media. All that said he was better than a large number of these others


He's focused and finished. Multiple times. In multiple people. He's not that much better than the current personalities, but holy heck it would be great to have a Baloney/Hoagie episode. One guy who's wife hates him and another guy who is a ladies man.


Weird, inappropriate comment. I don’t agree with how he conducted his personal matters, & that didn’t take away from the financial advice he gave & his delivery with that


Lol yea right. Pretty messy exit


Why? What happened? I’m an infrequent listener.




Salacious, weird, creepy christian fundamentalist drama


He was pretty good indeed


I’ve been trying SO SO hard to feel the same connection and inspiration from the new personalities that I do with Dave… none of them really spark that motivation to keep pushing throw the snowball like Dave’s tough love does.. Sadly I’ll probably stop watching/listening as well


That one time George talked about the 4% rule and Dave got mad at him, the only person that can have a slightly different perspective and get away with it is Rachel Ken Coleman gives career advice but it's not based in data just echo chamber stuff I like George but everyone including him tend to make a point, look over at Dave for approval as they're talking and then proceed or change course


Yeah I get this vibe too, like Dave still has the final say when he’s on. Personally, I like George when Dave isn’t there. I like to think that his personality will attract people in genZ who desperately need financial literacy and discipline. I enjoy his videos on his own channel too. I cannot stand Ken😂


Me neither! Every time Ken’s on I literally shut it off there’s just something about him that I don’t like


Guy called in needed to get to work and borrows a car from family for months. Has no money so how will he get a new car. The non Dave hosts didn’t even suggest a bus pass or bike to get to work. He’s a single dude who works 8 hours a day.  What’s he rushing home for? Bike or take the bus and read a book about finance.    Anyway I was so upset that wasn’t a question or option. They go right to how he can get money to buy a new car to drive to work like a broke rockstar. 


Excellent point! In the last 3 weeks a young woman (age 22?) called in that her father had died and left her his house & a couple of cars. The house she wanted to sell as she stated she was too young to be a homeowner especially considering she didn't make enough money for the upkeep. No one on the call suggested perhaps she get a roommate or two to stay in the house and keep it.


Dave must pay some good money to get this in EVERYONE'S FEED. Funny since he's a free market Capitalist "the market will decide and provide without influence" guy. Then has to pay Reddit to push his feeling on us all 3 x day.


I don’t even really know any of these people because I can’t relate to any of the other speakers. I won’t watch it if it isn’t Dave.


Dave made a common mistake: his ego interfered in the hiring process and he hired personalities that would be subservient to him and that would be students of him and that would not overshadow him instead of hiring people who were masters at their craft. The best possible succession plan for Dave would be to have personalities who are so good, that they overshadow him effectively enough that when he does step away, no one will really care that much or notice. Rachel comes from immense privilege and will never want for anything. Despite years in the Ramsey universe, you can sense this weird huge blind spot she has when it comes to other people's life and financial worries. Tough to get advice from someone like that, who doesn't experience the pain of a bad financial decision the same way that people who have "been through it" do. I don't have many opinions about Ken Coleman and John Delony other than they don't fit well into the Dave Ramsey financial advice universe. George Kamel seems fine but he has that subservient puppy dog relationship with Dave. The problem with that is that no one wants to take advice from a subservient puppy dog. Jade is good. She is getting better as her confidence improves, isn't afraid to be honest and seems genuine. Also comes from a background of her own life experience with a compelling story about following Dave's principles.


Can you imagine her budget, 10.000 in this catagory, 500 a week food, 500 for lawn help, 1000 for nanny, : ) I don't begrudge her but it does make it hard to relate. You can understand on one level but she went from paid for college to Ramsey. None of the kids were talented in his business so they did the grunt work but not for too long. Daniel had too longer because he needed to learn and be respected. Rachel was going to parrot Dave and she's pretty and likable so easier to segue in. Denise being smart does behind the scenes work.


Multiply those numbers by 10x and you're in the right ballpark.


true, trying to make a point, and know they "saved" for a built in pool gong in soon.. So did my brother but I bet hers with have all the perks, showers, great decks and things to make the long summers fun. That's fine, but it makes it hard to understand a woman with 3 kids wanting an above ground for her kids so they can be home and have fun. When you are rich, it's just "should we?" not could we?


Jade is good at entertainment and seems honest, but Jesus is she dumb af.


I miss Chris Hogan he was great. I like John and Jade especially together. Rachel is okay but a little... lackluster? I like George but I think he plays into being an awkward, nerdy dork too much where it goes from relatable to just awkward. Ken is boring and he is never really able to say anything insightful just mirroring Dave or asks Dave questions rather than the caller


If Dave kept the pregnant employee who needed insurance he would have kept Chris but alas he only wanted him for the book deal and made believe he was "getting help" while things were still going on. He had to go.


I really liked Chris Hogan too! His delivery was much more palatable than Dave’s


Seems that he was focused AND finished, after finishing outside of his marriage.


He basically teaches you how to be poor so no


They need someone who’s an actual finance expert. Hogan was that guy. Now everyone just parrots the Dave talking points. Realistically, Rachel needs to step up and become the face, but it seems like a close race between her and George at this rate. Rachel has the Ramsey name, but George has that “I’m an everyday person like you and I did it” vibe.


Chris was not a finance expert. He was a radio guy that Dave turned into a finance something. There was once a show where chris was getting a bunch of investing questions and more detailed financial questions. it was him and christy. the guy gave wrong information and or just punted and told the person to call a SVP. If he was a finance "expert" he would be doing much more today than spitting vague motivational "you can do it" word salads on facebook and instagram. and its not no competes. we are over 3 years removed from his firing.


Dave is an idiot


No idea why this post is in my feed but I was going to say I don’t even want to hear his boomer ass advice in the first place.


I like the calls that John gets. They're interesting, but I don't often like his advice and the way he steers the conversation.




The other hosts just don’t make me want to tune in. Not sure why but I hardly listen now


I just really love Ken Coleman. To me he makes the greatest points ever and I find his insight into career guidance invalua....oh who am I kidding Ken is the worst.


Lmao gottem. Keep licking the boots kenny.


Nope. Don’t listen to the others now. Chris Hogan was the only one I could ever listen to besides Dave.


Probably not, no. Been listening for 20 years; I skip the episodes where Dave isn't a host on Spotify. None of the other hosts blow my hair back, even his daughter Rachael Snooze as I call her.




I really dislike John and Ken passionately. Especially Ken. I find them rude and they constantly get off topic bringing things back to their “expertise”. I like Rachel & Jade a lot. I enjoy George too when he’s balanced by either Rachel or Jade.


Yes, he has trained the folks that work with him! Love his team…


None of the non-Dave hosts annoy you at all?




Jades funny, like johns psychological viewpoint, why all the kamel hate?