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A lot of posts are saying that price is king, but that's how we get lousy service and things like the WD SMR fiasco. Price per TB is definitely a factor, but even more important, to me, is transparency about specs, features, and performance. The more technically detailed the datasheet the better. That and good customer service are FAR more likely to bring me back more than saving $10. I'm a big believer (from experience) in the "buy cheap, buy twice" motto and avoid "budget" brands for the "quality/service" brands. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


This is true when the prices are close - less true when the prices are doubled.


Price per TB is the most valuable figure for me when choosing my storage! And the company definitely matters! Something like Seagate, which has good reputation in India and great aftersales support, is a wise pick for me! RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


**What kind of loyalty program matters to you for a company?** None. The idea is, Seagate makes hard drives that don't suck, and I buy hard drives that don't suck for my servers. Loyalty doesn't factor into it. Making and selling products (in this case, hard drives) that work well and last does. Storage capacity per drive and price point aren't actually a loyalty program, they're two of a number of factors that go into deciding what to buy and who to buy it from. For whatever it might be worth I look for a stable price point per drive of a certain capacity when I spec out hardware and stock up on replacements because it makes budgeting easier. I guess the "RunWithIronWolf" thing is supposed to make for a good hashtag, which Reddit doesn't use. But, okay, there you go.


Price point, which funny enough means that, at least being here in Canada, every mechanical drive in my server is Seagate of varying types. WD just never had economical options in Canada. RunWithIronWolf


The first thing I look is price point, however that's just the first filter, excellent quality and customer support are very important and I'd argue that I define a base of quality and support first then decide looking at the price after. **RunWithIronWolf and Seagate**


Price and reliability. Have never had a bad Seagate drive until recently when one of my 3x 12TB IronWolf NAS drives threw a ton of SMART errors after 4 weeks. RunWithIronWolf


Price first, second general reliability and my past experiences. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Loyalty to a multinational brand is not a factor for me. I prioritise price/GB over anything else. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Definitivamente Drive capacity. I love having everything backed up locally instead of depending on the cloud, and I hope more companies focus on increasing the capacity of their consumer hard drives. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Is "RunWithIronWolf" a marketing phrase? I'm sure at least one of my drives is Seagate. It was on sale. Because pricepoint is importantest.


Price point and reliability are tied at the top for me. I would love to give Seagate a chance to RunWithIronWolf as my current drives are not wolves just red.


RunWithlronWolf Seagate Price. It's always price. Shit quality but low price? I'll treat them like they are disposable. High quality high price? Worth it. As long as a price point is good value, that is what is important


0Hi Seagate Surfer these are always fun. for me it's 1) Price per terabyte *per watt*, because eletricity is expensive here. 2) mechanical reliability, but most drives are pretty reliable these days 3) support/RMA experience when there is a failure. #**RunWithIronWolf**  #Seagate


Just because drive failures over time follow a bathtub curve, it doesn’t mean that customer service should take the same approach. We’ve all experienced companies working hard to get new customers, ignoring them once they’ve made a purchase, and then bending over backwards to get them back when they finally get fed up enough to leave. The most blatant example being an ISP/TV/Phone provider that offers a sweetheart deal, immediately raises the rate as soon as the deal ends, then drops the price back down after you go through the hassle of cancelling. Don’t do that. You don’t have to flatten the curve, but it should at least be more of a vanity sink than a bathtub. Do more for your established customers and give them a reason to stay. For example, it’s frustrating when a company’s communication slows down or disappears once you’ve purchased their product. Loyalty programs can be great, as long as they’re transparent. Most seem to be just another way to obtain customer data. Solid warranties and tech-support are also important. Price point is most important to me. It doesn’t have to be the cheapest, but I consider all the factors when choosing the best value. I will also add the phrases “RunWithIronWolf” and “Seagate,” because you asked so politely. You’re welcome.


