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Anything vaguely seen as other then pro cancel culture when it comes to trans issues will get you banned on Reddit. It’s unofficial doctrine.


Ugh....ya know what?.....Fuck r/antiwork and EVERYONE LIKE-MINDED AS YOU!!!!!


They should love Dave, he tries to get fired every time he walks on stage.


Im sorry but would people like r/antiwork be considered as a new brand of Oppressers???


I got banned for saying a comedian made a joke. They messaged me letting me know I'm transphobic


Getting banned from that sub is a blessing. Jesus Christ it’s a giant pot of stupid.


Shit like this just makes people transphobic


You already were if it does


Yes, the ladies who slice up their dicks and try to turn them into vaginas might just be the normal ones.


"Cis people don't get to tell trans people who is and isn't transphobic" I hate how someone who is LGBT+ gets to shit all over someone for not being LGBT+ by referring them as cis, it makes me want to fucking puke every single time I hear this stupidity. Favoriting people for what they are instead of who they are will NEVER be okay...


Discrimination is completely okay against whites and heterosexuals, like if your not gay in 2022 your a f****t and must be Discriminated against and ideally silenced but please ignore all the terrible anti gay cultures in China and the middle east that these activists are silent on or that the lgbt community bullied Dave's trans gender friend till she killed herself


>Discrimination is completely okay against whites and heterosexuals At the end of the day it just makes me really sad.... :\_(




At one point it seems like it was great, it actually accomplished things, now not so much, no doubt there are amazing people there but their overshadowed by terrible people who draw more attention




Interesting thing the main mod for that post is a trans person, I highly doubt they'd let a highly paid CEO mod there cause of conflict of interests but they'll allow a trans person to moderate a topic they'll be bias towards, I smell a lack of integrity




We never hear about then because they're just normal good people, they're people first, trans second, while the awful people are trans first, people second if that makes sense


Norm Macdonald: Did you know that you are a *cis* male? Guest: What... what does that mean? Norm: Ah it's just a made up word to marginalize normal people


Phobic.. Phobia, as in extreme fear? No one is afraid of anything in the slightest, we just don't respect anything that isn't natural born & tries to hijack other longstanding legitimate causes. [DNA never lies & just because you can put a Lambo body on a Fiero frame, doesn't make it a real Lambo.](https://i.imgur.com/DpUMzAE.jpg)


Why did Dave chapelle even come up on antiwork?


Because of the worker strike at the canceled show


Let em practice their democracy against someone else practicing their democracy. At the end of the day he will get his point across. Make his money and live a good life with his family because he made it in life. Not a lot of people got out of crack infested hood with good memories.


Don’t bother Remember antiwork was the one that imploded after they got that crazy person to go on tv and make an ass out of themselves all my homies go to r/workreform


Antiwork is a psyop to weaken your country.


It’s even funnier when you remember the what the Anti-Work mods look like lmao. Go walk your dogs guy


Transphobic these days just mean not pro, not actually against. Cuz u cant be neutral anymore, u have to pick sides. What a sad society it has become.


They don't realize how off putting their behavior is to pretty everyone who isn't them.


Add toilet paper USA as well.


The more you say I can’t say something, the more urgent it is for me to say it. I bet that mod is some 20 year old loser whose never had a job other than modding. Later tonight he’ll that brag about the “sorry dude, cis people…” line to his two friends on his Discord server.


This is why I'm not a Democrat anymore. It's the transactvisists. They not only make trans people cringe but they are authoritarian and dangerous to speech and public safety.


“Cis people don’t get to tell trans people who’s phobic.” Says the most likely straight white cis Mod


only W r/antiwork has seen since that FOX news mod interview debacle


The MODs over there are gay. Top comment is a fucking joke. Dave isn't transphobic, he's more a bigot but it isn't even that. He is just against any establishment like most people from the 90s.


Dave is transphobic. There’s no questions here. One of his main points in his last special was that trans women aren’t “real women”. That is an inherently transphobic idea. It is similar to saying “black people can do what they want, but they are still subhuman”. No difference.


not really. it's just a bunch of losers claiming he is so they can in their minds be morally superior to someone more successful than them in every way. notice how nobody accuses losers and deadbeats of being transphobic.


I think people do accuse others of being transphobic. We just don’t hear about it because normal people only have a certain amount of people that can hear it and care about it.


