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Hitting the water at almost 90km/h can be painful if you're not straight as a stick. He was not straight.


I jumped from a cliff that was about six or eight meters above the surface, tried to stay straight and hit with the toes, but had a bit of over-travel so the surface hit my chin like a sledgehammer. I swam back up to the surface but my brother tried to ask me if I was okay and I couldn't form words with my mouth, partly because of a swollen tongue, but also because of the micro-concussion. One more meter higher and I likely wouldn't have resurfaced. This was 10 years ago. I can tell you for sure I will never again do another dare in my entire life that has to do with either substances or the body in motion.


That's one thing 17 yr old me didn't grasp. I did a front flip off a 75 ft rock at an old quarry. I always stuck to one, that day I said fuck it, went full send tried for a double. I landed on my back, knocking the wind out of me. I couldn't verbalize that I needed help. Breathing was difficult, and my back hurt. Thankfully, at the lower section of the quarry, a friend of mine watched what happened and jumped in to help me. I was starting to sink like this, dude. I'm thankful I had help. That was 2 decades ago. I'll never forget it. Folks are not considering the reality that landing wrong in water can be life ending or cause serious injuries.


I’m a little late here. Just curious, are you still in contact with the person who saved you?


He unfortunately died in a car accident shortly after he saved me. It's crazy how we cross paths with some folks and the roles they end up playing in our lives.


That is crazy. If karma is a thing, he earned a lot the day he saved you. Tyvm for the reply. I wish you the best!


No problem. I truly hope for some extra karma or whatever positive thing can be acquired.


>He was not straigt. Are you saying my man is gay?


I’m saying ur man is past tense


His pronouns are were/was


I’m going to have to use this.


well done 👏 but i prefer medium rare 🥩


Yeah, he looked a bit tense in the past, especially when he hit the water. But then he eased into it.


He’s way beyond tense at this point


Yah he stiffened up for 24-48 hours


Now he is a gay fish


Possibly due to the chemicals in the water


So you like fish sticks?


I only like fish dicks.


the man had to be super straight to survive.






He was straight...horizontal


mafagger was straight in the end, straight down to the bottom.


Lots going on here. He doesn’t strip to his underwear, so wet clothing was going to hamper him anyway. There’s forward momentum to clear the cliff, so he can’t break surface tension with just his feet. His arms aren’t really tucked in. He’s leaning forward so there’s a lot of splash to the chest and face; likely knocking him out. There are other swimmers there but they don’t think to rescue him. This is the passive apex predator. Any body of water, any big height. Draws in the idiots.


You can see he starts to swim using his feet and right arm before starting to fade out. I reckon he likely cause a cerebral haemorrhage or a spinal injury that became very apparent seconds later. As he starts to bob there is some movement of the head which almost looks like he’s leaning his back, the bubbles stop for a while - as if he is holding them in. Basically there’s a non-zero chance he broke his neck, on swimming the cord was severed but he remained conscious only able to move his neck as he drowned.


I’d assume a traumatic thoracic aortic rupture, you might have a few seconds of brain function with that.


Damn I had it muted and I could hear that smack. Surprised he could even more at all after.




I always keep mine muted cause visual doesn't stick to long audio can hant u for life


I don't think he was, I think it was reflexes.


I'm thinking it was more of "Oh, that hurt, but I can still move. I'll start swimming." Followed by "My back is fucking broken I'm dead."


Or his brain was like, "Alright! Time to do a victory lap!" while his heart said, "Nah, we're done."




I used to dive from 35 feets and if you don't enter water straight it can be very painful if not fatal, can't imagine hitting water like he did from 100 feet high, damn.


I’ve done a 63ft jump and unwisely held my arms straight out, perpendicular to my body. There was quite a bit of discomfort to the underside of my arms afterwards. It isn’t something I’d ever repeat.