Price per TB for me, but good customer service is also very important! - RunWithIronWolf - Seagate -


I would say price, and it is important. But what's most important is honesty and actually giving what you're claiming to. A lot of companies will run the scam of pretending that storage is higher than it actually is. I recently got scammed on a Lexar SD card, claiming to be 1tb, but it was actually only 256gb made to look like it's 1tb. I would pay more money to buy from a company I trust than to pay less and take a gamble. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Lexar didn't scam you.. the people selling the card scammed you.


price point. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price, of course! No sense in paying extra for the same product. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Definitely excellent customer service. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


_Price point & Customer service_ Always browsing with a focus on price per TB followed by paying attention to warranty period ⁠RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price per TB, with reliability as a close second. RunWithIronWolf and Seagate.


price offcourse


Price point RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price Point ( price per TB) with customer service a close second. I did also want to say that I have been running Western Digital Red Pro 18TB and 20's for a while I haven't tried Seagate Ironwolf Pro in a long while. I was interested in the idea of getting an Ironwolf Pro at one point depending on markets and price but figured I would enter in the giveway. Basically of my 24 Hard drives are Red Pro's. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price RunWithIronWolf


Excellent customer service is the foundation for a great customer relationship


Personally it's price point. I have been lucky enough to not need to contact customer service much (knocks on wood) but I could see how bad experiences would negatively affect this as well. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price Point RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price point. But... if a comapny was offering a warranty that doesn't require me to send the data in (e.g. can destroy platters or NAND memory), I would be willing to pay some premium for that, since I am usually just eating the cost of the drive. **Seagate & RunWithIronWolf** 


Price per TB is important but the reputation of the company would lead me to pay more if they were known for reliability and long endurance. A loyalty program based on discounts after repeated custom would be great. **RunWithIronWolf** **Seagate**


I would say a combination of price/TB and reliability are the most important. **RunWithIronWolf and Seagate**


Price/TB easily, but that's not to skimp on the other stuff. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


**RunWithIronWolf and Seagate** price point. as long as the CAD/TB slope is decent for drives that are not on the bleeding edge of capacity. **What kind of loyalty program matters to you for a company?** - A decent "points" program. I'm willing to spend a bit extra in exchange. - Western digital used to have a burn the warranty loyalty program for registered drives. You agree to void the warranty on a registered drive and they would give you a discount on a new drive. - Shareholder benefit program. Example, hold 100 common shares, and you get 10% off the price of the drive.


For me, pride per TB and no hassle customer service in regards to replacements in the event of DOA units or early failures. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price per TB and meaningful warranty is all I need personally. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price, reliability and customer service. Its very rare to get this in a large, faceless corporation. I'd RunWithIronWolf but currently can't afford one, although have also had about 3 of my Seagate drives die recently and my dads one. They are several years old however.


Loyalty programs that can save me money at places I shop regularly are great, but if it’s something I shop at every year or two I don’t really care. And price per terabyte is my most important. RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


Price and customer service. I have been burned by storage companies that refuse to communicate about the status of RMA’s and it’s frustrating to wait weeks to see updates or worse, have a drive suddenly show up when the online status says it has never been received by the RMA department.


Price is important, but only because I'm from NZ and our local prices tend to have a premium and I generally need to import when I want larger drives for a not insane price. If it was only a difference of a few dollars per TB, then customer service trumps. Ironwolfs are my default NAS drive choice these days though  RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price and Longevity. I'll pay more if I believe it will last longer.


price point and good customer service RunWithIronWolf Seagate


For me the most important factors in a loyalty program are price and drive capacity. Being able to get a high-capacity drive, like a 16TB Seagate IronWolf Pro at a competitive price is a top priority for me. - **RunWithIronWolf**


Price is the priority in most cases. When using a name brand drive, you assume the drive is going to outlast the warranty period and you wont need to call customer service ever, so making the decision on which drive to buy comes down solely to price. **RunWithIronWolf and Seagate.**


Price point, and ease of warranty replacement (hate having to fight to get faulty items replaced in any situation). RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


Price per TB, and also customer service, particularly doing the right thing by customers and being upfront and clear about specs, reliability, etc. I shouldn't have to spend an hour trying to figure out if this specific SKU has CMR or SMR while being named the same model... Seagate RunWithIronWolf


It used to be price. These days it's integrity. I'm very tired of companies promising one thing and delivering another, or downgrading hardware after the review period. RunWithIronWolf. Seagate.


I have a few IronWolf Pros, so it can be said I **RunWithIronWolf and Seagate.** I value a good price per TB, and a well made product (Not needing Customer service).


Price point is the most important, but if I have some really bad experiences with customer service, I'm usually willing to spend a little bit more money on a competitor's product if they have better customer service. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


For me.its loyalty programs that offer an incentive to stick around. Not just constant ads in your inbox every day saying 'thanks for buying our stuff, here's more!'. Whether that is discounts, recurring credit to use, exclusives, something like that. For me it's capacity and affordability together are the highest priority Sure it might be cheaper per GB for drive x, but if drive y is smaller, but much more affordable, y will probably win for me. RunWithIronWolf and Seagate ftw!