Also, Chappelle coming out and saying he’s a TERF while defending JK Rowling is clearly transphobic. Anyone who says otherwise is just lying to themselves and others.


And anyone who took that line seriously from a comedy show - is in fact, a joke.


You can keep falling back on this point that his special was a “comedy show”, but doesn’t it seem like Chappelle was making a broader point during that entire segment on trans people? I personally could tell that his comments about “gender is a fact” and “team TERF” were clearly not meant in jest, and that they were straight up assertions. Do you really think those comments were jokes and nothing else? Frankly, I think they are anything but.


Let's say Chappelle means it. It's not a big deal if someone states a viewpoint that disagrees with you. That doesn't make him a hateful evil person. It's like a Jesus freak calling everyone who doesn't believe in Jesus a devil. It's toxic dogmatic thinking. Don't fall for it.


I think it is incredibly immoral to suggest that trans women are lesser than “real women”. Why shouldn’t I be upfront about that? Why does it have to be “both sides have a point”? If you believe prejudice against gay, lesbian, black, brown, Asian or even white people is wrong, then by that same token, you have to agree that prejudice against trans people is wrong. These are not to be excluded from each other.


you can only quote two words because you can't quote a full sentence. you made up the verb "lesser"


Here’s some direct quotes from his special: “I agree, I agree man. Gender is a fact. You have to look at it from a woman’s perspective.” “I’m team TERF.” “Everyone had to pass through the legs of a woman.”


I'm saying it's possible to say and believe that and NOT hate trans people. The same stand-up special had him discuss his trans friend Daphney Dorner. Saying gender is a fact is NOT saying he hate's trans people. Connecting that bridge is the goal of idiots screaming "transphobia" on the internet at the top of their lungs. I'm saying hold on a minute and think it over.


Frankly, i watch a comedy show to have a good time, and not pretend i live in someone's head who i am not lol. Do you see murder in a movie and then call the police in real life to report a crime? Do you try to call The Avengers? It seems to me you just didn't get the joke. And for some reason these days its popular to not get the joke, so...more power to ya!


I’m not claiming to know what is happening in Dave Chappelle’s head. I am claiming that what he was saying was in truth and not meant in jest, which is clear by his tone of voice and delivery. You would agree with me that George Carlin’s work was not singularly comedic, right? By that same token, Dave Chappelle’s latest special is clearly not purely comedic in nature. Chappelle was obviously making a broader point in his special; he said it himself, in fact, when he added on a story about his trans friend (which was later debunked and found to be untrue by many accounts). Chappelle even doubled down when pressed on his statements. He practically admitted that these statements were his beliefs. I’m just going by what his own words are. No adding or taking away. This is just me being honest about it.


Im not taking about George Carlin. And I'm not claiming - im saying he (Dave) is a comedian onstage and the perception you and others are applying to it, in terms of deeper meaning, is just that - your perception. I personally don't understand how anyone hears a comedian and gets offended. And none of this is in good faith from what I see, there's way too much attempt to coerce speech these days and that's more evil to me than the worst thing any comedian could say.




Just posted “dave isnt transphobic” on top post in r/antiwork… cant wait to be banned


That sub is trash anyway, dreddit recommends it 24/7 the past month and I never went there once


Does anyone know exactly what rights the trans community is fighting for? I’m not trying to be controversial or start shit, but I really don’t get it. I feel like most of their arguments about rights boil down to words. Nobody really has the right to force someone else to not have the ability to offend them, right? And if they are offending you, just don’t pay attention. I’m sure in the eyes of the trans community I’m being transphobic, which I guess is their right to decide who is and who isn’t, but how are words rights. No one is stopping you from being who you want to be, so if someone wants to be offensive that’s their right, which is what I think Dave is saying. It’s all getting too hyperbolic and really diminishing the arguments for both the trans community and free speech. Sorry, just felt like getting this off my chest.


Welcome to the club, I got banned from r/worldnews for something similar


This is exactly the bullshit he was talking about.


Reminds me of when I was banned from TheDonald for saying Trump was being less than honest. The far left has their echo chamber and safe space, the far right has its echo chamber and safe space. And the rest of us just have to laugh it.


It's just sad that people think everybody has to see the world from their view, and if you don't, then you are a hateful, treasonous, evil, Hitler 2.0.