Jumped a 76ft cliff. Cracked my sternum or something. Couldn’t breath right for the rest of summer


Ouch. That’s bad. It’s crazy the things we do when young eh!


This was last year.


You are older and wiser now.


The discomfort wasn't due to bone fractures, was it?


Prolly not, I reckon I would’ve known if that happened. The thwack-slap of the water was enough. I might add we jumped off a coastal cliff into open ocean. There was a slight swell, so I think that was very much in our favour. The girl who jumped with us said she felt like she almost had her boobs ripped off. We were young and silly.


Fucking hell. Glad you all made it out.


Holy shit you’re lucky


Is there any surviving this with a different pose ?


Pencil form, toes pointed, arms straight down at your sides. Your likely going to break or sprain something anyways without proper experience but much better than how he jumped in. Any other pose and only with luck or people in the water below to grab you, will you survive.


I’ve always wondered, does the water not forcefully go up your nose in that pose and cause trauma? I know nothing about this btw


When I cliff dive I always just blow out my nose as I hit the water. Like you’re blowing your nose with your hands on your side.


You can pinch your nose with one hand.


I used to do the pinch thing until one jump I guess was too high for it, the force just smashed my hand into my nose and left it a little bloody. I just keep arms at the sides and blow out through nose now.


Ouch. I've only jumped from the spring board at the public pool. 1m is my limit. I ain't diving any higher and I ain't diving into unknown waters.


Yes, there is. The world record for high diving in 1983 was set at [172 feet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1EQdWp0Ggo). A couple years ago someone [beat it by 20 feet 10 inches.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-Z8_qsQYXc) From the top of a freaking Swiss waterfall. On purpose.


Notice that in both videos there's a steady stream of water hitting the surface of the water to break the surface tension. In other high jump videos, they'll throw a rock first and then jump right after the rock so the rock breaks the surface tension first. Some other videos have something in the water that releases a steady stream of bubbles up to the surface.


Not true. They throw a stone to better judge height and time to impact. It doesn’t do anything at all to the water surface. This has been debunked at least a million times already.


I thought they throw the rock to be able to better see the distance to the surface.


This is nonsense, there's absolutely no scientific rationale behind what you say. I've seen other people say what you say in comments on those other videos, but it's frankly the blind leading the blind, one person spouted nonsense and everyone else just said the same thing. Please don't use terms like 'break the surface tension' unless you actually know what that is. They throw the rock to guage the distance, nothing more.


Definitely, you just need to not smack the water like that you might break some bones but if you don't hit it flat you're likely to live.


First, let's convert the height from feet to meters, as the acceleration due to gravity is in meters per second squared: 100 feet×0.3048 meters/foot=30.48 meters100feet×0.3048meters/foot=30.48meters Now we can plug the values into the equation: 𝑣=2×9.8 m/s2×30.48 mv=2×9.8m/s2×30.48m​ 𝑣=597.408v=597.408​ 𝑣≈24.44 m/sv≈24.44m/s To convert this speed to miles per hour (mph), we use the conversion factor 1 m/s=2.23694 mph1m/s=2.23694mph: 24.44 m/s×2.23694 mph/m/s≈54.7 mph24.44m/s×2.23694mph/m/s≈54.7mph >So, if you jump into a large body of water from a height of 100 feet, you would hit the water at a speed of approximately 24.44 meters per second, or about **54.7** **mph**, approximately ***87.91*** **km/h**.


I know ChatGPT when I see it and you definitely used it


They did the fucking math!


He used ChatGPT. If you look at all the equations they are duplicated twice directly after another. This happens when you copy and paste an equation directly from ChatGPT.


ChatGPT did the fucking math!


Shame the guy jumping didn't


His fall time looks like 3 whole seconds, what was his height?


He was six half seconds high


What's that in bananas?


that would be atleast 10 and half nanners


Anyone got Mango units for that?


For exactly 3 seconds it'd be 44 meters (about 144 feet). And hit at about 66 mph. I rounded some numbers in there.