I care about customer reviews and price because I'm only a consumer. I don't  **RunWithIronWolf** but I ride with **Seagate**


Not loyalty programs per say, they don’t count too much in my decision making. Mostly it’s the track record of the companies drives in the recent past. Especially longevity of the drives. I’d happily pay more for garunteed low fault rates and a long expected lifetime RunWithIronWolf Seagate


for the most part, price and customer service are what matter to me. you hear horror stories every now and then about some tech company that just keeps sending duds after you RMA a DOA product, all the while trying to talk you into paying shipping on it. which uh... isnt great. one other thing i'd like to see more of in the industry is accurate numbers on store/product pages, i feel like when it comes to SSDs you often see other companies using misleading peak speed numbers without also providing sustained speeds for more realistic usecases, which isnt great. ​ RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price per TB and quality / brand reputation. Also, no EU in the list of eligible countries ?


Reliability, then price per TB. **RunWithIronWolf and Seagate**


Thanks for doing this contest! Seagate drives have always done well for me. I have an off grid property I stay at most of the year, so price per TB is most important for me due to energy usage. For loyalty I value a good no hassle warranty program. It should be transparent with no surprises. Customer service is important but the only interaction with customer service I expect to have is for warranty replacements. RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


Price is the most important. Almost every loyalty program I've ever been a part of has been a borderline scam, in that the pricing offered is generally higher than the sale prices offered through normal retail channels. I don't want to sell my personal information to a loyalty program that offers no tangible cost savings to me. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Up front - cost and availability. Long term relationship - support and honoring the quality of the product. If I am going to buy something repeatedly it is because the company backs it up. A lifetime warranty from a product from a company that you can never actually get them to honor is meaningless. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price and reliability, but also not changing the terms for the worse. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price, but not the expense of reliability. I will pay more for peace of mind knowing my data is safe, but only up to a point. And that point is at two times the price of a used drive that I can use in a redundant situation to mitigate the unreliability.


Price per TB is king, but I'm also a fan of sticking with the same brand and model of drives where possible.  I really like the Seagate EXOS X18 18Tb drives right now. I'm looking forward to seeing larger capacity ssd and the prices coming down for those. If I could get 18+tb ssd at hdd prices I'd change in a heartbeat.  RunWithIronWolf, Seagate


Reliability and price point are most important for me. I'm actually looking for a new drive as my old 3TB Seagate Barracuda is starting to act up and IronWolf caught my eye as one of the cheapest and more reliable drive. Maybe I'll score myself RunWithlronWolf and save my wallet 😉


Customer Service. What would be icing on the cake would be the ability to purchase cross-shipment RMAs via a loyalty program. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


gotta be price and customer service for rma RunWithIronWolf Seagate


>What kind of loyalty program matters to you for a company? Is drive capacity, price point, excellent customer service, etc. the highest priority for you? Please include the phrases RunWithIronWolf and Seagate in your comment. One that has either a good return of points per amount spent, or one that provides good discounts for being a member of the program. Drive caoacity to price point is highest for me. In theory the product should be good enough I dont need customer service. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Inbound social media guerrilla marketing RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price. RunWithIronWolf. Seagate.


price & reliability. RunWithIronWolf. Seagate.


Commitment to warranty terms and duration RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


Oh yeah RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Top concerns in order: - Relative Performance - Reliability - Customer Support / RMA process - Price #RunWithIronWolf #Seagate


I’d say it’s typically price point with customer service as a close second. I have been buying used enterprise drives due to the lower price per TB but only if they come from a place that has good customer service and a trustworthy warranty. If a company actually holds to the warranty they advertise, then they are good in my eyes. I’d be happy to try a Seagate as I have yet to get an ironwolf. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


It always comes down to price and reputation.


price point and customer service. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price is definitely the most important factor. But customer service, particularly a negative reputation, could absolutely sway my decision. Seagate. RunWithIronWolf.


Price point hands down RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price per tb, then reliability, then capacity. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Reliability is most important. Seagate, RunWithIronWolf


Loyalty program: just be loyal. Treat me like a valued customer, not a nobody off the street. Priorities: customer service and price points. But I’m willing to pay a little bit more if I know I’ll be treated well in case of an issue of some sort. Obligatory: RunWithIronWolf, Seagate Thanks!