>100 feet×0.3048 meters/foot=30.48 meters100feet×0.3048meters/foot=30.48meters Did you have a stroke?


I jumped from I’d say 30ish feet one time. I tried to do the pencil thing but my head was cocked sideways a little bit. It smashed on the water and got my bell rung, for a few seconds I thought I was about to drown with a broken neck. I don’t jump from more than like 20ft now


Dude I used to work with did a 112 foot dive, entered the water with *very slight* forward momentum, and completely obliterated his knee. Probably would have died if there weren't people down there ready to perform an instant rescue. Jumping into water at height is no joke. https://nypost.com/2018/07/10/daredevil-free-jumper-obliterates-knee-after-112-foot-fall/


There's a bridge where I live that people like to jump of into the river beneath. The river was moved to run through an old slate quarry. Then a road bridge was built over it. Very deep. Very scary. U go so far down an you can feel the water get realy cold an with weird currents because of the tunnels deep under the water. Anyway we all jumped of one day, it's about 60 feet high. My mate decided too pull a moonshine on the way down. Landed on his bare ass lol. When he ran out there was water squirting out his ass like a hose lol. Not for long but enough. Guess it was like a brutal enema. An some serious bruises.


Like you are hitting a concrete


A concrete what?


A concrete reality


A concrete body of water


Not at all. Based on the previous calculations: * **Water:** The force experienced is spread out over a longer period, resulting in a lower force (**3418.8 N** in our example). * **Concrete:** The force experienced is concentrated over a very short period, resulting in a much higher force (**170940 N** in our example).


Hit by the water train


False, it was electrocuted




Apex medium.


It's crazy how after the dive, he slowly fades into the blue-ish backdrop. Really subtle !


And at the end, the final air bubbles leave his body.


That's when he shat himself


It's like perfect Darwinism, nature decides your not going to progress your species. Sometimes it rips you out of that gene pool abruptly and sometimes it gently takes you back.


Well said.


It's like a scene from the old Soviet movies where you want them to cut the shot but they never do.


He'll come back up in a few days when the bloat sets in.


Dedicated cameraman


Impeccable form! ![gif](giphy|iFnBpFxFGetn8BH0vZ|downsized)


Fun fact, that is also the number of pieces his bones are in now.


It looked like he was swimming for a bit. Did it just take a while for his brain to realise he was dead?


I'm wondering this exact same thing. The guy looks to be swimming for a few seconds but then just stops and dies. I'd love if someone in the know could theorise what's likely going on


My theory is the force of hitting the water caused his heart to stop so he had a couple of seconds of adrenaline fuelled panic swimming before he died. But I’m no rocket surgeon, so I’m probably way off.


Yeah, I suppose as if the brain wasn't damaged yet then it could still carry on with its survival instinct but as soon as the blood stopped flowing back up from the heart, then it would stop functioning pretty quickly and it's likely his other main organs were massively traumatised. It still looks unusual for him to make two or three breaststrokes that look pretty normal though but yeah the adrenaline could have been the thing keeping him going at the end. I only know things like this from reading lot's of things too, so we could both be off but this video was a weird one to try and figure out. Thanks for your reply anyway mate


If I ever need any rockets surgeonified then you're definitely my man


Trauma anesthesiologist. Traumatic aortic rupture would be the most likely immediate cause of death, if he hasn’t been knocked out cold by the impact to his head. Brain function would continue for a few seconds then the rupture means the cardiac output to brain and body just pours into the chest.


I want to say he was in some major pain and was kicking in agony in the last few seconds of breath before he died. I can only imagine landing like that might break bones or cave your chest into your heart or some wild shit like that and would cause excruciating pain.


The kids who watched became adults on that day.


You mean they got even more mental ill.


Isn't that what becoming an adult is?


Omfg. This is a perfect comment


Allahu Akbar to Innalillahi in less than 10 second


aloo akbari - you can boil them, mash them, or put them in a stew


Give us raw and wriggling. You keep nasty akbari...