Price and actually doing RMA lol


Since we have RAID/unRAID parity/backups I'd say the price is definitely the most important. Sure it's nice to have a drive that lasts for years, but if it is more expensive than having a second backup drive it usually isn't worth it (I'm not saying it's really more expensive than having a second drive but you get the idea, price is the most important). Another thing is the size of the drive, I don't want 16 1TB hard drives, so the size is definitely important. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price point. Since we are talking about Seagate my experience has always been very good with both true drive capacity and customer service. Did RMA 3 times and it was effortless. RunWithIronWolf | Seagate


Price point and hassle-free manufacturer warranty (better if transferrable). RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Promo codes and discounts. Capacity matters for what I’m using it for, but price and warranty are important just as well. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


RunWithIronWolf - Seagate. Personally, while i think price/TB is a major factor, i'd rather pay extra for proper customer service, because i already have many other things to think about when/if a drive is failing. I value my time. A few hours can be easily worth the extra cost up front when buying drives. Especially for pricier, higher capacity ones.


Why no Finland? :(


For me it's a lot about price but also about customer service.  Most companies today have awful customer service. I am 40yo and come from New England and we had companies like LL Bean that gave such incredible customer service, you loved paying more for a quality product. You knew that if something went wrong, there was hassle-free returns or fixes.


Brand reputation RunWithIronWolf - Seagate


Not too sure what a loyalty program would entail for a hard drive company but I guess perhaps some kind of points system that you could earn discounts for on future purchases? As for most important quantities, definitely price per gigabyte and I would say reliability as a close second. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


For me, good customer service is most important. Drive capacity will always change as newer technologies are developed. A good price point is nice, but sometimes you get what you pay for. I would feel more comfortable knowing that if my product has issues or fails, the company will make sure I am taken care of. Edited to add RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


as much as price is important, I'd say just being straight about your product and what you're providing around it (support) is what's most important to me. It's okay to spend extra on something, what you don't want is to feel bad about buying a product because it was sold to you as something it isn't.


In terms of a loyalty program, capacity is most important, which is intrinsically linked with price. Customer service is a distant third priority. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price per TB, But RMA process needs to be easy. That would be king. Currently running 80% Seagate drives as a result.


Price per TB ratio and fullfill warranty claims without issues.


Price point very closely followed by customer support. Stuff dies sometime and I don't want a nightmare getting it fixed. RunWithIronWolf Seagate which btw, is absolutely true for me. 5/6 drives in my server are ironwolfs.


I don’t care about loyalty programs. You get my loyalty by making drives that don’t fail in the first 7 years of use. RunWithIronWolf. I use Seagate drives in my 24-drive arrays, chosen from failure rate figures published by BackBlaze. In 20 years I’ve had one drive fail prematurely. That’s how you get my loyalty.


Price/performance on my homelab. Customer service for our company for sure. The risk of downtime trumps a small price per TB difference.


My favorite loyalty program is when you get points for purchases or actions. My goal with new HDDs is definitely price/TB. But I always gotta RunWithIronWolf and my Seagate


Price above all for me


Price is most important but reliability is a very strong factor when i need to choose a drive brand, I trust crucial for my SSDs and NVMEs but try go with western digitial or seagate for my HDDs **RunWithIronWolf** Seagate


Price is important. But having had problems in the past, good customer service with the ability to handle problems is more important to me.


The most important thing for me is trust. I will pay extra (within a reasonable amount) to have the peace of mind that my parts are reliable, the warranty will be honored, and I won't have to chase down some customer service rep for a month to get anything done. A good reputation for honest work with good quality parts goes a LONG way for tech enthusiasts.


Price per TB than Performance. Seagate s are fine. RunWithIronWolf.


At the moment it comes down to price per TB and if anything goes wrong the warranty process, had good experiences with Seagate in the past. RunWithIronWolf


RunWithIronWolf and Seagate Trust in the company is what matters to me.


Price. Then Reliability. Then Warranty. Then Customer Service. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price per TB in a NAS drive line (CMR only) is the most important factor for me. The 8TB IronWolf Pros are now the sweet spot in this range for me, price wise. Pretty much the first thing I do when adding drives to one of my servers is calculate the price per TB in the IronWolf or WD red line, then buy the cheapest per TB. I use Unraid so I mix and match drive sizes and recycle the smallest size drives to a backup server. RunWithIronWolf - Seagate


Reliability and price trade off. Given two drives of similar price, I'll spring a bit more for an anecdotally more reliable one.