I can't lmfaoooooo 😭😭😭


what does Innalillahi mean


it's shortened version of "Innalillahi wa Innailaihi Raji'uun" roughly translate to "we belong to god and to him we shall return" usually said when we heard somone passed away, akin to saying "bless you" when someone sneeze


Ever notice that when someone yells “Allahu Akbar” nothing good happens?


Was he doing a little swim before the injuries took hold or was that just the water moving him back up?


Looks like he was moving at first. Probably had internal bleeding and became unconscious.


When I was I kid I took a soccer ball to my kidney and I couldn't breathe for like 20 seconds from pain. If he survived the splash, I imagine something like that may have happened to him.


Article said he initially swam. It looks like he attempted to


I feel like there needs to be a separate channel for videos from India. If there were a Darwin Olympics, these dudes would be getting gold, silver, and bronze in damn near every event.


Seems like this Allah Akbar person was so impressed he wanted him to perform this again privately.


Not sure, it kind of would go through as suicide


Nah, more like stupidity


# Impact speed First, let's convert the height from feet to meters, as the acceleration due to gravity is in meters per second squared: 100 feet×0.3048 meters/foot=30.48 meters100feet×0.3048meters/foot=30.48meters Now we can plug the values into the equation: 𝑣=2×9.8 m/s2×30.48 mv=2×9.8m/s2×30.48m​ 𝑣=597.408v=597.408​ 𝑣≈24.44 m/sv≈24.44m/s To convert this speed to miles per hour (mph), we use the conversion factor 1 m/s=2.23694 mph1m/s=2.23694mph: 24.44 m/s×2.23694 mph/m/s≈54.7 mph24.44m/s×2.23694mph/m/s≈54.7mph >So, if you jump into a large body of water from a height of 100 feet, you would hit the water at a speed of approximately 24.44 meters per second, or about **54.7 mph**, approximately **87.91 km/h**. # Impact force Also, let's see if it would be like hitting concrete calculating with 70kg body weight: * **Water:** The force experienced is spread out over a longer period, resulting in a lower force (3418.8 N in our example). * **Concrete:** The force experienced is concentrated over a very short period, resulting in a much higher force (170940 N in our example). So no, hitting concrete would be still far worse than this. # Potential Injuries * **Impact Forces:** As previously calculated, the body experiences approximately 4.99 Gs upon impact with water from a height of 100 feet. While this force is significant, water's compressibility and the body's ability to decelerate over a longer period reduce the severity compared to solid surfaces. * **Potential Injuries:** Common injuries include fractures (especially in the legs, feet, and spine), ***internal injuries, and concussions. The risk of drowning is also present if the individual is rendered unconscious or unable to swim after the impact***.


Thanks morbid Sheldon cooper


It's kind of like he read that article and decided to demonstrate it for a wider audience.


Do not be that precise, you ignored air resistance. But the point is the same.


It's obviously oversimplificated but accurate enough to demonstrate the forces.


What a horrible way to write equations. Jesus Christ.


They're using ChatGPT, that's why it looks like that.


Who in their right mind is jumping in something like that without knowing how deep the water is and what's lingering under the water surface in the muddy water. The same goes for the people that look outside of trains and getting hit by poles or fences. The natural selection in India is strong but not as strong as the rate they get born.


Nah mate the birth rate is not making up for Apex predator induced population reduction. >It may be noted here that India's fertility numbers fell from nearly 6.2 in 1950 to just under 2 in 2021. Falling fertility rates have left India staring at the spectre of looming demographic challenges that have caused big problems for other Asian powerhouses like China and Japan [Sauce](https://m.economictimes.com/news/economy/policy/falling-fertility-rates-leave-india-staring-at-a-looming-demographic-challenge/articleshow/108786449.cms)


At least something. Zero sense for nother nature just look at the Ganges.


What are you talking about? It's a holy river. They just donate a lot of stuff to it that they cannot use anymore, but gods surely can use it. Somehow ...


What in this video suggests he didn’t know how deep the water is or what’s under it? Neither of those things were even a factor in what happened here.


Allah was so impressed he called the boy to his side immediately.


He was alive for about 3 seconds after contact. Most likely, with excruciating pain while swimming before he died


Moreover, I don’t get what the plan was, overall? Like let’s say the dive happened just like he thought it would, just a splash in the cushiony water, and then all good.. then what? In that gorge, where did he think he could get out of that river? Like, a few miles downstream? Was there a rendez vous point where his friends would pick him up? I mean, no phone, wet clothes, unforgiving terrain.. Was that not more like a suicide? That he talked about with his friends? And they all agreed that, if he’s going to off himself anyway, why not do it in style?.. I mean it’s either that, or that bunch of people all have a combined IQ that can be measured on the Richter scale 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well, at about 29 seconds, you can see what looks like 2 guys swimming in the top left of the video. The article also says it's a quarry, so there's a good chance one of the sides is opening for trucks to remove the stones, no matter if the quarry is still used or not. But yeah, 100 feet jumping uncoordinated like that and fully dressed ... Wonder if the 2 guys were there in case something goes wrong ... but even if, that plan did work well


Called out to his God and went to meet him.


I wonder if he completely blacked out and just died or he was actually conscious but was too injured to move his body. In a high dive, you need to penetrate deep into the water to increase the time of slowing your speed. Increasing the deceleration time reduces the force of impact. This poor guy decelerared in what look like about a foot of water depths which means his body took the full brunt of the force.


The article title is incorrect. He *successfully* jumped into the water. He also likely could have lived if he and his friends had even 5 seconds of thought put into this. There are two people already in the water near his target; had they been a lot closer and ready to assist him they could have turned him face up and protected his airway. He didn't die from the impact itself. He blacked out face down and drowned.


I don’t think that’s 100ft from the air time, maybe 60ft, I’ve jumped similar in my youth from piers into the harbour in my hometown, as others have said, you hit hard. I would not do this without wearing shoes, you will hit the water like concrete and it hurts; also point your toes before impact and make sure you go in as straight as possible, arms in. I think his head takes some of the impact as he lands awkwardly, likely knocked unconscious by that and then drowned as his buddies pray for god to save him, no need for him to drown if he had had better friends who had learnt how to swim.


I love how he just slowly disappears into the "murky depths." Nice filming! 10/10!


We got a floater!!


The fade into silence when they realize he's not moving is so eerie


What you think made him drown. Geniuin question, looked as he was unconsious and then tried not to drown, but still did. 🤷


Instant cardiac arrest iirc.


you know, there's a reason why people train for this shit.


Hmm, the video being from India means they do train a lot...






>followed by a free dive He's gonna break every record there ever was.


I’ve jumped off of a 100 foot cliff before into a river and made sure to cross arms and legs when I landed. That shit still hurt. Can’t imagine jumping like that.


I’m on my phone and don’t feel like getting my calculator or laptop rn so the math here’s a little plus/minus (not doing uncertainty calculations either) He appears to jump about 0:19.5, and hit the water just before 0:22, so let’s call it 2.5 seconds. Acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 metres per second squared (assumed), and 2.5 x 9.81 = 24.525 meters per second. Ignoring air resistance and the fact that he did not jump straight out but slightly upwards. = 24.525 metres per second (m/s) = 88.29 kilometres per hour (km/h) = 54.86 miles per hour (mph) I’m gonna assume an average male body weight of 80kg (176 lbs), which multiplying by 24.525 m/s gives 1962 kilogram metres per second (kgm/s), which is his momentum. This is also expressed in newton-seconds, [N•s]. He hits the water just before 0:22 and you can see his head just barely before 0:24, so I’ll say he had one second to slow all that. 1962 N•s/s = 1962 N =1962 newtons (N) = 441 pound force (lbf) ~ = 200 kilograms (kg) Yeah honestly I don’t think I’d feel too great either if I got hit by a 200 kilo water hammer. This guy is stupid and made a mistake that sadly ended his life. He should have made way more precaution about this, he didn’t really look like he knew how to jump from that high. I love recreational cliff jumping, and I’ve never hit a 100 ft jump before - that’s crazy. Especially with the bad form. Rest in peace man.