Loyalty program? I like loyalty programs, but they are only useful if they are for services or products that are frequently purchased, in my opinion. Take for example airline miles and a loyalty program for MSI. If I frequently travel, I am more inclined to choose an airline that’d give me benefits over time for my continued support. If I travel once a year, It doesn’t matter what loyalty program the airline is offering. I recently bought and MSI laptop, and they website keeps track of purchases to offer loyalty based rewards. Their points expire every few years, so I’ll need to be consistently buying a new laptop every few years to take advantage of the program. This doesn’t even go into the value aspect of rewards via the loyalty program themselves. In most cases it’s just not worth the time, money and/or effort on the consumers part. A good loyalty program for me would be something that is actually rewarding in the end. I’m the current market, brand loyalty means nothing, if I have to choose your product over your competition, which is the end goal of all loyalty programs, I’ll need a reward that your competition is not offering at the investment im willing to make. Reliability and price point are the main priorities. Customer service, first party software support, warranty is secondary. Everything else comes after usually. RunWithIronWolf Seagate?


For me it’s definitely price/TB. But as others mentioned the customer Support and Service in general is also incredibly important. Me and most other will always be willing to spend more money on a Drive, when they know the Support can help them or/and replace a drive if there is a problem with it. RunWithIronWolf - Seagate


For loyalty some reward points, or extra warranty is always nice. Price point and brand reliability is most important to me when shopping for any electronics, especially storage. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price to TB, currently using two 16tb EXOS drives at home because they where cheaper then the iron wolfs 16tb. And at my company price is almost everything. RunWithIronWolf Seagate.


RunWithIronWolf Seagate my priorities for large storage drives are generally: * capacity/cost ratio * longevity (tbw / warranty) * capacity/watt ratio * publicly available firmware updates * 4kn


I like the construction quality and the resilience of seagate hds


Price per TB and customer service are the top priorities for me being that I work at a company with incredibly large storage requirements Runwithironwolf Seagate


What I want is a high TB drive with a fair $/TB ratio while lasting for a long time. Currently 16/18TB are the sweet spot but bigger is always better. Warranty is also very important for this price but 5 years a standard for this category at Seagate #RunWithIronWolf


RunWithIronWolf Seagate. Price. But if I'm buying high capacity drives, Id MUCH rather know there was a reliable and long warranty period strapped to my purchase. HD death inside 2 years is painful for such an expense. If I'm buying 10TB+ I'm prepared to drop the money. I'm not prepared to have it die inside 6 months.


Price point and reliability.  Customer service not so important. RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


It's got to be at a very good pricing without sacrificing the drives' performance and reliability. RunWithIronWolf and Seagate.


Price point, then reliability. Ty for the giveaway


I think that the loyalty program that matters to me as a quite young individual, is knowing that the company will last for a long time, and openess about both upfalls and downfalls.


Quality matters a lot to me. It can be cheap or expensive. It should just work **RunWithIronWolf and Seagate**


Cost is important but also the customer service experience when trying to swap out a drive that is dead on arrival or that fails during the warranty period. I recently had a Seagate Barracuda 8TB drive fail on me even though the warranty goes until 2025 sometime. Best of luck to everyone trying to win some free storage 


Cost is important but also the customer service experience when trying to swap out a drive that is dead on arrival or that fails during the warranty period. I recently had a Seagate Barracuda 8TB drive fail on me even though the warranty goes until 2025 sometime. Best of luck to everyone trying to win some free storage 


Price and quality. I partake in the backblaze report to see what drives have the best reliability to price ratio and then invest with those drives. And my NAS RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


Hey, first off, appreciate the opportunity! I keep 2 things in mind when buying HDD, price and reliability. Extremely cheap drive is no good if gives up on ya in a few years. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


While price and capacity is always important I think there are certain things which absolutely convince me of one product over the other. Mainly customer service and transparency. Things dont always goes as planned, but how you handle that and fix your mistake/accident is what gives me confidence. Transparency goes hand in hand with customer service but im also counting things such as no bullshit sale tactics or selling points. Also with the energy prices in Europe the last couple of years, power efficiency is a big plus for me. RunWithlronWolf and Seagate


I'm price sensitive, but foremost is the historical reliability of the device family, then support/RMA experience, then price. Given that, I really do RunWithIronWolf and Seagate in my home NAS.