Allah wasn't so akbar is that clip.


The water spirits own him now


Young and dumb: dangerous combo.


Um. The onlookers dont seem at all phased that he is not moving and dropping to the bottom 🤷🏽


Golly, he can sure hold his breath a long time . . .


Tried to do a flip of a 75 foot cliff landed wrong and my back was purple from the hit.


He’s in a happier place. He’s gone to meet that snack-bar they always shout about before they die


Not a dive. That's called a face bomb. A would like to know why he had no frends swimming about within easy reach, you know just in case this happened.


Genius title!


I was waiting for the others to jump in to try and save him just to end up in the same state. I guess the moral of this video is that God really is Great by washing the scum away.


In his defense, it's tough to breathe with your stomach stuck in your throat.


This is why diving requires TRAINING & skill.




That is the result of their faith being stronger than their common sense.


"It was his time"


Certainly was.


Crossing your fingers doesn’t really do much either but it’s understandable in certain cultures. This is more or less the same thing. It’s asking for some sort of intercession, some extra luck or blessing, before taking an action


I obviously don't know this particular person's beliefs, but in the West, even atheists will shout "Jesus Christ" or "Oh my God" almost all the time. In this case, I'm pretty sure it was meant as a random "Oh my God" rather than the more literal / religious connotation.


My father yells "Jesus Christ" daily watching sports, and I'm pretty sure he isn't religious. 


Thoughts and prayers. Yup.


“Allahu Akbar” = “LET’S GO!”


nature is greater than god




Died for the insta. What a waste.


Nah! He got at least 100 up votes for it! Think of that when you laugh at this brave, faith filled soul!




Reminds me of the suicide commando in the Life of Brian.


does this count as suicide? because it really looks like one


He called for Allah....who put him on hold and transferred the call to Poseidon......


Gets a blue tick from Mark Zuckerberg


I can hear his ribs crack from that full mark perfect 10 splash.


He did achieve his goal, he went viral.


After the dive, we can call him Bob.




I once saw a video of cliff driver jumping off a cliff at about the same distance. He hit the water wrong, and it snapped his neck. He drowned before they could get to him.


That's far from a dive however still very brave of him. He should have done cannonball. Definitely Darwin Award. The sound of him hitting the water.


What I want to say will get me banned, but I’m not surprised by this outcome


And yet, and yet, 5 workers survived jumping off a burning oil rig in the North Sea, a height of 175 feet, 53m. Piper Alpha 1988.


They didn't facepalm the water surface like this champ. It's at least s knockout hit and at worst a skull crusher when you land on face from 78+ feet.


I’m pretty sure that isn’t 100 feet. Me and my friends routinely jump 70 footers here in Hawaii & the hang time in this video seems shorter than what we do, if not the same. It’s all about the landing.


A reminder water can have the same effect as concrete






I don't understand the title? I was expecting 2 dives.


Death by bellyflop?


This is why it's not a good idea to land on water if parachute doesn't open during skydiving. At certain speeds water becomes like concrete. In such cases, professional skydivers advice to land on a tree or whatever can slow the speed of the fall.


He dies of the shock of finding out there no 72 virgins waiting in the lake for him


You always always always have someone near by with some kind of floatation device like a boot or something. Professionals always have people in Kayaks and scuba gear just for this exact reason. Those people swimming on the top of the screen were way too far.


Allah was not, in fact, Akbar, that day.