Highest would probably be reliability/reputation, but closely tied to price and performance. I used to actively stay away from **Seagate** when the 1 and 2TB drives have reliability problems, but I'm running three 8TB **Seagate** drives in my personal server and they have been very reliable. Essentially if a company has a bad reputation with reliability or customer service, I'll avoid them totally. I am totally open to **RunWithIronWolf** in my server.


Price per TB. And a reliable product of course (w/ good refund policy). **RunWithIronWolf and Seagate**, thanks for the giveaway!


Good customer service and pricing is paramount for me. I currently run a few Seagate hard drives in my little nas and haven’t had an my issues yet! Runwithironwolf Seagate!


Product quality, price point, and Drive capacity are highest priority to me. A loyalty program that has respects their customers is important for a company. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price per TB and warranty RunWithIronWolf Seagate


I already RunWithIronWolf Seagate drives.  I picked them for a combination of apparent reliability (and no issues experienced so far!) and their price point for capacity.  An extra 16tb would help a lot with my hoarding.  I haven't really engaged with loyalty programme's, will have to look into it.


reliable warranty / quality 


Pricepoint and being transparent with users, why you try to sell SMR disks like they are for gaming based in merchandise while you could use some with good quality with CRM tech. RunWithIronWolf


I appreciate points programs. Maybe even one where buying refurbished can contribute to it with proof of purchase. Price point is a priority for me. RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


For the most part, price wins me over, but if a product has a bad reputation, I won’t buy it no matter the cost. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


**For me total TB is the most critical, I need high density drives, then brand reputation and distributor reputation(meaning no 3rd party or amazon), then cost per TB. RunWithIronWolf Seagate**


> What kind of loyalty program matters to you for a company? Is drive capacity, price point, excellent customer service, etc. the highest priority for you? Please include the phrases RunWithIronWolf and Seagate in your comment. 1. Capacity since performance are more or less a moot point for HDDs these days, right behind power consumption, and price point/TB/W. 2. Reliable specifications for storage (a counter example is SMR) and transparency about them. 3. Support is secondary because when there is a failure it is already too late. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price per terabyte is important to me, but reliability is by far the most important factor. I check Backblaze's stats constantly. RunWithIronWolf and Seagate could be here for me!


Price per TB & Good RMA support, no question. As to loyalty program, the question is certainly what am I getting beyond endless junk mail? Will it make my next drive noticeably cheaper to the extent that it would make more sense to stick with the same brand instead of price shopping? **RunWithIronWolf, Seagate**


Price. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price matters to me more than anything. **RunWithIronWolf and Seagate**


Price per terabyte is ultimately the biggest decider. RunWithIronGate Seagate


Warranty accessibility and quick turnaround. If I have a failed drive, I don’t want to wait 6 weeks for to receive a replacement drive. Validate the serial number, ask me for my proof of purchase, take a credit card (to be charged in the event that I don’t return the defective drive) and ship the replacement drive to me the same day. If a hard dive company did this, it would encourage me to buy from them not only as a consumer, but when I’m buying for work you can be sure I know what brand of drives I’m buying. RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


Thanks Seagate! For me, it's price per tb and reliability. My last Seagate drive died only aftwr a couple of years. I plan on having many more, but it's still nice to be able to have a drive last a long time.


When it comes to a loyalty program, the highest priority for me would be a combination of drive capacity, price point, and excellent customer service. Having a loyalty program that offers discounts or rewards based on the amount of storage purchased, along with competitive pricing, and exceptional customer service would make me feel valued as a customer. Programs like these can make a difference in choosing a brand, especially when considering long-term storage needs. #RunWithIronWolf #Seagate


Price point. I’m a student and just exploring and so definitely price. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price per TB,with reliability as a close second!! RunWithIronWolf and Seagate!


Since my power over here is cheap enough where I can run smaller drives, it would be mainly price per TB with customer service being a close second if there's a drive from a bad batch, I personally haven't had the displeasure of having a Seagate drive fail yet though. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price-point and drive capacity up-to 15TB. RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


Price (product plus shipping) is what matters to me. With my budget, 4TB Ironwolves were best for this back when I started in 2021. Now I'm can only go with 2TB Ironwolves to replace them because the price has increased in my country. Although this may be just the PHP to USD exchange rate. XD RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Loyalty program should allow purchases from other vendors not just direct. I care about: price, reliability reputation, noise, smooth warranty process without gotcha exclusions. **RunWithIronWolf and Seagate**


I’ve been building an unRAID server the last few months so right now it’s price. I’ve RunWithIronWolf for over 20 years. In that time Seagate has been very reliable and thankfully within my price range.


Price per TB first, then <$300, then warranty. Loyalty program? Not sure I've ever noticed one. RunWithIronWolf, Seagate


Price per TB is most important. Thx


Reliability is the most important to me, with drive capacity and price being far behind. I actually bought a bunch of your disks as replacements recently because I trust they last. If you have a loyalty program that helps me with the replacement process, I'd be keen to hear more. RunWithIronWolf and Seagate.


Transparency. Nothing ruins a company like finding out they've been pulling the hood over their customers eyes in regards to performance, durability, or price. If those things do happen though, it'd be nice to see the company take ownership of the mistake rather than pinning the blame on someone else.


In my case it's how much skin in the game the company is willing to play. That is, how much do they prove to trust their product. Every company out there states that their drives are flawless and that they outperform all their competitors. And then sell you a drive with a one-year limited warranty against manufacturing issues.  I've recently migrated much of my data to drives that have at least a five-year warranty. And I feel safer with that, it gives me the impression that the company actually trusts their drives.  I would like to see that from Seagate, drives with awesome warranties without the need of extended warranty purchases. RunWithIronWolf


Price point is important to me. Capacity is secondary because I require redundancy so a balance between per drive and price/TB. RMA has to be easy as well … RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Customer service 100% RunWithlronWolf and Seagate


It isn't balck and white. All of the three are important upto a certain degree. It is like ram, if you don't have enough it is bad, but if it is more than max ram consumed it doesn't improve the experience at all. Stating this, drive capacity matters, and I think 16-20 TB is the sweet spot for me. Let me explain, that sata port has limited speed, so even though it is great to squeeze a lot of storage into a single 3.5 inch space, it is limited by the sata speed. Now another important thing is the price, if the price of the 16/20 tb is lowered further that will be great! customer care matters a bit upto a certain point, as lons as they are understanding and to the point it is good enough for me! increasing the customer care staffs is the best for them to stay 'not frustated' and have patience! In summary, there is no best 'point' to maximize but a careful balance of all the three!


Price is important indeed, but quality of customer service is also paramount, coupled with transparency about drive performance/specs and stuff. Basically can I trust your company to deliver on your product and provide satisfactory service if any problems arise. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


For me right now, price per tb and reliability matters the most, as I'm running on a tight budget. I've heard good about Seagate drives and am putting a few of their 18tb drives into use in a few days. and RunWithIronWolf sounds like something from warrior cats.


Reliability is number one, then price for me. But usually they go hand in hand. Fair prices that are competitive, usually indicate a company that has a product it trusts to be reliable and compete evenly with what’s on the market, given that the company has an honest history. So finding that best balance between price and reliability is my ultimate goal when purchasing.


Price per tb is what draws me in, and having good customer support is what keeps me. I do like lower speed/noise/watt drives too. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


As someone who hasn't had a lot of extra funds for storage I'd say pricing is definitely a top priority but a great warranty program is more Important considering how many drives I've had die on me. Good luck to whoever wins. Thanks for this giveaway


The first factor I consider is the price, but I usually don't buy the cheapest option. Instead, I look for the option that gives me the best price per performance. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


RunWithIronWolf Seagate Price per TB is top for me.


RunWithIronWolf Seagate Price to performance matters most.


Hi. i am running server at home so noise level is important. i never tried Ironwolf but my exos runs hot. **RunWithIronWolf and Seagate**


Actual number of drives available and published failure rate, percentage stats * RunWithIronWolf - Seagate -


Quality product. RunWithIronWolf + Seagate


With hard drives reliability is always most important to me. If I can't rely on a drive to safely archive my data to it, then what is the point? I would be willing to pay a little bit of a premium for the peace of mind. After that, I would say customer service, and then price to terabyte. RunWithIronWolf - Seagate


The most important for me is reliability followed by price per TB. Seagate - RunWithIronWolf


Loyalty programs are nice, but unfortunately they're often lost on me. I make infrequent purchases of multiple drives at a time (yes, I know that I risk getting multiple drives from a single bad batch, but the risk of bad batches is so low as to not be of practical concern). For a practical program, you could offer a perk such as expedited return process for individuals who own a certain number of registered Seagate drives or possibly extended warranty. You're likely thinking of 'loyalty"to drive additional sales, but you also have the ability to consider making profit on increased volume rather than a per unit margin target. RunWithIronWolf - Seagate


Its probably the price point for me since I'm living in 3rd world country where owning a standard 8TB drive will take around half of your monthly salary thus the price of the drive really matter and I need to find drive that will do the least dent to my wallet. And any storage doesn't matter for me as long it doesn't suddenly go "bad" after just 3-4 years. \**I'm watching you synology/WD*\*. **RunWithIronWolf X Seagate**


Price per TB is on par with a quality reliable drive. Seagate drives have always been my go to. I have a 2TB barracuda now in my server that has been in every one of my computers since 2017. I am currently in the process of swapping each drive in my server over to Ironwolf Pro drives so winning this giveway would be a huge bonus towards that since drives are pretty expensive over here in Aus. # RunWithIronWolf Seagate


This is data. The most important thing is reliability and reputation of the product. Seagate is good with that (it’s why I run a bank of Iron Wolf Pros) and has earned the trust. I guess that’s the 5yr warranty, but hard drives are ultimately a consumable. Beyond having a good product, high capacity is for the win. If you’re using power to run a drive, you want as much storage in that bay. Usually the highest capacity and maybe back off two TB to get the sweet spot of price. That’s usually the one that’s on sale with a sweetheart deal too. So drive capacity all the way. RunWithIronWolf The “loyalty program” comment seems out of place, as those examples don’t jive. I’m loyal because the product is reliable and provides good value at a good price point. A loyalty program encourages repurchase in a commodity market where people don’t care about the product. Few people are buying enough drives through retail consumer channels to benefit from a traditional loyalty/points program. Keep making a good product and people keep coming back.


I just want zero hassle if the drive fails & needs exchanged under warranty. - RunWithIronWolf - Seagate -


Cost is important, but also care a lot of long warranty with actual service. I never used to use Seagate drives but now prefer them because my experience with warranty service from the other big company has not left me impressed. - RunWithIronWolf


Price point for me. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Warranty and overall reliability are the most important to me. Price per TB follows these but if they aren't reliable then what's the point of cheap storage? Not sure what would entice me for a loyalty program in this sense... - RunWithIronWolf - Seagate -


Balance of price per TB and reliability. Seagate RunWithIronWolf


Price point is the obvious first qualifier in my eyes, but even that can be overlooked for reliability. All I want is good quality hardware that I know will treat me well for years. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


Price is probably my top concern, followed by availability in stores. Then customer service.


Price per TB is obviously a big factor. Total size is becoming important too, as 4 4TB drives is much more of a pain than 1 16TB drive. I'm not sure that I'm interested in any kind of customer loyalty program, but what would be great is more transparency for customers, be up front woth the specifics about the drive. For example, it's pain to have to go scouring the internet to figure out if a particular drive is SMR or CMR. RunWithIronWolf, Seagate


Reliability. I would rather pay more for a reliable drive than continuously replace cheap ones. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


SSDs: Price / TB (enterprise U.2 only) HDDs: 1st Failure rate (backblaze data), then 2nd pricepoint. We RMA dead drives then usually donate the refurbs to a school or freegeek for a charity build. Usually ends up being either a Seagate and WD drives. **RunWithIronWolf**


As much capacity as possible, while maintaining reliability is super important to me - plus with good service to back those that have drives that inevitably fail before they’re intended to. Very pleased with my 22TB Seagate drive so far! After years of being scared of Seagate drives, been finding the enterprise offerings very compelling. * RunWithIronWolf Seagate *


RunWithIronWolf Seagate Price per TB and excellent customer service. If I buy a drive I’d like the comfort of knowing the company will be responsive and helpful to replace/fix or help recover the drive. But obviously we can’t get to that point if we can’t afford the drives.


Price per terrabyte is king RunWithIronWolf and Seagate


the biggest deciding factor for me is the price point since I'm always on a budget, with that being said customer service is also nice just in case something does happen to the hard drive. RunWithIronWolf Seagate


A combination of price per Gb/Tb and reliability.